What do liberals want the US to be?

this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

I want the United States to be the most desirable and advantagious place to live in the world.

I want the United States to encourage innovation and growth.

I would like the United States to be the most 'just' country in the world, and the least bigoted.

I want the United States to be a place where Americans can get an affordable education, and find jobs or create jobs.

I want the United States to have the cleanest air and water in the Western world.

What would I like changed?

We are on the right course for many things, but if I were to identify specific changes that I think would help the United States:
a) A comprehensive immigration bill that created a secure southern border, provided the labor we need for certain industries, while preventing illegal labor in better paying jobs that cannot be outsourced(such as construction).
b) An end to the wasteful drug war that costs us billions, and enriches criminals.
c) I would like to see the two political parties able to work together as they did prior to the 1990's.
d) IF I could change the Citizen's United ruling I would- corporations and unions are not people.
e) I would reform the Education system- eliminate tenure, encourage competition, while still protecting the right to a free public education- there is no reason why we cannot have a better public education system.

I am sure that there are other things that I am just not thinking of right now

Sounds more like a party platform than an ideological answer. I wonder, are you answering as a liberal, a progressive, a Democrat, what?

Redfish asked for a serious reply- that was my serious reply. I am a liberal and a Democrat- and I posted my opinion.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
States have historically left 'people' out in the cold. The federal government has stepped in because of the neglect of states

That was the propaganda sold to the people in order the get the programs and for the Government to run them.
And now has become riddled with fraud, corruption and abuse.
The State are able to control that better.
American Poverty Pre-Welfare State Intellectual Takeout ITO

America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
Giving the poor a hand up rather than a hand out continued beyond the Founding era through a variety of private organizations and charities known as mutual aid societies. After visiting America in the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville made note of this phenomenon when he wrote, "Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions, constantly form associations. ... Wherever, at the head of some new undertaking, you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association."
America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

In 1964 President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society officially ushered in the modern welfare state with his declared war on poverty. Although this move did not eliminate private charity, it gradually created a national mentality that government should be counted on to provide for the poor, elderly, and disabled. As a result, dependence and spending on government relief has skyrocketed in recent decades.
Today, with America's national debt increasing at a rapid rate, many wonder how the government can continue to maintain the many welfare programs it has established. Others outright question whether or not the government's approach to welfare is effective and efficient at alleviating poverty at all.

No one since the beginning of this country has died in large numbers of poverty and starvation like many other big government controlled countries have had.

List a modern first world nation without national H/C? Safety net programs? You anti Gov't morons 'believe in' myths and fairy tales the libertarians try to sell, though you can't point to one successful example ANYWHERE, Ever!
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
States have historically left 'people' out in the cold. The federal government has stepped in because of the neglect of states

That was the propaganda sold to the people in order the get the programs and for the Government to run them.
And now has become riddled with fraud, corruption and abuse.
The State are able to control that better.
American Poverty Pre-Welfare State Intellectual Takeout ITO

America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
Giving the poor a hand up rather than a hand out continued beyond the Founding era through a variety of private organizations and charities known as mutual aid societies. After visiting America in the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville made note of this phenomenon when he wrote, "Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions, constantly form associations. ... Wherever, at the head of some new undertaking, you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association."
America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

In 1964 President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society officially ushered in the modern welfare state with his declared war on poverty. Although this move did not eliminate private charity, it gradually created a national mentality that government should be counted on to provide for the poor, elderly, and disabled. As a result, dependence and spending on government relief has skyrocketed in recent decades.
Today, with America's national debt increasing at a rapid rate, many wonder how the government can continue to maintain the many welfare programs it has established. Others outright question whether or not the government's approach to welfare is effective and efficient at alleviating poverty at all.

No one since the beginning of this country has died in large numbers of poverty and starvation like many other big government controlled countries have had.

It has historically been the states that violate the rights of minorities. It has been the states that have historically been neglectful of their responsibilities towards its citizens.

It has been the states who historically have been the most corrupted by powerful interests that would turn a state into a semi-private fiefdom
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

I want the United States to be the most desirable and advantagious place to live in the world.

I want the United States to encourage innovation and growth.

I would like the United States to be the most 'just' country in the world, and the least bigoted.

I want the United States to be a place where Americans can get an affordable education, and find jobs or create jobs.

I want the United States to have the cleanest air and water in the Western world.

What would I like changed?

We are on the right course for many things, but if I were to identify specific changes that I think would help the United States:
a) A comprehensive immigration bill that created a secure southern border, provided the labor we need for certain industries, while preventing illegal labor in better paying jobs that cannot be outsourced(such as construction).
b) An end to the wasteful drug war that costs us billions, and enriches criminals.
c) I would like to see the two political parties able to work together as they did prior to the 1990's.
d) IF I could change the Citizen's United ruling I would- corporations and unions are not people.
e) I would reform the Education system- eliminate tenure, encourage competition, while still protecting the right to a free public education- there is no reason why we cannot have a better public education system.

I am sure that there are other things that I am just not thinking of right now

Sounds more like a party platform than an ideological answer. I wonder, are you answering as a liberal, a progressive, a Democrat, what?

