What do you think . . .

when people steal other people's pictures off the internet and claim it is them and then post using another person's image? Is it like identity theft?

When I first got to this site I noticed right away that a lot of guys were using females in their avatars. Which struck me as bizarro. Still does.

Nomsayin' kaz ?

Bro, makeup? seriously? You gonna show us drag night next?
It's kind of known the guy in my avatar is dead. ;)

I'm not talking about celebrities. People who pick up pictures of random people off the internet and claim they are that person, or at least try to give that impression.

That's totally me in my avi. Took it in 1901. The girl is AngelsNDemons

I have met, and dated IRL, another from this site..all the pix I have posted, are of me...(not me in my avi tho...I am merely impersonating a drawing of a dark angel) :p
I was the guy for the Dodgers with the speed camera for the pitchers.

No, not the one with the hat and the mustache. That was MarionMorrison.

<< And I am not the woodchuck.
Cartoon images and images that are CLEARLY not the poster are not what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about people using a random avatar of a random person on the internet (maybe they got the picture from Facebook or whatever), and claiming that it is them or at least insinuating that it is them. Why? Why would you do that and take the risk of the person whose pictures you are using seeing them or someone that the person knows seeing them (which, BTW, actually did happen here not too long ago!)
Cartoon images and images that are CLEARLY not the poster are not what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about people using a random avatar of a random person on the internet (maybe they got the picture from Facebook or whatever), and claiming that it is them or at least insinuating that it is them. Why? Why would you do that and take the risk of the person whose pictures you are using seeing them or someone that the person knows seeing them (which, BTW, actually did happen here not too long ago!)

For once I agree with you.

I think that women, well people, who do that are despicable.

But more than despicable they are sad and pathetic and with no self esteem at all. What a miserable life they must have to be robbing other people's pictures and claiming them as their own.

And those who fall for the lies of the person impersonating another one, are naive idiots for whom I don't have any respect at all.

My two cents.
I'm sure the person whose pictures were stolen feels a little violated. How would you feel if a person stole your pictures and was using them as an avatar or posting them on random websites and claiming that they are you and speaking as you! I would be livid.
I'm sure the person whose pictures were stolen feels a little violated. How would you feel if a person stole your pictures and was using them as an avatar or posting them on random websites and claiming that they are you and speaking as you! I would be livid.

Yes, not only avatars but any picture posted.

At the end the truth always comes out....to shame them!
I'm sure the person whose pictures were stolen feels a little violated. How would you feel if a person stole your pictures and was using them as an avatar or posting them on random websites and claiming that they are you and speaking as you! I would be livid.

Honestly I'd have to laugh & think they were a dumbass for trying to impersonate me. Notta gonna happen cause anyone that has spent more than 5 minutes in conversation with me, could see right thru an imposter.

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