What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

1. Even you must admit that he probably has more of a plan than that, AND would have advisors that would help flesh out a better plan

2. Decades? I could fix college costs within a year. It's simple. Do away with Pell Grants and federal student loans. Starting with Public colleges, these schools would HAVE to lower costs to attract students, they would have no choice but to do so immediately. As for those who already have student loans. Too bad, that's life, it's not the government's responsibilty to pay your bills.

3. How is it better? Oh let's see, how about the fact that if unleashed the us military would wipe out ISIS within a month, compared to how long for local forces to do so? Oh, and let me let you in on a little secret. The US military WANTS to get in the fight. They won't mind being asked to go into Syria and fight ISIS.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

1. Even you must admit that he probably has more of a plan than that, AND would have advisors that would help flesh out a better plan

2. Decades? I could fix college costs within a year. It's simple. Do away with Pell Grants and federal student loans. Starting with Public colleges, these schools would HAVE to lower costs to attract students, they would have no choice but to do so immediately. As for those who already have student loans. Too bad, that's life, it's not the government's responsibilty to pay your bills.

3. How is it better? Oh let's see, how about the fact that if unleashed the us military would wipe out ISIS within a month, compared to how long for local forces to do so? Oh, and let me let you in on a little secret. The US military WANTS to get in the fight. They won't mind being asked to go into Syria and fight ISIS.

1. I do not see any plan that will force jobs that pay $2.50 an hour in China back to the US

2. OK, pull the plug on college loans. Now, middle class and poor students can no longer afford the tuition. They will flood public universities which will be over capacity. Private Universities will still have to meet payroll, pay loans, maintain their facilities. They cannot just slash tuition to what students can afford

3. Same problem we saw in Iraq. Easy military victory and then years of keeping the peace in a country that doesn't want us. ISIS will easily go underground and use snipers and IEDs to send our soldiers home in body bags.....No thanks
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

1. Even you must admit that he probably has more of a plan than that, AND would have advisors that would help flesh out a better plan

2. Decades? I could fix college costs within a year. It's simple. Do away with Pell Grants and federal student loans. Starting with Public colleges, these schools would HAVE to lower costs to attract students, they would have no choice but to do so immediately. As for those who already have student loans. Too bad, that's life, it's not the government's responsibilty to pay your bills.

3. How is it better? Oh let's see, how about the fact that if unleashed the us military would wipe out ISIS within a month, compared to how long for local forces to do so? Oh, and let me let you in on a little secret. The US military WANTS to get in the fight. They won't mind being asked to go into Syria and fight ISIS.

1. I do not see any plan that will force jobs that pay $2.50 an hour in China back to the US

2. OK, pull the plug on college loans. Now, middle class and poor students can no longer afford the tuition. They will flood public universities which will be over capacity. Private Universities will still have to meet payroll, pay loans, maintain their facilities. They cannot just slash tuition to what students can afford

3. Same problem we saw in Iraq. Easy military victory and then years of keeping the peace in a country that doesn't want us. ISIS will easily go underground and use snipers and IEDs to send our soldiers home in body bags.....No thanks

1. Of course those jobs won't come back, and who wants them? But there are other jobs that are good paying jobs that would come back given the right circumstances. Though in truth, I believe we're headed towards as situation where we need a UBI because lower level jobs are becoming obsolete. I don't think either party will support that for many years.

2. Of course they could afford tuition without student loans and grants because colleges would be FORCED to lower costs to attract students. The same as ANY commodity. Let's take McDonalds , for example. What if they charged $10 for a cheeseburger? What if the government said ""you know, poor people need cheeseburgers to, so let's subsidize $4 of that cheeseburger" of course cheeseburger sales would go up. Now let's say after a year of that we decided to pull the subsidy. What's the first thing that would happen? That's right , sales would drop. Now would McDonalds say "well I guess we are just going to sell less cheeseburgers now" or would they drop the price ? Of course they would drop the price to get customers in the door, just as colleges would. IMMEDIATELY.

