What do Modern women offer…

Obviously the situation is best with two Strong partners. As long as their strengths are COMPLIMENTARY, not repetitive. A ship can only have one Captain, but without the crew it doesn’t sail. They must work together as a team, with different but equally important roles to get things done.
So you agree also that there needs to be one captain in friendships? That one friend needs to be dominant or else it doesn't work? Sounds like bullying and domination.
So you agree also that there needs to be one captain in friendships? That one friend needs to be dominant or else it doesn't work? Sounds like bullying and domination.
Ask any woman how much she would like to see the clock turned back to the 1930s and see what they say.
So you agree also that there needs to be one captain in friendships? That one friend needs to be dominant or else it doesn't work? Sounds like bullying and domination
I don’t believe in common friendships. I have very few of them, partially by choice and partially by the choice of others. The very few I have are based on an investment mentality… money/time/energy exerted versus return in thst investment.
Has that ever worked in history?

Adaptation and Innovation are often the keys to success.
However, he was correct when he identified his societal desires and culture as "doomed" ... No doubt about that.

Stick a fork in 'em ... That poor bastard is done ... :auiqs.jpg:

Has that ever worked in history?
Have we ever before leapt so far forward without considering the ramifications; moral, ethical, legal, personal and professional?

I don’t think so. I don’t think we’ve ever come close. We’ve destroyed the most basic order of individuals, family and home that WAS the foundation of our culture and society. Yet somehow we expect everything to be just fine. That’s lunacy
I have the paperwork to ensure I would win in court. Honestly, if I could go back in time and talk to mysel as a pre-teen/teen I’d give myself your exact advice… No women. EVER. No male friends either. Solitude is the way to go.
Have we ever before leapt so far forward without considering the ramifications; moral, ethical, legal, personal and professional?

I don’t think so. I don’t think we’ve ever come close. We’ve destroyed the most basic order of individuals, family and home that WAS the foundation of our culture and society. Yet somehow we expect everything to be just fine. That’s lunacy
So you cannot come up with one instance of when going backward has worked well. Ok.
I believe that our Society is falling apart at the seams. We have unwoven the most basic threads of the Society that MY family (among many) helped build on this continent. We are devolving into a Society and culture completely void of morals, values, and even basic decency.

The roles, duties, and responsibilities of Traditional Western Society are what held us together and strengthened this nation for generations. Things like the nuclear family, gender roles, personal responsibility, etc… WERE the core foundation of this nation. Now they’re considered hate speech or oppression.
And your solution is to get on social media and whine about it? Or to hold up your bizarro attitudes towards women and relationships..................why?

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