What do you want your economy to do


VIP Member
May 30, 2012
With automation, and mergers and acquisitions, and outsourcing, workers are getting squeezed. Managers are getting squeezed. But the Top Management are getting richer and richer. Fewer companies mean fewer jobs. Outsourcing means fewer jobs here. And Automation continues to replace workers with machines.

So, under laisses-faire competition, what is the result?? Fewer jobs, more competition for the jobs that exist and lower earnings for workers.

Lower costs and higher profits for corporations.

Mergers and acquisitions mean higher prices and higher profits again, for corporations.

So, the result is a two tier economy, and population. The very few very wealthy. And the very many and very poor workers. That ends up being the end result, without intervention, of Laisses Faire competition. Along with a few middle wealth people, accountants and lawyers, and other professionals. But, all are scrambling for a very few jobs.

On the road to libertarianism. Not quite there, but pretty well committed. So what happens next?? It will not be pleasant, but people will not put up with it. There may be violent revolt. Or it may be a slow healing, over decades, under nonviolent revolution. But revolution it will be. Because people will not live that way.

Any great IDEAS?? Cause you, and I, will NOT like the result. Nor will the cons on this site, though they will not believe they are not part of the chosen ones. Ever here of Somalia???
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What do you think people want? A job? More government handouts? To punish the rich?

Why do you think there are no jobs? Why do you think companies send jobs over seas? Could it be that they can't find good workers here?
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What do you think people want? A job? More government handouts? To punish the rich?

Why do you think there are no jobs? Why do you think companies send jobs over seas? Could it be that they can't find good workers here?
So, you are a con tool. Expressing con dogma. All of which is your little opinion. Profound. And completely unhelpfull.

You must be so proud of yourself.
What do you think people want? A job? More government handouts? To punish the rich?

Why do you think there are no jobs? Why do you think companies send jobs over seas? Could it be that they can't find good workers here?
So, you are a con tool. Expressing con dogma. All of which is your little opinion. Profound. And completely unhelpfull.

You must be so proud of yourself.

Touchy..... I thought you wanted to find answers? I guess I was wrong.

What do you think people want? A job? More government handouts? To punish the rich?

Why do you think there are no jobs? Why do you think companies send jobs over seas? Could it be that they can't find good workers here?
So, you are a con tool. Expressing con dogma. All of which is your little opinion. Profound. And completely unhelpfull.

You must be so proud of yourself.

Touchy..... I thought you wanted to find answers? I guess I was wrong.

Yep. Answers would be great. But not dogma. All you said, from what I could read, is that our workers want handouts, are not good at what they do, are too demanding, etc. And the beat goes on. How do you think that those are SOLUTIONS. Me boy, if you think those are solutions, then you are INCAPABLE of discussion. I hope, for your sake, you are not that stupid.
With automation, and mergers and acquisitions, and outsourcing, workers are getting squeezed. Managers are getting squeezed. But the Top Management are getting richer and richer. Fewer companies mean fewer jobs. Outsourcing means fewer jobs here. And Automation continues to replace workers with machines.

So, under laisses-faire competition, what is the result?? Fewer jobs, more competition for the jobs that exist and lower earnings for workers.

Lower costs and higher profits for corporations.

Mergers and acquisitions mean higher prices and higher profits again, for corporations.

So, the result is a two tier economy, and population. The very few very wealthy. And the very many and very poor workers. That ends up being the end result, without intervention, of Laisses Faire competition. Along with a few middle wealth people, accountants and lawyers, and other professionals. But, all are scrambling for a very few jobs.

On the road to libertarianism. Not quite there, but pretty well committed. So what happens next?? It will not be pleasant, but people will not put up with it. There may be violent revolt. Or it may be a slow healing, over decades, under nonviolent revolution. But revolution it will be. Because people will not live that way.

Any great IDEAS?? Cause you, and I, will NOT like the result. Nor will the cons on this site, though they will not believe they are not part of the chosen ones. Ever here of Somalia???

Somalia is not the result of laisses-faire economics, nor libertarian ideas. Somalia is the result of a civil war after a first communist then marxist government collapsed. Libertarian and libertarian perspectives are oriented towards limited government, not no government.

