What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. The middle class is disappearing but the rich are doing great. It's mission accomplished for the GOP. Now blame unions dummy

Remember, in a lot of ways I agree with you. Poor people should stop having kids. Then you'll be sucking Arab Mexican Chinese and Indian cock begging them to immigrate here.

What on Earth are you talking about?
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

Nothing but tripe.

Why would you worry ? You've been fed that by the last two clowns in the WH.

Americans have long lived in a nation made up primarily of middle-class families, neither rich nor poor, but comfortable enough. This year, that changed. As of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority. Thanks to factory closings and other economic factors, the country now has 120.8 million adults living in middle-income households. That compares with the 121.3 million who are living in either upper- or lower-income households. The hollowing of the middle has proceeded steadily for the past four decades.

And middle-income Americans not only have shrunk as a share of the population but have fallen further behind financially, with their median income down 4 percent compared with the year 2000. So what exactly does it mean to be a middle-income family?

Bottom line: For a household with three people, being middle class means making between about $42,000 and $126,000. If your family of three makes less than $42,000, then you are in the lower class. If your family brings in more than $126,000, you are in the upper class.

Back in 1971, about 2 out of 3 Americans lived in middle-income households. Since then, the middle has been steadily shrinking. Today, just a shade under half of all households (about 49.9 percent) have middle incomes. Slightly more than half of Americans (about 50.1 percent) either live in a lower-class household (roughly 29 percent) or an upper-class household (about 21 percent).

Upper-class Americans have seen their incomes rise 47 percent, while lower-class families have gained only 28 percent. Americans without a college degree stand out as experiencing a substantial loss in economic status.

Since the recession ended almost all good jobs have gone to college graduates. Out of the 2.9 million good jobs created since the recovery, 2.8 million have been filled by workers with at least a bachelor's degree.

Excellent rebuttal to a fool. The attacks, and there is no better word to describe what a Gov. Walker (R -WI) has done to the working men and women, and other Republican Governors/St Legislators to labor. Their attacks on Unions, collective bargaining and taxes on workers are overlooked by too many; many who will suffer by voting by emotion and not common sense. Such persons abound on this message board; anytime a post includes the pejorative, "libtard" you've read the words of a fool.

The take aways by the Republican's are many, and justified by demeaning working men and women as wanting a free lunch; many who labor without benefits, or see their benefits reduced under the meme that benefits such as health insurance and retirement are undeserved / unearned and unnecessary, claiming that those who are personally responsible will and should put money aside for their health care and retirement,even as they refuse to consider raising the minimum wage.
They honestly believe free market capitalism created the middle class. They don't realize it was liberal policies like labor laws and the right to collective bargaining that created the middle class.

What I find interesting is how cons cried about how good union workers had it. Rather than say "I want that too" instead they said take away those benefits from the union workers. Now today we see insurance companies jacking up our premiums. If we will argue union workers have it too good then maybe so do we.
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. .
Yep, how sweet are those fruits begot by the pervasiveness of collectivism and gigantic, ever expanding centralized government? Perhaps we should double down on that tasty treat?

Individualism made the United States (along with the rest of the West) wealthy, collectivism is blowing all that wealth and slowly impoverishing everybody that's not well connected to the government-corporate-banking cartel, oh well it was good while it lasted.

"The vicissitudes of fortune, which spares neither man nor the proudest of his works, which buries empires and cities in a common grave." -- Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. The middle class is disappearing but the rich are doing great. It's mission accomplished for the GOP. Now blame unions dummy

Remember, in a lot of ways I agree with you. Poor people should stop having kids. Then you'll be sucking Arab Mexican Chinese and Indian cock begging them to immigrate here.

What on Earth are you talking about?
Why do Mexicans need to be offered anything? If America is slowly turning into mexico, what advice would you give us Mexican workers?

I know this isn't mexico but slowly we're headed that way.

So what do you think us beaners need? What advice do you have since you offer nothing else?
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The modern GOP likes to spend a lot of money and blame Democrats for the debt.

The modern GOP likes to ruin the economy and then blame Mexicans and negroes.

If you are the kind of person who likes to make a real mess of things and then blame someone else, the modern GOP is for you.

