What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.

No one goes to Q, Nazi. Q is only relevant to fascist leftists who made up a boogie man no one else has ever heard of
Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.
The fuck are you talking about? Q nut? I don't follow Qanon or any other group. I simply follow the Constitution, the Law, and common sense. I see you lack a great deal in the latter. BTW, the word is "There" not "Their".

Time for you to STFU

Sneak up behind the fascist paranoid leftists and say "boo" just for gun and watch them hit the roof
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill
It has Biden's name on it.

Say no more! Say no more!
DECEMBER 22, 2020
Statement of Support for Bipartisan Pandemic Relief Legislation
Before people vote this November, they should remember one thing. Donald Trump gave us $1,200 stimulus payments, plus $500 per child. That money helped a lot of good people. It sure helped me. The money we received didn't come from Joe Biden. I hope that people will remember that.
Let's update, rather than just reminisce.
... direct payments of relief to tax payers is the only sort of stimulus that has helped the economy, and that's why the democrooks have inserted every sort of poison into legislation that would provide additional relief.

They're sociopaths.
It is encouraging to see such enthusiastic support for Biden's leadership in the country. Urge Republicans in Congress to get off the pot and support the nation's interests!

View attachment 465809
Nearly three-quarters of Americans approve of how President Joe Biden
is handling the coronavirus, and his overall job approval ratings continue
to soar in the first two months of his term, according to a poll just released.

View attachment 465808

View attachment 465810
Republicans Test History in Vote Against Pandemic Relief
Every House Republican voted early Saturday against a popular $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package that would send $1,400 checks to most Americans and hundreds of billions more to help open schools, revive struggling businesses and strengthen state and local governments.

They are trying to figure out how to open schools with a $1.9 Trillion slush fund stuffed with pork.
Meanwhile a shitload of students in Red States have been going to school since last August/September.

You keep voting for loons who have convinced you that more money is necessary to do what other states have already been doing.
They add $505 Million to the Bill to send to Belize and Nicaragua, and you think that has something to do with Pandemic Relief and Americans.

What an ignorant twat ... :thup:

Your sniveling is noted.

Meanwhile, the will of the People prevails and democratic self-governance succeeds.

Despite the partisan divide in Congress, Insider previously reported on multiple findings from the past month that suggested broad public - and Republican - support for Biden's stimulus package. For example, a Morning Consult/Politico poll from February 24 found that 60% of Republicans support the bill, and some provisions in the bill, like the $1,400 stimulus checks, have garnered Republican support.​
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill
It has Biden's name on it.

Say no more! Say no more!
DECEMBER 22, 2020
Statement of Support for Bipartisan Pandemic Relief Legislation
Before people vote this November, they should remember one thing. Donald Trump gave us $1,200 stimulus payments, plus $500 per child. That money helped a lot of good people. It sure helped me. The money we received didn't come from Joe Biden. I hope that people will remember that.
Let's update, rather than just reminisce.
... direct payments of relief to tax payers is the only sort of stimulus that has helped the economy, and that's why the democrooks have inserted every sort of poison into legislation that would provide additional relief.

They're sociopaths.
It is encouraging to see such enthusiastic support for Biden's leadership in the country. Urge Republicans in Congress to get off the pot and support the nation's interests!

View attachment 465809
Nearly three-quarters of Americans approve of how President Joe Biden
is handling the coronavirus, and his overall job approval ratings continue
to soar in the first two months of his term, according to a poll just released.

View attachment 465808

View attachment 465810
Republicans Test History in Vote Against Pandemic Relief
Every House Republican voted early Saturday against a popular $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package that would send $1,400 checks to most Americans and hundreds of billions more to help open schools, revive struggling businesses and strengthen state and local governments.

They are trying to figure out how to open schools with a $1.9 Trillion slush fund stuffed with pork.
Meanwhile a shitload of students in Red States have been going to school since last August/September.

You keep voting for loons who have convinced you that more money is necessary to do what other states have already been doing.
They add $505 Million to the Bill to send to Belize and Nicaragua, and you think that has something to do with Pandemic Relief and Americans.

What an ignorant twat ... :thup:

Your sniveling is noted.

Meanwhile, the will of the People prevails and democratic self-governance succeeds.

Despite the partisan divide in Congress, Insider previously reported on multiple findings from the past month that suggested broad public - and Republican - support for Biden's stimulus package. For example, a Morning Consult/Politico poll from February 24 found that 60% of Republicans support the bill, and some provisions in the bill, like the $1,400 stimulus checks, have garnered Republican support.​

Only if you believe a massive swindle is "success" for a democratic election.
Your sniveling is noted.

