What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

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Each of those persons ... in the opinion of the editorial staff of Time Magazine ... wielded the greatest influence, for good or ill, in the world that year.

My time machine is out of dilithium so I can't go back and poll all the employees of Time in 1938, so I'm just going to take the magazine covers at face value.
Greta's smart as Hell.

We're all doomed, but what the hey!

Oh, girl! You need a makeover ... Avril Lavigne is sooo '90s!

China dictates the world economy.

They already won. I guess the USA gets to be taken seriously due nukes & numbers is all, for now. Wow, this is going to work out really well. I tell my kids they better buy a place or they'll be paying Chinese 5-6K rent in 15 years, but I didn't quite envision that to mean quite literally.
I think it is child abuse to tell a child that she has no future and only has 12 years to live because the end of the word is coming because of carbon emissions.

To watch her then show up at the UN to cry about being traumatized by such indoctrination I think is criminal.

But this is how the Left is. They will pull first graders out of class to protest guns.

Again, it's child abuse.
:linky: :linky: :linky: :linky: :linky: :linky: :linky: :linky: :linky: :linky:
people can just use the internet instead

I speak for everyone else in the world when I say, "We're excited that you will do all your future travel from your own home".

We will all sleep a little easier if you never leave the house.
You do realize that Carter was resoundingly seen as America’s worst President don’t you? That is until the disaster we have in office today that is.

Carter was wrong on and for America. High inflation, wrecked economy, and seen as weak on the world stage.

Repeating that is insanity.

Carter did nothing wrong, and instead those with economic clout deliberately sabotaged his administration,
The Iran thing was not his doing at all, and it was the Air Force that screwed up Operation Eagle Talon.
CA was angry with him because he correctly tried to cut their federal water subsidies.
Carter had nothing at all to do with the inflation, like the oil shortage caused by Iran.
Carter did nothing wrong, and instead those with economic clout deliberately sabotaged his administration,
The Iran thing was not his doing at all, and it was the Air Force that screwed up Operation Eagle Talon.
CA was angry with him because he correctly tried to cut their federal water subsidies.
Carter had nothing at all to do with the inflation, like the oil shortage caused by Iran.

No she's a spoiled brat who has no idea about anything. She just parrots what others tell her. She needs a kick in the ass.
Pretty simple.
She was already trying to show by example.
Such as arriving in the US by sailboat instead of jet plane.
It is not hard to do by just making little changes.
For example, cars could be smaller or slower, or we could do more mass transit, like high speed train, hyperloop, etc.

So, you're saying that the world should get rid of planes and travel by sail boats?

That cars should be smaller and slower?

Where would you put high speed trains and hyperloops - in the same areas we already have mass transit?

Apparently you still couldn't find and demands she makes so you just made things up. Do you have a link from HER demands?
The US pollutes about 3 times more per person than anyone, and about 10 times more per person than China, India, Saudi Arabia, etc.
The US is the single main factor.
As the pollution leader, if the US reduces, then everyone else will as well.
Oh Jesus. Now you want to give places like China and India a free pass just because they have more people. China and India are two of the biggest polluters in the world and you just laugh them off. China, all by itself, pollutes more than most all industrialized nations combined and are adding more coal plants.
she's an emotional youngster who feels strongly about her beliefs. given that, i do believe the left has used her to push an image people see through anymore.

in an interview recently she even admits that while she says the other side "blah blah blah's" a lot, she does too.

maybe she can to make pillows with the florida kid. oh wait, he lost his ass. she may want to aim higher.
Just like liberals to reward failure.
It's the thought that counts. When liberals make a policy and that policy fails, they are so astounded and unable to accept that what they did failed, the solution has to be that they didn't do enough of it so just do more of what didn't work and keep on doing that over and over because they believe there is no way that their solution could not work.

Carter was likely the single most honorable president we ever had.
He was disgusted by DC corruption and was deliberately sabotaged by the corrupt, wealthy, elite.
Like he wanted to cut water subsidies for CA.
That is why he was attacked.
Not because he was stupid, dishonest, or even wrong.
He was right.
About the only one who knew and told the truth.
Remember he was a nuclear sub captain, with degrees in nuclear physics.
He could mentally run rings around any other president.

So, you're saying that the world should get rid of planes and travel by sail boats?

That cars should be smaller and slower?

Where would you put high speed trains and hyperloops - in the same areas we already have mass transit?

Apparently you still couldn't find and demands she makes so you just made things up. Do you have a link from HER demands?

We likely should not have people traveling much at all, since we can use the internet.
For cargo, we should be using ships instead of planes, but sailboats are not a bad idea either.
After WWII, European cars commonly got over 40 mpg.
They had about 1 liter engines, and were not intended to cruise at 75 mph as we do now.
Wind resistance exponentially increases after 55 mph.
We could at least cut back to 65 mph and greatly reduce emissions and fuel consumption.
High speed trains and hyperloop are about 100 times more efficient than cars, so are great alternatives.

But I don't really know that much about Greta, and I doubt she understands the details very well.
Just a good heart.
Oh Jesus. Now you want to give places like China and India a free pass just because they have more people. China and India are two of the biggest polluters in the world and you just laugh them off. China, all by itself, pollutes more than most all industrialized nations combined and are adding more coal plants.

Pollution per person is ALL that counts.
The US is not just the biggest offender, but the most offensive.

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