What do Indy’s and moderates think…is Biden to blame for fuel prices and inflation?

FFS Biden vowed to SHUT DOWN fossil fuels on video and began his war on fossil fuels within hours of being sworn in as president. What's not clear about that?
Just as Obama did, Biden and Dems are biding their time lying and deflecting hoping the high gas price issue blows over and THEN they will go right back to their war on oil and gas. DO NOT BE FOOLED!
While I agree and did not choose either, most people are too brainwashed to ever vote for a 3rd party.
You sound like me in 2016. Ok, we avoided one bad one back then, namely Hillary, but got stuck with trump. 2020 we needed to get rid of the trump it stuck us with. We did, but so far, about the only thing Joe has gotten right is the Russia/Ukraine thing. Glad, he did. Don't get me wrong. But, one atta boy does not come near clearing the aw shitz. The Harris insurance policy is quite real. That is one sick truth. Still, I couldn't possibly vote for trump or a trumper, as voting needs to continue to count even if the loser doesn't like it. Kind of puts me in a bad position. Damn, I wish there were a viable 3rd party. The games of these two, truly suck.
You sound like me in 2016. Ok, we avoided one bad one back then, namely Hillary, but got stuck with trump. 2020 we needed to get rid of the trump it stuck us with. We did, but so far, about the only thing Joe has gotten right is the Russia/Ukraine thing. Glad, he did. Don't get me wrong. But, one atta boy does not come near clearing the aw shitz. The Harris insurance policy is quite real. That is one sick truth. Still, I couldn't possibly vote for trump or a trumper, as voting needs to continue to count even if the loser doesn't like it. Kind of puts me in a bad position. Damn, I wish there were a viable 3rd party. The games of these two, truly suck.
So stop playing their games.

How about just voting for a good candidate regardless?

Who would you vote for if you had no idea how "everyone else" was going to vote? How would you vote if you weren't preoccupied with what big media is telling you?
How about just voting for a good candidate regardless?

Who would you vote for if you had no idea how "everyone else" was going to vote? How would you vote if you weren't preoccupied with forecasts of how others will vote?
An old style Republican, what the trumpers call a neocon, probably. It still would not solve the problem of the crazy anti-American trumpers in Congress or radical socialist there either. No President can solve that and it cannot be solved from one state. The two parties are destroying this country as both only looking at short term gains and tit-for-tat games in the cancel culture of modern politics. I liked it better when they argued true beliefs in Congress during the daytime and met for drinks cordially at night, like int the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
Interesting proposal.

I would support it, but we both know it could never happen.

As for the moderate Democrats, they are the one that put Biden on the ticket. None of those on the actual left liked Biden but they were always going to pick him over Trump.

I know a lot of people that voted for Biden in the General election, none were all that happy about it.

Biden was seen as the only one that could beat Trump, and I think there was some logic to it. He is the only one that would not have tired to beat Trump at his own game. Biden was content to stay totally out of the spotlight and let Trump keep damaging himself. I do not think any other candidate would have been willing to do this.

Biden does indeed suck, even worse than I thought he would. I also do not expect him to be POTUS in 2023, in fact my wife and I made a bet about it back in Dec of 2020.

Thnx for the measured, and thoughtful response.

I know it sounds far fetched, but our congress; especially the Senate, is going to have to quit playing politics and do something, they never ever want to do, and take some sort of stance on things somewhat collectively.

Sometimes, things work out organically. In this case, I am kind of convinced that it will not happen. Our congress is going to have to exert their will together politically, and do something bi-partisan. Many will say that it will never happen because of politics. I disagree! There is only so far crazies on either side can go on politics, before they have had enough.

How far is to far for them? We may soon find out!

In all fairness Golfing, I would NOT want to be Biden, Harris, or anyone in the Senate right now from either side; no matter the power and accolades it brings. These are times that try men/women souls. And yet, they wanted the job(s), so it is incumbent on them to at least attempt to repair some things as best they can. We didn't elect any of them for their ability to point fingers, we elected them because we thought they were good enough if things went wrong, to come together for our country.

If they can not, they all need to be FIRED! It isn't a D v R thing, nor a R v D thing, it is an American thing!
Thnx for the measured, and thoughtful response.

I know it sounds far fetched, but our congress; especially the Senate, is going to have to quit playing politics and do something, they never ever want to do, and take some sort of stance on things somewhat collectively.

Sometimes, things work out organically. In this case, I am kind of convinced that it will not happen. Our congress is going to have to exert their will together politically, and do something bi-partisan. Many will say that it will never happen because of politics. I disagree! There is only so far crazies on either side can go on politics, before they have had enough.

How far is to far for them? We may soon find out!

In all fairness Golfing, I would NOT want to be Biden, Harris, or anyone in the Senate right now from either side; no matter the power and accolades it brings. These are times that try men/women souls. And yet, they wanted the job(s), so it is incumbent on them to at least attempt to repair some things as best they can. We didn't elect any of them for their ability to point fingers, we elected them because we thought they were good enough if things went wrong, to come together for our country.