If, on the other hand, you think the answer to every problem is more government taking over more and more of your life, then the Democratic Party is for you.

If you think when the government makes things worse it is because we need even more government, then the Democratic Party is for you.
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. .
Yep, how sweet are those fruits begot by the pervasiveness of collectivism and gigantic, ever expanding centralized government? Perhaps we should double down on that tasty treat?

Individualism made the United States (along with the rest of the West) wealthy, collectivism is blowing all that wealth and slowly impoverishing everybody that's not well connected to the government-corporate-banking cartel, oh well it was good while it lasted.

"The vicissitudes of fortune, which spares neither man nor the proudest of his works, which buries empires and cities in a common grave." -- Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Ha ha! Back when unions were 35% of the workforce and the middle class was the majority was when America was great. So you are full of crap.

Since bush we've implemented your individualism bullshit and the rich got richer and the rest of us got poorer. And trickle down doesn't work.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The best thing government can do for you is get out of your way.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The modern GOP likes to spend a lot of money and blame Democrats for the debt.

The modern GOP likes to ruin the economy and then blame Mexicans and negroes.

If you are the kind of person who likes to make a real mess of things and then blame someone else, the modern GOP is for you.

If, on the other hand, you think the answer to every problem is more government taking over more and more of your life, then the Democratic Party is for you.

If you think when the government makes things worse it is because we need even more government, then the Democratic Party is for you.
But isn't trump talking tariffs? Is that more government taking over more of my life or is it just my government regulating the economy as it should to protect Americans from unregulated free market capitalists who only care about their own profits?

You're thinking in generic talking points.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The best thing government can do for you is get out of your way.
Another right wing ignorant talking point.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The modern GOP likes to spend a lot of money and blame Democrats for the debt.

The modern GOP likes to ruin the economy and then blame Mexicans and negroes.

If you are the kind of person who likes to make a real mess of things and then blame someone else, the modern GOP is for you.

If, on the other hand, you think the answer to every problem is more government taking over more and more of your life, then the Democratic Party is for you.

If you think when the government makes things worse it is because we need even more government, then the Democratic Party is for you.
But isn't trump talking tariffs? Is that more government taking over more of my life or is it just my government regulating the economy as it should to protect Americans from unregulated free market capitalists who only care about their own profits?

You're thinking in generic talking points.
First, Trump is not a Republican. He just plays one on TV. In real life, he is a pro-choice limousine liberal and a personal friend of the Clintons.

Trump and tariffs? What's he going to do, charge himself more to bring in his suits made in Mexico? I don't think so!

The man will flip on tariffs just like he has flipped on everything else. He will revert to type. He's been a Democrat way too long not to.
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. The middle class is disappearing but the rich are doing great. It's mission accomplished for the GOP. Now blame unions dummy

Remember, in a lot of ways I agree with you. Poor people should stop having kids. Then you'll be sucking Arab Mexican Chinese and Indian cock begging them to immigrate here.

What on Earth are you talking about?
Why do Mexicans need to be offered anything? If America is slowly turning into mexico, what advice would you give us Mexican workers?

I know this isn't mexico but slowly we're headed that way.

So what do you think us beaners need? What advice do you have since you offer nothing else?

Shut up and eat your tacos kid.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
They can't bring back jobs. The jobs don't exist any more. They have been automated. I've posted many links on this. Unemployment is as 4.7% and there are 5.8 million jobs available. Anyone with skills and motivation can get a job. If you don't have the skills, go back to school.
Republicans want high paying jobs that require no skills. They don't seem to understand those days are long gone.

Trump has said he will kill the families of Suicide Bombers. We call that policy "war crimes". Iran is not connected with Isis. Isis is Sunni. Iran is Shiite.

The GOP has said many times over the years, they want to end Social Security and Medicare. This could be the opportunity they are looking for.

We know what the GOP thinks of college.
That's a problem. The millions of blue collar uneducated Americans struggling aren't college material.

Your " go back to school" solution is what Republicans were telling them to do as their good paying union jobs were being shipped overseas.

You and the democrats are making a mistake telling blue collar workers they need to go back to school. This is why trumps winning their votes.

