What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

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An effective activist for her cause. Clearly our generation is going to sit around and play with itself instead of taking serious action on climate change. So her cause needs a young, fiery voice like hers.
But what are her demands? I don't believe she's ever listed her demands. All she ever says is that we need to take Climate Change seriously while also saying that we aren't. What exactly does she want us to do? If she opens her flap as much as she does she ought to be able to at least come up with bullet points of her demands.
I think she is an example of a lot of today's younger people that are convinced they are outraged about something that they won't be in 15 years when they grow up and learn how the real world thinks.

They are told things when they are younger and since they lack experience then they are single minded and focused beyond the ability to think or say anything except that one thing. Their youth also gives them energy and emotion that hasn't been tempered yet so they are border irrational. Kind of like when you're young how you laugh hysterically at dumb shit and when your heart is broken it's like the end of the world.

Younger people also learn what they learn online mostly. So they search out and find, whether it be honest and factual or not, exactly what will feed them. They don't have the capacity to consider other opinions or options either.

I also think she is encouraged and pushed by people who want to use her to push their agenda and see her nothing more than a tool to be used.

And like most kids today, they want to be internet famous and will do anything they can to feel it. And to feel as special, unique, powerful and intelligent as their soft parents have been telling them are since birth.

I think she is a misguided and ignorant fool. Ignorant as in she is just a kid, she doesn't really know anything at all.
The left have no VIABLE solutions. Pretty much everything they want is totally unrealistic.

The viable solution is to go 100% green and create millions of jobs in America, you dumb piece of shit. Or are you some Chinese Communist sympathizer that would rather China do it all?
Anyone who fears that little twat needs to step a bit closer to the medicine cabinet. She's a stupid teenager throwing a stupid teenaged fit. My mom might have just laughed and grounded me if I threw a tantrum like that.

You must be easily impressed or more likely very horny if an ugly teenage girl does it for you.
She draws attention to the inactivity of our world leaders on climate change and inability to make tough decisions

She has little patience for their feeble excuses and platitudes
She draws attention to the inactivity of our world leaders on climate change and inability to make tough decisions

She has little patience for their feeble excuses and platitudes
You make her sound like a sage. I assume you are an adult man and I really wonder about why this girl is such an idol to you.
The viable solution is to go 100% green and create millions of jobs in America, you dumb piece of shit. Or are you some Chinese Communist sympathizer that would rather China do it all?
Holy Jesus. Man, are you biased beyond belief. Have a nice day.
She is "demanding" the governments of the world take serious action on climate change.

You actually think she has never mentioned any actual actions? Or have you just not cecked?
She hasn't that I know of. All she ever does is spout off the same crap you just did without listing any details. She's always criticizing the things that they actually do do so what is it she wants, other than taking it serious? What in the hell does that mean? John Kerry just said that we need to spend tens of trillions of dollars and she probably says that Kerry isn't taking things serious.
I think she is an example of a lot of today's younger people that are convinced they are outraged about something that they won't be in 15 years when they grow up and learn how the real world thinks.

They are told things when they are younger and since they lack experience then they are single minded and focused beyond the ability to think or say anything except that one thing. Their youth also gives them energy and emotion that hasn't been tempered yet so they are border irrational. Kind of like when you're young how you laugh hysterically at dumb shit and when your heart is broken it's like the end of the world.

Younger people also learn what they learn online mostly. So they search out and find, whether it be honest and factual or not, exactly what will feed them. They don't have the capacity to consider other opinions or options either.

I also think she is encouraged and pushed by people who want to use her to push their agenda and see her nothing more than a tool to be used.

And like most kids today, they want to be internet famous and will do anything they can to feel it. And to feel as special, unique, powerful and intelligent as their soft parents have been telling them are since birth.

I think she is a misguided and ignorant fool. Ignorant as in she is just a kid, she doesn't really know anything at all.

It happens with most of us, that as we are very young, we are very idealistic, with ideas about how we think the world should work, how we want it to be made to work, with little understanding of how it really works, and how it must work. As we get older, we learn and understand more about how the world works, how it has no choice but to work, and our idealism tends to give way to a more realistic view.

Ms. Thunberg's handlers are doing her no favor by encouraging and upholding her unrealistic idealism. They are stunting the process by which she would gain knowledge and understanding, and setting her up to be a very nonfunctional adult.
I've been reading up on the Climate Summit in Scotland and something stuck in my mind when Greta Thunberg said, "“Change is not going to come from inside there,” she told the crowd. “That is not leadership; this is leadership.”

So, if change is not going to come from the world leaders, what are the details of how her leadership is going to make the necessary changes to save our planet? What things is she going to do that does not involve the world's leaders?

Great Thunberg and all of the "experts" at that summit cannot answer the following question, since it clearly exposes Co2 as a non factor...

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere and the same amount of co2 in the atmosphere. What caused that???

Start the Jeopardy! music

First topic on this got moved to environment, and NONE of the warmers here have the intellectual courage to answer it...
So apparently we actually have grown ass adults who think world leaders need Greta Thunberg to itemize a list of things they should do regarding climate change

Scientists? Engineers? Economists? Who needs them.

Either Greta needs to do their jobs too, or she is worthless.

Because 'Murrica and Duh
If you can link to things she actually wants to do then feel free.
This is your thread. Your book report, not mine.
She is urging governments to take action. If they come to her and say "what, EXACTLY", like you are, she is going to look at them like they are stupid and tell them to ask the scientists.

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