What Do You Think George Washington Would Have Thought About Mandates?

Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.
Care for some salt with that crow?

During the Revolutionary War, by contrast, George Washington immunized his troops against smallpox even against their will. The fearful disease killed about a third of those it infected, leaving survivors pockmarked but immune for life. Washington, who had survived the virus himself, described smallpox to Virginia’s Governor Patrick Henry as “more destructive to an Army in a Natural Way, than the Enemy’s Sword.” Infection had doomed the American assault on Quebec in 1775, and it now threatened Washington’s main force camped at Morristown, N.J.
Well then I guess due to the fact of being uneducated I could possibly see him being for them.

Yeah,.. I guess he probably would have been for it then considering the fact that they all had bigger fears of death back then.
Not the reason, try again.
Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.

George Washington established a vaccine mandate for his troops. He ordered his men to get vaccinated against smallpox.

However, Washington was NOT mandating a vaccine.
Vaccines had not yet been invented, and would no be for another 20 years.
What Washington had the American Continental Army take was variolation.
That is deliberate infection with the old puss of someone recovering from smallpox.

If the US had done deliberate infection 2 years ago, to volunteers under 40, we could have saved about 700,000 lives.
George Washington established a vaccine mandate for his troops. He ordered his men to get vaccinated against smallpox.

Why does everyone keep saying that?
That is WRONG.
Vaccines had not yet been invented.
Washington ordered deliberate infection, NOT vaccination.
Vaccinations did get invented until about 20 years later.
Washington ordered deliberate infection, called variolation.
Key word little one is MANDATED!

Whatever you may call the method, the result is the same.
Key word little one is MANDATED!

Whatever you may call the method, the result is the same.

Several differences.
One is that it was not a fake mRNA injection that does not really work, and two is that it was to deal with smallpox ahead of time, instead of waiting for it to strike at an inopportune time, and three was that is was troops Washington had command over and was willing to sacrifice if necessary.
All three of those make it entirely different, as well as not being a vaccination.
However, Washington was NOT mandating a vaccine.
Vaccines had not yet been invented, and would no be for another 20 years.
What Washington had the American Continental Army take was variolation.
That is deliberate infection with the old puss of someone recovering from smallpox.

If the US had done deliberate infection 2 years ago, to volunteers under 40, we could have saved about 700,000 lives.
Shut up stupid Russian troll. It was the vaccine of the day

And hey...pretty fucking "experimental" and oh yea...mandated
Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.

Easy answer. He would have locked a bunch of you antivaxers up just like he did for small pox.
Washington ordered deliberate infection, NOT vaccination, since that had not yet been invented.

The cure at that time was to infect a person with Cow Pox which built up immunity to small pox. Measles did the same thing.
Easy answer. He would have locked a bunch of you antivaxers up just like he did for small pox.

For the record I'm not an antivaxer, I'm just anti-goverment-control.

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