What do you grow?


Mar 5, 2013
South East
Is it inside or outside?
Is it in pots or in the ground?
Is it flowers or veggies?
Is it shrubs...flowering or just greenery?
Anyone grow fruits? Trees or bush fruits or canes?
In what area of the country are you gardening?

The majority of my gardening is outside. I live in the S.E. so I can grow nearly year round as our ground never freezes. I have some potted things on our front porch & a few scattered in the yard but most things are planted in the ground here.
I grow a bit of everything...veggies, perennial flowers & shrubs, annual flowers, have some lemon trees currently (planning more fruit trees soon), have both wild blackberries and wild blueberries on our property.

So what do the rest of you grow and how and what area?
I'm doing raised vegetable gardens this year. Tomatoes, corn, beans, peppers, and blackberries are planned.
I've got a small plot with several varieties of lettuce, peppers, broccoli, a couple of herbs (cilantro is in a pot to optimize conditions), and a few new things for fun: peas, beans, a couple of potatoes and an onion.
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Indiana. I have 2 apple trees, a peach tree, a row of hazelnut bushes. And I get nothing from them. Oh, I have lots of fruit. And many well-fed squirrels, raccoons and possums. I watch the squirrel gangs having turf wars over my hazelnut bushes, as hazelnuts are like squirrel crack. Now, if civilization collapses and I need the food, I'll have to learn the art of varmint shooting. As it is, I just have to laugh at it.

I do get some produce. The critters don't like the sour cherries on my cherry tree. I eat those, but pucker factor limits how many. They're better for pies. And I have a wild plum thicket, that grows many small plums. Those get ripe around the beginning of September, but there's only a window of a few days when they're good. I've got Juneberry/Serviceberry/Saskatoon bushes, which produce a fruit much like a blueberry in mid June. And I use wild strawberries as a groundcover in the garden beds, which yield a few small strawberries.

What else. Oh, my 2 pawpaw trees have set fruit for the first time this year. We'll see if that works. Pawpaws are midwestern understory tree, with sort of banana-like fruit. The 2 pecans and 1 hickory I planted aren't flowering yet. One of my 4 persimmon trees flowered for the first time this year, but it's a male, so no fruit. Have some cranberry viburnums by the creek. And I should check the chokecherries, as they flowered out nice.
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I grow weeds, tomatoes, weeds, peppers, weeds, basil, weeds weeds weeds.

And I have an itsy bitsy urban yard in Oaklandtown. Most of it is hardscaped with blue stone..and the planters contain mostly drought tolerant native flowering things and grasses. Pretty....but weeds weeds weeds infiltrate from my obnoxious neighbor who doesn't take care of his yard's weed batch.

The worse is oxalis. I think oxalis is actually an alien invasion it's so pernicious.
Indiana. I have 2 apple trees, a peach tree, a row of hazelnut bushes. And I get nothing from them. Oh, I have lots of fruit. And many well-fed squirrels, raccoons and possums. I watch the squirrel gangs having turf wars over my hazelnut bushes, as hazelnuts are like squirrel crack. Now, if civilization collapses and I need the food, I'll have to learn the art of varmint shooting. As it is, I just have to laugh at it.

I do get some produce. The critters don't like the sour cherries on my cherry tree. I eat those, but pucker factor limits how many. They're better for pies. And I have a wild plum thicket, that grows many small plums. Those get ripe around the beginning of September, but there's only a window of a few days when they're good. I've got Juneberry/Serviceberry/Saskatoon bushes, which produce a fruit much like a blueberry in mid June. And I use wild strawberries as a groundcover in the garden beds, which yield a few small strawberries.

What else. Oh, my 2 pawpaw trees have set fruit for the first time this year. We'll see if that works. Pawpaws are midwestern understory tree, with sort of banana-like fruit. The 2 pecans and 1 hickory I planted aren't flowering yet. One of my 4 persimmon trees flowered for the first time this year, but it's a male, so no fruit. Have some cranberry viburnums by the creek. And I should check the chokecherries, as they flowered out nice.

God didn't make your little green apples.
And it don't rain there in the summertime...
Gooseberries, pears. apples, pot, and perhaps I'll be doing a small kitchen garden this year.
I'm in Tennessee. I have a deck and am doing only flowers this year: mandevillas, corkscrew plants, passion flower and a few others.
I grow weeds, tomatoes, weeds, peppers, weeds, basil, weeds weeds weeds.

And I have an itsy bitsy urban yard in Oaklandtown. Most of it is hardscaped with blue stone..and the planters contain mostly drought tolerant native flowering things and grasses. Pretty....but weeds weeds weeds infiltrate from my obnoxious neighbor who doesn't take care of his yard's weed batch.

The worse is oxalis. I think oxalis is actually an alien invasion it's so pernicious.

Have you ever tried Preen? That is a pre emergence herbicide.
so far...lettuce, spinach and tons of asparagus we have 3 types....we have a large garden....we have a ton of stuff planted but harvest is a few weeks off
It seems I grow a lot of deer food. Last year they ate my hostas, this year, they ate two of my hydrangeas. I'm thinking of putting out a deer feeder away from the house to see if that will distract them from my plants. It didn't work with the squeeeeerels, but maybe it will work with the deer. For now, it's blood meal and Deer Off.
The ones they ate last year did come back. That was the first time, but we had that drought so I think food was limited for them.
Now that I have retired, I just grow more and more lazy every day!~ :clap2:
It seems I grow a lot of deer food. Last year they ate my hostas, this year, they ate two of my hydrangeas. I'm thinking of putting out a deer feeder away from the house to see if that will distract them from my plants. It didn't work with the squeeeeerels, but maybe it will work with the deer. For now, it's blood meal and Deer Off.

Have your husband go to the bathroom around the perimeter.

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