What do Communist, Socialist mean?

The far right weirdos are wack, they are ignorant, and when they try to actually discuss issues, they end up looking stupid.

So they shout. Watch Nick, Crackerjack, KCW and the rest of the weirdos. Absolute loons.
Looks like poor Fakey couldn't get an erection again tonight. :lmao:

Go fuck yourself in the ass with a rusty knife, old man.
David Woolner: Franklin D. Roosevelt: Socialist or "Champion of Freedom"?

One of the consistent arguments that conservative Republicans are hurling against the Democrats is that their support for federal intervention in the economy represents an attack on individual liberty and is socialism. The use of such tactics is not new, of course. Franklin Roosevelt faced similar charges.

FDR brushed aside these attacks in part by insisting that we were a rich nation that could "afford to pay for security and prosperity without having to sacrifice our liberties into the bargain." He also turned to our nation's history, reminding the American people that in the first century of our republic, when "we were short of capital, short of workers, and short of industrial production, but... were rich... in free land, and free timber and free mineral wealth," the federal government "rightly assumed the duty of promoting business and relieving depression by giving subsidies of land and other resources." Thus, he said, "from our earliest days we have had a tradition of substantial government help to our system of private enterprise."

democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself." , but from the "heedless self interest" of those in positions of vast wealth and power, whose greed crushed individual initiative and so restricted "the field open for free business" that private enterprise "became too private... it became privileged enterprise, not free enterprise." In such a system, the political equality the American people once enjoyed became "meaningless in the face of economic inequality," and as such "life was no longer free; liberty no longer real; men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness."

For Roosevelt, then, government intervention in the economy was not about destroying individual liberty; it was about restoring individual liberty. It was about making capitalism work in such a way as to ensure equal economic opportunity for all Americans, not just the privileged few at the top.

There's a lot I can agree with here.
Socialist? Communist? I often notice some of you extreme righties throw the invective, “communist” or “socialist” around. It looks like these invectives mean to you anyone to your left.

For some conservatives it indicates their ignorance; for others on the right who know better, the words are used as political weapons.

It's a bit like those on the left who throw words like fascist and racist around.
Republicans began using these terms in the Thirties with Social Security, the WPA all the programs to kept people going during the Great Depression--and they worked with a few at the time. The words have lost a lot of their oomph probably from overuse, but then new people are constantly coming on board. No nation has ever practiced Marxian communism, it doesn't work, the USSR dropped it pretty quick.
Probably most of the world practices a mixed economic system of socialism and capitalism. Some more of one than the other. Look at the definitions used on these boards, who knows what those two words socialism and communiism really mean?

Actually, in the 1930's there were some real Socialists and Communists around in the US (FDR obviously wasn't one of them). In many ways it was the New Deal that helped kill off Communism and Socialism in the US.
The far right weirdos are wack, they are ignorant, and when they try to actually discuss issues, they end up looking stupid. So they shout. Watch Nick, Crackerjack, KCW and the rest of the weirdos. Absolute loons.
Looks like poor Fakey couldn't get an erection again tonight. :lmao: Go fuck yourself in the ass with a rusty knife, old man.
Crackerjack proves my point. :lol:
A couple of ignorant rednecks who listen to Beck and Rush and think they know something. Listen and learn, chumps.:cuckoo:

If you think fascism is leftist, you need a brain enema, FOOL. For one thing, your afterlife is going to get VERY ugly. Socialists are ALWAYS democratic, communists and fascists NEVER. Corporations unregulated are fascist.
What the hell does that even mean?

crackerjack, kcw, and the other weirdos are ranting and chanting and panting, pissing down their legs, and the fools think they mean anything. What a hoot.

Coming from a person who thinks pretending he's a conservative republican fools anyone other than himself, that's a compliment. Keep living the delusion comrade, Dear Ruler is proud of you.
Nick is such a fool to think that statism is not limited to the left. As a libertarian, he is a fool if he does not believe that some libertarians have righty tomfoolishness in their ideology. And, no, libertarianism is the antithesis of classical liberalism.

Told you the fools chant and pant.

I think there are plenty tyrannical and fascist republicans - those with brains call them "RINO's..."

Besides, you're the one that acts like conservatism or being a republican means somehow that individual is fascist.......

Progressives are the fascist fucks - you believe what you're told to believe (hate republicans) you do what you're told to do (activism)..

Progressives are fucking zombies that cant think for themselves - they need to be told what to say and what to believe...