Somalia is an example of what happens when extreme left bias in economics and government fail.
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Liberals need to have some private sector experience before they start mouthing off their great economic "ideas"

I always get a laugh out of how people living in Mom's basement reading "Little Red Book" and "Audacity of Hope" think that's all the experience they need to discuss economics
you say.....our workers want handouts, are not good at what they do, are too demanding, etc.

all very true, but liberals keep adding to the panoply of welfare entitlements so fewer and fewer work and fewer and fewer of those who do work see it as a necessity. This is why 24 million are unemployed(U 6)
I want an economy that makes people work for a living, regardless of their race or political affiliation.
I want the economy to rely on the ingenuity of entrepreneurs, not the government's micromanagement.
I want the economy to rely on the ingenuity of entrepreneurs, not the government's micromanagement.
OK. Great. Now what. Fewer companies. Fewer jobs. ongoing. do you expect that the trend to less jobs and less businesses is going to be solved by private businesses? How do you think that will work, since it has not yet?
So, businesses are in business for Proffit. To make their board of directors happy and wealthy, right. no judgement, just the way it is. So, to them, mergers are great. The bod gets wealthier.
and to them, outsoursing is great. cuts costs, makes proffits bigger. Bod gets wealthier.
Then, to them, autoation is great. cuts labor costs, increases proffits, Bod gets wealthier.

So, fewer companies, fewer jobs. Repeat. and Repeat. And repeat. So?? So far, everyone posting to this blog is happy. Corporations are wealthier, though fewer. Jobs are fewer. and competition for jobs is greater, making labor cheaper. And workers poorer. And repeat.

Problem is, it goes untill you reach the bottom. Anybody see a solution, or is this simply where you want the country to go? Is this where you want to see your future?

I do not. But that is just a value statement.
I want an economy that makes people work for a living, regardless of their race or political affiliation.
And that will help the lack of jobs issue how????

too stupid!!! Capitalism and the law of supply and demand of course !! Ever notice how supply equals demand when the government does not interfere??
Yup. If monopoly does not exist. But it does. And it gets greater, through mergers and acquisitions. Which create more M and A's. Fewer jobs, etc. Why do you expect it will change, Ed. We are not in your little perfect agrarian capitalist economy. We have corporations with insatiable appetites for more and more mergers. take a look around.
So, businesses are in business for Proffit. To make their board of directors happy and wealthy, right. no judgement, just the way it is. So, to them, mergers are great. The bod gets wealthier.
and to them, outsoursing is great. cuts costs, makes proffits bigger. Bod gets wealthier.
Then, to them, autoation is great. cuts labor costs, increases proffits, Bod gets wealthier.

So, fewer companies, fewer jobs. Repeat. and Repeat. And repeat. So?? So far, everyone posting to this blog is happy. Corporations are wealthier, though fewer. Jobs are fewer. and competition for jobs is greater, making labor cheaper. And workers poorer. And repeat.

Problem is, it goes untill you reach the bottom. Anybody see a solution, or is this simply where you want the country to go? Is this where you want to see your future?

I do not. But that is just a value statement.

^ This is what happens when people comment on topics they know nothing about
So, businesses are in business for Proffit. To make their board of directors happy and wealthy, right. no judgement, just the way it is. So, to them, mergers are great. The bod gets wealthier.
and to them, outsoursing is great. cuts costs, makes proffits bigger. Bod gets wealthier.
Then, to them, autoation is great. cuts labor costs, increases proffits, Bod gets wealthier.

So, fewer companies, fewer jobs. Repeat. and Repeat. And repeat. So?? So far, everyone posting to this blog is happy. Corporations are wealthier, though fewer. Jobs are fewer. and competition for jobs is greater, making labor cheaper. And workers poorer. And repeat.

Problem is, it goes untill you reach the bottom. Anybody see a solution, or is this simply where you want the country to go? Is this where you want to see your future?

I do not. But that is just a value statement.

^ This is what happens when people comment on topics they know nothing about

Yes the economics professor would have us believe that after 200 years of capitalism there should be no jobs left anywhere!!

If liberal unions, liberal taxes, and liberal illegal immigration hadn't driven 40 million jobs away we'd be way past full employment right now!!

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