What do Modern women offer…

Given that you encourage violent fights among men, you definitely do not represent Men's Human Rights Movement. We stand for Gender Equality.

As for Progressive Women, I am not making things up. They got "men are trash" and "I hate men" trending on Social Media. A woman that hates men may lure a man with her high libido, yet she is very very likely to be an abuser.
Men's rights movements are the best friends feminism can have. All you are doing is widening the divide that feminists have created. Who respects blubbering men anyhow? We are supposed to be together with this being only the different sides to the same coin.
Men's rights movements are the best friends feminism can have. All you are doing is widening the divide that feminists have created. Who respects blubbering men anyhow? We are supposed to be together with this being only the different sides to the same coin.
No. We point to real inequalities and injustices which Progressives impose on men. The more men are aware of these issues the fewer men will join Progressives.

Unlike MGTOW, Men's Human Rights Movement does not preach separatism. We just want fairness. Republican platform is the best approximation to Fairness and Gender Equality.
Of course Conservatives are gynocentric. But that is not the point. As long as Conservatives are much less gynocentric then Progressives, men should support Conservatives. We are not in a position to make any demands or to ask for anything more.
A liberal walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he agrees there should be female mechanics.

A conservative walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he disagrees there should be female mechanics.

A physicist walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he is undecided about the position of a female mechanic.

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Those days are long gone and not coming back.

My wife and I did this sorta ish. I think the economics of today make it impossible but I think that arrangement is highly desirable to both males and females. I think it will make its way around again. Wages would go up drastically if half the work force left. It’s one of those cause and effect things. It’s hard to tell what causes what. Are wages low because women entered the work force or did women enter the work force because wages were so low the family needed two incomes?
No. We point to real inequalities and injustices which Progressives impose on men. The more men are aware of these issues the fewer men will join Progressives.

That is the understanding. It is not the theory though. The facts point to there being much more complexity involved. The non-expert will accept that which is readily apparent, Gender Inequality for example.

Unlike MGTOW, Men's Human Rights Movement does not preach separatism. We just want fairness. Republican platform is the best approximation to Fairness and Gender Equality.
But, Gender Equality is what feminists demand. And, even fairness should not be a goal. Males are supposed to have it tougher than females. And if this is not the case then males become obsolete.
But, Gender Equality is what feminists demand. And, even fairness should not be a goal.
Very few feminists live up to the dictionary definition of Feminism which is Equality.
Males are supposed to have it tougher than females. And if this is not the case then males become obsolete.
That is your opinion as a Republican -- you want men to experience moderate discrimination. Many or most Democrats want men to experience severe discrimination. Other choices are not really available. In my opinion, most men should support Republicans for the sole reason that Democrats are much worse.

Here is an analogy. If the only choice was between Amber Heard and Jodi Arias, almost no sane man would have chosen Jodi.
Very few feminists live up to the dictionary definition of Feminism which is Equality.

That is your opinion as a Republican -- you want men to experience moderate discrimination. Many or most Democrats want men to experience severe discrimination. Other choices are not really available. In my opinion, most men should support Republicans for the sole reason that Democrats are much worse.
No (significant) group out there consciously discriminates against males. Yet this discrimination exists and is in fact increasing. So, the question then is if not who, then what is leading to this discrimination/elimination process. The answer is that it is our 'X' chromosome that can be seen to be the source of this discrimination. And in the ongoing battle, XX X vs Y, the numerically superior X chromosome will win. The war won with the death of the last bearer of the Y chromosome on earth, the last male.

There are 420 political parties in the USA, yet the US has always had two-party governments. Why do all these other parties exist then? It's because of there being a committee syndrome. An indulgence factor involved.

As satirized in a Monty Python's sketch:

And hopefully you gather from this that your 'committee' is not actually helping males, as Python's also did not help Brian. It's the opposite in fact. And so you can help better by understanding what it is you are up against first.

Here is an analogy. If the only choice was between Amber Heard and Jodi Arias, almost no sane man would have chosen Jodi.

