What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

What do unions have to do with it ? Unions didn't build the current system, it was the idea of collectivism that has fostered the centralization of power in the hands of the well connected few, the collectivists got EXACTLY what they wanted! Private sector unions were just one casualty of the process that got us here. So rather than bitch and moan about it , ENJOY IT! You got what you wanted, isn't it WONDERFUL? The little partisan tribbles get to squabble with one another about what trivial pursuits are best for the "collective" while the well connected few make off with the what remains of the wealth in the West.

ROFLMAO! you think Bush was an individualist ? What sort of drugs have you been taking? the idea of collectivism has been in full force in BOTH major parties for a century and President George "Gunslinger" Bush dramatically expanded scope, cost and power of the state, he didn't do ANYTHING to empower the individual at the expense of state power (just like virtually every other President for the last century).

So you're a libertarian?
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
Like I said, when the rich have started fueling all the local and state republicans, I know who's not really for the middle class or working class in America. If you want to pretend or ignore that's on you
It's clear that the democrats are not for the little guy.
What do unions have to do with it ? Unions didn't build the current system, it was the idea of collectivism that has fostered the centralization of power in the hands of the well connected few, the collectivists got EXACTLY what they wanted! Private sector unions were just one casualty of the process that got us here. So rather than bitch and moan about it , ENJOY IT! You got what you wanted, isn't it WONDERFUL? The little partisan tribbles get to squabble with one another about what trivial pursuits are best for the "collective" while the well connected few make off with the what remains of the wealth in the West.

ROFLMAO! you think Bush was an individualist ? What sort of drugs have you been taking? the idea of collectivism has been in full force in BOTH major parties for a century and President George "Gunslinger" Bush dramatically expanded scope, cost and power of the state, he didn't do ANYTHING to empower the individual at the expense of state power (just like virtually every other President for the last century).

So you're a libertarian?
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
You're so full of shit. It's gone up under Obama wah worse than bush, and it never was near 1000% under bush.
You don't want to hear about competition and regulations, so in other words you want single payer, just admit it instead of being a poor bullshitter

After this bullshit the rest of your post is worthless
I want single payer. Like the rest of the civilized world.
Liberals embracing failure one idea at a time.

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
Mostly myth. And I can show you horror stories from the American healthcare system. Youre a hack.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
So you're a libertarian?
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
You're so full of shit. It's gone up under Obama wah worse than bush, and it never was near 1000% under bush.
You don't want to hear about competition and regulations, so in other words you want single payer, just admit it instead of being a poor bullshitter

After this bullshit the rest of your post is worthless
I want single payer. Like the rest of the civilized world.
Liberals embracing failure one idea at a time.

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
Mostly myth. And I can show you horror stories from the American healthcare system. Youre a hack.
You got a big mouth and nothing to back it up with. It's not my fault you are useless and incapable of making more than $10/hr.
What do unions have to do with it ? Unions didn't build the current system, it was the idea of collectivism that has fostered the centralization of power in the hands of the well connected few, the collectivists got EXACTLY what they wanted! Private sector unions were just one casualty of the process that got us here. So rather than bitch and moan about it , ENJOY IT! You got what you wanted, isn't it WONDERFUL? The little partisan tribbles get to squabble with one another about what trivial pursuits are best for the "collective" while the well connected few make off with the what remains of the wealth in the West.

ROFLMAO! you think Bush was an individualist ? What sort of drugs have you been taking? the idea of collectivism has been in full force in BOTH major parties for a century and President George "Gunslinger" Bush dramatically expanded scope, cost and power of the state, he didn't do ANYTHING to empower the individual at the expense of state power (just like virtually every other President for the last century).

So you're a libertarian?
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
You're so full of shit. It's gone up under Obama wah worse than bush, and it never was near 1000% under bush.
You don't want to hear about competition and regulations, so in other words you want single payer, just admit it instead of being a poor bullshitter

After this bullshit the rest of your post is worthless
I want single payer. Like the rest of the civilized world.
Liberals embracing failure one idea at a time.

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
And every Brit I know, even if they are Republicans here in America, love their nationalized healthcare. This is one thing you stupid Republican conservatives have your heads buried in the sand over.

