What do Modern women offer…

I don’t believe in a world where people have options. I don’t believe in Rights. I barely believe in Privileges.

Someone sure as fuck needs to, if we’re ever going to have the slightest chance to save this country, no, this SPECIES from Tito destruction.

Roles, Responsibilities and Duties need to be laid out and defined for both genders and every class of people if we are to have ANY chance to save ourselves from the path to oblivion thst we’ve placed ourselves on in the last century.
What do you believe is going to happen? In what ways do you think that your Roles, Responsibilities and Duties laid out will save us?
What do you believe is going to happen? In what ways do you think that your Roles, Responsibilities and Duties laid out will save us?
I believe that our Society is falling apart at the seams. We have unwoven the most basic threads of the Society that MY family (among many) helped build on this continent. We are devolving into a Society and culture completely void of morals, values, and even basic decency.

The roles, duties, and responsibilities of Traditional Western Society are what held us together and strengthened this nation for generations. Things like the nuclear family, gender roles, personal responsibility, etc… WERE the core foundation of this nation. Now they’re considered hate speech or oppression.
I believe that our Society is falling apart at the seams. We have unwoven the most basic threads of the Society that MY family (among many) helped build on this continent. We are devolving into a Society and culture completely void of morals, values, and even basic decency.

The roles, duties, and responsibilities of Traditional Western Society are what held us together and strengthened this nation for generations. Things like the nuclear family, gender roles, personal responsibility, etc… WERE the core foundation of this nation. Now they’re considered hate speech or oppression.
Thank you. I also oppose Progressive Totalitarianism.

But I am not a Conservative. I believe in Freedom and Equality. I agree with Liberals on every issue except their Misandry. I also oppose Gender Roles -- the old ones and the new ones.

1) America Was Never Great -- Genocide of Native Americans, Slavery, Genocide of Civilians in Korea and Southeast Asia.
2) People who can not earn also have a Right to Life -- thus I support Welfare.
3) Guns enable over 20,000 suicides and over 10,000 murders each year in USA alone.
4) We are the Nation of Immigrants -- I am one.
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Thank you. I also oppose Progressive Totalitarianism.

But I am not a Conservative. I believe in Freedom and Equality. I agree with Liberals on every issue except their Misandry. I also oppose Gender Roles -- the old ones and the new ones.
I like hearing modern women talk about all their problems, usually centering around their worthless drunken boyfriends who demand sex even when they are to wasted to get it up....I find it all very entertaining and of course I am alway quick to lend a shoulder for them to cry on while I squeeze their rack....I am the original sweet dude
1) America Was Never Great -- Genocide of Native Americans, Slavery, Genocide of Civilians in Korea and Southeast Asia.
2) People who can not earn also have a Right to Life -- thus I support Welfare.
3) Guns enable over 20,000 suicides and over 10,000 murders each year in USA alone.
4) We are the Nation of Immigrants -- I am one
1. Then feel free to leave. According to #4 you’ve already been elsewhere. The natives were a conquered people. They should be extremely happy we didn’t actually wipe them out… as happened amongst themselves more than once.
2. Anyone who cannot contribute to Society is a waste and a deadweight. They need to be culled.
3. Came and Take Them.
4. So you really have no legitimate voice as you’re not actually from here.
Anyone who cannot contribute to Society is a waste and a deadweight. They need to be culled.
That is an evil attitude. I have Asperger's Syndrome and Depression. Thank G-d and my parents I am provided for. All Humans are G-d's Creation of paramount value.

Both extreme Progressives and extreme Conservatives do not value Human Rights.
That is an evil attitude. I have Asperger's Syndrome and Depression. Thank G-d and my parents I am provided for. All Humans are G-d's Creation of paramount value
It probably is an Evil attitude. Evil exists. Deal with it. It’s far more honest thst the BS where people claim to be nice or good.,

I have Sturge-Weber Syndrome and mild PTSD. My wife is a rape survivor with fill-on PTSD and other issues. I shouldn’t have graduated high school, never mind college. But I did, in a technical field. I hold a technical job and am a senior member of the department. Again, I shouldn’t be able to do that; but I do.