3. Iraq was a mistake and completely different than ISIS. I'm not advocating taking out the Syrian government, and neither is Trump. Take out ISIS and leave Syria to Syrians. And yes, kill enough of them and they will lose the will to fight.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?

Wack a mole. Bush already tried putting boots on the ground. Trump aint gonna stop ISIS. When we start winning the war on terror is when they get desperate and start doing suicide bombings. Those bombs in Turkey and Iraq mean we got Isis pissed off.

Trump lies about social security. He sounds like the perfect politician. Saying what everyone wants to hear. Do you recall Trump U? Trumps a liar you know.

Yes Republicans are all bad. At least their ideas are. Some have good intentions but most just suck.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

1. Even you must admit that he probably has more of a plan than that, AND would have advisors that would help flesh out a better plan

2. Decades? I could fix college costs within a year. It's simple. Do away with Pell Grants and federal student loans. Starting with Public colleges, these schools would HAVE to lower costs to attract students, they would have no choice but to do so immediately. As for those who already have student loans. Too bad, that's life, it's not the government's responsibilty to pay your bills.

3. How is it better? Oh let's see, how about the fact that if unleashed the us military would wipe out ISIS within a month, compared to how long for local forces to do so? Oh, and let me let you in on a little secret. The US military WANTS to get in the fight. They won't mind being asked to go into Syria and fight ISIS.

1. I do not see any plan that will force jobs that pay $2.50 an hour in China back to the US

2. OK, pull the plug on college loans. Now, middle class and poor students can no longer afford the tuition. They will flood public universities which will be over capacity. Private Universities will still have to meet payroll, pay loans, maintain their facilities. They cannot just slash tuition to what students can afford

3. Same problem we saw in Iraq. Easy military victory and then years of keeping the peace in a country that doesn't want us. ISIS will easily go underground and use snipers and IEDs to send our soldiers home in body bags.....No thanks

1. Of course those jobs won't come back, and who wants them? But there are other jobs that are good paying jobs that would come back given the right circumstances. Though in truth, I believe we're headed towards as situation where we need a UBI because lower level jobs are becoming obsolete. I don't think either party will support that for many years.

2. Of course they could afford tuition without student loans and grants because colleges would be FORCED to lower costs to attract students. The same as ANY commodity. Let's take McDonalds , for example. What if they charged $10 for a cheeseburger? What if the government said ""you know, poor people need cheeseburgers to, so let's subsidize $4 of that cheeseburger" of course cheeseburger sales would go up. Now let's say after a year of that we decided to pull the subsidy. What's the first thing that would happen? That's right , sales would drop. Now would McDonalds say "well I guess we are just going to sell less cheeseburgers now" or would they drop the price ? Of course they would drop the price to get customers in the door, just as colleges would. IMMEDIATELY.

3. Iraq was a mistake and completely different than ISIS. I'm not advocating taking out the Syrian government, and neither is Trump. Take out ISIS and leave Syria to Syrians. And yes, kill enough of them and they will lose the will to fight.
Actually, I read yesterday that jobs for the really smart/educated are available and jobs for the really poor (minimum wage) are plentiful too. It's those blue collar workers who's jobs can be automated or done overseas.

And it's us middle class people who already have college degrees who's jobs are going overseas.

Yes illegals hurt poor people too but they also hurt the middle class. Factory workers used to be middle class but now illegals and minimum wage workers do those jobs.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

1. Even you must admit that he probably has more of a plan than that, AND would have advisors that would help flesh out a better plan

2. Decades? I could fix college costs within a year. It's simple. Do away with Pell Grants and federal student loans. Starting with Public colleges, these schools would HAVE to lower costs to attract students, they would have no choice but to do so immediately. As for those who already have student loans. Too bad, that's life, it's not the government's responsibilty to pay your bills.