Yes we can bring those good jobs and unions back.
That's just ignorance. Who said going back to school to learn skills means going back to college? That's the ignorance of the right wing.
Being a plumber is a skilled trade. Being a machinist is a skilled trade. There are technical school and apprenticeships. You can even learn on the job.

The truth is, they do need to go back to school. There are 5.8 million jobs available. If you can't get a good job with 4.7% unemployment and 5.8 million jobs available, you don't want to work. Period!
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. .
Yep, how sweet are those fruits begot by the pervasiveness of collectivism and gigantic, ever expanding centralized government? Perhaps we should double down on that tasty treat?

Individualism made the United States (along with the rest of the West) wealthy, collectivism is blowing all that wealth and slowly impoverishing everybody that's not well connected to the government-corporate-banking cartel, oh well it was good while it lasted.

"The vicissitudes of fortune, which spares neither man nor the proudest of his works, which buries empires and cities in a common grave." -- Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Ha ha! Back when unions were 35% of the workforce and the middle class was the majority was when America was great. So you are full of crap.
What do unions have to do with it ? Unions didn't build the current system, it was the idea of collectivism that has fostered the centralization of power in the hands of the well connected few, the collectivists got EXACTLY what they wanted! Private sector unions were just one casualty of the process that got us here. So rather than bitch and moan about it , ENJOY IT! You got what you wanted, isn't it WONDERFUL? The little partisan tribbles get to squabble with one another about what trivial pursuits are best for the "collective" while the well connected few make off with the what remains of the wealth in the West.

Since bush we've implemented your individualism bullshit and the rich got richer and the rest of us got poorer. And trickle down doesn't work.
ROFLMAO! you think Bush was an individualist ? What sort of drugs have you been taking? the idea of collectivism has been in full force in BOTH major parties for a century and President George "Gunslinger" Bush dramatically expanded scope, cost and power of the state, he didn't do ANYTHING to empower the individual at the expense of state power (just like virtually every other President for the last century).

I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
They can't bring back jobs. The jobs don't exist any more. They have been automated. I've posted many links on this. Unemployment is as 4.7% and there are 5.8 million jobs available. Anyone with skills and motivation can get a job. If you don't have the skills, go back to school.
Republicans want high paying jobs that require no skills. They don't seem to understand those days are long gone.

Trump has said he will kill the families of Suicide Bombers. We call that policy "war crimes". Iran is not connected with Isis. Isis is Sunni. Iran is Shiite.

The GOP has said many times over the years, they want to end Social Security and Medicare. This could be the opportunity they are looking for.

We know what the GOP thinks of college.
That's a problem. The millions of blue collar uneducated Americans struggling aren't college material.

Your " go back to school" solution is what Republicans were telling them to do as their good paying union jobs were being shipped overseas.

You and the democrats are making a mistake telling blue collar workers they need to go back to school. This is why trumps winning their votes.

Yes we can bring those good jobs and unions back.
That's just ignorance. Who said going back to school to learn skills means going back to college? That's the ignorance of the right wing.
Being a plumber is a skilled trade. Being a machinist is a skilled trade. There are technical school and apprenticeships. You can even learn on the job.

The truth is, they do need to go back to school. There are 5.8 million jobs available. If you can't get a good job with 4.7% unemployment and 5.8 million jobs available, you don't want to work. Period!
And that message is not resonating with blue collar workers age 29-60. They don't want to go to school. They want to work on the line like their fathers did.

Imagine me telling you you have to go back to school.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The modern GOP likes to spend a lot of money and blame Democrats for the debt.

The modern GOP likes to ruin the economy and then blame Mexicans and negroes.

If you are the kind of person who likes to make a real mess of things and then blame someone else, the modern GOP is for you.

If, on the other hand, you think the answer to every problem is more government taking over more and more of your life, then the Democratic Party is for you.

If you think when the government makes things worse it is because we need even more government, then the Democratic Party is for you.
But isn't trump talking tariffs? Is that more government taking over more of my life or is it just my government regulating the economy as it should to protect Americans from unregulated free market capitalists who only care about their own profits?

You're thinking in generic talking points.
First, Trump is not a Republican. He just plays one on TV. In real life, he is a pro-choice limousine liberal and a personal friend of the Clintons.

