What do the Republicans stand for exactly?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

I can't speak for Republicans, but I stand for the National Anthem and when a lady enters the room.

Politics is like making sausage. Don't watch if you ever want to eat sausage....
Sex, drugs and rock an roll
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

To whom is the majority of the debt of USA.INC owed to? Think about it............
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

Yet another example of a leftist desperately invoking Alinsky's Rule No. 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own rules."

Obama pissed away almost $10 trillion dollars, effectively doubling the national debt that took all of the other Presidents to run up. And you're bitching about a measly $1 trillion?
They don't stand for anything. Neither do the democrats.

Actually, they stand for whatever they think will keep them in office.

True, and whose fault is that? Five members of the USSC who pretended that money = Free Speech. Unless and until the two CU decisions are overruled, we will no longer have a democracy in America.

The GOP has gotten what they wanted, a nation of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Anyone who denies this is a liar or a stupid and biddable fool.
First, Congress Republicans are filled with RINOs that distort conservative thinking. But here’s the plan.

1) Unleash the economy through lower corporate tax rates...Lib’s think this just lines the pockets of the rich but really it generates tons of jobs and investment in America...since unemployment is already super low we will see wages rise.

2) Economic growth has amazing mathematic power to generate revenue and this will offset much of the revenue gap that the GAO static model predicts

3) Come back in the next couple years and slash out a bunch of uneccessary govt

End state is lower taxes and less govt. will it happen...prob not bc RINOs lack conviction.
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They don't stand for anything. Neither do the democrats.

Actually, they stand for whatever they think will keep them in office.

True, and whose fault is that? Five members of the USSC who pretended that money = Free Speech. Unless and until the two CU decisions are overruled, we will no longer have a democracy in America.

The GOP has gotten what they wanted, a nation of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Anyone who denies this is a liar or a stupid and biddable fool.

Seriously, you are an idiot and you have no clue about the nature of the cage. You have no idea as to how this debt slavery system actually works or who the real owners of USA.INC are. You don't even realize that this country was formed as a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Barrypuppet was a big time tool of the Wall street bankers that also own the Federal Reserve. Quantitative Easing? Remember THAT program under the Barrypuppet where the Fed tossed out cheap federal reserve notes that the .00001 percent got first access to that caused the purchasing power of the fiat dollar to buy less and less? Of course you don't.....you just bitch about shit while having little to no education on how things actually work. You are more to be pitied than scolded.
They don't stand for anything. Neither do the democrats.

Actually, they stand for whatever they think will keep them in office.

True, and whose fault is that? Five members of the USSC who pretended that money = Free Speech. Unless and until the two CU decisions are overruled, we will no longer have a democracy in America.

The GOP has gotten what they wanted, a nation of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Anyone who denies this is a liar or a stupid and biddable fool.

True, and whose fault is that? Five members of the USSC who pretended that money = Free Speech.

I know......creating a movie critical of Hillary must not be allowed!!!
Here is a post I wrote on my FB page two years ago and it is germane to the topic at hand.

"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations.
But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.
The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order."
Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

All of this started coming to fruition with the creation of the Club Of Rome in 1969 by the U.N and the Committee of 300 whose sole purpose was to bring about the demise of the middle class. They started with the killing of decent blue collar jobs in manufacturing by introducing draconian environmental regulations that shut down most of our steel plants. They took away the tariffs on foreign import cars that hurt Detroit that had to compete with cheap labor produced vehicles. Due to the unfair competition and the thuggish tactics of the unions, the big three automakers had to cut corners in order to compete while paying union wages which led to a lack of quality and dependability of their vehicles during the 70's and 80's. The textile industry was next....at one time all of our clothes were made in the United States and with high standards...that was also out-sourced to foreign countries that run sweat shops. They went after the farmers by getting them into debt via the bankers and then manipulating the price of their crops so that they couldn't turn a profit. Banks foreclose, a major corporation buys it up for pennies on the dollar. There hasn't been an oil refinery built in this country since 1980 and many were shut down and closed in the mid to late 80's killing thousands upon thousands of decent paying jobs. Manufacturing jobs have been disappearing for the last 23 years with the passing of NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT. I was stunned to learn that 51 percent of the people in this country make 30K or less a year...that is 15 bucks an hour and 34 percent make 20K or less. 71 percent of those employed make 50K or less a year and with a dollar that loses 3 percent of it's value due to inflation every year? You can see how well their plan has worked. Poor people are easier to control and they leave less of a carbon footprint It just stuns me to see how well their plan has worked and how few people actually understand how it happened.
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

When were they ever against debt? Reagan and his goons busted the budget in the eighties.
They don't stand for anything. Neither do the democrats.

Actually, they stand for whatever they think will keep them in office.

True, and whose fault is that? Five members of the USSC who pretended that money = Free Speech. Unless and until the two CU decisions are overruled, we will no longer have a democracy in America.

The GOP has gotten what they wanted, a nation of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Anyone who denies this is a liar or a stupid and biddable fool.

Seriously, you are an idiot and you have no clue about the nature of the cage. You have no idea as to how this debt slavery system actually works or who the real owners of USA.INC are. You don't even realize that this country was formed as a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Barrypuppet was a big time tool of the Wall street bankers that also own the Federal Reserve. Quantitative Easing? Remember THAT program under the Barrypuppet where the Fed tossed out cheap federal reserve notes that the .00001 percent got first access to that caused the purchasing power of the fiat dollar to buy less and less? Of course you don't.....you just bitch about shit while having little to no education on how things actually work. You are more to be pitied than scolded.

Quantitative Easing? Remember THAT program under the Barrypuppet where the Fed tossed out cheap federal reserve notes that the .00001 percent got first access to

You were free to sell your Treasury Bonds to the Fed.
You'll have to explain why selling an interest paying bond and getting non interest paying FRNs would be a benefit.
They don't stand for anything. Neither do the democrats.

Actually, they stand for whatever they think will keep them in office.

True, and whose fault is that? Five members of the USSC who pretended that money = Free Speech. Unless and until the two CU decisions are overruled, we will no longer have a democracy in America.

The GOP has gotten what they wanted, a nation of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Anyone who denies this is a liar or a stupid and biddable fool.

It’s funny that you think GOP is for the rich and Dems are for the poor. The “noble” vs the “evil”...and you of course are noble! Conservatism (as an economic principle) seeks to unleash the economy to help everyone do better...including the poor. Liberals think that high taxes and ample redistribution is the way to help the poor. Reality is the best answers lie somewhere in between and both sides serve an important role in the push and pull. If either side had 100% free reign we would probably end up in a worse place. I mean we don’t want to go back to the Industrial Revolution or become full fledged Socialists right? Sorry but all conservatives aren’t “evil” people that want to trod all over the poor.

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