The British Are Surprisingly Satisfied With Their Controversial Socialized Health Care System
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
No one thinks they don't have to work for it. You're a house nigga who doesn't realize the game is rigged. You got it good enough so you won't rock the boat. Even as the boat is sinking. Don't fuck with your boat. It's your boat.
I'm an individual whose primary concern is the welfare of individuals, individuals are real things with real needs and wants, collectives are imaginary constructs which is what makes collectivism vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious intents as soon as you get people "in charge" of dictating what's best for the "collective", which explains why the many individuals in that "shrinking middle class" you pointed out are suffering economically while those in power reap the lions share of the wealth and income, after all it's the individuals in power that are dictating what's best for the "collective".

You want more of the same? keep advocating, supporting and voting for collectivism and that's what you'll get.
You want more of the same? Quit ignoring the rich people who took over your national government have now turned their attention to your state houses.
Who's ignoring them? I quite clearly pointed to "them" as being part of the problem, you want to keep growing and empowering government you're just making easier for those that already control it, i.e. THE WELL CONNECTED in both of the criminal organizations commonly known as the major political parties.

Why so much dark money in local races? Why is all this dark money funding Republicans? You stupid bastards.
*YAWN* the Republicans are just as much a part of the problem as the Democrats are, YOU STUPID PARTISAN BASTARDS, they're two sides of the same coin that's fucking the citizenry over and all the bickering between the useful idiots in both parties just serves as a distraction to keep the sheeple from noticing that they're being exploited.

Since Citizens United dark money has quadrupled and it's all going to Republicans. So why don't you cry some more about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned.
Who the fuck was crying "about the money Hillary takes while the Republicans you worship are completely owned"? are you hallucinating or do you not know how to read English? I despise Republicans as much as I despise Democrats, they're all scumbag collectivists, EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
You're so full of shit. It's gone up under Obama wah worse than bush, and it never was near 1000% under bush.
You don't want to hear about competition and regulations, so in other words you want single payer, just admit it instead of being a poor bullshitter

After this bullshit the rest of your post is worthless
I want single payer. Like the rest of the civilized world.
Liberals embracing failure one idea at a time.

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
Mostly myth. And I can show you horror stories from the American healthcare system. Youre a hack.
You got a big mouth and nothing to back it up with. It's not my fault you are useless and incapable of making more than $10/hr.
See, when you are so wrong about everything including how much I make, its hard to take you seriously. I can only assume you assume way too much and are wrong on everything you assume. Should I assume that's true? Assuming you are grasping what I am telling you? Because we know you've swallowed what the corporations have told you. At least about the bad old socialized Canadian and English citizens receive and seem to enjoy.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?
Well, Obama's been in charge for a while now. Talk to him.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
I'm really interested in your reply.

Today 49 % of us have middle incomes. That number used to be higher.

Lower-class household 29% and upper-class household 21%

That 29% lower class is growing. One reason being sending union/good paying jobs overseas for cheap goods and services. Who's fault is it if those people fall from middle class to lower class?

Because my friend, soon 49% of us are going to end up being lower class, 29% will be middle class and 21% will stay upper class. When that day comes, will you still say it's all those peoples fault they are no longer middle class? Do you think you will remain middle class? Why? What the fuck do you do that is so special?
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?
Well, Obama's been in charge for a while now. Talk to him.
You guys make me sick. Today you are pretending that you will be the party to help blue collar uneducated workers? Sure you will. And Trump is really going to put tariffs on imports. LOL. HA HA HA. Fucking liars and ignorant fools. So stupid.

But that's ok. You won't win the white house.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?
Well, Obama's been in charge for a while now. Talk to him.
You guys make me sick. Today you are pretending that you will be the party to help blue collar uneducated workers? Sure you will. And Trump is really going to put tariffs on imports. LOL. HA HA HA. Fucking liars and ignorant fools. So stupid.

But that's ok. You won't win the white house.
Here are some predictions if Hillary wins the White House.

1. THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL NARROW BY PRECISELY ZERO PERCENT. She's the ultimate establishment wealthy person. She's not going to do anything that will endanger that.


You all think you are middle class but you are not.

Why Americans All Believe They Are 'Middle Class'

In over your heads in debt. Or you are living paycheck to paycheck. Couldn't be out of work for a year.

