What does antifa actually mean... antifa= anti "First Amendment."

bernie sanders

Bernie Sanders has actually been quite vocal in calling out the ANTIFA idiots

if fact, we are starting to get some movement from the left in joining us in condemning the activities that shut down opposing thought

if we are ever going to see things get better in the country, we need to recognize & show appreciation to our opponents when here is common ground

You seem like a good person......if you think that the democrat party is against the antifa actions you are naive......
You imbecile, he stated nothing of the sort.

And the Nazis said nothing of the sort either, that they were just defending themselves from Jews and Communists.

At least at the beginning, that is. They got openly violent soon after.

That being said, self defense against these savages is highly recommended.

Tell us, are these savages after you? No? Then why are you making up stories that they are? Oh, that's right. You want a blanket excuse to engage in violence against your political opponents.

When are you going to condemn the actions of these violent far leftists?

We've always done that. Conservatives pretend otherwise. Again, they want that excuse to be violent, so they create a myth about a nationwide conspiracy of liberals attacking them.

If you are so concerned about violence, maybe do that immediately and then we can talk more...

Done, yet another time. So, you've lost that excuse.

Antifa is a handful of anarchists. They're not a threat to anybody. Yet most conservatives are calling for nationwide violence against all liberals because of them. That's the fascist playbook being followed.

Dumb ass...they have already shut down several speeches and the Rose Parade in Washington state......and they are getting more and more violent.....and have yet to be called out by their heroes, bernie sanders and elizabeth, fake indian, warren.....
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics. They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.
bernie sanders

Bernie Sanders has actually been quite vocal in calling out the ANTIFA idiots

if fact, we are starting to get some movement from the left in joining us in condemning the activities that shut down opposing thought

if we are ever going to see things get better in the country, we need to recognize & show appreciation to our opponents when here is common ground

Do you realize that the violence you are seeing has been directed by the Democrat National Committee..the hilary campaign and from the former obama White House.....?

Did you see this undercover video of interviews with bob craemer, and scot foval....democrat party activists who admitted, on video, that they were paid and directed by the DNC and the hilary campaign to organize violene at Trump rallies? That they admiited that the DNC paid and directed them.....they received daily orders from the DNC director of special events....and acknowledged that hilary was aware of and directing the activiities they engaged in? That the DNC would direct them to the various local offices of the AFL-CIO when they needed more professional help in attacking and disrupting Trump rallies?

Bob craemer is the husband of Jan Schakowski, a chicago democrat congresswoman....he is a convicted felon who has been to the obama White House close to 100 times during the last election.....

The democrats do not want to get along, they want to win, and they are willing to do anything to make that happen....

Don't take my word...listen to bob craemer....

if you think that the democrat party is against the antifa actions you are naive.

I did not say that. I think ANTIFA activities are being funded by people like George Soros & are also being supported, or at least "tolerated" & even encouraged by many elements of the Democrat Party (Nancy Pelosi, Pocahontas. etc...)

But as far as Bernie is concerned?

A few things:

1. he is not a democrat, never has been, he is a socialist
2. as much as I disagree with him, I recognize that the guy has integrity & consistently stands for his core values
3. he did condemn the attacks on free speech very forcefully


^ Article is from the New York Post & well worth the read

When Bernie Fucking Sanders is the "voice of reason" for the left, then we know for certain sure that they are greatly overstepping logic & reason...
if you think that the democrat party is against the antifa actions you are naive.

I did not say that. I think ANTIFA activities are being funded by people like George Soros & are also being supported, or at least "tolerated" & even encouraged by many elements of the Democrat Party (Nancy Pelosi, Pocahontas. etc...)

But as far as Bernie is concerned?

A few things:

1. he is not a democrat, never has been, he is a socialist
2. as much as I disagree with him, I recognize that the guy has integrity & consistently stands for his core values
3. he did condemn the attacks on free speech very forcefully


^ Article is from the New York Post & well worth the read

When Bernie Fucking Sanders is the "voice of reason" for the left, then we know for certain sure that they are greatly overstepping logic & reason...

bernie sanders does not have integrity or core values.....he condemns the rich, while he owns three homes....and lives off of the government...
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

Why are pretending antifa isn't just a handful of anarchists? Why are you lying proudly to our faces and declaring it's a nationwide liberal conspiracy to attack conservatives? Why did you think such dishonesty wouldn't be exposed and laughed at?

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

"If you laugh at my conspiracy theory, it proves you're part of the conspiracy!".

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

We condemn the antifa anarchists, who aren't liberals in any way. In contrast, you sing the praises of the violent right. We're peaceful and democratic, you're violent and fascist.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics.

Your propaganda is getting kind of shrill. Dogs are howling.

They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

Agreed! German culture and tradition are under attack from Jews and Communists! We must fight back!
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

Why are pretending antifa isn't just a handful of anarchists? Why are you lying proudly to our faces and declaring it's a nationwide liberal conspiracy to attack conservatives? Why did you think such dishonesty wouldn't be exposed and laughed at?

