What do the Republicans stand for exactly?

We have been through this before. It is called trickle down, a euphemism for 'Piss on the Peon".

Let the rich asshole control the red deplorable areas! We blue county's need to secede and laugh from afar at these assholes.
All you worthless leftists just head to California, put a fence around it, rename it Utopia, and live off each other until your final journey to hell.

This is not an ad hominem, it is a statement of facts: You are a fool!

Lol! And the butthurt continues....

I swear on my life, you are in the set of the dumbest 10% of regular posters on this entire forum.
And it's you that needs a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you. That makes you, well, irrelevant.
What do they stand for? Being ruled over by a few percent of rich at the top and everyone else is expected to be serfs. That is what republicans believe in....The serfs don't deserve education, medical care or anything based on republican belief.

Republican belief is pure shit.
It seems you have changed your screen name. What's up with that?



Changed gender too...........
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

I can't speak for Republicans, but I stand for the National Anthem and when a lady enters the room.

Politics is like making sausage. Don't watch if you ever want to eat sausage....

Well, we're talking about the Republicans, not you.
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

Yet another example of a leftist desperately invoking Alinsky's Rule No. 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own rules."

Obama pissed away almost $10 trillion dollars, effectively doubling the national debt that took all of the other Presidents to run up. And you're bitching about a measly $1 trillion?

How have you brought Obama into your deflection?

If the Republicans stand for something, then surely they stand for it no matter what the other side do.

"a measly $1 trillion", you can send me a measly $1 trillion if you think it's just measly and it's not worth much.
One thing they stand for...the national anthem.

Which means what?

The Anthem is symbolism of Nationalism. Do they stand for Nationalism? Probably, like the wall, doesn't do anything, it just stands for them wasting money on simple symbolism.

How much money did the Dept of Defense waste on the NFL to promote such Nationalism?
First, Congress Republicans are filled with RINOs that distort conservative thinking. But here’s the plan.

1) Unleash the economy through lower corporate tax rates...Lib’s think this just lines the pockets of the rich but really it generates tons of jobs and investment in America...since unemployment is already super low we will see wages rise.

2) Economic growth has amazing mathematic power to generate revenue and this will offset much of the revenue gap that the GAO static model predicts

3) Come back in the next couple years and slash out a bunch of uneccessary govt

End state is lower taxes and less govt. will it happen...prob not bc RINOs lack conviction.

  1. BULLSHIT: If and only if the Tax Bill provided a tax credit, and not a tax cut to corperate earning overseas you might have a point, if and only if the money repatriated was used to expand the business in the States and hire US Citizens.
  2. Trickle down has never worked. Period, end of fantasy.
  3. Cutting government results in increasing unemployment.
    1. Gov't employees are cut
    2. Services are cut (restaurants, dry cleaners, etc. and their emloyees are cut.
    3. Stores close
    4. Real estate values depreciate.

Both the Kennedy and Reagan corporate tax cuts didn't cause Armageddon and misery. None of us really know if they increased or decreased govt revenue because you can't find 2 economists who agree on the issue because its not a controlled experiment.

By your logic if we all worked for the government then services would increase (illegal aliens can provide the services since all us citizens work for the govt) and more stores will open and our real estate prices will go up forever? We will all be thrilled with the wonderful products churned out by our efficient government agencies which provide exactly the things we are told we need and want. How that gets distributed is a bit of an issue. Instead of pouting Dems should have participated and got federal minimum wage boosted to $10/hr. in return for support. It is due for a boost anyway. But they are all geniuses like you!
Last edited:
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.
I answered this issue-question back when Willard Mitt Romney was running for POTUS -- the GOP stands for more tax cuts for the rich and more oil drilling everywhere.
One thing they stand for...the national anthem.

Which means what?

The Anthem is symbolism of Nationalism. Do they stand for Nationalism? Probably, like the wall, doesn't do anything, it just stands for them wasting money on simple symbolism.