Don’t talk to me about your “God”. I wasted 27 years on thst crap before I saw the light.
What do modern men have to offer?
1 out of 5 of them under the age of 21 identify as Gay/Bi/Trans. That is 20% for the less educated.
Another 1 out of 5 besides those are equally effeminate as girls are, you can't tell them apart by their mannerisms.
Another 4 out of 5 play video games 12 hours a day.

Shall I go on?
No need. What 18-21 year old has proven himself in the crucible of life, and established wealth career, and security that would even make him an eligible husband/father candidate to any woman who was serious about starting a successful family? Almost none. Todays women are really fucked when it comes to forward thinking when it comes to reproductive strategy. These dumb bitches get knocked up on the regular by the bar back that gets them free drinks. Here’s your sign…
It probably is an Evil attitude. Evil exists. Deal with it. It’s far more honest thst the BS where people claim to be nice or good.,

I have Sturge-Weber Syndrome and mild PTSD. My wife is a rape survivor with fill-on PTSD and other issues. I shouldn’t have graduated high school, never mind college. But I did, in a technical field. I hold a technical job and am a senior member of the department. Again, I shouldn’t be able to do that; but I do.
Thank you for sharing.

Nevertheless, Atheism is an evil force which denies G-d and also the value of Human Life. All Humans have paramount innate value.
Both Far Right and Far Left embrace Evil and sacrifice of innocent people as a necessary tool. That is scary.
Nevertheless, Atheism is an evil force which denies G-d and also the value of Human Life. All Humans have paramount innate value
I’m not an atheist. I believe in a Deity, a sentient force which controls the entire world.

A world that exists solely to test the Souls of mankind and separate the wheat from the chaff. It has no care for the individual or what our hardships may be. In fact it probably created those hardships.
I believe that our Society is falling apart at the seams. We have unwoven the most basic threads of the Society that MY family (among many) helped build on this continent. We are devolving into a Society and culture completely void of morals, values, and even basic decency.

The roles, duties, and responsibilities of Traditional Western Society are what held us together and strengthened this nation for generations. Things like the nuclear family, gender roles, personal responsibility, etc… WERE the core foundation of this nation. Now they’re considered hate speech or oppression.
I believe that you believe that is very real. I think you have a very creative interpretation of history.

Have a good night Anathema.
I believe that you believe that is very real. I think you have a very creative interpretation of history
I know it’s very real. I see it every single day in the world around me. A world I truly wish I could insulate myself from completely and permanently.
Have a good night Anathema
Thanks. You too. I’ll be retiring shortly with my wife and our three dogs.
Both Far Right and Far Left embrace Evil and sacrifice of innocent people as a necessary tool. That is scary.
Only that the Left is the bigger monster and is consequently set for victory. And that is truly scary. With the passing of the Queen, our time has effectively run out. The point of no return has been reached. All we can do now is sit back and watch disaster approach as the most dangerous Trojan Horse ever in existence is being dragged toward the city gates.
Only that the Left is the bigger monster and is consequently set for victory. And that is truly scary. With the passing of the Queen, our time has effectively run out. The point of no return has been reached. All we can do now is sit back and watch disaster approach as the most dangerous Trojan Horse ever in existence is being dragged toward the city gates.
Sad but almost certainly true.
Sad but almost certainly true.
You go to a basketball game, there are two teams, the fans likewise divided. Chances are you support your team because they are your home team. Your choice does not involve much rational decision as it's not needed. You go onto a political forum as either a supporter of the Left or the Right, positions shaped by the environment you have grown up in, a home team thing once again. And that's because let's face it it's not rational for half the population to be wrong the other half to be right. Regardless, you want your team to win as that's what you are here for. This team thing excludes rationalists who by default need to be non-aligned in their support when it comes to such large 'teams'. And so If you were trying to sign players for a chess tournament you would not go to a basketball match. If you are looking to recruit rationalists you would not go to a place where people are divided over political positions. A deterministic universe would dictate that some are on the Left, some on the Right, and rationalists few and far between. And If this is how it is then rationalism could only really be present as a subset of the swing vote. That is it represents objectivity when choosing a candidate, not being subjected to familial or social environment issues when it comes to that choice. But where do swing voters hang out then?

