What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

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What Do You Think Of Greta Thunberg?

I'm reminded a bit, of something I've said in the past about Hitler. He really wasn't as historically important, as everyone thinks he is. He was really little more than a figurehead for a movement that was going to take place with or without him. If Hitler had never existed, I think history would have followed pretty much the same path. The Nazis would have risen to power much the same way, put forth very much the same policies, produced very much the same results.

Ms. Thunberg is also being used similarly as a figurehead, for a movement in which she has very little actual impact or influence. And I think she has much less understanding of her movement than Hitler had of his.

At least she's cuter than Hitler was; at least when she's not scowling in a very unappealing way, which it seems she usually is.
whatever makes you happy. You have your opinion, I have mine.

We have facts that this is what occurred. And we have the huge amount of money they are making for their "passion".

Oh please. The motorcyclists are passionate, she is a paid mouthpiece.
We have facts that this is what occurred. And we have the huge amount of money they are making for their "passion".

Oh please. The motorcyclists are passionate, she is a paid mouthpiece.

Just because someone gets paid does not mean they lack passion. That is just stupid.
Isn't there something wrong with her? Autistic or something? Highly stressed, anyway.

She's getting very used to getting a lot of attention; she may not want to give it up.
No, a lot of kids with FAS come off looking like that, and her mental impairment is obvious, especially around impulse control which, again, is typical of FAS kids.
Went and looked at the "How dare you" speech and I could only stomach about 10 seconds of the poor acting and pubescent angst. I just can't take the little twat seriously.
Isn't there something wrong with her? Autistic or something? Highly stressed, anyway.

She's getting very used to getting a lot of attention; she may not want to give it up.

She has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). When mother drinks excessively during pregnancy, the baby is affected. A textbook case, actually, both mentally and physically.


I've been reading up on the Climate Summit in Scotland and something stuck in my mind when Greta Thunberg said, "“Change is not going to come from inside there,” she told the crowd. “That is not leadership; this is leadership.”

So, if change is not going to come from the world leaders, what are the details of how her leadership is going to make the necessary changes to save our planet? What things is she going to do that does not involve the world's leaders?
This is her in 60 years:
I've been reading up on the Climate Summit in Scotland and something stuck in my mind when Greta Thunberg said, "“Change is not going to come from inside there,” she told the crowd. “That is not leadership; this is leadership.”

So, if change is not going to come from the world leaders, what are the details of how her leadership is going to make the necessary changes to save our planet? What things is she going to do that does not involve the world's leaders?
That 's easy... She's a retarded moron who looks like downs syndrome on steroids' and her mother is a famous, promiscuous slut.....not a hard answer.

I've been reading up on the Climate Summit in Scotland and something stuck in my mind when Greta Thunberg said, "“Change is not going to come from inside there,” she told the crowd. “That is not leadership; this is leadership.”

So, if change is not going to come from the world leaders, what are the details of how her leadership is going to make the necessary changes to save our planet? What things is she going to do that does not involve the world's leaders?
An effective activist for her cause. Clearly our generation is going to sit around and play with itself instead of taking serious action on climate change. So her cause needs a young, fiery voice like hers.
I'm reminded a bit, of something I've said in the past about Hitler. He really wasn't as historically important, as everyone thinks he is. He was really little more than a figurehead for a movement that was going to take place with or without him. If Hitler had never existed, I think history would have followed pretty much the same path. The Nazis would have risen to power much the same way, put forth very much the same policies, produced very much the same results.

Ms. Thunberg is also being used similarly as a figurehead, for a movement in which she has very little actual impact or influence. And I think she has much less understanding of her movement than Hitler had of his.

At least she's cuter than Hitler was; at least when she's not scowling in a very unappealing way, which it seems she usually is.
She's symbolic of the younger generation's recognition of the huge issue of climate change. That's empowering for most younger people.

But I have to say that the fight to stop climate change is already lost. Inasmuch as remedies will only be found in desperation after the fact.

For one example, higher walls will need to be built all along the US Atlantic seaboard to keep the water out.

Financed by heavier taxation of the working class and maybe finally the very wealthy too!
She has never exhibited the slightest bit of real passion. She was thrust upon the world in full force, a little propaganda darling for the media to fawn over.

once again, we will have to disagree.

Why does that bother you so very much?

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