What do you think of interracial dates

Unkotare, "gypo" is a common slang word for 'gypsies'.

What the hell is the point of an 'abbreviation' that is only one letter shorter than the proper term? Is your intention to use the term as a slur?

obviously he uses it as racial slur. just like "n-word" is a Abbreviation of negroid which just means black, but is a racial slur. or in England "paki" is a racial slur but it is just a Abbreviation of the word Pakistani
I would not date a white woman, blacks were killed for even looking at a white woman, why would I be seen in public with one?. That would be disrespecting the many black ancestors that were killed.
I think white men need to stick to their white women also, many blacks see it as a disrespect.
Love your own race, stop all this mix and matching. It looks weird if you ask me.
It shows you have a problem with your own race.

Why don`t you,Matthew, and all the other crazies go live your racially pure fantasy land on another planet and leave our human societies alone.
When I was a teenager, I asked my mom if she'd be upset if I were to marry a black man. She said that as long as he treated me well and I was happy, that she wouldn't be upset. However, she said that she'd worry how our children might be treated. If my daughter were to ask me the same question now, I wouldn't have that concern at this point in time. While far from perfect, I think society has made big strides in the past couple of generations, which is why it's annoying when people who claim to not be racist continue to want to keep the race pot stirred up.
I am seventy-six years old so I don't personally relate to the dating issue. But I have five grandchildren and I believe the information contained in the following article is something they need to be made aware of.

HIV/AIDS and African Americans - The Office of Minority Health - OMH

Anyone disagree?

On paper it seems like a sensible question/precaution one should take into consideration. Either way, does it fall within the standard definition of racism to openly declare that you'd rather your children and/or grandchildren shared the same skin colour as you do?

I don't think it does.
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Either way, does it fall within the standard definition of racism to openly declare that you'd rather your children and/or grandchildren shared the same skin colour as you do?

I don't think it does.

It means you're an idiot.
Because skin color is a meaningless superficiality, and if it affects your affection for children or grandchildren (or anyone else for that matter) in any way, then you are too stupid and/or hateful to qualify as a decent human being.
Do people with brown hair worry for one fucking second about whether their children or grandchildren will have blond or red or black hair? Do they 'decide' who to love and start a family with based on such a ridiculous non-issue? Only if they are farm-animal stupid.
As I said/wrote, in relation to what you quoted me on. Other than that, all you've provided me with in relation to what you've quoted me on is your usual, and in this case irrelevant, ranting.
i have a question. if we were a couple (what we ARE NOT, she is just a decent and very nice friend)
would we be considered interracial by your Standards (based on how we look together)?

dont Quote the Picture because i will delete it out. thank you.
If you are asking me inquiring mind I would say I cant tell.

I think interracial procreation will help save this world.

People are people and loving someone has nothing to do with race
Interracial dating and marriage, part of a conspiracy to eliminate the black race.
Homosexuality, Crime, Drugs, white racism, and interracialism.
i have a question. if we were a couple (what we ARE NOT, she is just a decent and very nice friend)
would we be considered interracial by your Standards (based on how we look together)?
I've never been just friends with a girl.

You Gay OP?
If you are asking me inquiring mind I would say I cant tell.

I think interracial procreation will help save this world.

People are people and loving someone has nothing to do with race

Yes I asked you. About my last Question. About the Photo. Is your answer you cant tell? :eusa_angel:

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