Meanwhile, the will of the People prevails and democratic self-governance succeeds.

Despite the partisan divide in Congress, Insider previously reported on multiple findings from the past month that suggested broad public - and Republican - support for Biden's stimulus package. For example, a Morning Consult/Politico poll from February 24 found that 60% of Republicans support the bill, and some provisions in the bill, like the $1,400 stimulus checks, have garnered Republican support.​

The people lying to you are telling you it is a good thing, that it has popular support, and you are ignorant enough to believe them.

In any case. the bill is longer than the Holy Bible and the imaginary number of supporters is irrelevant.
They haven't read it ... And the only thing they know about it is what some nit-wit like you, or liar, has told them about it.

If you support it and haven't read it, no one gives a fuck what you think about it ... You ignorant twat ... :thup:


Only if you believe a massive swindle is "success" for a democratic election.
The pissy people appear not to have any credible empirical data to prop up their ideological dogma.

As the House of Representatives prepares to give final approval
to the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package,
a sizable majority of U.S. adults (70%) say they favor the legislation.


Only if you believe a massive swindle is "success" for a democratic election.
The pissy people appear not to have any credible empirical data to prop up their ideological dogma.

As the House of Representatives prepares to give final approval
to the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package,
a sizable majority of U.S. adults (70%) say they favor the legislation.

Staggering Evidence of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud
The pissy people appear not to have any credible empirical data to prop up their ideological dogma.

As the House of Representatives prepares to give final approval
to the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package,
a sizable majority of U.S. adults (70%) say they favor the legislation.

People who haven't read the Bill cannot provide data that would meet the proper standards of verifiable substantive empirical data.
And 100% of the people polled aren't even close to the majority of US adults.

You are too stupid to realize that what you are posting makes no sense ... You ignorant twat ... :thup:

What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill
It has Biden's name on it.

Say no more! Say no more!
DECEMBER 22, 2020
Statement of Support for Bipartisan Pandemic Relief Legislation
Before people vote this November, they should remember one thing. Donald Trump gave us $1,200 stimulus payments, plus $500 per child. That money helped a lot of good people. It sure helped me. The money we received didn't come from Joe Biden. I hope that people will remember that.
Let's update, rather than just reminisce.
... direct payments of relief to tax payers is the only sort of stimulus that has helped the economy, and that's why the democrooks have inserted every sort of poison into legislation that would provide additional relief.

They're sociopaths.
It is encouraging to see such enthusiastic support for Biden's leadership in the country. Urge Republicans in Congress to get off the pot and support the nation's interests!

View attachment 465809
Nearly three-quarters of Americans approve of how President Joe Biden
is handling the coronavirus, and his overall job approval ratings continue
to soar in the first two months of his term, according to a poll just released.

View attachment 465808

View attachment 465810
Republicans Test History in Vote Against Pandemic Relief
Every House Republican voted early Saturday against a popular $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package that would send $1,400 checks to most Americans and hundreds of billions more to help open schools, revive struggling businesses and strengthen state and local governments.

They are trying to figure out how to open schools with a $1.9 Trillion slush fund stuffed with pork.
Meanwhile a shitload of students in Red States have been going to school since last August/September.

You keep voting for loons who have convinced you that more money is necessary to do what other states have already been doing.
They add $505 Million to the Bill to send to Belize and Nicaragua, and you think that has something to do with Pandemic Relief and Americans.

What an ignorant twat ... :thup:


Yes you are, attributing that $$$ to the covid-19 bill that hasn't even passed.
Why people STILL parrot Dotard, I have no Idea.
I'm glad you are upset, about the frivolous spending but that spending wasn't in the $1.9 trillion bill.
THAT spending wasn't in ANY covid bill.

In a video viewed more than 11 million times on Twitter, President Donald Trump ticked off a list of aid to foreign governments that he said is contained in the new COVID-19 stimulus relief bill that Congress approved on December 21.

Trump alleged the bill provides:

  • $85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia
  • $134 million to Burma
  • $1.3 billion for Egypt and the Egyptian military, “which will go out and buy almost exclusively Russian military equipment.”
  • $25 million for democracy and gender programs in Pakistan
  • $505 million for Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
THAT $$$ was appropriated in the $1.4 trillion omnibus bill passed December 21 2020.
Along with $900 billion covid relief bill, a $2.4 trillion bill.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

They can suck it........Why?

In your rabid partisanship you overlook the fact that 'They can suck it' is exactly what Pelosi and Schumer just said to YOU, too, by seizing your tax dollars and adding debt to you and your kids so they could personally benefit.


