What do Modern women offer…

And then, there's the INCEL input.
I am not a part of InCel movement.

I do recognize that many modern Progressive women view men as oppressors and moral inferiors. Many of them openly state that they hate men, and that "men are trash" or "men are pigs". Even though some of these women can offer their high libido, most of them are toxic.
How to tell us you can't get laid in lots and lots of words. :heehee:
I've been married for 17 years, love my wife and get it often enough...and I actually ENJOY wearing my wedding ring in public. I wouldn't want my genes to mix with those of snotty modern females. I really DON'T give a rats ass dear.
No. Steel generally. Occasionally with an addition of lead, copper, and a chemical propellant.
Given that you encourage violent fights among men, you definitely do not represent Men's Human Rights Movement. We stand for Gender Equality.

As for Progressive Women, I am not making things up. They got "men are trash" and "I hate men" trending on Social Media. A woman that hates men may lure a man with her high libido, yet she is very very likely to be an abuser.
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I believe in Gender Equality 100%. Sadly your rhetoric is used to smear Men's Human Rights Activists with guilt by association
What association do we have other than being human beings? We don’t have any similar ideology and we are not the same gender (I’m Male. You’re Metrosexual).
I don’t claim to represent ANYONE other than myself. I do not and never have believed in gender equality.
Traditional values worked for the last four millennia up to the end of XIXth Century due to economic reality of these times. Survival was difficult and everyone had to follow rigidly prescribed roles. Now this is unviable and impossible.

I stand for Gender Equality and abolition of all gender roles. Progressives stand for replacing old gender roles with new ones.
I stand for Gender Equality and abolition of all gender roles
Then you stand for NOTHING, because equality can never occur and never should occur. It’s not natural. Gender roles ARE.
Now this is unviable and impossible
It is not only viable and possible, it is BECESSARY if our Society is to survive.
Then you stand for NOTHING, because equality can never occur and never should occur. It’s not natural. Gender roles ARE.
Gender roles were becoming obsolete by 1920s already. Now they are a thing of far past.

Old roles are based on pre-technological economy.
They’re based on Right and Wrong… two concepts you people avoid at all costs.

Men we’re crested for a particular role, and women for another. I wouldn’t hire a male florist any more than I would do business at a bank run by a woman.
God you prove just how moronic you are with every post.
Engaging in your culture wars is pretty far down on my priority list.
I don't have any culture war going, kid. I just know the differences between real men and real women.
You moonbats seem to have difficulty with that lately.
I am not a part of InCel movement.

I do recognize that many modern Progressive women view men as oppressors and moral inferiors. Many of them openly state that they hate men, and that "men are trash" or "men are pigs". Even though some of these women can offer their high libido, most of them are toxic.
Of course you aren't........:eusa_whistle:

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