You are here to win, whereas I'm here to recruit. And it's for this reason you have trouble understanding what an oddity such as myself is saying. There is no opportunity for victory to be had up against someone like me so you will be on your way to continue in this absurd battle between Left and Right? Let's hope not, give rationality a chance instead.
You are here to win, whereas I'm here to recruit. And it's for this reason you have trouble understanding what an oddity such as myself is saying. There is no opportunity for victory to be had up against someone like me so you will be on your way to continue in this absurd battle between Left and Right? Let's hope not, give rationality a chance instead
There is another group you failed to mention… Ideologues. People like me who believe in a specific set of ideas, opinions, and views for some reason. Often, like the Party Acolytes, Ideologues get their ideology from their upbringing, family, geography, etc… The difference is that they will support whatever party or candidate supports THEIR ideology.
here is another group you failed to mention… Ideologues. People like me who believe in a specific set of ideas, opinions, and views for some reason. Often, like the Party Acolytes, Ideologues get their ideology from their upbringing, family, geography, etc… The difference is that they will support whatever party or candidate supports THEIR ideology.

And that's going to be the one party still. So, I'm not sure if what you're saying is a lot different than the situation I'd described above. The point is that in any debate relating to politics we get people on either side but not a lot in the middle. There are no open minds like there will be nobody at a sports event that does not support one team or the other. It's all conditioned responses. When we are young and fit we are at our prime for things like sport, whereas as we age we acquire knowledge, again in our prime as wise old men when we reach at least sixty. This wisdom brings with it responsibilities. We need to act when we see things are wrong. These are our obligations to society as patriarchs. We are failing and we can hardly blame those who are younger for this. Here's hoping someone will accept the challenge and try and actually do something about what is a worsening situation. And that's even if it is by doing battle in a war we cannot win. A symbolic thing at least.
And that's going to be the one party still. So, I'm not sure if what you're saying is a lot different than the situation I'd described above. The point is that in any debate relating to politics we get people on either side but not a lot in the middle
As I see it there are four types of voters:

Ideologues - Voters who strongly believe in something. It may be only one topic or a broader ideology, but that ideology determines who they vote for. They may have voted for one party their entire life, but they would/will change affiliation on a dime if the party platform changes.

Party Hacks - Their family has voted for a party for a century and they’re not about to change that. Many don’t even know who or what they’re voting for, but they know what uppercase letter is next to their candidates name.

Rationalists/Logicians - The real Independent voters. They look at the candidates and ballot questions like a scientific problem, trying to find the best answer to the question of who/what to vote for.

The Mob - the unwashed, undecided, uneducated and incompetent masses. They have no idea who or what they’re voting on or for. They flow to the polls like lemmings and have no idea the damage they do to the system.

I’m an ideologue. I prefer not to vote if I can’t find a candidate who I believe promotes the things I believe in. This means I spend a lot of election days at home.
Ideologues - Voters who strongly believe in something. It may be only one topic or a broader ideology, but that ideology determines who they vote for. They may have voted for one party their entire life, but they would/will change affiliation on a dime if the party platform changes.

Party Hacks - Their family has voted for a party for a century and they’re not about to change that. Many don’t even know who or what they’re voting for, but they know what uppercase letter is next to their candidates name.

Rationalists/Logicians - The real Independent voters. They look at the candidates and ballot questions like a scientific problem, trying to find the best answer to the question of who/what to vote for.

The Mob - the unwashed, undecided, uneducated and incompetent masses. They have no idea who or what they’re voting on or for. They flow to the polls like lemmings and have no idea the damage they do to the system.

I’m an ideologue. I prefer not to vote if I can’t find a candidate who I believe promotes the things I believe in. This means I spend a lot of election days at home.
Well that's pretty good. But how does the Left and the Right fit in with this.

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