Can't even come up with $400

The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck

The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans
Nearly half of Americans would have trouble finding $400 to pay for an emergency. YOU'RE one of them.
Sounds like a good reason for the government to get out of the way and stop taking so much of my money in taxes.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?

I hear ya, you make some valid points. But i wouldn't wait for, or expect a Political Party to 'offer' you anything. No one is owed anything. I know feeling Entitled is all the rage these days, but that mentality most often leads folks into becoming whiny bitter losers. If you want something, you have to work for it. You can't depend on a Political Party or others, to hand it to ya.
I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
I'm really interested in your reply.

Today 49 % of us have middle incomes. That number used to be higher.

Lower-class household 29% and upper-class household 21%

That 29% lower class is growing. One reason being sending union/good paying jobs overseas for cheap goods and services. Who's fault is it if those people fall from middle class to lower class?

Because my friend, soon 49% of us are going to end up being lower class, 29% will be middle class and 21% will stay upper class. When that day comes, will you still say it's all those peoples fault they are no longer middle class? Do you think you will remain middle class? Why? What the fuck do you do that is so special?

In fairness, your boy Hussein has only made things worse. Maybe you should have started a thread on that. It's been his show for awhile now. Much of it is on him.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The modern GOP likes to spend a lot of money and blame Democrats for the debt.

The modern GOP likes to ruin the economy and then blame Mexicans and negroes.

If you are the kind of person who likes to make a real mess of things and then blame someone else, the modern GOP is for you.

If, on the other hand, you think the answer to every problem is more government taking over more and more of your life, then the Democratic Party is for you.

If you think when the government makes things worse it is because we need even more government, then the Democratic Party is for you.
If you think the strong should be left alone to thrive and the weak should be shoved aside to die as you walk over their corpses than the Libertarian party is for you.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The modern GOP likes to spend a lot of money and blame Democrats for the debt.

The modern GOP likes to ruin the economy and then blame Mexicans and negroes.

If you are the kind of person who likes to make a real mess of things and then blame someone else, the modern GOP is for you.

If, on the other hand, you think the answer to every problem is more government taking over more and more of your life, then the Democratic Party is for you.

If you think when the government makes things worse it is because we need even more government, then the Democratic Party is for you.
If you think the strong should be left alone to thrive and the weak should be shoved aside to die as you walk over their corpses than the Libertarian party is for you.
If you believe heroin should be sold in vending machines, the Libertarian Party is for you.
You all think you are middle class but you are not.

Why Americans All Believe They Are 'Middle Class'

In over your heads in debt. Or you are living paycheck to paycheck. Couldn't be out of work for a year.

Can't even come up with $400

The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck

The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans
Nearly half of Americans would have trouble finding $400 to pay for an emergency. YOU'RE one of them.

Yea they have to pay for obozo care.

I wouldn't depend on a Political Party to make or break ya. I know most now feel entitled, but no one owes you anything. I wouldn't wait for a Political Party to offer you anything. You have to get out there and make it on your own. If you think you're entitled and don't wanna work for it, you're destined to be a whiny loser. It really is that simple.
Why don't you give your Republican buddies that advice? When Bush was in charge, they said the government didn't matter that much we were just making excuses. Today they admit government does play a role but the only reason they complain now is because Obama is in charge. Now they see they were full of shit when they were defending bush. Now they need to realize that they are stull full of shit, even now.

You can't be anti labor all these years and then say you are the party that's going to fix the middle class.

And are you saying that the middle class disappearing has nothing to do with NAFTA or trade with China?

The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

Who's to blame as the middle class becomes the working poor and the rich get richer?
Well, Obama's been in charge for a while now. Talk to him.
You guys make me sick. Today you are pretending that you will be the party to help blue collar uneducated workers? Sure you will. And Trump is really going to put tariffs on imports. LOL. HA HA HA. Fucking liars and ignorant fools. So stupid.

But that's ok. You won't win the white house.
Here are some predictions if Hillary wins the White House.

1. THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL NARROW BY PRECISELY ZERO PERCENT. She's the ultimate establishment wealthy person. She's not going to do anything that will endanger that.


The middle class did great under Bill Clinton. So did the poor and rich.

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