What do you fear the most?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
So....what is it? Do you have more than one fear?

Mine are:
Fear of being dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Homelessness before I become dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Living to an old age...alone.

Adding all those up...it comes to one fear: Being dependent and helpless and alone.
Getting injured, or dying leaving my family without my income to support them...................

I don't fear for my own life...........I fear what will happen to them..............

I've had close calls..........and it makes you think what will happen to them.
What do I fear the most?

Being challenged on my beliefs, and selling out to those who challenged them.

I don't really fear death, I don't really fear pain, I just fear being untrue to myself and my beliefs.
I don't fear dying either. I fear living. Alone. Dependent. Old. Helpless.
Fear and worry are the Devils work to me...........................

I continue on.............and what happens happens................

And Hope for the best..............
So....what is it? Do you have more than one fear?

Mine are:
Fear of being dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Homelessness before I become dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Living to an old age...alone.

Adding all those up...it comes to one fear: Being dependent and helpless and alone.
I don't have a fear of heights or falling.............

I have the fear of that sudden stop at the end of falling.......

I don't have a fear of heights or falling.............

I have the fear of that sudden stop at the end of falling.......

You know..sometimes I have falling dreams but they never scare me. I remember them, too. These are not the kind that just drift away soon after waking up. One was I was in space...falling towards earth. I could see it like a big blue marble. I could breathe, but I could feel the air hitting me forcefully in the face and that sinking feeling in your stomach when you have that awful drop.....but just before I hit...I tell myself "just keep falling...you will not land. God will catch me". And I wake up. Other dream was similar but it was a very high cliff. Same words I said to myself..and I awaken.
I fear not being able to breathe. I have had some very scary bouts with bronchial spasms in the last year ir so...what a horrible experience. But I think I finally got a bit of a grip on the panic. Aside from that sometimes I fear being overtaken by despair and heartbreak when I think of the millions of incidences of cruelty being acted upon children and animals in any given second of any day.
So....what is it? Do you have more than one fear?

Mine are:
Fear of being dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Homelessness before I become dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Living to an old age...alone.

Adding all those up...it comes to one fear: Being dependent and helpless and alone.

So....what is it? Do you have more than one fear?

Mine are:
Fear of being dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Homelessness before I become dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Living to an old age...alone.

Adding all those up...it comes to one fear: Being dependent and helpless and alone.

Worst thing about being homeless is finding somewhere to go potty. Spent a summer 'street camping' wasn't technically homeless, just wasn't there. :)
So....what is it? Do you have more than one fear?

Mine are:
Fear of being dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Homelessness before I become dependent on strangers when I am too old or sick to take care of myself.

Living to an old age...alone.

Adding all those up...it comes to one fear: Being dependent and helpless and alone.

Don't really have one. Used to fear death unti I realized nothing in the universe lasts forever. Kinda comforting.
Being trapped underground or buried alive. If I could film my nightmares I could make a fortune.
I fear that one of the clowns running for pResidunce will actually be inaugurated.
I fear the asteroid wont arrive in time to prevent that from happening.
Yellowstone super-eruption is a ongoing concern. Doing all the things you see prior to eruptions so I quit paying attention.

Big asteroid hitting is a daily concern. Viewing animations of the Earth with all known asteroids in our vicinity is definitely pants-wetting.

That star prone to emitting gamma ray bursts pointed at us is a worry. Only thing good there is by the time we know it's done it it's already hit us travelling at lightspeed.

Regular mass extinction is overdo.

Guess I have a few fears afterall. :)

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