What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
I'm really interested in your reply.

Today 49 % of us have middle incomes. That number used to be higher.

Lower-class household 29% and upper-class household 21%

That 29% lower class is growing. One reason being sending union/good paying jobs overseas for cheap goods and services. Who's fault is it if those people fall from middle class to lower class?

Because my friend, soon 49% of us are going to end up being lower class, 29% will be middle class and 21% will stay upper class. When that day comes, will you still say it's all those peoples fault they are no longer middle class? Do you think you will remain middle class? Why? What the fuck do you do that is so special?

In fairness, your boy Hussein has only made things worse. Maybe you should have started a thread on that. It's been his show for awhile now. Much of it is on him.
I don't take anyone who calls him Hussein seriously. Especially with such a stupid tired old reply. Sick of getting that reply. Been getting that reply since 2010. It just tells me you don't know what's going on. I'm not going to try catching you up because chances are you remember what you want to remember
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?

I hear ya, you make some valid points. But i wouldn't wait for, or expect a Political Party to 'offer' you anything. No one is owed anything. I know feeling Entitled is all the rage these days, but that mentality most often leads folks into becoming whiny bitter losers. If you want something, you have to work for it. You can't depend on a Political Party or others, to hand it to ya.
Well you will see when 60% of the population doesn't have enough to retire because they didn't save, didn't get pensions and their parents didn't leave them anything. You'll see. All the 30 somethings working now don't have shit and will never save enough to retire. Dumb mother fuckers.

It will be a completely different America. Our parents weren't that much smarter than us. They just knew to fight for and win pensions and good paying jobs for 30 years.

I'm not talking about you or me. I'm talking about the masses. They are fucked. And if that's true, America is fucked.

But I don't feel sorry for them either. I think they should boycott the best way I know how. 20 and 30 somethings should not have children. Just save their asses off. Become an even more selfish generation than they already are.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
I'm really interested in your reply.

Today 49 % of us have middle incomes. That number used to be higher.

Lower-class household 29% and upper-class household 21%

That 29% lower class is growing. One reason being sending union/good paying jobs overseas for cheap goods and services. Who's fault is it if those people fall from middle class to lower class?

Because my friend, soon 49% of us are going to end up being lower class, 29% will be middle class and 21% will stay upper class. When that day comes, will you still say it's all those peoples fault they are no longer middle class? Do you think you will remain middle class? Why? What the fuck do you do that is so special?

In fairness, your boy Hussein has only made things worse. Maybe you should have started a thread on that. It's been his show for awhile now. Much of it is on him.
I don't take anyone who calls him Hussein seriously. Especially with such a stupid tired old reply. Sick of getting that reply. Been getting that reply since 2010. It just tells me you don't know what's going on. I'm not going to try catching you up because chances are you remember what you want to remember

He has made things worse. That's just the sad reality. You're just too caught up in that 'R vs. D' sham to see it.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
They can't bring back jobs. The jobs don't exist any more. They have been automated. I've posted many links on this. Unemployment is as 4.7% and there are 5.8 million jobs available. Anyone with skills and motivation can get a job. If you don't have the skills, go back to school.
Republicans want high paying jobs that require no skills. They don't seem to understand those days are long gone.

Trump has said he will kill the families of Suicide Bombers. We call that policy "war crimes". Iran is not connected with Isis. Isis is Sunni. Iran is Shiite.

The GOP has said many times over the years, they want to end Social Security and Medicare. This could be the opportunity they are looking for.

We know what the GOP thinks of college.

I don't like the GOP, but automation is not their fault.

Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. The middle class is disappearing but the rich are doing great. It's mission accomplished for the GOP. Now blame unions dummy

Remember, in a lot of ways I agree with you. Poor people should stop having kids. Then you'll be sucking Arab Mexican Chinese and Indian cock begging them to immigrate here.

100% agreed.

But if you think the democrats are any less complicit in allowing this to happen...you are a fool.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

Nothing but tripe.

Why would you worry ? You've been fed that by the last two clowns in the WH.

Americans have long lived in a nation made up primarily of middle-class families, neither rich nor poor, but comfortable enough. This year, that changed. As of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority. Thanks to factory closings and other economic factors, the country now has 120.8 million adults living in middle-income households. That compares with the 121.3 million who are living in either upper- or lower-income households. The hollowing of the middle has proceeded steadily for the past four decades.

And middle-income Americans not only have shrunk as a share of the population but have fallen further behind financially, with their median income down 4 percent compared with the year 2000. So what exactly does it mean to be a middle-income family?

