What does antifa actually mean... antifa= anti "First Amendment."

Antifa means both anti-fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

So true Americans are anti-fascist and anti those like 2aguy, Norman, and Mac1958 who are fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

More made up crap from the "make shit as I go along" king of the board.

You are now officially dumber than SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
Antifa is a bogeyman that righties invoke to justify violence and the suppression of all protest against DearLeader.

What, you brownshirts actually thought that wasn't obvious? We've seen how fascists work, so we know your game plan.

How many leftist rallies or marches have been broken up recently?

How many leftist speakers have been prevented form holding their speeches?
Why are you lying and pretending the handful of antifa anarchists are related to the Democrats?

Oh, that's right. It's like I said, you're operating from the Nazi playbook, trying to justify violence against Jews/Democrats.

Right now you're just insinuating that people should attack Sanders, Warren, and all democrats. Soon, you'll up your game and call for open violence against everyone you don't like.

What a steaming load of horseshit.

Don't you have some rain to go be afraid of?
.....and one very consistent feature of this process is that they never actually object to the behavior involved.

Yet I've criticized it, as have all the liberals. You're seem to be applying the big lie technique that you learned from your mentors -- Alinsky, Goebbels and Stalin.

The Trump thugs here, not a single one of them has renounced their side's endless calls for violence, and endless acts of actual violence. Every one of them openly endorses violence by their side. The two sides are direct opposites. The Trump-thugs are violent and fascist, while the liberals are nonviolent and democratic.

Trump-thugs aren't conservatives. They're open fascists, which is why they're following the fascist playbook. If they make up a lie about how liberals/Jews are a threat to them, they think they can justify their brownshirt tactics.

More bullshit. Again, how many left wing speeches, rallies, or marches have been stopped by these supposed right wing "thugs"
How many leftist speakers have been prevented form holding their speeches?

Many. Forgotten already the Republithugs shutting down town halls? Republicans even published a manual on how to squash free speech.

You were no doubt here heaping praise on those thugs.

And now you're making excuses for the current generation of righty thugs. Some things never change.
.....and one very consistent feature of this process is that they never actually object to the behavior involved.

Yet I've criticized it, as have all the liberals. You're seem to be applying the big lie technique that you learned from your mentors -- Alinsky, Goebbels and Stalin.

The Trump thugs here, not a single one of them has renounced their side's endless calls for violence, and endless acts of actual violence. Every one of them openly endorses violence by their side. The two sides are direct opposites. The Trump-thugs are violent and fascist, while the liberals are nonviolent and democratic.

Trump-thugs aren't conservatives. They're open fascists, which is why they're following the fascist playbook. If they make up a lie about how liberals/Jews are a threat to them, they think they can justify their brownshirt tactics.
I did not vote for Trump, you stupid child.
How many leftist speakers have been prevented form holding their speeches?

Many. Forgotten already the Republithugs shutting down town halls? Republicans even published a manual on how to squash free speech.

You were no doubt here heaping praise on those thugs.

And now you're making excuses for the current generation of righty thugs. Some things never change.

So people were prevented from entering the town halls? Do you have any actual evidence of this?

You are a hack, and a bad one at that.

You compete with Farkey for the dumbest poster on this board since SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
ANTIFA is a pro-Clinton group known as the Anti-Freedom Alliance.
Bunch of street nicks who can't move into an adult fact based world, rely instead on emotional distortion , can't experience prosperity, contentment and success and don't want anyone else to.
I thought I would spread this around so we can acurately label the democrat party brown shirts who are attacking people and directly attacking the Bill of Rights.....

Greg Gutfeld, on his show Saturday night, stole a definition of antifa from a guy on twitter......the guy on Twitter accurately identified what antifa means...

antiFA = anti "First Amendment."

Stick it on them like mud on a pig....

Trump is a member of ANTIFA??

Talking Points Memo

Who knew?
I thought I would spread this around so we can acurately label the democrat party brown shirts who are attacking people and directly attacking the Bill of Rights.....

Greg Gutfeld, on his show Saturday night, stole a definition of antifa from a guy on twitter......the guy on Twitter accurately identified what antifa means...

antiFA = anti "First Amendment."

Stick it on them like mud on a pig....
Brownshirts are right wing, not left.
As long as opposing speech is shut down, the Regressive Left doesn't care how it's done.

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