What do Modern women offer…

What you originally wanted was a 1950s household. It's a kink
That’s the thing; for me it’s NOT a kink. It’s not sexual at all. It’s about how life should be properly lived.
Women "acting like men" is a bit different. In the conversations that I have followed or been directly involved in with heterosexuals the issue is men are not able or are unwilling to lead. If you have two people that are working and the woman is expected to do the cleaning and the cooking and grabbing you a beer while you order her around so that you can feel like "a man" then it's easier to do it without him. What he is really asking for is a mother
Men who try to lead are attacked as misogynists, controlling or abusive. That’s what Feminism has done to our society.
Single women "acting like men" is simply getting things done. Rent and utilities don't pay themselves
Ever think that maybe they shouldn’t be living away from home until they’re married and have that support system? That’s why they have parents… to look after them until they get married and move out.
That’s the thing; for me it’s NOT a kink. It’s not sexual at all. It’s about how life should be properly lived.

Men who try to lead are attacked as misogynists, controlling or abusive. That’s what Feminism has done to our society.

Ever think that maybe they shouldn’t be living away from home until they’re married and have that support system? That’s why they have parents… to look after them until they get married and move out.
But, it is an actual kink. It's a lifestyle. There is an entire group of people that this is their norm and there is no backlash. What you want is to take this lifestyle and present it as vanilla and seem confused there is a backlash.

Now, in the vanilla world there is an ongoing conversation about men leading. That conversation does not go as far as your kink. However, it is notable because it highlights those issues that prevent men from leading. Nobody wants to be their partner's therapist. Nobody wants to deal with a bare minimum dude. Nobody wants to get locked into some type of role that is a job 24/7. Women have always worked outside of the home. Feminism was about some upper class white women.

So if you want to see more of men "leading" then they are going to have to address the issues. It's not that women don't need men. Its that women don't need shit men.

Ever take into consideration that women have been leaving home to hold jobs because in the US since the early1800s or are you living in that upper class mentality again? You need to check out who was working in those factories.
What you want is to take this lifestyle and present it as vanilla and seem confused there is a backlash
This IS a completely vanilla thing for me. It’s totally normal and is the way almost all of my family lives and always has.,
Nobody wants to be their partner's therapist. Nobody wants to deal with a bare minimum dude. Nobody wants to get locked into some type of role that is a job 24/7.
Life is not about what we want to do. It is about what we SHOULD do. That’s where people make the mistake… they think their wants/desires have no place in the discussion.
Ever take into consideration that women have been leaving home to hold jobs because in the US since the early1800s or are you living in that upper class mentality again? You need to check out who was working in those factories
My mother is the first female on either side of my family to have worked. She was a parochial school teacher for several years, and church musician for many years (part time only). She stopped teaching when she married my father. Neither of my grandmothers ever drove, voted, or worked outside the home; and they most definitely were not upper class.
The Real Men are suffering the casualties because most still think the War can be won fighting in a Chivalrous and Queensbury-esque manner.

We need to take the gloves off, screw the “high ground” and start fighting with the Total War philosophy. If the women want to act like they’re men, then they need to be ready to be attacked the way we attack each other… without rules, fighting dirty, and offering no quarter.

Women win every time. Just submit.
I would put a bullet in my own head before I submit to a woman in any way, shape, manner or form.,

They’ll beat you in court and they get to decide when they go to court. You have no say in the manner. Just protect yourself. Never talk to a woman. They are violent in ways you cannot imagine. Everybody is on their side regardless of the dispute.
They’ll beat you in court and they get to decide when they go to court. You have no say in the manner. Just protect yourself. Never talk to a woman. They are violent in ways you cannot imagine. Everybody is on their side regardless of the dispute
I have the paperwork to ensure I would win in court. Honestly, if I could go back in time and talk to mysel as a pre-teen/teen I’d give myself your exact advice… No women. EVER. No male friends either. Solitude is the way to go.
I have the paperwork to ensure I would win in court. Honestly, if I could go back in time and talk to mysel as a pre-teen/teen I’d give myself your exact advice… No women. EVER. No male friends either. Solitude is the way to go.

