What do Indy’s and moderates think…is Biden to blame for fuel prices and inflation?

The gop needed a good culling. It's the dem's turn this go-round. ;)

Yet those that replaced the ones leaving were not any better and those replacing the leaving Dems will not be any better.

As long as people are content to be stuck choosing between a punch to the gut or a punch to the head, we are stuck in a permanent cycle of sucking
I get the feeling there are a lot of paid influencers, possibly even on the taxpayers' bill.
Speaking of tax payers...another day and another billion dollars sent to Europe by Biden....he is even beginning to hint at the USA rebuilding the Ukraine....
Why, so I can have an interesting, honest, objective, informed conversation on the issue with you?


I've gone over it many, many times. I've kept it as simple as I could for the Alt Righties. The search engine here works just fine, and you're free to look it up.

You're welcome.
Another day...another billion dollars sent to Europe...
Yet those that replaced the ones leaving were not any better and those replacing the leaving Dems will not be any better.

As long as people are content to be stuck choosing between a punch to the gut or a punch to the head, we are stuck in a permanent cycle of sucking

Golfing...............the whole deal with Biden is on the Democrats, period.


Because he NEVER should have been President, and I am NOT suggesting Trump should be.

What do I mean?

The Democrats had some younger, intelligent people running. Doesn't mean I agree with their policies, just means they were vibrant, and coherent. Instead of working to get one of them, they were down to Bernie, Warren, and Biden. They basically FIXED the rest of the primaries after down to those 3, for Biden.

OK, fair enough we can say, but then it got WORSE! When it was time to pick a VP, they allowed him to pick another incompetent who could NEVER bring the country together if Biden had to be removed, or something happened to him. I think Hillary sucks, but Tim Kane would have been a far better choice than Harris. He could even have chosen a blue state governor who was reasonably successful.

And so here we ALL are including Democrats. If something happens to Biden, or even if he is removed, we as Americans are screwed. If he stays in power and does nothing to help the situation, we are screwed too! We are painted into a corner of suck.

As an American, I WANT Biden to succeed at fixing a lot of this stuff, but I am not seeing him even make a modest attempt at it, and even you seem aware of that. Removing him, would probably make things worse. So now what do we do?!?!?!?! So that is exactly why the situation we are in falls at the feet of the Democrats. Their choices made on who they wanted their POTUS nominee and VP to be, has us in a lose-lose situation.

For the good of ALL of our country, I am not suggesting Biden be removed and a republican be installed. What I am suggesting is-----------> Somehow, Harris and Biden through legal means be removed, and a Democrat with some sense be put in with a new VP. I am assuming to do that, we would somehow 1st have the Dems replace Harris, once done, the cabinet could remove Biden.

I know, sounds radical, but as long as a Republican was not installed, I believe a lot of moderate Democrats would be on board. Is there a way? Do not know! Sure would like to find out though.
The extended Unemployment made things worse, but that is on Congress more than the POTUS as I do not think the POTUS has the power to stop what Congress put into action.
Are you not familiar with the Power of The Veto?

He can veto any bill instead of signing it and then the congress has to override it with a 2/3 vote of both houses to override it.

Biden ran on amongst other things the ongoing extensions of UE and "Covid Relief".
Golfing...............the whole deal with Biden is on the Democrats, period.


Because he NEVER should have been President, and I am NOT suggesting Trump should be.

What do I mean?

The Democrats had some younger, intelligent people running. Doesn't mean I agree with their policies, just means they were vibrant, and coherent. Instead of working to get one of them, they were down to Bernie, Warren, and Biden. They basically FIXED the rest of the primaries after down to those 3, for Biden.

OK, fair enough we can say, but then it got WORSE! When it was time to pick a VP, they allowed him to pick another incompetent who could NEVER bring the country together if Biden had to be removed, or something happened to him. I think Hillary sucks, but Tim Kane would have been a far better choice than Harris. He could even have chosen a blue state governor who was reasonably successful.

And so here we ALL are including Democrats. If something happens to Biden, or even if he is removed, we as Americans are screwed. If he stays in power and does nothing to help the situation, we are screwed too! We are painted into a corner of suck.

As an American, I WANT Biden to succeed at fixing a lot of this stuff, but I am not seeing him even make a modest attempt at it, and even you seem aware of that. Removing him, would probably make things worse. So now what do we do?!?!?!?! So that is exactly why the situation we are in falls at the feet of the Democrats. Their choices made on who they wanted their POTUS nominee and VP to be, has us in a lose-lose situation.

For the good of ALL of our country, I am not suggesting Biden be removed and a republican be installed. What I am suggesting is-----------> Somehow, Harris and Biden through legal means be removed, and a Democrat with some sense be put in with a new VP. I am assuming to do that, we would somehow 1st have the Dems replace Harris, once done, the cabinet could remove Biden.

I know, sounds radical, but as long as a Republican was not installed, I believe a lot of moderate Democrats would be on board. Is there a way? Do not know! Sure would like to find out though.

Interesting proposal.

I would support it, but we both know it could never happen.

As for the moderate Democrats, they are the one that put Biden on the ticket. None of those on the actual left liked Biden but they were always going to pick him over Trump.

I know a lot of people that voted for Biden in the General election, none were all that happy about it.

Biden was seen as the only one that could beat Trump, and I think there was some logic to it. He is the only one that would not have tired to beat Trump at his own game. Biden was content to stay totally out of the spotlight and let Trump keep damaging himself. I do not think any other candidate would have been willing to do this.