How much money did the Dept of Defense waste on the NFL to promote such Nationalism?

What's wrong with being proud of your country? What's wrong with having symbolic things that we do together to remember that we have a common set of values? Everyone wants to fight about all the middle ground as if we were enemies but some of us who have seen some crappier places in the world realize that it is an honor and a privilege to live in a country that holds the collective values that we hold (in spite of disagreements on issues). Without pride in our country who will serve in our military? Gotta realize the world is a rough place and unless you're a tough guy you end up subservient to another tough guy. American values are good so we should be proud and be tough so we can stand down the rest of the kleptocratic bullies who lead so many other countries and REALLY don't care about their citizens.
One thing they stand for...the national anthem.

Which means what?

The Anthem is symbolism of Nationalism. Do they stand for Nationalism? Probably, like the wall, doesn't do anything, it just stands for them wasting money on simple symbolism.

How much money did the Dept of Defense waste on the NFL to promote such Nationalism?

What's wrong with being proud of your country? What's wrong with having symbolic things that we do together to remember that we have a common set of values? Everyone wants to fight about all the middle ground as if we were enemies but some of us who have seen some crappier places in the world realize that it is an honor and a privilege to live in a country that holds the collective values that we hold (in spite of disagreements on issues). Without pride in our country who will serve in our military? Gotta realize the world is a rough place and unless you're a tough guy you end up subservient to another tough guy. American values are good so we should be proud and be tough so we can stand down the rest of the kleptocratic bullies who lead so many other countries and REALLY don't care about their citizens.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with being proud of your country. What is wrong is when people try and force patriotism on to you, tell you that patriotism is being proud of the bits they like and not the bits you like. All of that crap.

Nothing wrong with symbolism either. HOWEVER if you have symbolism you have to accept that it will represent the GOOD and the BAD. Now, many on the right are trying to force people not to see the bad stuff and associate it with the symbols.

The Christian Church dealt with this by shouting "blasphemy" at anyone they couldn't control in this manner.

Now the right is shouting "you're not patriotic" at them.

Same shit.

Yes, without patriotism who would go abroad to risk their life so that rich Americans can get richer over your dead body? I understand what Nationalism and Patriotism is used for. And there are MANY reasons why it needs to be attacked and brought back to reality.
One thing they stand for...the national anthem.

Which means what?

The Anthem is symbolism of Nationalism. Do they stand for Nationalism? Probably, like the wall, doesn't do anything, it just stands for them wasting money on simple symbolism.

How much money did the Dept of Defense waste on the NFL to promote such Nationalism?

What's wrong with being proud of your country? What's wrong with having symbolic things that we do together to remember that we have a common set of values? Everyone wants to fight about all the middle ground as if we were enemies but some of us who have seen some crappier places in the world realize that it is an honor and a privilege to live in a country that holds the collective values that we hold (in spite of disagreements on issues). Without pride in our country who will serve in our military? Gotta realize the world is a rough place and unless you're a tough guy you end up subservient to another tough guy. American values are good so we should be proud and be tough so we can stand down the rest of the kleptocratic bullies who lead so many other countries and REALLY don't care about their citizens.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with being proud of your country. What is wrong is when people try and force patriotism on to you, tell you that patriotism is being proud of the bits they like and not the bits you like. All of that crap.

Nothing wrong with symbolism either. HOWEVER if you have symbolism you have to accept that it will represent the GOOD and the BAD. Now, many on the right are trying to force people not to see the bad stuff and associate it with the symbols.

The Christian Church dealt with this by shouting "blasphemy" at anyone they couldn't control in this manner.

Now the right is shouting "you're not patriotic" at them.

Same shit.

Yes, without patriotism who would go abroad to risk their life so that rich Americans can get richer over your dead body? I understand what Nationalism and Patriotism is used for. And there are MANY reasons why it needs to be attacked and brought back to reality.

