What do you say to someone who seeks their own enslavement?

Please please right wing people tell me why you think these wealthy masters will be better to you than the democracy our founders planned?

Ask your Lord and master Obama. He performs his duty to the paymasters as much as any President. At least that much.
Course...I would never expect in a billion years you would even dream that this is the same thing in a grander scale.
The level of your biased clueless-brain knows no bounds. :doubt:
Neither sweet cheeks. The Government should never, ever choose "sides".

They werent our government they were the founders.

why dont you understand that?

If you think they are the government and you hate our government then you hate the founders too?

OMG you make so many Assumptions about what Others think. Conservatives do not hate Government. we Simply understand that it is not always the best, Most Efficient Solution to our Problems.

while many liberals seem to think it is the only answer to all Problems.

dear idiot the right says it all the time
So once unions are dead like you want them to be what will this country look like?

Who says we want them dead? Wanting the UNRIVALED power of Public Sector Unions Checked is not the Same as wanting Unions "Dead"

Fuck Face

when yiou strip a union of collective bargaining what powwer do they have left?

Your Talking about a Public Sector union in 1 State, and then saying that is what we want to do to all Unions everywhere.

Sorry chick you are wrong. I have a Healthy Respect for Unions and what they have done. I also know when it comes to public Sector Unions Negotiating with a state that has been run by Democrats for Generations, You are going to tends to get some Real Sweet heart deals.

Which is exactly what the Public employees in Wis had. A fucking sweet heart deal that the state could not afford.
why does the right defend the idea of a few people being able to pour mountians of money into an election filling the airwaves with lies to get their way?
So once unions are dead like you want them to be what will this country look like?

Well I live in Tennesse and I dont really see a difference between here and unionize Ohio. People here make money just as in union states, but we dont HAVE to give a person money (heck we dont even have a state income tax!).
So in essence we'll have poeple actually work and not do shitty work?
I look at unions as the Amercians in the move Gung Ho! with Michael Keaton. Lazy, dont care about their work, ect. Why have US car companies gone down? It's not the mpg that liberals propose, it's that they are way more expensive due to unionization, and people will buy a cheaper car that is basically the same quality, if not better.
If you dont believe me, then I give you VHS vs Betamax and Divx vs DVD, ect.

So now how will America look if unions are dead? less maffia in the workplace?
They werent our government they were the founders.

why dont you understand that?

If you think they are the government and you hate our government then you hate the founders too?

OMG you make so many Assumptions about what Others think. Conservatives do not hate Government. we Simply understand that it is not always the best, Most Efficient Solution to our Problems.

while many liberals seem to think it is the only answer to all Problems.

dear idiot the right says it all the time

Dear stupid Liberal Parrot.

No we don't.

I challenge you to find even 1 Quote of one person on the right alive today that has ever said they want to end all unions.

Mind you not a Quote of what some Liberal Bitch like you, thinks we said, an Actually quote of one of "us" saying it.
this last election has shown us the future.

The wealthy are NOW buying our elections due to Citizens United.

They can concoct all sorts of ways to keep legal voters from voting.

They can suppress votes.

And now they can flood elections with lies.

There are those who cheer this.

What do you say to those who cheeer and seek their own enslavement?

Without reading further I say, "Quit voting for Democrats".
So once unions are dead like you want them to be what will this country look like?

Well I live in Tennesse and I dont really see a difference between here and unionize Ohio. People here make money just as in union states, but we dont HAVE to give a person money (heck we dont even have a state income tax!).
So in essence we'll have poeple actually work and not do shitty work?
I look at unions as the Amercians in the move Gung Ho! with Michael Keaton. Lazy, dont care about their work, ect. Why have US car companies gone down? It's not the mpg that liberals propose, it's that they are way more expensive due to unionization, and people will buy a cheaper car that is basically the same quality, if not better.
If you dont believe me, then I give you VHS vs Betamax and Divx vs DVD, ect.

So now how will America look if unions are dead? less maffia in the workplace?

so you do want them dead?
There are a bunch, and I mean a bunch, of FILTHY RICH Dems, but that's OK 'cause they're on the same side as TM. :lol:

Only they're smarter.

heres the differance, their money is going the same place as most of the peoples money.

Here's thing, You stupid Fucking Bitch, All of our money goes to the same place.

Really I apologies to everyone else for Using Vulgar Names, But TM is a special Case. That chick is the Poster Child for Ignorant, Arrogant, Lemming Liberals everywhere. A Parrot that simply Repeats the Left wings Lies about the Right, and has no real Clue WTF she is talking about.
this last election has shown us the future.

The wealthy are NOW buying our elections due to Citizens United.

They can concoct all sorts of ways to keep legal voters from voting.

They can suppress votes.

And now they can flood elections with lies.

There are those who cheer this.

What do you say to those who cheeer and seek their own enslavement?

Without reading further I say, "Quit voting for Democrats".

a few wealthy people agree with you, most Americans dont.

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