Bottom line: For a household with three people, being middle class means making between about $42,000 and $126,000. If your family of three makes less than $42,000, then you are in the lower class. If your family brings in more than $126,000, you are in the upper class.

Back in 1971, about 2 out of 3 Americans lived in middle-income households. Since then, the middle has been steadily shrinking. Today, just a shade under half of all households (about 49.9 percent) have middle incomes. Slightly more than half of Americans (about 50.1 percent) either live in a lower-class household (roughly 29 percent) or an upper-class household (about 21 percent).

Upper-class Americans have seen their incomes rise 47 percent, while lower-class families have gained only 28 percent. Americans without a college degree stand out as experiencing a substantial loss in economic status.

Since the recession ended almost all good jobs have gone to college graduates. Out of the 2.9 million good jobs created since the recovery, 2.8 million have been filled by workers with at least a bachelor's degree.

Excellent rebuttal to a fool. The attacks, and there is no better word to describe what a Gov. Walker (R -WI) has done to the working men and women, and other Republican Governors/St Legislators to labor. Their attacks on Unions, collective bargaining and taxes on workers are overlooked by too many; many who will suffer by voting by emotion and not common sense. Such persons abound on this message board; anytime a post includes the pejorative, "libtard" you've read the words of a fool.

The take aways by the Republican's are many, and justified by demeaning working men and women as wanting a free lunch; many who labor without benefits, or see their benefits reduced under the meme that benefits such as health insurance and retirement are undeserved / unearned and unnecessary, claiming that those who are personally responsible will and should put money aside for their health care and retirement,even as they refuse to consider raising the minimum wage.

Walker did nothing to the unions that the majority of voters in the state didn't want done. After his taking on the unions he survived a recall and was also re-elected. Are you calling Wisconsin foolish.

Please tells us.

I suspect the unions might have come out better if they had not been shown on TV and belligerent, bullying, whining tantrum throwing fools.
I love this message board. It is just another example of how the 1% are able to keep people at each other's throats and off their money.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
I'm really interested in your reply.

Today 49 % of us have middle incomes. That number used to be higher.

Lower-class household 29% and upper-class household 21%

That 29% lower class is growing. One reason being sending union/good paying jobs overseas for cheap goods and services. Who's fault is it if those people fall from middle class to lower class?

Because my friend, soon 49% of us are going to end up being lower class, 29% will be middle class and 21% will stay upper class. When that day comes, will you still say it's all those peoples fault they are no longer middle class? Do you think you will remain middle class? Why? What the fuck do you do that is so special?

In fairness, your boy Hussein has only made things worse. Maybe you should have started a thread on that. It's been his show for awhile now. Much of it is on him.
I don't take anyone who calls him Hussein seriously. Especially with such a stupid tired old reply. Sick of getting that reply. Been getting that reply since 2010. It just tells me you don't know what's going on. I'm not going to try catching you up because chances are you remember what you want to remember

He has made things worse. That's just the sad reality. You're just too caught up in that 'R vs. D' sham to see it.
No, I completely agree and understand where you are coming from. And I understand the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

I actually think the only way to take the country back is if at least 70% of us show up to vote every two years. If only the richest 30% show up to midterms then I agree we're chasing our tails
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

Nothing but tripe.

Why would you worry ? You've been fed that by the last two clowns in the WH.

Americans have long lived in a nation made up primarily of middle-class families, neither rich nor poor, but comfortable enough. This year, that changed. As of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority. Thanks to factory closings and other economic factors, the country now has 120.8 million adults living in middle-income households. That compares with the 121.3 million who are living in either upper- or lower-income households. The hollowing of the middle has proceeded steadily for the past four decades.

And middle-income Americans not only have shrunk as a share of the population but have fallen further behind financially, with their median income down 4 percent compared with the year 2000. So what exactly does it mean to be a middle-income family?

Bottom line: For a household with three people, being middle class means making between about $42,000 and $126,000. If your family of three makes less than $42,000, then you are in the lower class. If your family brings in more than $126,000, you are in the upper class.

Back in 1971, about 2 out of 3 Americans lived in middle-income households. Since then, the middle has been steadily shrinking. Today, just a shade under half of all households (about 49.9 percent) have middle incomes. Slightly more than half of Americans (about 50.1 percent) either live in a lower-class household (roughly 29 percent) or an upper-class household (about 21 percent).

Upper-class Americans have seen their incomes rise 47 percent, while lower-class families have gained only 28 percent. Americans without a college degree stand out as experiencing a substantial loss in economic status.

Since the recession ended almost all good jobs have gone to college graduates. Out of the 2.9 million good jobs created since the recovery, 2.8 million have been filled by workers with at least a bachelor's degree.

