What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
We are not into buggery...so I suggest you hang wid da Libtards...yo...
Now you free traders have flip flopped and now you are offering tariffs to bring jobs back home? Are you serious? LOL.
Still waiting on Republican answers on:

If they repeal Obamacare, what will they replace it with? How will their plan be better?

How can you balance the budget without raising taxes? If it is all spending cuts, what programs will be cut and by how much?

What specifically will you do to fight terrorism that the Obama administration is not already doing?

There are 11 million undocumented aliens in this country. How do you plan to deal with them?
All of which have already been answered.
Replace Obamacare with nothing. But clear the field so insurance companies can compete nationally for customers, get rid of the artificial state boundaries. If you need Emergency care, Emergency rooms are available. If you need luxury service, like a heart transplant, pay for it or die.

You balance the budget by growing the economy. By decreasing the Capital gains tax, for example instead of 35% of nothing (business's money in foreign bank accounts) we get 10% of the money they repatriate. That equates to more money in the coffers. Get rid of unnecessary fed regulations allow businesses to thrive. Why do I, an Uber Driver, need a permit for every business/city/zone I pick up passengers in. That's fucking bullshit. I should be free to pickup wherever the customers demand I pick them up.

You fight Terrorist first by not giving them money. Second by bombing the hell out of them and ignoring the collateral damage. You support totalitarian dictators like Abbas and Saddam if you have to to quell them down. Better someone else's totalitarian dictator than terrorists free to wander in our backyards.

What to do about 11 million illegals, make it illegal to be illegal. Make it illegal to be a sanctuary city. Make it illegal for them to receive medical, school, housing, live with an American child who is getting welfare, etc. Make it illegal to employ them. Make it illegal to do business with them in any way shape or form. Outlaw instate tuition, outlaw all education for illegals.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?
When you subsidize college more people can afford to go to college and the demand for college goes up, but the supply stays the same so they have to raise prices higher to discourage students or they will overfill. Thus it make colleges more expensive.
What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?

Wack a mole. Bush already tried putting boots on the ground. Trump aint gonna stop ISIS. When we start winning the war on terror is when they get desperate and start doing suicide bombings. Those bombs in Turkey and Iraq mean we got Isis pissed off.

Trump lies about social security. He sounds like the perfect politician. Saying what everyone wants to hear. Do you recall Trump U? Trumps a liar you know.

Yes Republicans are all bad. At least their ideas are. Some have good intentions but most just suck.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?

Wack a mole. Bush already tried putting boots on the ground. Trump aint gonna stop ISIS. When we start winning the war on terror is when they get desperate and start doing suicide bombings. Those bombs in Turkey and Iraq mean we got Isis pissed off.

Trump lies about social security. He sounds like the perfect politician. Saying what everyone wants to hear. Do you recall Trump U? Trumps a liar you know.

Yes Republicans are all bad. At least their ideas are. Some have good intentions but most just suck.

Oh good Lord, you bought into John Kerry's BS about terrorist bombings mean ISIS is losing and they know it? This conversation is over LOL

Terrorist bombings are the only option for an armed force that is losing on the ground

Really, What "armed force" on the ground was losing on September 11, 2001? Or, the first WTC bombing? Or, the Achille Lauro? Or the Marine Barracks bombing?
Conservatives and logic...a contradiction in terms

One case does not exclude the other
What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
Still waiting on Republican answers on:

If they repeal Obamacare, what will they replace it with? How will their plan be better?

How can you balance the budget without raising taxes? If it is all spending cuts, what programs will be cut and by how much?

What specifically will you do to fight terrorism that the Obama administration is not already doing?

There are 11 million undocumented aliens in this country. How do you plan to deal with them?
All of which have already been answered.
Replace Obamacare with nothing. But clear the field so insurance companies can compete nationally for customers, get rid of the artificial state boundaries. If you need Emergency care, Emergency rooms are available. If you need luxury service, like a heart transplant, pay for it or die.

You balance the budget by growing the economy. By decreasing the Capital gains tax, for example instead of 35% of nothing (business's money in foreign bank accounts) we get 10% of the money they repatriate. That equates to more money in the coffers. Get rid of unnecessary fed regulations allow businesses to thrive. Why do I, an Uber Driver, need a permit for every business/city/zone I pick up passengers in. That's fucking bullshit. I should be free to pickup wherever the customers demand I pick them up.