If they can not, they all need to be FIRED! It isn't a D v R thing, nor a R v D thing, it is an American thing!

It isn't the fault of Congress. It's the fault of those who continue to elect those who fail us over and over. If they know they will never be held accountable for anything, they have no reason to do anything different.
The two parties are destroying this country as both only looking at short term gains and tit-for-tat games in the cancel culture of modern politics.
Yep. And ending it is simple. All we have to do is stop voting for them.
None. He's mentally ill and can't be held responsible. The ones responsible are the indoctrinated ignorant stooges that voted for this shit show.
FFS Biden vowed to SHUT DOWN fossil fuels on video and began his war on fossil fuels within hours of being sworn in as president. What's not clear about that?

and he has done a shitty job of it. More leases approved than Trump's first year, 51% increase in the number of active wells, a 16% increase in oil production and 15% in NG.
I know it sounds far fetched, but our congress; especially the Senate, is going to have to quit playing politics and do something, they never ever want to do, and take some sort of stance on things somewhat collectively.

It is far fetched! I so wish there was some senators that would do so, but I have less faith in them than I do in members of the House.

Sometimes, things work out organically. In this case, I am kind of convinced that it will not happen. Our congress is going to have to exert their will together politically, and do something bi-partisan. Many will say that it will never happen because of politics. I disagree! There is only so far crazies on either side can go on politics, before they have had enough.

How far is to far for them? We may soon find out!

I admire your optimism, I have zero faith in them doing anything. Too sweet of a gig right now.

In all fairness Golfing, I would NOT want to be Biden, Harris, or anyone in the Senate right now from either side; no matter the power and accolades it brings. These are times that try men/women souls. And yet, they wanted the job(s), so it is incumbent on them to at least attempt to repair some things as best they can. We didn't elect any of them for their ability to point fingers, we elected them because we thought they were good enough if things went wrong, to come together for our country.

If they can not, they all need to be FIRED! It isn't a D v R thing, nor a R v D thing, it is an American thing!

I agree totally. And it is an American thing, and we are to blame for the problem. As bad as Congress sucks they win reelection at a greater than 90% clip. As long as that keeps happening nothing will ever change
It is far fetched! I so wish there was some senators that would do so, but I have less faith in them than I do in members of the House.

I admire your optimism, I have zero faith in them doing anything. Too sweet of a gig right now.

I agree totally. And it is an American thing, and we are to blame for the problem. As bad as Congress sucks they win reelection at a greater than 90% clip. As long as that keeps happening nothing will ever change

I know I am in the far, far, minority here........except maybe for you and a few others, but-------------->

Many, many people clamor for a 3rd party. The way our system is set up, never going to happen, at least in the near future. We waste our votes by doing it, and empower the big 2, while giving much more power to their base.

For me, the solution is to run a high profile, moderate Dem with a high profile moderate Repub on the same ticket for a 3rd party. Which position they sit in is not important if they are moderates to me. With backing, they could send the EC to a 2nd vote, and then we have a chance!

Which moderate from both party's would do it? No idea. But, the fact is, to break the cycle you have mentioned often, this is the only way it will happen. If it draws enough people from both sides along with pissed off independents, it would certainly send the EC college into a 2nd vote. They wouldn't have to win a load of states, just enough to stop either of the big 2 from getting to 270, and showing well in the rest of the states to be viable.

No matter the outcome, the conversation then starts in earnest! For some reason, at this point in time, 2 moderates from opposing political party's with high profiles running together appears to me to be something the American people would gobble up.

What say you?!?!
While I agree and did not choose either, most people are too brainwashed to ever vote for a 3rd party.

I’m curious…what VIABLE / SUSTAINABLE policies do these third party politicians pitch that get you Fence-sitters all giddy….AND can those policies be sold to this new American populous you’ve created?
I’m curious…what VIABLE / SUSTAINABLE policies do these third party politicians pitch that get you Fence-sitters all giddy….AND can those policies be sold to this new American populous you’ve created?
A genuine question that Golfing Gator dblack pknopp Mac1958 can’t / won’t answer….
”Can you fence-sitting LibTarians sell all the compartmentalized factions you’ve created on the ideas of smaller government, less spending and higher taxes for all?”
Do you really see desperate minorities, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, the barely Americans like Dr Patel embracing such ideals?
A genuine question that Golfing Gator dblack pknopp Mac1958 can’t / won’t answer….
”Can you fence-sitting LibTarians sell all the compartmentalized factions you’ve created on the ideas of smaller government, less spending and higher taxes for all?”
Do you really see desperate minorities, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, the barely Americans like Dr Patel embracing such ideals?

This is like the 5th time you have asked this question in different threads. I already answered. No need to do so again
This is like the 5th time you have asked this question in different threads. I already answered. No need to do so again
I can’t find that you’ve ever answered it with clarity…I see where you, like dblack have skirted around it and deflected many times though…Why are these questions so trivial for you?
This is like the 5th time you have asked this question in different threads. I already answered. No need to do so again
You or pknopp could very easily copy and paste your “answers” given in previous threads if you want to embarrass yourselves here…I suspect you won’t though.

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