What do you think of interracial dates

I love women of all cultures. Women are beautiful period.

If I were to have a son or daughter and they wanted to date someone of a different ethnic group I am fine.

What I do know is here in California white women love the BBC which is why so many biracial babies are being born...lol

Ok I kid....But seriously chicks love the BBC
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I would not date a white woman, blacks were killed for even looking at a white woman, why would I be seen in public with one?. That would be disrespecting the many black ancestors that were killed.
I think white men need to stick to their white women also, many blacks see it as a disrespect.
Love your own race, stop all this mix and matching. It looks weird if you ask me.
It shows you have a problem with your own race.
But I love Black women.
i have a question. if we were a couple (what we ARE NOT, she is just a decent and very nice friend)
would we be considered interracial by your Standards (based on how we look together)?
I've never been just friends with a girl.

You Gay OP?

I have a good handful of close female friends with whom I am just friends.
I don't know much about interracia datesl. I don't know anything about it. Not my case.

Having said that, who am I to object to things people do?
Damn, MikeK is 76?

Now I can't be incredibly rude to him about having the longest ignore list in USMB history. I just can't be mean to elderly people. I'm a freaking saint and shit.

I think it explains the ignore list perfectly: he ain't got time to waste on morons and trolls.

I'm with MikeK!

I still object to the use of it, but I won't speak of it anymore. It's not like he can see it anyway, he has me on ignore, at least he did.
I would not date a white woman, blacks were killed for even looking at a white woman, why would I be seen in public with one?. That would be disrespecting the many black ancestors that were killed.
I think white men need to stick to their white women also, many blacks see it as a disrespect.
Love your own race, stop all this mix and matching. It looks weird if you ask me.
It shows you have a problem with your own race.

You're just as fucking as bad as White Nationalists/Supremacists. If you would have replaced that black history part with "White Genocide" it would be the same as a WN whining.
I am seventy-six years old so I don't personally relate to the dating issue. But I have five grandchildren and I believe the information contained in the following article is something they need to be made aware of.

Anyone disagree?

On paper it seems like a sensible question/precaution one should take into consideration. Either way, does it fall within the standard definition of racism to openly declare that you'd rather your children and/or grandchildren shared the same skin colour as you do?

I don't think it does.
The standard definition of racism is the belief that one's race is superior to another or others. So you'd be right.

I am a realist -- not a racist. In this particular issue I simply do not believe in gambling against the odds. The risk of loss is far too dangerous.

If you were a realist then you would know that the number of the HIV population is still relatively small compared to the general population. There is a small chance of even meeting someone with HIV randomly.

For example: a 20/1000000 is not that significant from a 1/10000000 even though 20/10000000 is 20x more. Both occurrences are still relatively rare.
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Only two cases I'd consider it....
Native American(since I'm 1/8th)
and East Asian-A culture that respects having a first world civilization.

Otherwise nah...

From someone who talks a lot of shit about races. One would think you would be from pure Aryan stock.

Not only you admit the desire to mix races with "Mongoloids", but that you're tainted with "Mud Blood".

I don't think Stormfront, KKK or other White Supremacist groups would be too happy. They might even kill you for their sick agenda. How ironic.
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I've dated mostly whites, but also blacks and Asians. It's a matter of whom one clicks with. I married a non-practicing Jew, though after 14 years and 3 kids we divorced. No, the reasons did not include religion.

For the most part it seems to me that if your interests and mores are in agreement, and both parties respect each other, a relationship may work regardless of some cultural differences.
i have a question. if we were a couple (what we ARE NOT, she is just a decent and very nice friend)
would we be considered interracial by your Standards (based on how we look together)?
I've never been just friends with a girl.

You Gay OP?

I have a good handful of close female friends with whom I am just friends.

And the fact that you are gay doesn't make you a bad person. It's just who you are and that's ok.

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