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

"If you laugh at my conspiracy theory, it proves you're part of the conspiracy!".

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

We condemn the antifa anarchists, who aren't liberals in any way. In contrast, you sing the praises of the violent right. We're peaceful and democratic, you're violent and fascist.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics.

Your propaganda is getting kind of shrill. Dogs are howling.

They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

Agreed! German culture and tradition are under attack from Jews and Communists! We must fight back!
I agree with Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Noam Chomsky. On this and other issues.

You and yours are to the left of them. That's quite an accomplishment.
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

Why are pretending antifa isn't just a handful of anarchists? Why are you lying proudly to our faces and declaring it's a nationwide liberal conspiracy to attack conservatives? Why did you think such dishonesty wouldn't be exposed and laughed at?

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

"If you laugh at my conspiracy theory, it proves you're part of the conspiracy!".

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

We condemn the antifa anarchists, who aren't liberals in any way. In contrast, you sing the praises of the violent right. We're peaceful and democratic, you're violent and fascist.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics.

Your propaganda is getting kind of shrill. Dogs are howling.

They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

Agreed! German culture and tradition are under attack from Jews and Communists! We must fight back!
I agree with Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Noam Chomsky. On this and other issues.

You and yours are to the left of them. That's quite an accomplishment.

obama, sanders, pocohantas and chomsky...they fully support antifa.....they have to hide it.......obama has close personal ties to violent, domestic terrorist bombers, bill ayers and bernadine dorn...you can't be friends with monsters like that if you don't approve of what they did....
bernie sanders does not have integrity or core values.....he condemns the rich, while he owns three homes....and lives off of the government...

again, I am not a Bernie fan, but he has a lower net worth than any other Senator & maybe even any other member of Congress

we'll have to agree to disagree on this

we agree 80% + of the time though...


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bernie sanders does not have integrity or core values.....he condemns the rich, while he owns three homes....and lives off of the government...

again, I am not a Bernie fan, but he has a lower net worth than any other Senator & maybe even any other member of Congress

we'll have to agree to disagree on this

we agree 80% + of the time though...

And 80% is enough for me.....keep posting...I enjoy what you post.
I agree with Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Noam Chomsky. On this and other issues.

did Lizzie jump on the side of the Angels on this? Also Barry Husein???

I must have missed that...

The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

Why are pretending antifa isn't just a handful of anarchists? Why are you lying proudly to our faces and declaring it's a nationwide liberal conspiracy to attack conservatives? Why did you think such dishonesty wouldn't be exposed and laughed at?

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

"If you laugh at my conspiracy theory, it proves you're part of the conspiracy!".

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

We condemn the antifa anarchists, who aren't liberals in any way. In contrast, you sing the praises of the violent right. We're peaceful and democratic, you're violent and fascist.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics.

Your propaganda is getting kind of shrill. Dogs are howling.

They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

Agreed! German culture and tradition are under attack from Jews and Communists! We must fight back!
I agree with Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Noam Chomsky. On this and other issues.

You and yours are to the left of them. That's quite an accomplishment.

obama, sanders, pocohantas and chomsky...they fully support antifa.....they have to hide it.......obama has close personal ties to violent, domestic terrorist bombers, bill ayers and bernadine dorn...you can't be friends with monsters like that if you don't approve of what they did....
No, they don't support this madness.
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

Why are pretending antifa isn't just a handful of anarchists? Why are you lying proudly to our faces and declaring it's a nationwide liberal conspiracy to attack conservatives? Why did you think such dishonesty wouldn't be exposed and laughed at?

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

"If you laugh at my conspiracy theory, it proves you're part of the conspiracy!".

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

We condemn the antifa anarchists, who aren't liberals in any way. In contrast, you sing the praises of the violent right. We're peaceful and democratic, you're violent and fascist.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics.

Your propaganda is getting kind of shrill. Dogs are howling.

They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

Agreed! German culture and tradition are under attack from Jews and Communists! We must fight back!
I agree with Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Noam Chomsky. On this and other issues.

You and yours are to the left of them. That's quite an accomplishment.

obama, sanders, pocohantas and chomsky...they fully support antifa.....they have to hide it.......obama has close personal ties to violent, domestic terrorist bombers, bill ayers and bernadine dorn...you can't be friends with monsters like that if you don't approve of what they did....
No, they don't support this madness.

Yeah...they do........
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

Why are pretending antifa isn't just a handful of anarchists? Why are you lying proudly to our faces and declaring it's a nationwide liberal conspiracy to attack conservatives? Why did you think such dishonesty wouldn't be exposed and laughed at?

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

"If you laugh at my conspiracy theory, it proves you're part of the conspiracy!".

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

We condemn the antifa anarchists, who aren't liberals in any way. In contrast, you sing the praises of the violent right. We're peaceful and democratic, you're violent and fascist.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics.

Your propaganda is getting kind of shrill. Dogs are howling.

They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

Agreed! German culture and tradition are under attack from Jews and Communists! We must fight back!
I agree with Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Noam Chomsky. On this and other issues.

