What do you guys think of PROGS exploiting Trump's illness now?

They'd sell their mothers for votes right, it's no secret, but what the Hell. PROG news has been rolling through Trump's illness all fucking day suggesting he's a threat to the nation over it, and surely they'll do the same tomorrow.

Imagine that. All the problems in the world today and all they can report on is Trump is a bad person because he's sick but continues to serve his country. That's nothing new either, they NEVER report news, they shovel shit into rivers.
I think you just can’t get over the sheer embarrassment of him having COVID in the first place. Man, is his campaign so fucked lol
They'd sell their mothers for votes right, it's no secret, but what the Hell. PROG news has been rolling through Trump's illness all fucking day suggesting he's a threat to the nation over it, and surely they'll do the same tomorrow.

Imagine that. All the problems in the world today and all they can report on is Trump is a bad person because he's sick but continues to serve his country. That's nothing new either, they NEVER report news, they shovel shit into rivers.

But Trump is a bad person.
They'd sell their mothers for votes right, it's no secret, but what the Hell. PROG news has been rolling through Trump's illness all fucking day suggesting he's a threat to the nation over it, and surely they'll do the same tomorrow.

Imagine that. All the problems in the world today and all they can report on is Trump is a bad person because he's sick but continues to serve his country. That's nothing new either, they NEVER report news, they shovel shit into rivers.
the orange whore invited this illness in with negligence and no caring for anyone else. trump has NEVER served his country. He is the farthest thing from being a hero in our nation. He is a disgrace to the United States.

There's only one whore in this thread. Respect your President or deport yourself. You don't have to like the man, but you goddamned better believe in and respect the office. You people make us sick. Out of hatred for one man you turn toward and embrace evil, anti-human causes, and anti-American forces. You do not deserve citizenship in this great nation nor do you deserve the protections afforded by our Constitution, nor the heroic efforts of our sitting POTUS to salvage our civilization from radical leftist insanity. You hate America? America's history? You feel disenfranchised and entitled to more, more, more than you've got right now? GTFO.

A rightwinger seriously going to say this after 8 years of Obama bashing?

In my years of life I have never named called a president because of the respect I have for the office and I was hoping one side would step up and show some class, so far both parties have shown they are no better than the other and both seem to play the childish game “but he did it first”. Maybe it’s time the two sides grew up but I doubt it will happen. Neither side is mature enough to take responsibility for their actions, thusly neither can address or fix the problem.

Class? That boat has sailed old timer.


This constantly lying, baseless conspiracy spreading man well deserves all the toxicity he spreads in this world, including Covid-19.

Didn’t expect it from you, but don’t be surprised when it gets worse with next president.

I don't think so, Trump is so toxic things are bound to get better.

Sure, some norms are damaged forever as he set many new low-bars on Presidential behavior, but I do think that the next president will still be far less bombastic, petty and polarizing. That certainly will be the case if Biden wins.

No president before was as childish and absurd as Trump, and I doubt there will be any like him in the future. Especially if congress passes all the laws required to prevent another rogue presidency. The one and only thing I can see as good from having that fat orange bastard in the office is he exposed many weaknesses in our laws that allow his type of abuse, and now they can be fixed.
I certainly am with you on this. Before trump, I never thought that there were these weaknesses in our government. trump has exposed all. He has given us a list of what must be corrected for our nation to go on. This situation makes us all think about what we thought in the past that we took for granted, thinking that it was rock solid and would never die., but here it is.
They'd sell their mothers for votes right, it's no secret, but what the Hell. PROG news has been rolling through Trump's illness all fucking day suggesting he's a threat to the nation over it, and surely they'll do the same tomorrow.

Imagine that. All the problems in the world today and all they can report on is Trump is a bad person because he's sick but continues to serve his country. That's nothing new either, they NEVER report news, they shovel shit into rivers.
the orange whore invited this illness in with negligence and no caring for anyone else. trump has NEVER served his country. He is the farthest thing from being a hero in our nation. He is a disgrace to the United States.

There's only one whore in this thread. Respect your President or deport yourself. You don't have to like the man, but you goddamned better believe in and respect the office. You people make us sick. Out of hatred for one man you turn toward and embrace evil, anti-human causes, and anti-American forces. You do not deserve citizenship in this great nation nor do you deserve the protections afforded by our Constitution, nor the heroic efforts of our sitting POTUS to salvage our civilization from radical leftist insanity. You hate America? America's history? You feel disenfranchised and entitled to more, more, more than you've got right now? GTFO.

A rightwinger seriously going to say this after 8 years of Obama bashing?

In my years of life I have never named called a president because of the respect I have for the office and I was hoping one side would step up and show some class, so far both parties have shown they are no better than the other and both seem to play the childish game “but he did it first”. Maybe it’s time the two sides grew up but I doubt it will happen. Neither side is mature enough to take responsibility for their actions, thusly neither can address or fix the problem.

Class? That boat has sailed old timer.


This constantly lying, baseless conspiracy spreading man well deserves all the toxicity he spreads in this world, including Covid-19.

Didn’t expect it from you, but don’t be surprised when it gets worse with next president.

I don't think so, Trump is so toxic things are bound to get better.

Sure, some norms are damaged forever as he set many new low-bars on Presidential behavior, but I do think that the next president will still be far less bombastic, petty and polarizing. That certainly will be the case if Biden wins.

No president before was as childish and absurd as Trump, and I doubt there will be any like him in the future. Especially if congress passes all the laws required to prevent another rogue presidency. The one and only thing I can see as good from having that fat orange bastard in the office is he exposed many weaknesses in our laws that allow his type of abuse, and now they can be fixed.
I certainly am with you on this. Before trump, I never thought that there were these weaknesses in our government. trump has exposed all. He has given us a list of what must be corrected for our nation to go on. This situation makes us all think about what we thought in the past that we took for granted, thinking that it was rock solid and would never die., but here it is.

Think of Trump as a pressure test on a high pressure system. We got some leaks.
I certainly am with you on this. Before trump, I never thought that there were these weaknesses in our government. trump has exposed all. He has given us a list of what must be corrected for our nation to go on. This situation makes us all think about what we thought in the past that we took for granted, thinking that it was rock solid and would never die., but here it is.

If anything he as shown the strength of our government and the constitution. Both sides of this mess have tried every which way to grab power and change government. The three branches have worked the way they were designed. It has worked for over 240 years and will continue to work. We the people need to make sure our rights are protected. Don’t let them try to strip away any of our rights.

The two party system needs to be replaced so we can get better candidates than the last two elections. The final candidates Clinton, Trump and Biden are so below what we deserve.
They plotted Russian Collusion and should be hung for treason.

The Scamdemic was a terrorist attack conducted by Globalists with the help of China to advance their agenda.

These same people launched a treasonous COUP with the help of The Russians.

All that is needed to stop this is bring someone up on treason charges and put them in front of a firing squad and put their co-conspirators in prison. Treason must be purged by blood.

If they will launch a Coup from within The Government, they will use a Bio Weapon on The President and Chiefs of Staff and his Administration.

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