What Does Stormy Have to Do With 'Illegal Russian Collusion' & How's This NOT 'Scooter Libby 2.0'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Forget 'Girls Gone Wild' - 'Special Prosecutors Gone Wild', starring the out-of-control Robert Mueller, is far more entertaining...and repulsive.

His raid on Trump's Lawyer's home, seizing everything he could get his corrupt little fingers on - including material that completely violates / 'backdoors' Attorney-Client privilege between Cohen and Trump, is the latest - possibly biggest - sign of Mueller's DESPERATION to get Trump npo matter what it takes.

From FAILED non-existent 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and 'Russian Interference in the 2016 election - which he was tasked to investigate, Mueller moved on to the FAILED non-existent 'Obstruction' which even Mueller ADMITTED he was abandoning as a potential 'crime'. Now, according to Mueller, 'Obstruction' will only have a place in his post-Witch Hunt 'report' that he has vowed to file. Bwuhahahaha!

....and now Mueller is attempting to convince America that a supposed sexual encounter between the President and an ex porn start is in any way connected to the reason he was appointed Special Counsel and charged with investigating - Illegal Russian Collusion and Russian Interference?

This runaway freight train ran out of track - no evidence of a crime warranting his appointment, no evidence of a crime of illegal collusion involving the President, and no credible evidence to show 'Obstruction'...on TRUMP'S part... That train is now off the tracks, running all over the place, ramming into / running through anything in its way...

The US Congress did NOT appoint Mueller to investigate possible affairs the President may have had or not. They appointed him to investigate matters of National Security. Ummmm... Stormy Daniels ain't one of them! Daniels is now just a desperate prayer of a chance snowflakes / Mueller has to complete his real mission - 'Take Down The President' ... who kicked their FELON candidate's ass!

As more and more people point out that he is a failure, a corrupt rabid Trump-hating would-be political 'hit-man' for al the Democrats who still can't accept the outcome of the 2016 election, Mueller has become more and more desperate to take down the President.

Raiding Cohen's house...and hotel...was a desperate 'snatch-and-grab move in hopes of getting something he has not had YET - evidence of any crime against the President.

Mueller knows the one person who would have any 'evidence' would be his lawyer, and thanks to Attorney-Client Privilege there was no way he was going to get that...unless he by-passed that protection by simply going in and TAKING anything and everything he could get his hands on. The move was desperate...and criminal.

Time to shut this out-of-control SOB down...


"If by raiding the office of @realDonaldTrump's attorney, the @fbi violated Trump's attorney-client privilege, this is about to get really ugly,"

"Attorney client privilege is apparently meaningless in this era of get Trump at all costs."

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material,"

"If you go to the attorney’s office and you look at attorney-client privileged material by mistake, you’re in a world of hurt," Litman said. "You’re going to get disqualified from the whole matter and the whole prosecution could go down the tubes.

And if the potentially privileged material is challenged, the burden of proof is on the prosecutors to show that they made "zero use of privileged material" and their investigation was not in any way influenced by it.

"Then, if you lose that fight, it's quite possible that anybody who's seen that document is off the case," Litman said. "So, you’re playing with fire."

The FBI has already used debunked Russian-authored propaganda, obtained from the DNC Felon Candidate who treasonously climbed into bed with foreign spies working with the Russians, to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate in the middle of an election.

They have reportedly illegally collected items from Manafort's home when executing a search warrant.

So Mueller has given every indication that he could give 2 farts about Client-Attorney Privilege, violating someone's rights, breaking laws, or doing whatever he sees fit to take down whoever he wants.

Mueller's raid on Cohen's home, was a huge risk of being fired as Special Counsel and having the entire investigation thrown out....

It is a sure sign of his almost panicked sense of DESPERATION!

What about attorney-client privilege? How the FBI can obtain a warrant for Cohen's office
(....just waiting for the 1st snowflake to try to argue that if given the opportunity to look at 'Attorney-Client Privileged' Info that might help his witch hunt we can all trust Mueller to be a man of integrity and NOT look at any of it while he has it in his possession.... :p Bwuhahahaha.....)
They will tell you that the cleaners will make sure that doesn't happen. LOL


There big investigation is now the BIG PORN STAR INCIDENT....................