You and yours are to the left of them. That's quite an accomplishment.

obama, sanders, pocohantas and chomsky...they fully support antifa.....they have to hide it.......obama has close personal ties to violent, domestic terrorist bombers, bill ayers and bernadine dorn...you can't be friends with monsters like that if you don't approve of what they did....
No, they don't support this madness.

Obama met with bob craemer and scot foval about 100 times...these are the guys who organized the violence to shut down Trump rallies........and sanders and warren haven't spoken out about that, have they? And jan schakowski, craemers wife...they were both in the front seats at obama's last speech in Chicago before he left office....

They support and protect the antifa brown shirts.......
You imbecile, he stated nothing of the sort.

And the Nazis said nothing of the sort either, that they were just defending themselves from Jews and Communists.

At least at the beginning, that is. They got openly violent soon after.

That being said, self defense against these savages is highly recommended.

Tell us, are these savages after you? No? Then why are you making up stories that they are? Oh, that's right. You want a blanket excuse to engage in violence against your political opponents.

When are you going to condemn the actions of these violent far leftists?

We've always done that. Conservatives pretend otherwise. Again, they want that excuse to be violent, so they create a myth about a nationwide conspiracy of liberals attacking them.

If you are so concerned about violence, maybe do that immediately and then we can talk more...

Done, yet another time. So, you've lost that excuse.

Antifa is a handful of anarchists. They're not a threat to anybody. Yet most conservatives are calling for nationwide violence against all liberals because of them. That's the fascist playbook being followed.

Dumb ass...they have already shut down several speeches and the Rose Parade in Washington state......and they are getting more and more violent.....and have yet to be called out by their heroes, bernie sanders and elizabeth, fake indian, warren.....
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics. They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

.....and one very consistent feature of this process is that they never actually object to the behavior involved. It doesn't matter that freedom of speech is very much a liberal value and that they call themselves liberal (quite mistakenly at that). They will refuse to criticize the actions that arise from members of their own tribe, and simply go on the offensive against the other tribe.

Mamooth is too stupid to deal with politics in terms of principles and values. All that counts is this Manichaean polemics.
You imbecile, he stated nothing of the sort.

And the Nazis said nothing of the sort either, that they were just defending themselves from Jews and Communists.

At least at the beginning, that is. They got openly violent soon after.

That being said, self defense against these savages is highly recommended.

Tell us, are these savages after you? No? Then why are you making up stories that they are? Oh, that's right. You want a blanket excuse to engage in violence against your political opponents.

When are you going to condemn the actions of these violent far leftists?

We've always done that. Conservatives pretend otherwise. Again, they want that excuse to be violent, so they create a myth about a nationwide conspiracy of liberals attacking them.

If you are so concerned about violence, maybe do that immediately and then we can talk more...

Done, yet another time. So, you've lost that excuse.

Antifa is a handful of anarchists. They're not a threat to anybody. Yet most conservatives are calling for nationwide violence against all liberals because of them. That's the fascist playbook being followed.

Dumb ass...they have already shut down several speeches and the Rose Parade in Washington state......and they are getting more and more violent.....and have yet to be called out by their heroes, bernie sanders and elizabeth, fake indian, warren.....
The Regressive Left likes to deploy its "Isolation" strategy whenever possible. and this "handful of anarchists" routine is a great example.

The "Isolation" technique works like this: Pretend that an event or series of events is just a tiny one-off, no big deal, and just isolate it by itself. Ignore the fact that it is obviously part of a much, much larger issue by isolating it down as small as possible, then mocking it.

They ignore how many of them (as you see on this board) are enabling and defending the actions of these people because, obviously, they are just fine with their tactics.

They also ignore the fact that Barack Obama, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders and even Noam freaking Chomsky disagree with their tactics. They've even gone to the Left of THOSE people, that's how unhinged and cowardly they are. They are spitting on freedom of expression, because they loathe this country's history, tradition and values.

.....and one very consistent feature of this process is that they never actually object to the behavior involved. It doesn't matter that freedom of speech is very much a liberal value and that they call themselves liberal (quite mistakenly at that). They will refuse to criticize the actions that arise from members of their own tribe, and simply go on the offensive against the other tribe.

Mamooth is too stupid to deal with politics in terms of principles and values. All that counts is this Manichaean polemics.
Yeah, they'll say "I'm all for freedom of speech 'n stuff, BUT....", and then they'll defend and deflect.

You made the key point: These are not really liberals.
.....and one very consistent feature of this process is that they never actually object to the behavior involved.

Yet I've criticized it, as have all the liberals. You're seem to be applying the big lie technique that you learned from your mentors -- Alinsky, Goebbels and Stalin.

The Trump thugs here, not a single one of them has renounced their side's endless calls for violence, and endless acts of actual violence. Every one of them openly endorses violence by their side. The two sides are direct opposites. The Trump-thugs are violent and fascist, while the liberals are nonviolent and democratic.

Trump-thugs aren't conservatives. They're open fascists, which is why they're following the fascist playbook. If they make up a lie about how liberals/Jews are a threat to them, they think they can justify their brownshirt tactics.

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