3. How is it better? Oh let's see, how about the fact that if unleashed the us military would wipe out ISIS within a month, compared to how long for local forces to do so? Oh, and let me let you in on a little secret. The US military WANTS to get in the fight. They won't mind being asked to go into Syria and fight ISIS.

1. I do not see any plan that will force jobs that pay $2.50 an hour in China back to the US

2. OK, pull the plug on college loans. Now, middle class and poor students can no longer afford the tuition. They will flood public universities which will be over capacity. Private Universities will still have to meet payroll, pay loans, maintain their facilities. They cannot just slash tuition to what students can afford

3. Same problem we saw in Iraq. Easy military victory and then years of keeping the peace in a country that doesn't want us. ISIS will easily go underground and use snipers and IEDs to send our soldiers home in body bags.....No thanks

1. Of course those jobs won't come back, and who wants them? But there are other jobs that are good paying jobs that would come back given the right circumstances. Though in truth, I believe we're headed towards as situation where we need a UBI because lower level jobs are becoming obsolete. I don't think either party will support that for many years.

2. Of course they could afford tuition without student loans and grants because colleges would be FORCED to lower costs to attract students. The same as ANY commodity. Let's take McDonalds , for example. What if they charged $10 for a cheeseburger? What if the government said ""you know, poor people need cheeseburgers to, so let's subsidize $4 of that cheeseburger" of course cheeseburger sales would go up. Now let's say after a year of that we decided to pull the subsidy. What's the first thing that would happen? That's right , sales would drop. Now would McDonalds say "well I guess we are just going to sell less cheeseburgers now" or would they drop the price ? Of course they would drop the price to get customers in the door, just as colleges would. IMMEDIATELY.

3. Iraq was a mistake and completely different than ISIS. I'm not advocating taking out the Syrian government, and neither is Trump. Take out ISIS and leave Syria to Syrians. And yes, kill enough of them and they will lose the will to fight.

Colleges still have expenses. Staff needs to be paid, long term loans are still due, maintenance needs to be performed. Slashing tuition overnight does not pay the bills

Russia thought they could go into Syria, kick ISIS ass and go home. Didn't work
We are seeing what happens to ISIS when they lose the capability to fight armed battles for territory. They go underground and encourage terrorist attacks abroad
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

1. Even you must admit that he probably has more of a plan than that, AND would have advisors that would help flesh out a better plan

2. Decades? I could fix college costs within a year. It's simple. Do away with Pell Grants and federal student loans. Starting with Public colleges, these schools would HAVE to lower costs to attract students, they would have no choice but to do so immediately. As for those who already have student loans. Too bad, that's life, it's not the government's responsibilty to pay your bills.

3. How is it better? Oh let's see, how about the fact that if unleashed the us military would wipe out ISIS within a month, compared to how long for local forces to do so? Oh, and let me let you in on a little secret. The US military WANTS to get in the fight. They won't mind being asked to go into Syria and fight ISIS.

1. I do not see any plan that will force jobs that pay $2.50 an hour in China back to the US

2. OK, pull the plug on college loans. Now, middle class and poor students can no longer afford the tuition. They will flood public universities which will be over capacity. Private Universities will still have to meet payroll, pay loans, maintain their facilities. They cannot just slash tuition to what students can afford

3. Same problem we saw in Iraq. Easy military victory and then years of keeping the peace in a country that doesn't want us. ISIS will easily go underground and use snipers and IEDs to send our soldiers home in body bags.....No thanks

Trump can ask Nikki how to bring jobs back

TDC Cutting Tools and Greenfield Industries to expand operations in Oconee County | South Carolina Department of Commerce
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?

Wack a mole. Bush already tried putting boots on the ground. Trump aint gonna stop ISIS. When we start winning the war on terror is when they get desperate and start doing suicide bombings. Those bombs in Turkey and Iraq mean we got Isis pissed off.

Trump lies about social security. He sounds like the perfect politician. Saying what everyone wants to hear. Do you recall Trump U? Trumps a liar you know.