I did what?
No wonder you can't understand that the Democrats just screwed EVERY American by taking EVERYPNE'S tax dollars and added massive debt to all of us /.our kids' future - you can't understand English.

RW's don't mention the $2.4 trillion bill, they passed in December.
Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.
The fuck are you talking about? Q nut? I don't follow Qanon or any other group. I simply follow the Constitution, the Law, and common sense. I see you lack a great deal in the latter. BTW, the word is "There" not "Their".

Time for you to STFU

Words too bigly for you?

"Don't follow Qannon"?

Then why do you parrot THEIR talking points?

RW's , the law, the constitution and common sense don't belong in the same sentence, after Trump's disaster of a presidency.
Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.

No one goes to Q, Nazi. Q is only relevant to fascist leftists who made up a boogie man no one else has ever heard of

Q is relevant to your dear leader.

Don't Trumptard's hang on his every word, interview, talking point and ego rally?

August 19 2020

Trump addresses QAnon conspiracy theory for the first time: 'I heard that these are people that love our country'
'I don’t know much about the movement besides that they like me very much,' the president said
www.foxnews.com › politics › trump-qanon-conspiracy

No one else?
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

They can suck it........Why?

In your rabid partisanship you overlook the fact that 'They can suck it' is exactly what Pelosi and Schumer just said to YOU, too, by seizing your tax dollars and adding debt to you and your kids so they could personally benefit.


I did what?
No wonder you can't understand that the Democrats just screwed EVERY American by taking EVERYPNE'S tax dollars and added massive debt to all of us /.our kids' future - you can't understand English.

RW's don't mention the $2.4 trillion bill, they passed in December.
Oh, we'll mention it any time you want to honestly talk about it. The only reason. The 'RELIEF' in 'RELIF Bill' is the financial relief Americans need from the Democrat Party's destroying the economy which was preventing them from winning the election. Democrats had to completely destroy the economy, put millions of Americans back into poverty, and put millions of Americans ba ck down on their plantations due to forced policies of economic slavery. Where Trump had liberated millions of Americans from those policies.

Democrats across the country put them right back on it through highly oppressive, Constitutional and Civil Rights-violating, tyrannical shutdown / lockdown rules that wiped out over 50% of Blck, Latino, Asian, and Women-owned small businesses, not to mention put the millions of Americans working in those businesses out of work. This devastated the Middle / lower classes who were finally getting jobs, higher wages, raises, bonuses, and greater opportunities -- the lowest unemployment rate for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Women, and young adults in US history! The most number of Americans working at once at any time in US history.

Let's not forget the Democrats' foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who looted, pillaged, damaged, destroyed, burned to the ground many of those small businesses, perpetrating SEVERAL BILLION DOLLARS worth of damage in local Democrat-run communities / states all over the US - federal aid - MY / OUR tax dollars went to / are going to those business owners whose stores and lives were destroyed by the Democrat Party's surrogate terrorist organization.

Rather than call for them to stop, Democrats, like VP Harris, called for these terrorists to continue their violence AFTER the election, and Antifa and BLM have answered that call as seen through their continued violence and destruction. Oh but our new VP did not incite them and cheer them on, she helped bail the terrorists out to get them back on the streets to continue to loot, burn, and destroy..... Harris was Biden's '+1' into the WH, is supposed to protect / defend and represent the very people who were / are victimized by the domestic terrorists whose bail she was paying. She did / does not represent those Americans whose business and lives were ruined - she represented / represents the TERRORISTS she aids and abets.

Relief is needed for the tens of thousands of Americans - who still don't have those Green Energy jobs they were promised - Joe Biden put out of work when he declared his official war on fossil fuel and American energy independence, making our enemies stronger as he did so. Joe sacrificed American jobs, American security, American energy independence, and made our enemies stronger in his 1st 10 days...a helluva feat for even a mentally competent President but a truly impressive job done by a dementia-ravaged, self-enriching, CCP-owned financial scandal-plagued politician who before this had nt done 1 thing in his 47 year career.

'Never let a disaster go to waste' - a Democrat tenet.....

The Democrats had to destroy the economy and wipe out all the success for the majority of Americans they had experienced under Trump....they also needed an excuse to pass another self-enriching / benefitting Democrat Deficit Bomb......
-- Antifa's BILLIONS in destruction across America, Joe's assault on Americans in his 1st 10 days in office and the Democrats' Oppressive lockdowns / shutdowns destroyed jobs, destroyed lives, forced newly independent Americans back on welfare, unemployment, food stamps ...and throw in a tidal wave of COVID-infected, violent felon, human/drug-trafficking illegals crossing our now open borders ... and Democrats had their excuse to advocate for a $1.9 TRILLION DEFICIT BOMB....that the CBO declared WAS NOT NEEDED!