Excellent rebuttal to a fool. The attacks, and there is no better word to describe what a Gov. Walker (R -WI) has done to the working men and women, and other Republican Governors/St Legislators to labor. Their attacks on Unions, collective bargaining and taxes on workers are overlooked by too many; many who will suffer by voting by emotion and not common sense. Such persons abound on this message board; anytime a post includes the pejorative, "libtard" you've read the words of a fool.

The take aways by the Republican's are many, and justified by demeaning working men and women as wanting a free lunch; many who labor without benefits, or see their benefits reduced under the meme that benefits such as health insurance and retirement are undeserved / unearned and unnecessary, claiming that those who are personally responsible will and should put money aside for their health care and retirement,even as they refuse to consider raising the minimum wage.
They honestly believe free market capitalism created the middle class. They don't realize it was liberal policies like labor laws and the right to collective bargaining that created the middle class.

What I find interesting is how cons cried about how good union workers had it. Rather than say "I want that too" instead they said take away those benefits from the union workers. Now today we see insurance companies jacking up our premiums. If we will argue union workers have it too good then maybe so do we.

Part of a union's effort is to create barriers to entry for others who want to participate in the labor force.

That creates scarcity and increases wages disproportionately.

Everyone agrees on that.

How good unions have it can only be measured by what their alternative is...which probably isn't good if we leave the environment where it is today....the 1% screwing everyone.

If the 1% didn't exist, we might be able to say unions have it to good....and probably no longer need to exist.

Of course, when unions behave poorly like they did in Wisconsin, it does not help their cause (however just you might think it).
What do unions have to do with it ? Unions didn't build the current system, it was the idea of collectivism that has fostered the centralization of power in the hands of the well connected few, the collectivists got EXACTLY what they wanted! Private sector unions were just one casualty of the process that got us here. So rather than bitch and moan about it , ENJOY IT! You got what you wanted, isn't it WONDERFUL? The little partisan tribbles get to squabble with one another about what trivial pursuits are best for the "collective" while the well connected few make off with the what remains of the wealth in the West.

ROFLMAO! you think Bush was an individualist ? What sort of drugs have you been taking? the idea of collectivism has been in full force in BOTH major parties for a century and President George "Gunslinger" Bush dramatically expanded scope, cost and power of the state, he didn't do ANYTHING to empower the individual at the expense of state power (just like virtually every other President for the last century).

So you're a libertarian?
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
Like I said, when the rich have started fueling all the local and state republicans, I know who's not really for the middle class or working class in America. If you want to pretend or ignore that's on you

LOL, yeah I know who's not really for the middle class or working class in America, Republicans AND Democrats.. .along with all the partisan lemmings that worship them. You silly fuckers wave your pom-poms and drool all over miscreants like Trump and Clinton while they laugh at you and keep on exploiting your ignorance.

Time to wake the fuck up and stop supporting the people that have been and continue to screw you six ways from Sunday.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

"I'm selling my vote." You whore!!!!!!!!
So you're a libertarian?
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
Like I said, when the rich have started fueling all the local and state republicans, I know who's not really for the middle class or working class in America. If you want to pretend or ignore that's on you

LOL, yeah I know who's not really for the middle class or working class in America, Republicans AND Democrats.. .along with all the partisan lemmings that worship them. You silly fuckers wave your pom-poms and drool all over miscreants like Trump and Clinton while they laugh at you and keep on exploiting your ignorance.

Time to wake the fuck up and stop supporting the people that have been and continue to screw you six ways from Sunday.
And who should we vote for?
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
Like I said, when the rich have started fueling all the local and state republicans, I know who's not really for the middle class or working class in America. If you want to pretend or ignore that's on you

LOL, yeah I know who's not really for the middle class or working class in America, Republicans AND Democrats.. .along with all the partisan lemmings that worship them. You silly fuckers wave your pom-poms and drool all over miscreants like Trump and Clinton while they laugh at you and keep on exploiting your ignorance.

Time to wake the fuck up and stop supporting the people that have been and continue to screw you six ways from Sunday.
And who should we vote for?
I don't care who you vote for, as long as he/she/it isn't a member Republicrat Crime Family you have my respect, if you continue voting for the the two criminal organizations that have been exploiting and decieving the citizenry for decades you have my contempt.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." -- Winston Churchill
Still waiting on Republican answers on:

If they repeal Obamacare, what will they replace it with? How will their plan be better?

How can you balance the budget without raising taxes? If it is all spending cuts, what programs will be cut and by how much?

What specifically will you do to fight terrorism that the Obama administration is not already doing?