Yes Republicans are all bad. At least their ideas are. Some have good intentions but most just suck.

You stupid.

I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?

Wack a mole. Bush already tried putting boots on the ground. Trump aint gonna stop ISIS. When we start winning the war on terror is when they get desperate and start doing suicide bombings. Those bombs in Turkey and Iraq mean we got Isis pissed off.

Trump lies about social security. He sounds like the perfect politician. Saying what everyone wants to hear. Do you recall Trump U? Trumps a liar you know.

Yes Republicans are all bad. At least their ideas are. Some have good intentions but most just suck.

Oh good Lord, you bought into John Kerry's BS about terrorist bombings mean ISIS is losing and they know it? This conversation is over LOL
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?

Wack a mole. Bush already tried putting boots on the ground. Trump aint gonna stop ISIS. When we start winning the war on terror is when they get desperate and start doing suicide bombings. Those bombs in Turkey and Iraq mean we got Isis pissed off.

Trump lies about social security. He sounds like the perfect politician. Saying what everyone wants to hear. Do you recall Trump U? Trumps a liar you know.

Yes Republicans are all bad. At least their ideas are. Some have good intentions but most just suck.

Oh good Lord, you bought into John Kerry's BS about terrorist bombings mean ISIS is losing and they know it? This conversation is over LOL

Terrorist bombings are the only option for an armed force that is losing on the ground
1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
Everyone wants to bring jobs back to America, Merely saying "I am the mighty Trump and I negotiate good" is not a solution

2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.

What happens to the decades worth of students who can't afford college while the market corrects itself to fewer students and less demand?

3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
Boots on the ground means American combat troops getting killed in action. How is that better than allowing indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria doing the fighting?

1. Even you must admit that he probably has more of a plan than that, AND would have advisors that would help flesh out a better plan

2. Decades? I could fix college costs within a year. It's simple. Do away with Pell Grants and federal student loans. Starting with Public colleges, these schools would HAVE to lower costs to attract students, they would have no choice but to do so immediately. As for those who already have student loans. Too bad, that's life, it's not the government's responsibilty to pay your bills.

3. How is it better? Oh let's see, how about the fact that if unleashed the us military would wipe out ISIS within a month, compared to how long for local forces to do so? Oh, and let me let you in on a little secret. The US military WANTS to get in the fight. They won't mind being asked to go into Syria and fight ISIS.

1. I do not see any plan that will force jobs that pay $2.50 an hour in China back to the US

2. OK, pull the plug on college loans. Now, middle class and poor students can no longer afford the tuition. They will flood public universities which will be over capacity. Private Universities will still have to meet payroll, pay loans, maintain their facilities. They cannot just slash tuition to what students can afford

3. Same problem we saw in Iraq. Easy military victory and then years of keeping the peace in a country that doesn't want us. ISIS will easily go underground and use snipers and IEDs to send our soldiers home in body bags.....No thanks

1. Of course those jobs won't come back, and who wants them? But there are other jobs that are good paying jobs that would come back given the right circumstances. Though in truth, I believe we're headed towards as situation where we need a UBI because lower level jobs are becoming obsolete. I don't think either party will support that for many years.

2. Of course they could afford tuition without student loans and grants because colleges would be FORCED to lower costs to attract students. The same as ANY commodity. Let's take McDonalds , for example. What if they charged $10 for a cheeseburger? What if the government said ""you know, poor people need cheeseburgers to, so let's subsidize $4 of that cheeseburger" of course cheeseburger sales would go up. Now let's say after a year of that we decided to pull the subsidy. What's the first thing that would happen? That's right , sales would drop. Now would McDonalds say "well I guess we are just going to sell less cheeseburgers now" or would they drop the price ? Of course they would drop the price to get customers in the door, just as colleges would. IMMEDIATELY.

3. Iraq was a mistake and completely different than ISIS. I'm not advocating taking out the Syrian government, and neither is Trump. Take out ISIS and leave Syria to Syrians. And yes, kill enough of them and they will lose the will to fight.