Trump and tariffs? What's he going to do, charge himself more to bring in his suits made in Mexico? I don't think so!

The man will flip on tariffs just like he has flipped on everything else. He will revert to type. He's been a Democrat way too long not to.

Trump's foreign made suits. The be all and end all of the hildabots.
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. .
Yep, how sweet are those fruits begot by the pervasiveness of collectivism and gigantic, ever expanding centralized government? Perhaps we should double down on that tasty treat?

Individualism made the United States (along with the rest of the West) wealthy, collectivism is blowing all that wealth and slowly impoverishing everybody that's not well connected to the government-corporate-banking cartel, oh well it was good while it lasted.

"The vicissitudes of fortune, which spares neither man nor the proudest of his works, which buries empires and cities in a common grave." -- Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Ha ha! Back when unions were 35% of the workforce and the middle class was the majority was when America was great. So you are full of crap.
What do unions have to do with it ? Unions didn't build the current system, it was the idea of collectivism that has fostered the centralization of power in the hands of the well connected few, the collectivists got EXACTLY what they wanted! Private sector unions were just one casualty of the process that got us here. So rather than bitch and moan about it , ENJOY IT! You got what you wanted, isn't it WONDERFUL? The little partisan tribbles get to squabble with one another about what trivial pursuits are best for the "collective" while the well connected few make off with the what remains of the wealth in the West.

Since bush we've implemented your individualism bullshit and the rich got richer and the rest of us got poorer. And trickle down doesn't work.
ROFLMAO! you think Bush was an individualist ? What sort of drugs have you been taking? the idea of collectivism has been in full force in BOTH major parties for a century and President George "Gunslinger" Bush dramatically expanded scope, cost and power of the state, he didn't do ANYTHING to empower the individual at the expense of state power (just like virtually every other President for the last century).

So you're a libertarian?
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The best thing government can do for you is get out of your way.
Another right wing ignorant talking point.
That you cannot refute, or apparently, deal with in a constructive manner. Does the thought of running your life without government interference fill you with dread?
Free speech is not a policy you goofball.

Wonder why they included free speech in the Bill of Rights. If they didn't want free speech as policy.

I know you channel the founders all the time. What were they thinking? IYO.

Because it is a right.

Next time you enter a civilian airliner, or even a train, bus or movie theater, tell an employee who collects your ticket or money there is a bomb on the premises; or try to enter the SCOTUS building wearing a T Shirt with the graphic "Roberts is a Traitor", and tell the screeners you have an absolute right to free speech and free expression and they can all get fucked.
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. .
Yep, how sweet are those fruits begot by the pervasiveness of collectivism and gigantic, ever expanding centralized government? Perhaps we should double down on that tasty treat?

Individualism made the United States (along with the rest of the West) wealthy, collectivism is blowing all that wealth and slowly impoverishing everybody that's not well connected to the government-corporate-banking cartel, oh well it was good while it lasted.

"The vicissitudes of fortune, which spares neither man nor the proudest of his works, which buries empires and cities in a common grave." -- Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Ha ha! Back when unions were 35% of the workforce and the middle class was the majority was when America was great. So you are full of crap.
What do unions have to do with it ? Unions didn't build the current system, it was the idea of collectivism that has fostered the centralization of power in the hands of the well connected few, the collectivists got EXACTLY what they wanted! Private sector unions were just one casualty of the process that got us here. So rather than bitch and moan about it , ENJOY IT! You got what you wanted, isn't it WONDERFUL? The little partisan tribbles get to squabble with one another about what trivial pursuits are best for the "collective" while the well connected few make off with the what remains of the wealth in the West.

Since bush we've implemented your individualism bullshit and the rich got richer and the rest of us got poorer. And trickle down doesn't work.
ROFLMAO! you think Bush was an individualist ? What sort of drugs have you been taking? the idea of collectivism has been in full force in BOTH major parties for a century and President George "Gunslinger" Bush dramatically expanded scope, cost and power of the state, he didn't do ANYTHING to empower the individual at the expense of state power (just like virtually every other President for the last century).

So you're a libertarian?

S/He is a nut (that does not preclude being a Libertarian).

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