Men will tell you that you did a good job punching him in the face. If you give a woman a mean look she will destroy everything you touch and every person you know. Men are safe. Women are nuclear weapons that have already been activated. One day they will find the perfect object of revenge and unleash their full power. I’m terrified of women. That’s why women have historically been oppressed. They are lethal left to their own devices. I think we will see more and more of that as “equality” gains more ground. There is no equality. Either men are in charge or women are in charge. Now that I have experienced both I’d prefer men to be in charge.
This IS a completely vanilla thing for me. It’s totally normal and is the way almost all of my family lives and always has.,

Life is not about what we want to do. It is about what we SHOULD do. That’s where people make the mistake… they think their wants/desires have no place in the discussion.

My mother is the first female on either side of my family to have worked. She was a parochial school teacher for several years, and church musician for many years (part time only). She stopped teaching when she married my father. Neither of my grandmothers ever drove, voted, or worked outside the home; and they most definitely were not upper class.
You have to pretend there is no history or outside world to make that women working outside of the home was abnormal. Therefore, your issues have nothing to do with modern women and zero to do with any wave of feminism. Any. I'm telling you that as someone that will talk shit about many aspects of these waves. The fact that this fantasy lifestyle has been relegated to kink should indicate that this is no longer a norm because it most often indicates a lack of consent and DV.

Men can partner and have sex with anyone without an emotional attachment. That isn't how women operate (usually). For men to "lead" in a relationship she is going to have to trust him enough to let her guard down. It occurred to me earlier that you may not understand that because you have turned off your emotions since age 11 with the girlfriend that left. Do I have that right? It's imperative that men understand this little part because until they do women can and will do without.

Men that are emotionally unavailable have some trauma that they need work on. That's a fact. Women cannot and should not be their therapists or be so "understanding" that they are manipulated.

Life is about what is. Most of it is spent cleaning up the ramifications from generational trauma and abuse from the last group that decided to focus on what people SHOULD do. It's very easy to say that wants and desires are irrelevant when it's your partner's.
Men will tell you that you did a good job punching him in the face. If you give a woman a mean look she will destroy everything you touch and every person you know. Men are safe. Women are nuclear weapons that have already been activated. One day they will find the perfect object of revenge and unleash their full power. I’m terrified of women. That’s why women have historically been oppressed. They are lethal left to their own devices. I think we will see more and more of that as “equality” gains more ground. There is no equality. Either men are in charge or women are in charge. Now that I have experienced both I’d prefer men to be in charge.
#notallwomen are abusers. But many are. I am also terrified of women. Most Progressives believe in very repressive Gender Roles for men and consider such sentiment unmanly.

About 18.9% of young women versus 6.1% of young men have perpetrated unilateral violence against their partners. Here.

Sadly, I see many women online demonizing men -- an order of magnitude more then vice versa. My own criticism of women is an order of magnitude milder then many celebrities and politicians criticism of men.
You have to pretend there is no history or outside world to make that women working outside of the home was abnormal
It may not have been uncommon, but it was still inappropriate. Just because something happens doesn’t mean it’s Right.
The fact that this fantasy lifestyle has been relegated to kink should indicate that this is no longer a norm because it most often indicates a lack of consent and DV
Just because it’s no longer the norm doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be the norm. Our Society has left almost every shred of morality and decency behind in the last century.
It occurred to me earlier that you may not understand that because you have turned off your emotions since age 11 with the girlfriend that left. Do I have that right?
I turned off my emotions long before I met Karen in 4th grade. She’s the one person who had been able to start turning them back on, then poof, she was gone and I was alone again. I vowed to never make that mistake again, and I never have.
It's very easy to say that wants and desires are irrelevant when it's your partner's.
My wants and desires are no more relevant than anyone else’s. I didn’t WANT to get up and go to work this morning. I don’t WANT to pay this week’s bills today, but I will. I don’t WANT to do most of the things I do on any given day of my life; but I do them be at they’re my responsibility and they need to get done.
It may not have been uncommon, but it was still inappropriate. Just because something happens doesn’t mean it’s Right.

Just because it’s no longer the norm doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be the norm. Our Society has left almost every shred of morality and decency behind in the last century.

