What do Modern women offer…

Most modern women I know are wage slaves much the same as us men folk are. Did you notice that women went from being supported and able to concentrate on the most important role in the world....being mothers...to being half the family income...with limited family???

Society has gone BACKWARDS in the Status of Women!!!

Women would disagree.
The “real men” are suffering casualties due to suicide because they’re being taught toxic traits
The Real Men are suffering the casualties because most still think the War can be won fighting in a Chivalrous and Queensbury-esque manner.

We need to take the gloves off, screw the “high ground” and start fighting with the Total War philosophy. If the women want to act like they’re men, then they need to be ready to be attacked the way we attack each other… without rules, fighting dirty, and offering no quarter.
The Real Men are suffering the casualties because most still think the War can be won fighting in a Chivalrous and Queensbury-esque manner.

We need to take the gloves off, screw the “high ground” and start fighting with the Total War philosophy. If the women want to act like they’re men, then they need to be ready to be attacked the way we attack each other… without rules, fighting dirty, and offering no quarter.
"Chivalrous and Queensbury-esque manner."

I will not surrender what makes us civilised just to "take on" the most base. If "women" want to act common then they should still be treated as if they were a Lady. My own experience is that is mostly so called "intellectuals" or agressives that tend to react negatively. They're pathetic really but c'est la vie.

The Real Men are suffering the casualties because most still think the War can be won fighting in a Chivalrous and Queensbury-esque manner.

We need to take the gloves off, screw the “high ground” and start fighting with the Total War philosophy. If the women want to act like they’re men, then they need to be ready to be attacked the way we attack each other… without rules, fighting dirty, and offering no quarter.
Did you define "act like they're men"? If not, could you?
"Her" name was Irving???

The physicist couldn't make a decision because seeing the apple fall prior to noticing the female mechanic had then reminded him of the complexities that may be involved in the particular situation and that a conclusion can't be come to just at a glance. And that is because as a physicist he knows that apples don't actually fall off trees. As a physicist, he knows that the opposite happens and it is, in fact, the earth moving up not the apple falling down that creates the illusion of the apple's fall.

The philosopher on the other hand also knows that apples don't fall off trees, and being a philosopher knows that although a woman can do (with the help of mechanization) just as good a job as her male counterpart, has as an advantage the ability to give birth to a child, an imbalance unacceptable if males are going to continue to exist. Having the dual roles of mother and breadwinner eliminates the need for the male, an unacceptable situation in a society made up of both males and females.

Accepting female mechanics is also accepting that Adam's line end is near.
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I will not surrender what makes us civilised just to "take on" the most base. If "women" want to act common then they should still be treated as if they were a Lady
I’m sorry but the rules of Chivalry and Courtly Live REQUIRE that BOTH parties act like a Lord/Lady. If either chooses to disregard the tenants of the institution, then neither should be expected to abide by it.

A wise Man once told me “A Lady will slap you. A **** will hit you with a fist. You smile at the Lady and you bury the other one.”
Did you define "act like they're men"? If not, could you?
I would think by this point in the conversation that would have been clear, but as it apparently isn’t…

Each of the two genders/sexes has a proper role in life. These roles were determined literally thousands of years ago by our ancestors. Men are to lead, to provide and to protect. Nurturing, supporting, and domestic duties make up the role of women.

I trust you’re bright enough to extrapolate what you need from that.
The physicist couldn't make a decision because seeing the apple fall prior to noticing the female mechanic had reminded him of the complexities that may be involved in a particular situation and that a conclusion can't be come to just at a glance. And that is because as a physicist he knows that apples don't actually fall off trees. As a physicist, he knows that the opposite happens and it is, in fact, the earth moving up not the apple falling down that creates the illusion of the apple's fall.

The philosopher on the other hand also knows that apples don't fall off trees, and being a philosopher knows that although a woman can do (with the help of mechanization) just as good a job as her male counterpart, has as an advantage the ability to give birth to a child, an imbalance unacceptable if males are going to continue to exist. Having the dual roles of mother and breadwinner eliminates the need for the male, an unacceptable situation in a society made up of both males and females.

Accepting female mechanics is also accepting that Adam's line end is near.
A VERY wise chappy once said "
"As, notwithstanding all that wit, or malice, or pride, or prudence will be able to suggest, men and women must at last pass their lives together, I have never therefore thought those writers friends to human happiness, who endeavour to excite in either sex a general contempt or suspicion of the other. To persuade them who are entering the world, and looking abroad for a suitable associate, that all are equally vicious or equally ridiculous; that they who trust are certainly betrayed, and they who esteem are always disappointed; is not to awaken judgment, but to inflame temerity."
Johnson: Rambler #119 (May 7, 1751)"

Adam's and Eve's lines are permanently entwined.