There are 11 million undocumented aliens in this country. How do you plan to deal with them?
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?
Well, Obama's been in charge for a while now. Talk to him.
You guys make me sick. Today you are pretending that you will be the party to help blue collar uneducated workers? Sure you will. And Trump is really going to put tariffs on imports. LOL. HA HA HA. Fucking liars and ignorant fools. So stupid.

But that's ok. You won't win the white house.
Here are some predictions if Hillary wins the White House.

1. THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL NARROW BY PRECISELY ZERO PERCENT. She's the ultimate establishment wealthy person. She's not going to do anything that will endanger that.


The middle class did great under Bill Clinton. So did the poor and rich.
Yes, because Bubba had a Republican Congress holding his feet to the fire and was pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party. My predictions stand. Hillary is the ultimate rich establishment candidate. She will do absolutely nothing that might result in her own wealth and power being reduced. Yet you think she cares about the little guy? Puh-leeze.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?
Well, Obama's been in charge for a while now. Talk to him.
You guys make me sick. Today you are pretending that you will be the party to help blue collar uneducated workers? Sure you will. And Trump is really going to put tariffs on imports. LOL. HA HA HA. Fucking liars and ignorant fools. So stupid.

But that's ok. You won't win the white house.
Here are some predictions if Hillary wins the White House.

1. THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL NARROW BY PRECISELY ZERO PERCENT. She's the ultimate establishment wealthy person. She's not going to do anything that will endanger that.


The middle class did great under Bill Clinton. So did the poor and rich.
Yes, because Bubba had a Republican Congress holding his feet to the fire and was pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party. My predictions stand. Hillary is the ultimate rich establishment candidate. She will do absolutely nothing that might result in her own wealth and power being reduced. Yet you think she cares about the little guy? Puh-leeze.
Like Trump, she's not worried about money
Well, Obama's been in charge for a while now. Talk to him.
You guys make me sick. Today you are pretending that you will be the party to help blue collar uneducated workers? Sure you will. And Trump is really going to put tariffs on imports. LOL. HA HA HA. Fucking liars and ignorant fools. So stupid.

But that's ok. You won't win the white house.
Here are some predictions if Hillary wins the White House.

1. THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL NARROW BY PRECISELY ZERO PERCENT. She's the ultimate establishment wealthy person. She's not going to do anything that will endanger that.


The middle class did great under Bill Clinton. So did the poor and rich.
Yes, because Bubba had a Republican Congress holding his feet to the fire and was pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party. My predictions stand. Hillary is the ultimate rich establishment candidate. She will do absolutely nothing that might result in her own wealth and power being reduced. Yet you think she cares about the little guy? Puh-leeze.
Like Trump, she's not worried about money
Oh, brother. If she wasn't worried about the money, why has she been taking such large speaking fees and donation from foreign heads of state? No, she's all about the money. And no, she doesn't care about the little guy.
You guys make me sick. Today you are pretending that you will be the party to help blue collar uneducated workers? Sure you will. And Trump is really going to put tariffs on imports. LOL. HA HA HA. Fucking liars and ignorant fools. So stupid.

But that's ok. You won't win the white house.
Here are some predictions if Hillary wins the White House.

1. THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL NARROW BY PRECISELY ZERO PERCENT. She's the ultimate establishment wealthy person. She's not going to do anything that will endanger that.


The middle class did great under Bill Clinton. So did the poor and rich.
Yes, because Bubba had a Republican Congress holding his feet to the fire and was pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party. My predictions stand. Hillary is the ultimate rich establishment candidate. She will do absolutely nothing that might result in her own wealth and power being reduced. Yet you think she cares about the little guy? Puh-leeze.
Like Trump, she's not worried about money
Oh, brother. If she wasn't worried about the money, why has she been taking such large speaking fees and donation from foreign heads of state? No, she's all about the money. And no, she doesn't care about the little guy.
What is she going to do with all the money?
Here are some predictions if Hillary wins the White House.

1. THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL NARROW BY PRECISELY ZERO PERCENT. She's the ultimate establishment wealthy person. She's not going to do anything that will endanger that.


The middle class did great under Bill Clinton. So did the poor and rich.
Yes, because Bubba had a Republican Congress holding his feet to the fire and was pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party. My predictions stand. Hillary is the ultimate rich establishment candidate. She will do absolutely nothing that might result in her own wealth and power being reduced. Yet you think she cares about the little guy? Puh-leeze.
Like Trump, she's not worried about money
Oh, brother. If she wasn't worried about the money, why has she been taking such large speaking fees and donation from foreign heads of state? No, she's all about the money. And no, she doesn't care about the little guy.
What is she going to do with all the money?
If you have to ask...
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

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