What do you think the future of race relations will be like?

Provide the science of when racism ended.
Antisemitism hasn’t ended, either. Yet Jews are among the highest income and net worth minorities in the country. That is because we value two-parent families, hard work, and higher education - and we did so even through the nightmarish days of the Holocaust. And did so through all the expulsions and persecution and blood libel for long before that as well.

Let go of your victimhood, which is only holding blacks down, and get the out-of-wedlock birth rate under control. Along with that, emphasize the necessity for some sort of career training after high school, and condemn in the strongest terms black criminals rather than make excuses for them.
What do you think will be the same? What do you think will be different? Do you think you are a visionary? Do you think others are blind?

Here's the difference between black and white people. Any time I've ever seen a car almost hit a bicyclist, the driver of the car is always apologetic. The other day this black lady almost hit my friend. He said, "hey watch where you're going!" Every other driver I've ever seen has said sorry and they understood right away they fucked up by pulling up past the cross walk so fast like that. I have to admit, I've done it too. And I always apologize to the person on the bike.

But not this black woman. She yelled back, "YOU WATCH OUT MOTHER FUCKER".

So let me ask you. Will black people still act like this in the future?
ifi had my way id send every last one of you ungrateful, useless, suck on the gov. teet negroes back to africa, im sure youll be happy living in that shithole you all came from:)
Not every one. I'd start with prisoners. Set them free. Put them on a boat with a passport going to Africa like they are just Americans on vacation going to see the motherland. But then never allow them to come back to the United States.

I'm Greek. If I were a Greek American criminal, they could send me back to Greece with a one way ticket and it'd be up to me to get Greece to make me a Greek citizen.

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