Colleges still have expenses. Staff needs to be paid, long term loans are still due, maintenance needs to be performed. Slashing tuition overnight does not pay the bills

Russia thought they could go into Syria, kick ISIS ass and go home. Didn't work
We are seeing what happens to ISIS when they lose the capability to fight armed battles for territory. They go underground and encourage terrorist attacks abroad
Republicans thought they won in Afganistan too. Charlie Wilson's War. They didn't. In fact they lost the hearts and minds of the Afganistan people by getting cheap. Same thing they would do if they were put back in charge of Iraq. Spend a lot pretending to win the war and then get cheap at the end and make more enemies than friends.

Anyone who trusts Republicans is nuts.
Democrats promise a lot, the problem is they are hardly ever successful living up to their promises or being held accountable for failures by their lemmings.
What are you fucking talking about? Let me remind you what reality was before Bush squandered Clinton's surplus and before Obama had to get us out of Bush's recession.

What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

1. They offer you the right not to serve gays
2. They offer you the opportunity to tell jokes about n*ggers and Mexicans and say....Hey, stop making me be PC
3. They offer a way around those pesky background checks
4. They offer to keep those Muslims out of your neighborhood
5. They offer a bodacious wall
6. They offer to take away your obamacare policy
7. They offer to keep you working at $7.25 an hour indefinitely
8. they offer an opportunity to force the religion of your choice on the neighborhood school
9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

1. Yes Trump wants to bring jobs back to America
2. The only way to make college more affordable is to stop subsiding the cost of college, no I don't believe either party supports that.
3. I believe Trump would put boots on the ground in Syria and destroy ISIS, exactly as the military is now advising Obama to do, but he won't.
4. Trump has said he would not sign anything that jeopardized Social Security.
5. Don't confuse Republicans with assholes. They aren't one and the same.

But, the number one thing the GOP has to offer you is a Presidential candidate who did not just get away with multiple felonies which jeopardized national security.
LOL. Corporations don't want to bring jobs back to America. Republicans don't want to bring jobs back to America. If you truly believe the shit you say then vote out Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But you won't do that.

Why is subsidizing college making it unaffordable? How is that the cause of skyrocketing prices?

Wack a mole. Bush already tried putting boots on the ground. Trump aint gonna stop ISIS. When we start winning the war on terror is when they get desperate and start doing suicide bombings. Those bombs in Turkey and Iraq mean we got Isis pissed off.

Trump lies about social security. He sounds like the perfect politician. Saying what everyone wants to hear. Do you recall Trump U? Trumps a liar you know.

Yes Republicans are all bad. At least their ideas are. Some have good intentions but most just suck.

Oh good Lord, you bought into John Kerry's BS about terrorist bombings mean ISIS is losing and they know it? This conversation is over LOL

Terrorist bombings are the only option for an armed force that is losing on the ground

Really, What "armed force" on the ground was losing on September 11, 2001? Or, the first WTC bombing? Or, the Achille Lauro? Or the Marine Barracks bombing?
What does the GOP have to offer you?
You shouldn't even have to ask

1. They offer you the right not to serve gays
2. They offer you the opportunity to tell jokes about n*ggers and Mexicans and say....Hey, stop making me be PC
3. They offer a way around those pesky background checks
4. They offer to keep those Muslims out of your neighborhood
5. They offer a bodacious wall
6. They offer to take away your obamacare policy
7. They offer to keep you working at $7.25 an hour indefinitely
8. they offer an opportunity to force the religion of your choice on the neighborhood school
9. They offer to win the War on Christmas and make you say Merry Christmas whether you like it or not
Oh, and when a guy like Scott Walker takes in some Somali refuges and the conservative racist ignorant whites in Minnesota treat those people like shit and they get angry and blow something up, Scott Walker and Republicans will blame Democrats and Liberals.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
We are not into buggery...so I suggest you hang wid da Libtards...yo...

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