Redfish asked for a serious reply- that was my serious reply. I am a liberal and a Democrat- and I posted my opinion.

what is your point here?
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
Most welfare programs are run at state and local levels
Welfare programs also include education, jobs training and jobs placement

No they aren't.
The Feds control the money and the amount and the rules in how it's done.
The States have the different agencies that run them but the control comes from the Feds.

Can't be honest huh?
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
Most welfare programs are run at state and local levels
Welfare programs also include education, jobs training and jobs placement

No they aren't.
The Feds control the money and the amount and the rules in how it's done.
The States have the different agencies that run them but the control comes from the Feds.

If it is federal monies .. oh never mind
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

I want the United States to be the most desirable and advantagious place to live in the world.

I want the United States to encourage innovation and growth.

I would like the United States to be the most 'just' country in the world, and the least bigoted.

I want the United States to be a place where Americans can get an affordable education, and find jobs or create jobs.

I want the United States to have the cleanest air and water in the Western world.

What would I like changed?

We are on the right course for many things, but if I were to identify specific changes that I think would help the United States:
a) A comprehensive immigration bill that created a secure southern border, provided the labor we need for certain industries, while preventing illegal labor in better paying jobs that cannot be outsourced(such as construction).
b) An end to the wasteful drug war that costs us billions, and enriches criminals.
c) I would like to see the two political parties able to work together as they did prior to the 1990's.
d) IF I could change the Citizen's United ruling I would- corporations and unions are not people.
e) I would reform the Education system- eliminate tenure, encourage competition, while still protecting the right to a free public education- there is no reason why we cannot have a better public education system.

I am sure that there are other things that I am just not thinking of right now

Damn nice job.


this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
States have historically left 'people' out in the cold. The federal government has stepped in because of the neglect of states

They forget it was the GOP's great depression that was a reason the US started most of the safety net programs!
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
States have historically left 'people' out in the cold. The federal government has stepped in because of the neglect of states

That was the propaganda sold to the people in order the get the programs and for the Government to run them.
And now has become riddled with fraud, corruption and abuse.
The State are able to control that better.
American Poverty Pre-Welfare State Intellectual Takeout ITO

America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
Giving the poor a hand up rather than a hand out continued beyond the Founding era through a variety of private organizations and charities known as mutual aid societies. After visiting America in the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville made note of this phenomenon when he wrote, "Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions, constantly form associations. ... Wherever, at the head of some new undertaking, you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association."
America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

In 1964 President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society officially ushered in the modern welfare state with his declared war on poverty. Although this move did not eliminate private charity, it gradually created a national mentality that government should be counted on to provide for the poor, elderly, and disabled. As a result, dependence and spending on government relief has skyrocketed in recent decades.
Today, with America's national debt increasing at a rapid rate, many wonder how the government can continue to maintain the many welfare programs it has established. Others outright question whether or not the government's approach to welfare is effective and efficient at alleviating poverty at all.

No one since the beginning of this country has died in large numbers of poverty and starvation like many other big government controlled countries have had.

It has historically been the states that violate the rights of minorities. It has been the states that have historically been neglectful of their responsibilities towards its citizens.

It has been the states who historically have been the most corrupted by powerful interests that would turn a state into a semi-private fiefdom

You meant the Southern States that was controlled by Democrats.

You can believe that drivel or actually read up on history books.
I would suggest the latter.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level?

Ahahahahaaaaa....Start with higher education. Let's start there. When I was in college I had a part-time job and used it to pay my living expenses and tuition. Try THAT in 2014.

Who can afford college? Whites versus blacks. You make the call.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
States have historically left 'people' out in the cold. The federal government has stepped in because of the neglect of states

That was the propaganda sold to the people in order the get the programs and for the Government to run them.
And now has become riddled with fraud, corruption and abuse.
The State are able to control that better.
American Poverty Pre-Welfare State Intellectual Takeout ITO

America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
Giving the poor a hand up rather than a hand out continued beyond the Founding era through a variety of private organizations and charities known as mutual aid societies. After visiting America in the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville made note of this phenomenon when he wrote, "Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions, constantly form associations. ... Wherever, at the head of some new undertaking, you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association."
America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

In 1964 President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society officially ushered in the modern welfare state with his declared war on poverty. Although this move did not eliminate private charity, it gradually created a national mentality that government should be counted on to provide for the poor, elderly, and disabled. As a result, dependence and spending on government relief has skyrocketed in recent decades.
Today, with America's national debt increasing at a rapid rate, many wonder how the government can continue to maintain the many welfare programs it has established. Others outright question whether or not the government's approach to welfare is effective and efficient at alleviating poverty at all.

No one since the beginning of this country has died in large numbers of poverty and starvation like many other big government controlled countries have had.

It has historically been the states that violate the rights of minorities. It has been the states that have historically been neglectful of their responsibilities towards its citizens.

It has been the states who historically have been the most corrupted by powerful interests that would turn a state into a semi-private fiefdom

You meant the Southern States that was controlled by Democrats.

You can believe that drivel or actually read up on history books.
I would suggest the latter.

