What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

  • Estremist Islamic terrorists who want to murder millions

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Everyone knows the greatest threat to America is Obamacare

I heard it on FoxNews
There is zero reason for me to demonstrate that I am not a communist.

There is zero way you can.

Just so you know, not liking the word doesn't make you not one. Believing the planks of the Communist manifesto does. If you read them unbiasedly, you would realize that is exactly what you support like the rest of the Democratic party.

Again you are the guy who says I'm a conservative not a libertarian and you can't produce a single example to support that as well. You're dearth support both ways

I said you were a libertopian. I'm not a Democrat. I am registered as an Independent. I am a chic.

Doesn't matter how you register if you always vote Democrat

You have no idea how I vote or when I vote or whom I vote for. You got nothing. Again.

Well, as long as you constantly post in line with every other leftist democrat, don't feign indignation when you are called on it
kaz said:
More afraid of that then the toddlers you say are worse, yes

That's not an answer Kaz, old boy. Are they "the GREATEST threat"?

You are still more likely to be killed by a toddler...or furniture...than you are an Islamic terrorist.

You're the one who has been terrified about machine gun wielding toddlers. Now you're afraid of being attacked by furniture? Is this office furniture out of curiosity or household furniture?

One more question, in hindsight, was stopping taking your medication a good idea?
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There is zero reason for me to demonstrate that I am not a communist.

There is zero way you can.

Just so you know, not liking the word doesn't make you not one. Believing the planks of the Communist manifesto does. If you read them unbiasedly, you would realize that is exactly what you support like the rest of the Democratic party.

Again you are the guy who says I'm a conservative not a libertarian and you can't produce a single example to support that as well. You're dearth support both ways

I said you were a libertopian. I'm not a Democrat. I am registered as an Independent. I am a chic.

Doesn't matter how you register if you always vote Democrat

You have no idea how I vote or when I vote or whom I vote for. You got nothing. Again.

Well, as long as you constantly post in line with every other leftist democrat, don't feign indignation when you are called on it

Grow up.

I like that one. The big difference between the liberal delusion expect government to act in other people's interest when even selfish, greedy liberals don't do it on their own dime when they have a choice and the conservative delusion we can be free with government owning our bodies and both who think endlessly meddling in other countrie's shit is that libertopia actually works because it's based on how the actual world works and how people really are. In libertopia, we act in our own interest and respect the right of other's to do the same. That is how people actually work

Is THAT how you justify it?

Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's not enough to fail in other countries.
I don't think many who label themselves as Libertarian want a full out Libertarian government. It's too extreme and everyone knows that would fail.

We don't? It would? Why is that? I don't think it would fail at all. Neither did the founding fathers. That took a couple centuries for the leaches to overrrun it
I like that one. The big difference between the liberal delusion expect government to act in other people's interest when even selfish, greedy liberals don't do it on their own dime when they have a choice and the conservative delusion we can be free with government owning our bodies and both who think endlessly meddling in other countrie's shit is that libertopia actually works because it's based on how the actual world works and how people really are. In libertopia, we act in our own interest and respect the right of other's to do the same. That is how people actually work

Is THAT how you justify it?

Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's not enough to fail in other countries.
I don't think many who label themselves as Libertarian want a full out Libertarian government. It's too extreme and everyone knows that would fail.

Sure they do-up until they grow up and realize the world doesn't exactly revolve around them or until they get screwed.

Yes, wanting to decide what to do with money we earned? Clearly that means we think the world revolves around us. You taking money you didn't earn is recognizing you're not the only one. Remember that the next time you are robbed. Not wanting to turn over your wallet just meant you think the world revolves around you.

Hey do you realize you are with the leftists on this? What a coincidence right after I said you're a leftist. Odd, very odd
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind
You asked a question, and then gave us all the answer you wanted.


So why is this topic here, exactly?

You mean because as a leftist zombie you don't know how to disagree with what you are told?
You asked a question, and then gave us all the answer you wanted.


So why is this topic here, exactly?

You mean because as a leftist zombie you don't know how to disagree with what you are told?

Your straw man skills are weak, grasshopper.

See the post I made right after that one.
Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Right, I think people act in their own interest, so we should design a system for that.

You think that people will act in other people's interest when liberals don't do squat on your own yourself and you're fine with liberals cheating on their taxes while they advocate higher rates, but a system which is designed on people acting in other people's interest will still work.

And I'm the one who's not "practical." And my system doesn't work, but yours does. You're not very observant, are you? You think your system is working? Wow

What system is it that you think that I have?

Most of your alleged liberals are absolutely about the free market bullshit. So are your right wingers. I guess that happens when you turn people into drooling imbeciles that walk around and mumble socialist or communist.

Here's a thought, stop advocating the planks of the communist manifesto and maybe people will stop thinking you're a communist.

I do like how when I advocate libertarian philosophy you call me a conservative while whining that I don't accurately address your views when the only views you advocate are left wing. I advocate fiscal conservatism like conservatives, but I also oppose morality laws and our military involved in foreign wars and want defense slashed and defensive focused. If you read, I advocate those consistently on the board. Whatever non-liberal views you have you are keeping to yourself.

So we have according to you I'm a conservative when I am consistently libertarian and you're not liberal while you're consistently liberal. Take off the blindfold, honey
Is THAT how you justify it?

Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's not enough to fail in other countries.
I don't think many who label themselves as Libertarian want a full out Libertarian government. It's too extreme and everyone knows that would fail.

Sure they do-up until they grow up and realize the world doesn't exactly revolve around them or until they get screwed.
Libertarianism is the new modern way in a world that thinks the US owes them for every atrocity committed by humans. We need to start looking out for US interest instead of appeasing everyone else.

I'm not sure I'd say that
Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Right, I think people act in their own interest, so we should design a system for that.

You think that people will act in other people's interest when liberals don't do squat on your own yourself and you're fine with liberals cheating on their taxes while they advocate higher rates, but a system which is designed on people acting in other people's interest will still work.

And I'm the one who's not "practical." And my system doesn't work, but yours does. You're not very observant, are you? You think your system is working? Wow

What system is it that you think that I have?

Most of your alleged liberals are absolutely about the free market bullshit. So are your right wingers. I guess that happens when you turn people into drooling imbeciles that walk around and mumble socialist or communist.

Here's a thought, stop advocating the planks of the communist manifesto and maybe people will stop thinking you're a communist.

I do like how when I advocate libertarian philosophy you call me a conservative while whining that I don't accurately address your views when the only views you advocate are left wing. I advocate fiscal conservatism like conservatives, but I also oppose morality laws and our military involved in foreign wars and want defense slashed and defensive focused. If you read, I advocate those consistently on the board. Whatever non-liberal views you have you are keeping to yourself.

So we have according to you I'm a conservative when I am consistently libertarian and you're not liberal while you're consistently liberal. Take off the blindfold, honey
Is THAT how you justify it?

Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's not enough to fail in other countries.
I don't think many who label themselves as Libertarian want a full out Libertarian government. It's too extreme and everyone knows that would fail.

Sure they do-up until they grow up and realize the world doesn't exactly revolve around them or until they get screwed.
Libertarianism is the new modern way in a world that thinks the US owes them for every atrocity committed by humans. We need to start looking out for US interest instead of appeasing everyone else.

There's more to it than that, but that's certainly true
What do libruls want? Well, Ima gonna tell ya because you will probably get it wrong.

They want to destroy Merka, give Iran nukular bombs, put us all in FEMA camps, and suck off donkeys.

Discuss, as long as you agree with me.
I like that one. The big difference between the liberal delusion expect government to act in other people's interest when even selfish, greedy liberals don't do it on their own dime when they have a choice and the conservative delusion we can be free with government owning our bodies and both who think endlessly meddling in other countrie's shit is that libertopia actually works because it's based on how the actual world works and how people really are. In libertopia, we act in our own interest and respect the right of other's to do the same. That is how people actually work

Is THAT how you justify it?

Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's not enough to fail in other countries.
I don't think many who label themselves as Libertarian want a full out Libertarian government. It's too extreme and everyone knows that would fail.

We don't? It would? Why is that? I don't think it would fail at all. Neither did the founding fathers. That took a couple centuries for the leaches to overrrun it
Complete deregulation and isolation is not a good way to go. You could have poisoned foods sold to you. So much danger in a pure libertarian world. It depends how far you go with libertarian beliefs.
There is zero way you can.

Just so you know, not liking the word doesn't make you not one. Believing the planks of the Communist manifesto does. If you read them unbiasedly, you would realize that is exactly what you support like the rest of the Democratic party.

Again you are the guy who says I'm a conservative not a libertarian and you can't produce a single example to support that as well. You're dearth support both ways

I said you were a libertopian. I'm not a Democrat. I am registered as an Independent. I am a chic.

Doesn't matter how you register if you always vote Democrat

You have no idea how I vote or when I vote or whom I vote for. You got nothing. Again.

Well, as long as you constantly post in line with every other leftist democrat, don't feign indignation when you are called on it

Grow up.

Grow a pair
You asked a question, and then gave us all the answer you wanted.


So why is this topic here, exactly?

You mean because as a leftist zombie you don't know how to disagree with what you are told?

Your straw man skills are weak, grasshopper.

See the post I made right after that one.

That doesn't fit the definition of a straw man, simpleton. I said "you mean." Learn your fallacies so you look less stupid. Not looking stupid is beyond you, but you could at least look less...
What do libruls want? Well, Ima gonna tell ya because you will probably get it wrong.

They want to destroy Merka, give Iran nukular bombs, put us all in FEMA camps, and suck off donkeys.

Discuss, as long as you agree with me.

What a pussy. So you needed an invitation on a message board according to your feminine needs?

OK, my dear. What do you think about my opinion? And more importantly, how do you feel about it? I very much want to know, please participate in our open, hand holding discussion.

LOL, what a vagina
Is THAT how you justify it?

Justify what?

You're very, very idealistic. Not very practical. When it comes down to it, libertopia is fine ideal but it doesn't work and when it doesn't work then it's One True Scotsman time.
Libertopian think tanks:
Category Libertarian think tanks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's not enough to fail in other countries.
I don't think many who label themselves as Libertarian want a full out Libertarian government. It's too extreme and everyone knows that would fail.

We don't? It would? Why is that? I don't think it would fail at all. Neither did the founding fathers. That took a couple centuries for the leaches to overrrun it
Complete deregulation and isolation is not a good way to go. You could have poisoned foods sold to you. So much danger in a pure libertarian world. It depends how far you go with libertarian beliefs.

I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist

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