You fight Terrorist first by not giving them money. Second by bombing the hell out of them and ignoring the collateral damage. You support totalitarian dictators like Abbas and Saddam if you have to to quell them down. Better someone else's totalitarian dictator than terrorists free to wander in our backyards.

What to do about 11 million illegals, make it illegal to be illegal. Make it illegal to be a sanctuary city. Make it illegal for them to receive medical, school, housing, live with an American child who is getting welfare, etc. Make it illegal to employ them. Make it illegal to do business with them in any way shape or form. Outlaw instate tuition, outlaw all education for illegals.
Typical conservative response......thanks for proving what we already knew
What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.
Still waiting on Republican answers on:

If they repeal Obamacare, what will they replace it with? How will their plan be better?

How can you balance the budget without raising taxes? If it is all spending cuts, what programs will be cut and by how much?

What specifically will you do to fight terrorism that the Obama administration is not already doing?

There are 11 million undocumented aliens in this country. How do you plan to deal with them?
All of which have already been answered.
Replace Obamacare with nothing. But clear the field so insurance companies can compete nationally for customers, get rid of the artificial state boundaries. If you need Emergency care, Emergency rooms are available. If you need luxury service, like a heart transplant, pay for it or die.

You balance the budget by growing the economy. By decreasing the Capital gains tax, for example instead of 35% of nothing (business's money in foreign bank accounts) we get 10% of the money they repatriate. That equates to more money in the coffers. Get rid of unnecessary fed regulations allow businesses to thrive. Why do I, an Uber Driver, need a permit for every business/city/zone I pick up passengers in. That's fucking bullshit. I should be free to pickup wherever the customers demand I pick them up.

You fight Terrorist first by not giving them money. Second by bombing the hell out of them and ignoring the collateral damage. You support totalitarian dictators like Abbas and Saddam if you have to to quell them down. Better someone else's totalitarian dictator than terrorists free to wander in our backyards.

What to do about 11 million illegals, make it illegal to be illegal. Make it illegal to be a sanctuary city. Make it illegal for them to receive medical, school, housing, live with an American child who is getting welfare, etc. Make it illegal to employ them. Make it illegal to do business with them in any way shape or form. Outlaw instate tuition, outlaw all education for illegals.
Typical conservative response......thanks for proving what we already knew
You going to stop telling the lie it hasn't been answered now?
What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.

You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.

You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
You slipped by the goal post. Who is forced to say Merry Christmas.
What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.

You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
You slipped by the goal post. Who is forced to say Merry Christmas.
Those who violate the War on Christmas Law
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.

You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
You slipped by the goal post. Who is forced to say Merry Christmas.
Those who violate the War on Christmas Law

Eh, admit it .. you'd rather buy drugs and alcohol than provide a Great Christmas for family.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.

You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
You slipped by the goal post. Who is forced to say Merry Christmas.
Those who violate the War on Christmas Law

Eh, admit it .. you'd rather buy drugs and alcohol than provide a Great Christmas for family.
Single barrell Bourbon or nothing
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.

You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
You slipped by the goal post. Who is forced to say Merry Christmas.
Those who violate the War on Christmas Law

Eh, admit it .. you'd rather buy drugs and alcohol than provide a Great Christmas for family.
Single barrell Bourbon or nothing

:puke: the hard stuff.. I didn't mind getting drunk but the hang-overs, forget it..
You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
You slipped by the goal post. Who is forced to say Merry Christmas.
Those who violate the War on Christmas Law

Eh, admit it .. you'd rather buy drugs and alcohol than provide a Great Christmas for family.
Single barrell Bourbon or nothing

:puke: the hard stuff.. I didn't mind getting drunk but the hang-overs, forget it..
You don't think I would post on USMB sober do you?
Nobody is "forced" to say Merry Christmas. However, nobody should be prevented from saying it either.
Bullshit......you say Merry Christmas or face the consequences
What consequences.
You are full of Bullshit. Provide proof.

You have no idea what the War on Christmas entails. Take no prisoners
You slipped by the goal post. Who is forced to say Merry Christmas.
Those who violate the War on Christmas Law
Being allowed to say Merry Christmas is not the same as being forced to say it. You aren't making sense.
Q. What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me

A. The same thing the GOP offers everyone, talking points. Expect nothing of substance, that's saved for their benefactors: CEO's and other members of the power elite; , i.e the military industrial complex; Big Pharma, Big Farma and the Pharmaceutical Hospital supply. Insurance industry complex.

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