No, it was the Southern conservatives, todays GOP base!
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

My take is that the hardcore left is after a solid social democracy, perhaps a step or two to the left of modern-day France.

They do reference Sweden quite a bit, which indeed would be quite a change.


The left would like this country to be a combination of Sweden,Norway and France....
And then go left from there.

Have you ever been to Sweden, Norway and France? Their standard of living is superior to ours. I have lived and visited France frequently. They think our health care system is a joke. They are right.

I suggest you investigate your ideas before you belch them on to the public stage.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

My take is that the hardcore left is after a solid social democracy, perhaps a step or two to the left of modern-day France.

They do reference Sweden quite a bit, which indeed would be quite a change.


The left would like this country to be a combination of Sweden,Norway and France....
And then go left from there.

Have you ever been to Sweden, Norway and France? Their standard of living is superior to ours. I have lived and visited France frequently. They think our health care system is a joke. They are right.

I suggest you investigate your ideas before you belch them on to the public stage.

If he was correct, what's the problem?

this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
States have historically left 'people' out in the cold. The federal government has stepped in because of the neglect of states

That was the propaganda sold to the people in order the get the programs and for the Government to run them.
And now has become riddled with fraud, corruption and abuse.
The State are able to control that better.
American Poverty Pre-Welfare State Intellectual Takeout ITO

America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
Giving the poor a hand up rather than a hand out continued beyond the Founding era through a variety of private organizations and charities known as mutual aid societies. After visiting America in the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville made note of this phenomenon when he wrote, "Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions, constantly form associations. ... Wherever, at the head of some new undertaking, you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association."
America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

In 1964 President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society officially ushered in the modern welfare state with his declared war on poverty. Although this move did not eliminate private charity, it gradually created a national mentality that government should be counted on to provide for the poor, elderly, and disabled. As a result, dependence and spending on government relief has skyrocketed in recent decades.
Today, with America's national debt increasing at a rapid rate, many wonder how the government can continue to maintain the many welfare programs it has established. Others outright question whether or not the government's approach to welfare is effective and efficient at alleviating poverty at all.

No one since the beginning of this country has died in large numbers of poverty and starvation like many other big government controlled countries have had.

List a modern first world nation without national H/C? Safety net programs? You anti Gov't morons 'believe in' myths and fairy tales the libertarians try to sell, though you can't point to one successful example ANYWHERE, Ever!

Spot on. The reference to Sweden, Norway and France as examples of some sort of First World Failures is laughable.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
States have historically left 'people' out in the cold. The federal government has stepped in because of the neglect of states

That was the propaganda sold to the people in order the get the programs and for the Government to run them.
And now has become riddled with fraud, corruption and abuse.
The State are able to control that better.
American Poverty Pre-Welfare State Intellectual Takeout ITO

America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
Giving the poor a hand up rather than a hand out continued beyond the Founding era through a variety of private organizations and charities known as mutual aid societies. After visiting America in the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville made note of this phenomenon when he wrote, "Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions, constantly form associations. ... Wherever, at the head of some new undertaking, you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association."
America’s first settlers and Founders were certainly not oblivious to the problems of poverty, nor were they callous in their treatment of it. Yet they explicitly urged its alleviation by means other than the federal government. This ideology was concisely expressed by James Madison, who declared that "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." And Ben Franklin once stated, "the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

In 1964 President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society officially ushered in the modern welfare state with his declared war on poverty. Although this move did not eliminate private charity, it gradually created a national mentality that government should be counted on to provide for the poor, elderly, and disabled. As a result, dependence and spending on government relief has skyrocketed in recent decades.
Today, with America's national debt increasing at a rapid rate, many wonder how the government can continue to maintain the many welfare programs it has established. Others outright question whether or not the government's approach to welfare is effective and efficient at alleviating poverty at all.

No one since the beginning of this country has died in large numbers of poverty and starvation like many other big government controlled countries have had.

It has historically been the states that violate the rights of minorities. It has been the states that have historically been neglectful of their responsibilities towards its citizens.

It has been the states who historically have been the most corrupted by powerful interests that would turn a state into a semi-private fiefdom
Yet conservatives want more power for the states

Why? Makes it easier to discriminate
As a liberal, I want my government to ensure level playing fields for all to compete on, starting early (infancy and early childhood) in education and nutrition and health care.

I believe investments in people earlier in life will help reduce dependency on government later in life.

I want personal liberties to be paramount in religion, speech, sexuality, and family structure. If it doesn't hurt anyone else, there's no need to legislate against it.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

So do Conservatives.
Conservatives want to do those things a different way other than the Federal Government - like the States should run the welfare programs and they should be run to help them out of poverty. Not run the way it is set up now that keeps them in poverty.
Most welfare programs are run at state and local levels
Welfare programs also include education, jobs training and jobs placement

No they aren't.
The Feds control the money and the amount and the rules in how it's done.
The States have the different agencies that run them but the control comes from the Feds.
Most welfare funding is provided at the state level per federal guidelines. Some states offer better welfare programs than others

Guess which color states offer the worst benefits....Red or Blue?

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