I'd go with Jodi. Why? Because she was not all that guilty for one thing. And she is very attractive too. Now, can my sanity possibly be questioned???
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What do Modern women offer Tradutional Men, realationship-wise?

This topic of conversation has come up several times recently in the social circles I travel in. Especially among the twenty-something’s I interact with from time to time.

I’m interested to see if the USMB crowd can come up with any positive traits that modern women offer more traditionally oriented males when it comes to relationships. I’ve been pretty much stumped, personally.
Most modern women I know are wage slaves much the same as us men folk are. Did you notice that women went from being supported and able to concentrate on the most important role in the world....being mothers...to being half the family income...with limited family???

Society has gone BACKWARDS in the Status of Women!!!

A liberal walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he agrees there should be female mechanics.

A conservative walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he disagrees there should be female mechanics.

A physicist walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he is undecided about the position of a female mechanic.

The jacks failed and she's squashed under the truck??

A liberal walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he agrees there should be female mechanics.

A conservative walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he disagrees there should be female mechanics.

A physicist walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he is undecided about the position of a female mechanic.

"Her" name was Irving???

Gender roles were becoming obsolete by 1920s already. Now they are a thing of far past.

Old roles are based on pre-technological economy.

Once the technocracy implodes we'll see old gender roles come right back FAST. Women DEPEND on technocracy for their independence. Men do too, to a point. But since males are and have always been more skeptic of this dependency they will have less trouble adapting to living off the land again and playing their "natural" role again when required. Women will sit around whining, bitching, complaining....and trying to give orders when the technocracy no longer can empower them.
Men's rights movements are the best friends feminism can have. All you are doing is widening the divide that feminists have created. Who respects blubbering men anyhow? We are supposed to be together with this being only the different sides to the same coin.
I agree...in the same way I think that people putting political candidate signs in their lawns are doing nothing but inciting and provoking the other side to possibly try harder. Nobody is going to change their voting habits due to those stupid signs.
Given that you encourage violent fights among men, you definitely do not represent Men's Human Rights Movement. We stand for Gender Equality.

As for Progressive Women, I am not making things up. They got "men are trash" and "I hate men" trending on Social Media. A woman that hates men may lure a man with her high libido, yet she is very very likely to be an abuser.
OR to attract abusive men.
The jacks failed and she's squashed under the truck??


Not bad. But she is an employed mechanic so she meets the requirements of the trade and would not get under a vehicle supported only by jacks. You have been honest enough to admit you don't know, unlike the others that have read the post and have said nothing with their silence other than that they are dishonest by not replying.

And, maybe this will help:

A liberal walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he agrees there should be female mechanics.

A conservative walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he disagrees there should be female mechanics.

A physicist walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he is undecided about the position of a female mechanic.

A phillosopher walks down a street and notices an apple falling from a tree. He walks on further and observes a female mechanic working in a workshop. As sure as the apple fell from the tree he disagrees about the position of a female mechanic.

Why should the philosopher decide this issue?

The point being that those who can't answer this are those that haven't been down the same road to understanding as the philosopher. And as a result can't really disagree with his decision?
I agree...in the same way I think that people putting political candidate signs in their lawns are doing nothing but inciting and provoking the other side to possibly try harder. Nobody is going to change their voting habits due to those stupid signs.
Sure, and the real difference would be that here an imbalance exists in that society is not geared to be compassionate to men which is why (by no coincidence) the "white male" is presently the primary target for discrimination. The existence of any male group only adds to that antipathy though.
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Most modern women I know are wage slaves much the same as us men folk are. Did you notice that women went from being supported and able to concentrate on the most important role in the world....being mothers...to being half the family income...with limited family???

Society has gone BACKWARDS in the Status of Women!!!

If a woman chooses to have a baby she also chooses to raise that baby. Likewise if a man chooses to father a baby he also chooses to provide the income needed to support that baby. Why it can't be the other way around is that fathers make good mothers as much as a woman makes a good hunter of large animals.

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