I turned off my emotions long before I met Karen in 4th grade. She’s the one person who had been able to start turning them back on, then poof, she was gone and I was alone again. I vowed to never make that mistake again, and I never have.

My wants and desires are no more relevant than anyone else’s. I didn’t WANT to get up and go to work this morning. I don’t WANT to pay this week’s bills today, but I will. I don’t WANT to do most of the things I do on any given day of my life; but I do them be at they’re my responsibility and they need to get done.
No, I'm sorry. I will never agree that any lifestyle not based on consent is acceptable. No manipulation, no coercion, no targeting people that are incapable of making that decision (very young, mentally ill, low IQ, etc.) The individual that you meet at one time period will evolve and grow over time because that is what humans naturally do. Your "should" appears to prevent this process and appears to be more of a trap. Preventing access to the outside world will prevent that growth. That is the point you are trying to push. You are basically saying that because you (general you) can't control the outside world then you will control this individual over here.

There has never been a "moral" time period in history. Never. There has been a lot of upper classes that pretend that things are not happening in the out of sight out of mind life.

Work is a responsibility. As far as I am concerned, that isn't even up for debate. Like electricity? Ya gotta pay the bill.
No, I'm sorry. I will never agree that any lifestyle not based on consent is acceptable
Who ever suggested this is not consensual? My wife approached me. She knew full well what she was getting into. I made that abundantly clear from our first conversation on.
Your "should" appears to prevent this process and appears to be more of a trap
Should is about people taking care of their duties and responsibilities. It’s about not being allowed to ignore the roles and duties we all have based on our gender and class in Society.
You are basically saying that because you (general you) can't control the outside world then you will control this individual over here
No. What I’m saying is that I believe the world in general Should Not be allowed to ignore these duties and responsibilities just because certain groups don’t like them anymore. Our entire Society has gone to rot because we are ignoring these roles and duties.
What I’m saying is that I believe the world in general Should Not be allowed to ignore these duties and responsibilities just because certain groups don’t like them anymore. Our entire Society has gone to rot because we are ignoring these roles and duties.
We agree on some points -- men are treated very unfairly in Modern Society.

We disagree on other points -- you are very Conservative and I am a Brogressive. I agree with Liberals on every point except their Misandry and view of men as oppressors.
Who ever suggested this is not consensual? My wife approached me. She knew full well what she was getting into. I made that abundantly clear from our first conversation on.
The agreement that you have is allegedly consensual. The world you are promoting is not.
Should is about people taking care of their duties and responsibilities. It’s about not being allowed to ignore the roles and duties we all have based on our gender and class in Society.
Should is shit. You don't get to make that decision for the rest of society.
No. What I’m saying is that I believe the world in general Should Not be allowed to ignore these duties and responsibilities just because certain groups don’t like them anymore. Our entire Society has gone to rot because we are ignoring these roles and duties.
For you those roles and responsibilities have to be defined, designed and forced on women by men to create a fictional 1950s fantasy.
What do Modern women offer Tradutional Men, realationship-wise?

This topic of conversation has come up several times recently in the social circles I travel in. Especially among the twenty-something’s I interact with from time to time.

I’m interested to see if the USMB crowd can come up with any positive traits that modern women offer more traditionally oriented males when it comes to relationships. I’ve been pretty much stumped, personally.
What do modern men have to offer?
1 out of 5 of them under the age of 21 identify as Gay/Bi/Trans. That is 20% for the less educated.
Another 1 out of 5 besides those are equally effeminate as girls are, you can't tell them apart by their mannerisms.
Another 4 out of 5 play video games 12 hours a day.

Shall I go on?
The world you are promoting is not
I don’t believe in a world where people have options. I don’t believe in Rights. I barely believe in Privileges.
Should is shit. You don't get to make that decision for the rest of society
Someone sure as fuck needs to, if we’re ever going to have the slightest chance to save this country, no, this SPECIES from Tito destruction.
For you those roles and responsibilities have to be defined, designed and forced on women by men to create a fictional 1950s fantasy
Roles, Responsibilities and Duties need to be laid out and defined for both genders and every class of people if we are to have ANY chance to save ourselves from the path to oblivion thst we’ve placed ourselves on in the last century.

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