What do you guys think of the new Obama Ad?

Clay Buster

Never a dull moment
Sep 1, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONM7148cTyc]YouTube - "Plan for Change" Ad[/ame]

Whether you disagree with him or not, it's kind of refreshing to see an ad which does not talk about lipstick and pigs, sex ed for 3 year olds, bridge to nowhere, or any of the other non issues surrounding this race.

In my "pipe dream" world, I would love to see McCain respond with an ad which does not address Obama but simply lays out his economic plan.

What a world we would have, imagine voters actually voting on the candidates positions and not all the fog and disinformation flowing around them.

A guy can wish, can't he? :D

Cue the ridiculous talking points from both sides in 3...2...1...
YouTube - "Plan for Change" Ad

Whether you disagree with him or not, it's kind of refreshing to see an ad which does not talk about lipstick and pigs, sex ed for 3 year olds, bridge to nowhere, or any of the other non issues surrounding this race.

In my "pipe dream" world, I would love to see McCain respond with an ad which does not address Obama but simply lays out his economic plan.

What a world we would have, imagine voters actually voting on the candidates positions and not all the fog and disinformation flowing around them.

A guy can wish, can't he? :D

Cue the ridiculous talking points from both sides in 3...2...1...

I'll smoke that pipe dream with ya!

Voting on the candidates eh,,,,,,,,,:eusa_think:
This is a good ad.

Thank you Barack for speaking to us directly instead of flashing goofy headlines and special effects at us.

Very good ad.

Very pointed. Makes sense. Lays out a summary of his plan, asks for unity in addressing the problems our united country faces.

Very good. Thank you for posting it.
I liked it!

He needs to keep making ads like this. It's very smart.

Talking directly to the voters and respecting that they know what is going on is always a good idea.
that's a lie ninja but don't let that stop you from spreading it around...

it's pathetic that the GOP and it's supporters would stoop that low.

He voted against that legislation because it was worded dilberately to undermind the rights of women to seek abortions not to mention in IL there is ALREADY a law on the books protecting these children

I do wonder though... how must that girl feel about her mother to know she clearly tried to abort her at what must've been past 20 weeks gestation.
Awwww lookie, the TRUTH threatens the pro-infanticide liberal deathstyle extremists :clap2:
Awwww lookie, the TRUTH threatens the pro-infanticide liberal deathstyle extremists :clap2:

well I hate kids... whiny, snot nosed little fuckers...

but you're still a liar Ninja... and so is your ad....

is that one of those fancy 527s that the Repugs are so fond of?

and sorry to advise you a fetus doesn't weigh 2lbs until into the 6th month of pregnancy and I don't believe in abortions that late except to save the mother's life or if the child has a severe physical deformity.

I do wonder though... if a woman goes in for an abortion and the kid is born alive, does she get a refund? :confused:
and sorry to advise you a fetus doesn't weigh 2lbs until into the 6th month of pregnancy and I don't believe in abortions that late except to save the mother's life or if the child has a severe physical deformity.

Fair enough.

Just curious, when does life officially end, Silence?
I'll answer that one. When does life officially end? When the blood stops pumping and the electricity has left your nerves. That's when life officially ends.

When does life begin? Approximately 40 days after conception. Check the Torah to see that one. Can you abort before 40 days? You bet. You've had time to think about what you're doing. Can you abort after 40 days? Depends on the situation. If it is to save the life of the mother and the child has NO chance of surviving, abort. If the mother dies, but the child lives? Check on the feelings of the father and see what he says. As a method of birth control? Nope.

Ninjatard, you have to be one of the most dense people that I've ever met. You are even stupider than some douchebag that I met on another board named Mystery45.

Are you related?
I'll answer that one. When does life officially end? When the blood stops pumping and the electricity has left your nerves. That's when life officially ends.


umm life officially ends at death ninja... duh :cuckoo:

Wrong. And in case you're wondering why I was asking - your nonsense about 2 lbs being the threshold between fetus and baby piqued my interest.

Anyone wanna help these two retards out?
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Okay Ninjoke, what is YOUR definiton of when life officially ends?

Don't tell me, lemmie guess........

We never die, right? John 3:16.
When the brain ceases to function. Duh.

By extension, I believe that life begins when the brain begins to function, or rather when it forms.

This is a much better cut-off between goop and baby than the 2 lb. nonsense Silence was espousing.
When the brain ceases to function. Duh.

By extension, I believe that life begins when the brain begins to function, or rather when it forms.

This is a much better cut-off between goop and baby than the 2 lb. nonsense Silence was espousing.

are you bi-polar ninja? clearly you are. I said a fetus isn't 2 lbs until the 6th month, I then went on to say abortions shouldn't be taking place that late.

and if you believe that life begins when the brain starts functioning, then you agree with the poster who said life begins at 40 days after conception... congrats... you believe in first trimester abortions... :clap2:
That's pretty clever

So what killed your brain function, Biker-Sailor - AIDS-ridden fag biker semen pumped up your ass so at one of those rallies where you queers walk around in assless chaps, or having to lay your bike down one too many times?
That's pretty clever

So what killed your brain function, Biker-Sailor - AIDS-ridden fag biker semen pumped up your ass so at one of those rallies where you queers walk around in assless chaps, or having to lay your bike down one too many times?

Interesting Ninjackass, I've never heard so many gay fantasies laid out in one sentence before.


'Bout time you came out of the closet.

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