I'm an individual NOT a sheep - the right nor the left influences what I believe.

Oh no, no, no.......JakeFakey is a conservative and a Republican. He's said so on many occasions. You can trust him. ;) The checks in the mail.
Socialist? Communist? I often notice some of you extreme righties throw the invective, “communist” or “socialist” around. It looks like these invectives mean to you anyone to your left. If they mean something else, would one of you please explain to us what you mean by these?

It means someone who hates the free market capitalism, especially the risk of failure and the rewards of success associated with it.
Has America, under the Constitution, ever had free market capitalism?
All the GOP wants from the fools on the far right (Nick, KCW, Crackerjack, etd) is to stop alienating the center and to vote for Romney. The party does not need their trash or their lip. Just vote Romney and be a help, guys.
All the GOP wants from the fools on the far right (Nick, KCW, Crackerjack, etd) is to stop alienating the center and to vote for Romney. The party does not need their trash or their lip. Just vote Romney and be a help, guys.

What do you care JakeFakey? You'll be voting Obama again.
Those jobs in China are coming back- their salaries are getting too high now...LOL

Stupid Pub marketing majors...

. . . he prattled as the drool dripped from his chin.

Nonsense. American companies have never had any problem with paying living wages to skilled workers during much of the latter half of the Twentieth Century as a matter of everyday, walk-in-the-park bargaining and demand; it's only when high taxation and regulation costs, coupled with confiscatory union demands, destroyed their ability to do so that it became a problem. For no other reasons, but for stupid leftist policies and out-of-control unions, aided and abetted by more stupid leftist policies, did the car manufacturing industry in Detroit, for example, go bust for the most part in that now economically "bombed-out shell" of a city.

As Margaret Thatcher observed, roughly: socialists are forever demanding to spend more and more of other people's money 'till there's nothing left to spend.

Sutpid leftist, I'm not a marketing major, just a man of common sense, unlike you.
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All the GOP wants from the fools on the far right (Nick, KCW, Crackerjack, etd) is to stop alienating the center and to vote for Romney. The party does not need their trash or their lip. Just vote Romney and be a help, guys.

What do you care JakeFakey? You'll be voting Obama again.

I will vote GOP as always, gang. I simply despise the wannabees from the far right who think they have a clue as to what we all should do. You guys are loons and goons.
Has America, under the Constitution, ever had free market capitalism?

Yes. And it still does. Free market capitalism does not mean an unregulated jungle.

Correct. But currently confiscatory taxation and over-regulation in this country is making it very difficult for small businesses, in particular, and manufactory businesses, in general, to forcefully compete in the global market. In other words, the market has changed and conservatives have been trying to adjust taxation rates and regulation accordingly, i.e., in response to that change and new technologies over the last decade, especially, but have been incessantly blocked by leftist legislatures. Obama has only further exacerbated the problem with Keynesian spending, which has never served to actually stimulate anything but the coffers of state and local bureaucracies, and the staggering new debt that goes with it, and new regulation mostly via executive fiat in defiance of Congress's refusal to enact the same, in many instances "bi-partisanly" so, such as his war on the industries of fossil energy, destructive cap and trade.
The far right weirdos are wack, they are ignorant, and when they try to actually discuss issues, they end up looking stupid. So they shout. Watch Nick, Crackerjack, KCW and the rest of the weirdos. Absolute loons.
Looks like poor Fakey couldn't get an erection again tonight. :lmao: Go fuck yourself in the ass with a rusty knife, old man.
Crackerjack proves my point. :lol:

Hey blubber lips.

You fit neatly in that category. Here is your fifth chance to school me on what libertarian means. Pussy!!!!
All the GOP wants from the fools on the far right (Nick, KCW, Crackerjack, etd) is to stop alienating the center and to vote for Romney. The party does not need their trash or their lip. Just vote Romney and be a help, guys.
Fuck you and fuck your party. :badgrin:

Once again, libertarian is not far right. Once again, you are wrong.
All the GOP wants from the fools on the far right (Nick, KCW, Crackerjack, etd) is to stop alienating the center and to vote for Romney. The party does not need their trash or their lip. Just vote Romney and be a help, guys.

What do you care JakeFakey? You'll be voting Obama again.

I will vote GOP as always, gang. I simply despise the wannabees from the far right who think they have a clue as to what we all should do. You guys are loons and goons.

uh-huh, sure.......whatever you say JakeFakey. :rolleyes:

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