Stay tuned when Trump is charged for running a stop sign.........
wrong forum ^^^^^^^^^
HOW? We are talking POLITICS. Mueller has proven he is nothing but a political hit-man.

And the question is VALID - the US govt charged Mueller with investigating a crime consisting of potential illegal collusion and aiding the Russians to interfere in the election. Mueller has criminally strayed from his charge from those who appointed him.
Nothing of course and we raised that objection about diverting down other paths when the Russian thing started. the Libbies acted all offended and rebuked that Mueller was "Russians only"
Now it's Stormy and then campaign contributions and any rabbit hole they can stumble into
Nothing of course and we raised that objection about diverting down other paths when the Russian thing started. the Libbies acted all offended and rebuked that Mueller was "Russians only"
Now it's Stormy and then campaign contributions and any rabbit hole they can stumble into

That is the way that a special council works, always has. Once they start they can pretty much go wherever what they find leads them
But to answer you question, Stormy has exactly the same thing to do with Russia as Monica had to do with Whitewater....NOTHING AT ALL.
Clinton was not impeached over Whitewater or his adultery with Monica....

Therefore I am going to ignore you post further.
That is the way that a special council works, always has. Once they start they can pretty much go wherever what they find leads them
Bull crap.... it is allowed only if you have a spineless US AG who is afraid to do anything...
Nothing of course and we raised that objection about diverting down other paths when the Russian thing started. the Libbies acted all offended and rebuked that Mueller was "Russians only"
Now it's Stormy and then campaign contributions and any rabbit hole they can stumble into

That is the way that a special council works, always has. Once they start they can pretty much go wherever what they find leads them
They are not assigned a multi tasking activity
Hey, dummies. Mueller didn't raid Cohen's home.
He reported it and turned it over to the Southern District..................

So, while he didn't raid it, he sure was the one who had it done..........I doubt he raids anything anymore than donuts and coffee at the office anyways.
But to answer you question, Stormy has exactly the same thing to do with Russia as Monica had to do with Whitewater....NOTHING AT ALL.
Clinton was not impeached over Whitewater or his adultery with Monica....

Therefore I am going to ignore you post further.

Nope, he was impeached for lying about a blowjob and that lie was found by the guy investigating Whitewater. The lie and Monica had nothing to do with what Starr was looking into...yet it lead to an impeachment.

So, your man Starr has set the precedent for all SCs to follow, and Mueller is doing just what Starr did.
That is the way that a special council works, always has. Once they start they can pretty much go wherever what they find leads them
Bull crap.... it is allowed only if you have a spineless US AG who is afraid to do anything...

Somehow i bet you were not being a whiny snowflake when Ken Starr went well beyond his mandate
Hillary's illegal email server makes Scooter Libby look like a cub scout..
The Left Wingers are just too dumb to have any sense of shame.
Nothing of course and we raised that objection about diverting down other paths when the Russian thing started. the Libbies acted all offended and rebuked that Mueller was "Russians only"
Now it's Stormy and then campaign contributions and any rabbit hole they can stumble into

That is the way that a special council works, always has. Once they start they can pretty much go wherever what they find leads them
They are not assigned a multi tasking activity

They are allowed to follow any lead they find, even if it is not dealing with the topic they were hired for. If you do not believe me, just as Bill Clinton.
Nope, he was impeached for lying about a blowjob and that lie was found by the guy investigating Whitewater.

Is that what you tell yourself every night so you can fall asleep?

Bill Clinton, the 1st US President to ever be dragged into a trial as sitting President, forced to testify in a court..as a defendant, too....a trial in which he intentionally violated his Oath of office by being mis-leading, attempting to strip a US citizen of their right to a fair trail. The Judge hammered his ass - in the end he was stripped of his license to practice law for a time...and he, like many Democrats in the Senate, paid for his victim's silence. He was then Impeached.

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