FROM OUR TREASURY / TAX DOLLARS AND FROM OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer pillaged $1.9 TRILLION dollars this country does not even have - in the name of COVID-19 - and took every advantage they could out of it to spend the mass majority of that money to help themselves, for Pension Bailout, and an extremely long list of other Democrat Wish-List Items....


Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.
The fuck are you talking about? Q nut? I don't follow Qanon or any other group. I simply follow the Constitution, the Law, and common sense. I see you lack a great deal in the latter. BTW, the word is "There" not "Their".

Time for you to STFU

Words too bigly for you?

"Don't follow Qannon"?

Then why do you parrot THEIR talking points?

RW's , the law, the constitution and common sense don't belong in the same sentence, after Trump's disaster of a presidency.

No one follows what QAnon is, fascist. The only information on them is made up by fake news. All you do is parrot fake news making up what they are because you're a brainless twat. Parroting fake news made up points, like they made up QAnon, is all you do
Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.

No one goes to Q, Nazi. Q is only relevant to fascist leftists who made up a boogie man no one else has ever heard of

Q is relevant to your dear leader.

Don't Trumptard's hang on his every word, interview, talking point and ego rally?

August 19 2020

Trump addresses QAnon conspiracy theory for the first time: 'I heard that these are people that love our country'
'I don’t know much about the movement besides that they like me very much,' the president said
www.foxnews.com › politics › trump-qanon-conspiracy

No one else?

Hello, parrot. Is anyone home or just your fake news recordings?
Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.

No one goes to Q, Nazi. Q is only relevant to fascist leftists who made up a boogie man no one else has ever heard of
There were qanon supporters speaking at CPAC.
Also congress is qanon: Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green are full qanon.
And Mccarthey mentioned qanon three times.
Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.

No one goes to Q, Nazi. Q is only relevant to fascist leftists who made up a boogie man no one else has ever heard of
There were qanon supporters speaking at CPAC.
Also congress is qanon: Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green are full qanon.
And Mccarthey mentioned qanon three times.

So here's from the top of your first link:

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert spoke to the crowd at CPAC, and has previously said she hopes “Q is real.”​
Your first link that there are real descriptions of who QAnon is, at the top of the link, they "HOPE" it's real.

And that's your argument that everything on QAnon isn't made up by fake news, someone hopes it's real
Donald Trump, in October 2020, wanted a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package with $1200 per person and $500 per child. Donald Trump, the leader of the right wing movement in the USA.

You've posted this FOUR times in this thread and it's STILL not the truth.
What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Pork belongs in breakfast sandwiches

Wing nuts didn't whine when Dotard's
It’s literally filled mostly with Bailouts for states like California and Illinois who were irresponsible and maxed out their credit cards but will now have responsible states pick up their slack... and massive corporate payouts to Bidens cronies. A massive gigantic waste of money. It’s “the swamp” back and in full effect. Biden making it cool again for politicians and corporations to make back room deals and supposed servants of the people becoming millionaires. Biden is the corporate corruption president

As Trump's treasury secretary, Mnuchin set aside $500 billion for his corporate trust fund?

March 23 2020

Monday’s White House coronavirus press conference brought a slew of questions as reporters hoped to parse out why and when President Trump intends to lift the national social distancing measures and how the Republican stimulus bill would responsibly distribute a $500 billion corporate slush fund that currently allows for the Treasury Secretary to withhold the names of the businesses that receive bailout cash.
nymag.com › intelligencer › 2020

NO corruption or cronyism there.
Well, you are not a very good liar.

Mnuchin set aside money but you provide no credible source. Then go on to say something idiotic about a national social distancing policy when no such policy did or can exist. That authority does not reside in the White House.

Sorry, I didn't go to Q NUT daily.
But you still admit it?

Never stated their was a policy on social distancing.

No one goes to Q, Nazi. Q is only relevant to fascist leftists who made up a boogie man no one else has ever heard of
There were qanon supporters speaking at CPAC.
Also congress is qanon: Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green are full qanon.
And Mccarthey mentioned qanon three times.

So here's from the top of your first link:

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert spoke to the crowd at CPAC, and has previously said she hopes “Q is real.”​
Your first link that there are real descriptions of who QAnon is, at the top of the link, they "HOPE" it's real.

And that's your argument that everything on QAnon isn't made up by fake news, someone hopes it's real
Angela Stanton-King was promoting qAnon there also.
They are all qAnon promoters and supporters. Boebert, Greene, who else..

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