What do you like about Biden & Harris?

I like the fact that both have been complete and utter failures, that their policies have been disastrous, and everything they have done has been based on putting Americans last. Between their actions and those by Pelosi and other hypocritical, anti-Semitic, terrorist (foreign and domestic) -supporting Democrats they are making the next election very promising for the GOP.

What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
-What about not having to argue about if it's right or not to blackmail an ally in order to win an election?
-What about not having to argue that if you have to choose between Putin and your own intelligence community, Putin is a better choice?
-What about not having to argue that when faced with a global pandemic the prudent choice is to wear masks?
-What about not having to argue whether or not it's a good idea to ingest bleach to kill the virus?

What about being able to argue again about whether or not taxing the rich in order to fund social programs is a moral thing to do?

What about listening to Hannity talking about Biden's dog trying to make an argument that somehow signals a fault in the US president instead of listening to him justifying insurrection in order to protect a US president?

What about just enjoying the peace and quiet of not having to be confronted by daily stupidity coming out of the Twitter feed of the sitting US president?
I just read another dose od Dim daily stupidity right doofus?
The thing i like most about Joe Biden is that he can get away with touching and sniffing women. I imagine AOC likes that. Harris is admirable for her resemblence to Stalin. She should be proud to look like a liberal hero.


I like the fact that they saved us having to build another penitentiary to house all our politicians in when we decide to start jailing them.


What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
-What about not having to argue about if it's right or not to blackmail an ally in order to win an election?
-What about not having to argue that if you have to choose between Putin and your own intelligence community, Putin is a better choice?
-What about not having to argue that when faced with a global pandemic the prudent choice is to wear masks?
-What about not having to argue whether or not it's a good idea to ingest bleach to kill the virus?

What about being able to argue again about whether or not taxing the rich in order to fund social programs is a moral thing to do?

What about listening to Hannity talking about Biden's dog trying to make an argument that somehow signals a fault in the US president instead of listening to him justifying insurrection in order to protect a US president?

What about just enjoying the peace and quiet of not having to be confronted by daily stupidity coming out of the Twitter feed of the sitting US president?
I just read another dose od Dim daily stupidity right doofus?
I'm just a doofus talking to other doofuses on a forum. What was Trump's excuse?
What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
Personally I think Uncle Joe is alright, don’t agree with him policy wise on much of anything but at least he has some POTENTIAL to be a stabilizing force and is well liked on both sides of the aisle.

IMHO Kamala Harris was the worst possible choice for a VP pick, I don’t agree with her on anything policy wise or philosophically, she’s of questionable intelligence and I find her personality VILE, she seems to always be looking for ways to alienate vast swaths of the citizenry while saying nothing of any substance. She’s like an angry, black woman version of Donald Trump.

I suspect Biden picked Harris as a running mate simply because with her as VP EVERYONE is going to be praying for Joe’s good health with her being 2nd in line.
What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
Lots to like about Biden and Harris. Both graduated law school. Trump doesn't have the intelligence to pass law school and also has zero respect for laws. Biden and Harris are decent human beings. Trump's a predator and a piece of shit. Biden and Harris hang out with decent folks. Trump hangs out with low lifes and traitors and even then that lasts only as long as they're usefull to him.
What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
Lots to like about Biden and Harris. Both graduated law school. Trump doesn't have the intelligence to pass law school and also has zero respect for laws. Biden and Harris are decent human beings. Trump's a a predator and a piece of shit. Biden and Harris hang out with decent folks. Trump hangs out with low lifes and traitors and even then that lasts only as long as they're use full to him.

My experience with lawyers is they're not good for much of anything except dotting the i's and crossing the t's on land sale contracts and even then you have to look it over carefully before signing.

If there was anyone more deserving of having their pay go to $15 an hour it would be a lawyer.


What do you like about Biden?

What do you like about Harris?
Biden: I like that he doesn't act like a child. I like that he's not a narcissistic jackass.

Harris: I like that she doesn't act like a child. I like that she's not a narcissistic jackass.
After 79 posts there's just two posts that even remotely give reason to like Biden, post 2 & 74. Not much there really, but at least a smidgen, truth or not. A lot of TDS, but that's to be expected.

None for Harris, not one.

I find that interesting, because the reasons to like Trump and Pence is an easy long list and meaningful.

Perhaps PROGS don't want to accept responsibility for their choices?

Perhaps they're waiting to see what's popular?
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