I understand your point. Nationalism/patriotism has been used for millennia to convince young men to throw themselves on the sword for the benefit of the upper few. I spent two years fighting in Iraq because I took an oath to serve this nation. I welcome a healthy debate on the sense of that war and the people should always hold the govt in check for these kinds of things. But...in your original statement you clearly equate our National Anthem to nationalism which you think is bad. I think our shared symbols stand for our ideals...and we should recognize that it is a struggle to obtain those ideals and our history is full of successes and failures. But those failures, past and present, aren't reason to abandon our common ideals. Kneeling for the anthem actually hurts their cause because it makes many people less sensitive to a cause that most would normally support.
Republicans stand for blatant hypocrisy - take their new tax law for instance. It only adds $1 trillion to the debt so its a sweet deal.

Before Trump came in the picture this country couldn't stand another cent added to our debt or we were going to be doomed to certain demise.

Fukem all.
One thing they stand for...the national anthem.

Which means what?

The Anthem is symbolism of Nationalism. Do they stand for Nationalism? Probably, like the wall, doesn't do anything, it just stands for them wasting money on simple symbolism.

How much money did the Dept of Defense waste on the NFL to promote such Nationalism?

What's wrong with being proud of your country? What's wrong with having symbolic things that we do together to remember that we have a common set of values? Everyone wants to fight about all the middle ground as if we were enemies but some of us who have seen some crappier places in the world realize that it is an honor and a privilege to live in a country that holds the collective values that we hold (in spite of disagreements on issues). Without pride in our country who will serve in our military? Gotta realize the world is a rough place and unless you're a tough guy you end up subservient to another tough guy. American values are good so we should be proud and be tough so we can stand down the rest of the kleptocratic bullies who lead so many other countries and REALLY don't care about their citizens.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with being proud of your country. What is wrong is when people try and force patriotism on to you, tell you that patriotism is being proud of the bits they like and not the bits you like. All of that crap.

Nothing wrong with symbolism either. HOWEVER if you have symbolism you have to accept that it will represent the GOOD and the BAD. Now, many on the right are trying to force people not to see the bad stuff and associate it with the symbols.

The Christian Church dealt with this by shouting "blasphemy" at anyone they couldn't control in this manner.

Now the right is shouting "you're not patriotic" at them.

Same shit.

Yes, without patriotism who would go abroad to risk their life so that rich Americans can get richer over your dead body? I understand what Nationalism and Patriotism is used for. And there are MANY reasons why it needs to be attacked and brought back to reality.

I understand your point. Nationalism/patriotism has been used for millennia to convince young men to throw themselves on the sword for the benefit of the upper few. I spent two years fighting in Iraq because I took an oath to serve this nation. I welcome a healthy debate on the sense of that war and the people should always hold the govt in check for these kinds of things. But...in your original statement you clearly equate our National Anthem to nationalism which you think is bad. I think our shared symbols stand for our ideals...and we should recognize that it is a struggle to obtain those ideals and our history is full of successes and failures. But those failures, past and present, aren't reason to abandon our common ideals. Kneeling for the anthem actually hurts their cause because it makes many people less sensitive to a cause that most would normally support.

The US has good things and bad thing, but I'm pointing to the bad things because I don't need to point to the good things, people are doing that already.

The anthem is a symbol of both good and bad, and when people protest, they have the right to do so and they shouldn't be ignored. They're saying what is wrong with the country, and there's a lot wrong with it.

Kneeling for the anthem didn't hurt the cause.

You have to remember, some people will always be angry when people protest something they're not interested in. But they listened, we know they listened because they were angry. What else could these people have done? Nothing legal, nothing legal that would have made these people take notice.
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

It's quite simple, republicans care about illegal, Kenyan debt but Saint Ronnie proved that deplorable deficits don't matter

And republicans consistently stand for enriching their corporate cronies, keeping the MIC happy with ever more $$$ and wars/regime changes, making sure the peasants don't get any funny ideas about socialism and promoting family values

Democrats consistently stand for enriching their corporate cronies, keeping the MIC happy with ever more $$$ and wars/regime changes, making sure the peasants don't get any funny ideas about socialism and promoting gay marriage/transgender bathrooms.....

