What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

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Great Thunberg and all of the "experts" at that summit cannot answer the following question, since it clearly exposes Co2 as a non factor...

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere and the same amount of co2 in the atmosphere. What caused that???

Start the Jeopardy! music

First topic on this got moved to environment, and NONE of the warmers here have the intellectual courage to answer it...

Very easy to explain.
There is a 110,000 year long ice age and warming cycle.
Some of it based on orbit and precession angle, but the main thing is plants.
When plants do well, they absorb the carbon and it gets cold.
When it gets cold enough, the plants die.
When the plants die and rot, they release the carbon again.
And then it gets warm again.
And plants start to do well again.
This has happened at least 12 times we know of.
Do you get that?

Now compare that with the current warming.
We have increased global temperatures by 1.5 degrees in about 40 years.
We soon will be or already are at a cusp, where positive feedback mechanisms kick in that greatly accelerate the increase.
They are water vapor and methane that is currently frozen in polar tundra or ocean bottoms.
These positive feedback mechanisms could easily increase the global temp by 10 degrees in tens years, at some point.
And we already were in the peak of the natural global warming before we started this artificial one.
So this is going to result in a double warming, hotter than it has ever gotten in over 500 million years.
We have in
If you can link to things she actually wants to do then feel free.

Pretty simple.
She was already trying to show by example.
Such as arriving in the US by sailboat instead of jet plane.
It is not hard to do by just making little changes.
For example, cars could be smaller or slower, or we could do more mass transit, like high speed train, hyperloop, etc.
There is nothing quite the mass murder of Jews to elicit your support.

Arabs and Moslems have never harmed Jews.
When the Crusaders started massacring Jews in the Mideast, who protected the Jews?
It was the Arabs and Moslems.

Zionists are NOT Jews.
Jews know that they are supposed to be in a period of atonement for the sins of arrogance and pride, after the defeat of the rebellions against Rome.
Jew are told the coming of the Messiah will be the sign their period of atonement is over and it worked.
Zionism is not just an insult to 2000 years of Jews atonement, but abhorrent murder and theft that no Jew could possibly support.

And by the way, the mass murderers are the Zionists, like the bombing of the King David Hotel, the assassination of the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the massacre of hundreds of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.
Pretty simple.
She was already trying to show by example.
Such as arriving in the US by sailboat instead of jet plane.
It is not hard to do by just making little changes.
For example, cars could be smaller or slower, or we could do more mass transit, like high speed train, hyperloop, etc.

Yeah, and when it gets cold this winter, just put on a sweater, eh Jimmy?
Arabs and Moslems have never harmed Jews.
When the Crusaders started massacring Jews in the Mideast, who protected the Jews?
It was the Arabs and Moslems.

Zionists are NOT Jews.
Jews know that they are supposed to be in a period of atonement for the sins of arrogance and pride, after the defeat of the rebellions against Rome.
Jew are told the coming of the Messiah will be the sign their period of atonement is over and it worked.
Zionism is not just an insult to 2000 years of Jews atonement, but abhorrent murder and theft that no Jew could possibly support.
They taught you that in Maddrassas you attended as a kid, did they, filth?
She is just a kid. there are people who are alive today when the world was in chaos during WW2. Tons of hazardous stuff was sunk and burning in every ocean and many rivers every freaking day. Reckless Atomic testing became the norm after the war and was so popular that it was a tourist attraction in Nevada. We obliterated beautiful islands and left them permanently uninhabitable while radiated ships littered the ocean floor. All that stuff is percolating to the surface today even if kids like Thunburg think it's ancient history. If there is such a thing as man made global warming it ain't my fault because I drive a V-8 truck.

Most people did not even have a car during WWII.
The massive consumption of fossil fuel did not start until the 1950s.

LOL. Democrats can't even push their own agenda through Congress. She is a worthless piece of shit that has a big mouth that accomplishes nothing. In fact, she attacks those that actually are trying to do something. How dumb in that? Why doesn't she go to China, India, Saudi Arabia, etc., the real polluters, and shout off her big mouth there? Even if she could get most of the civilized world to do as she pleased, it wouldn't make up for the world's worst polluting countries.

The US pollutes about 3 times more per person than anyone, and about 10 times more per person than China, India, Saudi Arabia, etc.
The US is the single main factor.
As the pollution leader, if the US reduces, then everyone else will as well.
Yeah, and when it gets cold this winter, just put on a sweater, eh Jimmy?

I do think Jimmy Carter was right, but clearly cars and deforestation are the main issues.
Houses do not need that much for heating.
My furnace usually does not even go on during the day.
Are you suggesting we return to the age of sail?

View attachment 559648

I don't think we need transcontinental travel by air.
I was thinking of oil powered freighters for food shipments, but you have a point that we might be able to do sail again?
Not sure, because they would have to find a way to keep the crew needs down?

They taught you that in Maddrassas you attended as a kid, did they, filth?

Why would Arab Moslems be a threat to Jews?
Jews always lived under Moslem rule since Mohammad.
Jews always preferred Moslem rule to Christian rule, such as the Iberian Peninsula, with the Moslem Moors and the Christian Inquisitions.

If Jews felt threatened by Arabs or Moslems, then why did a million or so emigrate to Palestine, where Arab Moslems ruled?

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