I would think by this point in the conversation that would have been clear, but as it apparently isn’t…

Each of the two genders/sexes has a proper role in life. These roles were determined literally thousands of years ago by our ancestors. Men are to lead, to provide and to protect. Nurturing, supporting, and domestic duties make up the role of women.

I trust you’re bright enough to extrapolate what you need from that.
The situations are indeed different and of complementary value making up a whole. There is of course some intersection of the lines particularly with weak men and strong women, but a strong man and a strong woman is frankly the ideal and their roles pillars of strength in a relationship. A weak man and a weak woman..............it seems to work with many as two strands of even weak twine add strength to both when they are knitted together. Now a strong woman and a weak man? The demands on the male will indeed be great hence the term: He's just a man!! Women know it happens far more often than men think.

Where I am filthy is in those in "control" now make women wage slaves.

A VERY wise chappy once said "
"As, notwithstanding all that wit, or malice, or pride, or prudence will be able to suggest, men and women must at last pass their lives together, I have never therefore thought those writers friends to human happiness, who endeavour to excite in either sex a general contempt or suspicion of the other. To persuade them who are entering the world, and looking abroad for a suitable associate, that all are equally vicious or equally ridiculous; that they who trust are certainly betrayed, and they who esteem are always disappointed; is not to awaken judgment, but to inflame temerity."
Johnson: Rambler #119 (May 7, 1751)"

Adam's and Eve's lines are permanently entwined.

And a very simple-minded chappy responding says that there is no script any writer could conceive that has these events happening. Instead it is Nature in the form of a chromosomal conspiracy that decides this future. A future, should we fail to act sooner, that will belong to Amanda and Eve.
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I would think by this point in the conversation that would have been clear, but as it apparently isn’t…

Each of the two genders/sexes has a proper role in life. These roles were determined literally thousands of years ago by our ancestors. Men are to lead, to provide and to protect. Nurturing, supporting, and domestic duties make up the role of women.

I trust you’re bright enough to extrapolate what you need from that.
And In a deterministic world, it was predetermined thousands of years before then that at some time in the future the X chromosome's physical embodiment, the pure form female, will replace and then eliminate the Y chromosome-bearing mutant male. Male gendercide being a completely natural, underway, and now near unstoppable process.

And I"m not all that bright but can still see this happening.
The situations are indeed different and of complementary value making up a whole. There is of course some intersection of the lines particularly with weak men and strong women, but a strong man and a strong woman is frankly the ideal and their roles pillars of strength in a relationship. A weak man and a weak woman..............it seems to work with many as two strands of even weak twine add strength to both when they are knitted together. Now a strong woman and a weak man? The demands on the male will indeed be great hence the term: He's just a man!! Women know it happens far more often than men think
Obviously the situation is best with two Strong partners. As long as their strengths are COMPLIMENTARY, not repetitive. A ship can only have one Captain, but without the crew it doesn’t sail. They must work together as a team, with different but equally important roles to get things done.
Ok. Can we like stop acting like the world doesn't need the other sex
I would think by this point in the conversation that would have been clear, but as it apparently isn’t…

Each of the two genders/sexes has a proper role in life. These roles were determined literally thousands of years ago by our ancestors. Men are to lead, to provide and to protect. Nurturing, supporting, and domestic duties make up the role of women.

I trust you’re bright enough to extrapolate what you need from that.
What you originally wanted was a 1950s household. It's a kink. I'm sure that there is a group on line that will have information about how to meet others with the same kink locally. If not, then the local BDSM community will probably have information. Just make sure that the boys that you inform of this understand that men are held to a higher standard. There are expectations and the women generally know exactly what they want.

Women "acting like men" is a bit different. In the conversations that I have followed or been directly involved in with heterosexuals the issue is men are not able or are unwilling to lead. If you have two people that are working and the woman is expected to do the cleaning and the cooking and grabbing you a beer while you order her around so that you can feel like "a man" then it's easier to do it without him. What he is really asking for is a mother.

If a man is with a woman and is not leading (all things being equal), she more than likely doesn't trust him to lead because he has not demonstrated his ability to do so in any aspect of his life or relationship. He is not consistent. There is no real safe space with him. Women can be "strong" anywhere out in the world but return to that space and still allow him to lead.

Single women "acting like men" is simply getting things done. Rent and utilities don't pay themselves.
I’m sorry but the rules of Chivalry and Courtly Live REQUIRE that BOTH parties act like a Lord/Lady. If either chooses to disregard the tenants of the institution, then neither should be expected to abide by it.

A wise Man once told me “A Lady will slap you. A **** will hit you with a fist. You smile at the Lady and you bury the other one.”

My wife will draw and cock on you.

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