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

Do you mean "republicans" or /Trump/ republicans?

While the democrats quietly rolled over and allowed folks with socialist and communist ideas to take over their party, the Republican party is in the midst of a [rather hostile] take over by right leaning folks who despise "establishment" republicans. At the moment I do not believe that there is a really solid "belief" that the R party is going to walk out of this civil war with so the chances of finding anything "consistent" from say prior R's to today's R's is less likely.

I will say that if /Trump/ republican's come out on top in their coup, I might join the beautiful bastards instead of my traditional stance of disliking BOTH parties as useless fucks.
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

Do you mean "republicans" or /Trump/ republicans?

While the democrats quietly rolled over and allowed folks with socialist and communist ideas to take over their party, the Republican party is in the midst of a [rather hostile] take over by right leaning folks who despise "establishment" republicans. At the moment I do not believe that there is a really solid "belief" that the R party is going to walk out of this civil war with so the chances of finding anything "consistent" from say prior R's to today's R's is less likely.

I will say that if /Trump/ republican's come out on top in their coup, I might join the beautiful bastards instead of my traditional stance of disliking BOTH parties as useless fucks.

Well, that's part of the problem of saying "Republicans", what does it mean in a country with 330 million people and only two political parties?

However they PRETEND they stand for something, that often isn't the case.
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

Do you mean "republicans" or /Trump/ republicans?

While the democrats quietly rolled over and allowed folks with socialist and communist ideas to take over their party, the Republican party is in the midst of a [rather hostile] take over by right leaning folks who despise "establishment" republicans. At the moment I do not believe that there is a really solid "belief" that the R party is going to walk out of this civil war with so the chances of finding anything "consistent" from say prior R's to today's R's is less likely.

I will say that if /Trump/ republican's come out on top in their coup, I might join the beautiful bastards instead of my traditional stance of disliking BOTH parties as useless fucks.

Well, that's part of the problem of saying "Republicans", what does it mean in a country with 330 million people and only two political parties?

However they PRETEND they stand for something, that often isn't the case.

What do Democrats stand for? They pretend they stand for shit then hypocrite all over the place too. Both parties are trying to encompass too fucking much shit, we need more than two parties.
Since 1998 when Speaker Newt was "couped," the GOP has had a one sentence platform:

The US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand ISRAEL

end of GOP "platform..."
Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts

Debt Concerns, Once a Core Republican Tenet, Take a Back Seat to Tax Cuts"

Yes, the Republicans used to be against debt. Now they're for debt. Er... okay, so, what do the Republicans stand for and consistently stand for?

My view is they stand for themselves, the rich themselves, and nothing else matters. They're seeing a chance for an early Christmas present and they've just gone and bought it for themselves.

Do you mean "republicans" or /Trump/ republicans?

While the democrats quietly rolled over and allowed folks with socialist and communist ideas to take over their party, the Republican party is in the midst of a [rather hostile] take over by right leaning folks who despise "establishment" republicans. At the moment I do not believe that there is a really solid "belief" that the R party is going to walk out of this civil war with so the chances of finding anything "consistent" from say prior R's to today's R's is less likely.

I will say that if /Trump/ republican's come out on top in their coup, I might join the beautiful bastards instead of my traditional stance of disliking BOTH parties as useless fucks.

Well, that's part of the problem of saying "Republicans", what does it mean in a country with 330 million people and only two political parties?

However they PRETEND they stand for something, that often isn't the case.

What do Democrats stand for? They pretend they stand for shit then hypocrite all over the place too. Both parties are trying to encompass too fucking much shit, we need more than two parties.

Wait, did you see Democrats in the title? No? Well that's because this isn't about Democrats. Stick to the topic.

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