What Does Social Justice Actually Mean?

That's how you define social justice? Really?

I have to disagree.

It's what it means in practical terms.

Just like "shared sacrifice" means higher income people paying more in taxes while lower income people get more benefits.
Or "gun control" means sticking it to gun owners while doing nothing about any actual problem.
You have to know the context.

you mean you have to know who is doing the spinning?

No, I mean when leftist scum mouth phrases like that in practical terms what happens is what I described.

If people really wanted "social justice" they would eliminate barriers to work and trade. If people really wanted shared sacrifice they would cut the deficit. If people really wanted gun control they would eliminate barriers to gun ownership by responsible people. But that isnt what leftists want. They want more power for themselves.
We are all aware of the disadvantages of being born into a poor, uneducated single parent family, but what is the prescription for addressing this widespread problem? One view is to provide educational and other opportunities to escape this environment and, hopefully, end this repetitive cycle. Unfortunately, this approach seems to have had limited success.

Another view, seemingly espoused in the President's Social Justice agenda, is to remove the trappings of poverty by subsidizing these families into a middle class standard of living. The obvious risk to this approach is that it removes incentives for self-improvement, both for the individuals directly involved and for other individuals who then see the relative value of their own efforts diminished.

Which is the better approach? At an individual and even societal level, it probably depends on one's personal philosophical beliefs. However, these approaches also involve divergent economic premises: The Individual Opportunity approach depends on an ever-expanding private sector job market, while the Social Justice approach depends on ever-increasing government revenues.

At this point, neither approach looks very promising. What is your prescription?

It meen eberrububby get a Obamphone...and a debbut car, and mebbe some foo stamp.
I like this definition

social justice

The fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice.
Social justice means an even playing field. It gives everyone in society an equal opportunity to become successful. It is entirely up to those to make a life using skills, innovation, free thinking, and entrepreneurship to reach their dreams. Wonderful
I like this definition

social justice

The fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice.

I like this one as well.
Nice platitudes, but do you support the idea of guaranteeing all families a middle-class standard of living? If so, how should we pay for it?
For most Americans, it is a fair shot at the American dream

Americans do not want handouts. They want to be able to obtain good jobs that they can support their families on. They want to live without the fear of getting sick and losing everything they have. They want to be able to send their kids to college. They want to be able to work hard and be justly rewarded for that work

John Kennedy, speaking of the economy said.....A rising tide lifts all boats

Now, a rising tide only lifts the yachts

That is not social justice
For most Americans, it is a fair shot at the American dream

Americans do not want handouts. They want to be able to obtain good jobs that they can support their families on. They want to live without the fear of getting sick and losing everything they have. They want to be able to send their kids to college. They want to be able to work hard and be justly rewarded for that work

John Kennedy, speaking of the economy said.....A rising tide lifts all boats

Now, a rising tide only lifts the yachts

That is not social justice
If that' what Americans want why did the re-elect Obama, who promised handouts, vs Romney, who promised exactly what you are saying?
For most Americans, it is a fair shot at the American dream

Americans do not want handouts. They want to be able to obtain good jobs that they can support their families on. They want to live without the fear of getting sick and losing everything they have. They want to be able to send their kids to college. They want to be able to work hard and be justly rewarded for that work

John Kennedy, speaking of the economy said.....A rising tide lifts all boats

Now, a rising tide only lifts the yachts

That is not social justice
If that' what Americans want why did the re-elect Obama, who promised handouts, vs Romney, who promised exactly what you are saying?

If that was Romneys message, he had a funny way of presenting it

Other than vague, trickle down promises of jobs and prosperity for all. Where were specific programs targeted at helping the middle class?
For most Americans, it is a fair shot at the American dream

Americans do not want handouts. They want to be able to obtain good jobs that they can support their families on. They want to live without the fear of getting sick and losing everything they have. They want to be able to send their kids to college. They want to be able to work hard and be justly rewarded for that work

John Kennedy, speaking of the economy said.....A rising tide lifts all boats

Now, a rising tide only lifts the yachts

That is not social justice
If that' what Americans want why did the re-elect Obama, who promised handouts, vs Romney, who promised exactly what you are saying?

If that was Romneys message, he had a funny way of presenting it

Other than vague, trickle down promises of jobs and prosperity for all. Where were specific programs targeted at helping the middle class?

Social Justice means treating everyone equally not by spending tax dollars favoring one group over another.
If that' what Americans want why did the re-elect Obama, who promised handouts, vs Romney, who promised exactly what you are saying?

If that was Romneys message, he had a funny way of presenting it

Other than vague, trickle down promises of jobs and prosperity for all. Where were specific programs targeted at helping the middle class?

Social Justice means treating everyone equally not by spending tax dollars favoring one group over another.

No it doesn't

It means helping people who need help.

In the case of tax dollars. If the current tax structure and government assistance is allowing one group to prosper and another group to struggle, it is time to relook the priorities of the government
If that was Romneys message, he had a funny way of presenting it

Other than vague, trickle down promises of jobs and prosperity for all. Where were specific programs targeted at helping the middle class?

Social Justice means treating everyone equally not by spending tax dollars favoring one group over another.

No it doesn't

It means helping people who need help.

In the case of tax dollars. If the current tax structure and government assistance is allowing one group to prosper and another group to struggle, it is time to relook the priorities of the government
Helping those that can't help themselves is one thing

Taking money from some to give to people who are perfectly capable of helping themselves is quite another and is not justice in any sense of the word.
Social Justice means treating everyone equally not by spending tax dollars favoring one group over another.

No it doesn't

It means helping people who need help.

In the case of tax dollars. If the current tax structure and government assistance is allowing one group to prosper and another group to struggle, it is time to relook the priorities of the government
Helping those that can't help themselves is one thing

Taking money from some to give to people who are perfectly capable of helping themselves is quite another and is not justice in any sense of the word.

The wealthy are more than capable of helping themselves. Why do we give them government subsidies?
Social justice depends, as every other word or phrase, on what people choose for it to mean.

In some societies, people feel that citizens are more important than money, that health is more important than profits, that a good life for all is better than extremes where a tiny few reign over a large minority.

In other societies, limited egos refuse to share, wishing instead to dominate others.

In between are various mixes.

(I sure hope that pisses off the cat in the hat.)

It has nothing to do with people being 'more important than money'...

And 'refusal to share' is nothing more than a bullshit way of saying 'what is yours is ours' in liberal speak.. you have no right to the property of others, but each person has the right or freedom to give voluntarily as much as they wish to help others.... your idea of social justice is when you think others don't do enough for your agenda, they should be forced to do what you deem as enough

As usual, this individual has understood what was in his/her mind and not the original post.

Nothing more can be expected from someone whose head is hard as a diamond.

In other societies, limited egos refuse to share, wishing instead to dominate others.
Oh, it is pretty clear what you were getting at
Romney promising jobs was like the electrician promising to fix the electric chair. He failed to understand that the majority, a bare majority true, but a majority of Americans don't want jobs, they want not having a job to be more comfortable.
No it doesn't

It means helping people who need help.

In the case of tax dollars. If the current tax structure and government assistance is allowing one group to prosper and another group to struggle, it is time to relook the priorities of the government
Helping those that can't help themselves is one thing

Taking money from some to give to people who are perfectly capable of helping themselves is quite another and is not justice in any sense of the word.

The wealthy are more than capable of helping themselves. Why do we give them government subsidies?

You think we support corporate welfare or subsidies to the rich?? Nope...

Get rid of it... but do not forget to get rid of it to the others as well... they are not owed it either

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