Biden does indeed suck, even worse than I thought he would. I also do not expect him to be POTUS in 2023, in fact my wife and I made a bet about it back in Dec of 2020.
Speaking of tax payers...another day and another billion dollars sent to Europe by Biden....he is even beginning to hint at the USA rebuilding the Ukraine....

Unless he gets re-elected I doubt he'd be able to make good on that during his tenure. The infiltration done by the Obama Administration into Ukraine's government was probably years in the making. Just like how police sometimes spend years collecting the dirt on drug dealers before they move in. But in this case we're not dealing with an adversary who is going to be sneaky. WE were the sneaky ones. Russia was short and to the point. It was Russia who executed the sting on US being THERE. It's a dynamic of roles that will be very hard for the Dems to twist around. They are all about using the media to portray some as victims and others and agressors and saviors in order to elicit support. They are at a disadvantage. I doubt they'll be able to quite create the media illusion about Ukraine that they will need in order to play the phony savior role again. And oh BOY did Biden & son fuck up with that laptop business. What is it with Democrats and computers and servers and hacking and stuff? It all tied in with their reputation for media scandal weaponry. It's beginning to look like the victim is actually the agressor.
I know a lot of people that voted for Biden in the General election, none were all that happy about it.
As far as I'm concerned, the bulk of the blame belongs with these people. They voted for a candidate they knew to be bad, intentionally.
Biden was seen as the only one that could beat Trump, and I think there was some logic to it.
Just about anyone could have beaten Trump. If the Dems put together a real consensus platform, any sane candidate would do the trick. But they didn't.
As far as I'm concerned, the bulk of the blame belongs with these people. They voted for a candidate they knew to be bad, intentionally.

When they were stuck choosing between Trump and Biden they would always pick Biden. Not to mention, no matter which one you voted for, you were voting for someone bad.
Golfing...............the whole deal with Biden is on the Democrats, period.


Because he NEVER should have been President, and I am NOT suggesting Trump should be.

What do I mean?

The Democrats had some younger, intelligent people running. Doesn't mean I agree with their policies, just means they were vibrant, and coherent. Instead of working to get one of them, they were down to Bernie, Warren, and Biden. They basically FIXED the rest of the primaries after down to those 3, for Biden.

OK, fair enough we can say, but then it got WORSE! When it was time to pick a VP, they allowed him to pick another incompetent who could NEVER bring the country together if Biden had to be removed, or something happened to him. I think Hillary sucks, but Tim Kane would have been a far better choice than Harris. He could even have chosen a blue state governor who was reasonably successful.

And so here we ALL are including Democrats. If something happens to Biden, or even if he is removed, we as Americans are screwed. If he stays in power and does nothing to help the situation, we are screwed too! We are painted into a corner of suck.

As an American, I WANT Biden to succeed at fixing a lot of this stuff, but I am not seeing him even make a modest attempt at it, and even you seem aware of that. Removing him, would probably make things worse. So now what do we do?!?!?!?! So that is exactly why the situation we are in falls at the feet of the Democrats. Their choices made on who they wanted their POTUS nominee and VP to be, has us in a lose-lose situation.

For the good of ALL of our country, I am not suggesting Biden be removed and a republican be installed. What I am suggesting is-----------> Somehow, Harris and Biden through legal means be removed, and a Democrat with some sense be put in with a new VP. I am assuming to do that, we would somehow 1st have the Dems replace Harris, once done, the cabinet could remove Biden.

I know, sounds radical, but as long as a Republican was not installed, I believe a lot of moderate Democrats would be on board. Is there a way? Do not know! Sure would like to find out though.

I think it is best to LET him fuck up as much as possible without sinking the ship, instead of fighting it. The Dems need to be allowed to show their true colors. They are truly in that position now. Rather than fight them, they should be encouraged to keep showing what ignorant, dysfunctional assholes they are until it pops....until only a minority consider them credible. I'm not for the Republican Party leading in this matter either. The American People need to realize who has been stringing them along and getting them into this deep shit. So we kind of have let them pull some of it off so it gets permanently documented. In the past the Dems avoided this by pointing fingers and coming up with distractive accusations which they could never corroborate. Now the opposite strategy needs to be done with them, the same way police let drug dealers keep peddling until there's enough evidence to put them away. Then all the shit they tried to do to Trump will come back to them.
If that poll is true, there are some dumb ass people in this country. Inflation is worldwide right now.
Pssst Biden is supposed to be leading .. we are the biggest economy in the world.
When they were stuck choosing between Trump and Biden they would always pick Biden. Not to mention, no matter which one you voted for, you were voting for someone bad.
Voted against the best economic times , lowest black unemployment, no wars. Peace deals.. hmmm ok
Voted against the best economic times , lowest black unemployment, no wars. Peace deals.. hmmm ok

UE was 6.9% when people were voting. Black UE was 10.9%. We were still recovering from the first recession in more than a decade.
And there's rub. They were not stuck choosing between Trump and Biden. That's just not true. It's an excuse.

While I agree and did not choose either, most people are too brainwashed to ever vote for a 3rd party.
We know what hardcore Lefties think….but what do the fence-sitters think?
How much of this shit-show is Biden responsible for?
At least 75%, if not more. Yes, if Trump had remained president, gas prices would have probably risen from their historic lows but Biden and the left's policies are responsible for the huge part of many of our problems. And, voters have shown us that they don't buy the left's excuses.
When they were stuck choosing between Trump and Biden they would always pick Biden. Not to mention, no matter which one you voted for, you were voting for someone bad.
Just like in 2016 when the choice (if you could call it that) was Trump or The Hill?

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