What does the law say about the Monroe Doctrine?

Lies. This is the most important international document that predetermined global politics for 200 years to come.
Riiiight. When the Monroe Doctrine was announced, the US had NO army, the navy had less than a dozen ships and the US was one of the weakest countries on earth. The Monroe Doctrine had NO effect on other countries until the twentieth century. It certainly didn't stop France from invading Mexico and installing an Emperor as dictator there.
Riiiight. When the Monroe Doctrine was announced, the US had NO army, the navy had less than a dozen ships and the US was one of the weakest countries on earth.
The American Apaches were good warriors. No matter how many of them there were, they defeated the invaders, which no one had been able to do before them. The European empires had huge armies of slave infantry, this is their main weapon. There is no need to overestimate their technology, the only advantage there is that they have a lot of slaves.
They didn't even have a steel industry, they had bronze cannons and smoothbore weapons.

The Monroe Doctrine had NO effect on other countries until the twentieth century. It certainly didn't stop France from invading Mexico and installing an Emperor as dictator there.
This is absolute nonsense. It supported all European revolutions and freed the world from imperialism. All European empires perished. All that's left of them are pathetic bits like northern ireland
The American Apaches were good warriors. No matter how many of them there were, they defeated the invaders, which no one had been able to do before them. The European empires had huge armies of slave infantry, this is their main weapon. There is no need to overestimate their technology, the only advantage there is that they have a lot of slaves.
They didn't even have a steel industry, they had bronze cannons and smoothbore weapons.

This is absolute nonsense. It supported all European revolutions and freed the world from imperialism. All European empires perished. All that's left of them are pathetic bits like northern ireland
The Apache were great warriors, but they were shit soldiers. As individuals or in small groups they fought well but were very atrocity prone. They never defeated an invader, their history is one of constant retreat into more hostile environments to make it harder for first other tribes, and then the white man to get to them.

The only support the United States ever gave to European revolutionaries was a convoy of wheat and grain sent to France as humanitarian aid.
The Apache were great warriors, but they were shit soldiers. As individuals or in small groups they fought well but were very atrocity prone. They never defeated an invader, their history is one of constant retreat into more hostile environments to make it harder for first other tribes, and then the white man to get to them.

The only support the United States ever gave to European revolutionaries was a convoy of wheat and grain sent to France as humanitarian aid.
Lies. They fought simultaneously with three empires. When the American Revolution supported them, they all won together. In addition, the Indians of the Great Lakes joined the Revolution. Cherokee and others.
Lies. They fought simultaneously with three empires. When the American Revolution supported them, they all won together. In addition, the Indians of the Great Lakes joined the Revolution. Cherokee and others.
Why do you make insane statement about things you have no knowledge of? It's hard to pick which of your idiotic ideas is more fun to destroy. Since we have a poster here who claims to be a Cherokee, I'll pick that one. The Cherokee weren't located in the Great Lakes. Their land was in Eastern Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. They fought alongside the BRITISH, NOT the colonials. They were also slaveholders. In the ACW, the Eastern Cherokee fought for the Confederacy and the Western Cherokee split between fighting for the Confederacy and the Union.

As for the Apaches, there were never more than a few thousand of them. Even as late as the 1860s they were hunter-gatherers, raiding whites and other Indian tribes for things they couldn't gather from nature like weapons and firearms. Even today there are fewer than 200,000 full and part blood Apache's in the United States.
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I'm not interested in your religion. Illiterate people believe the feds, the feds say that America is descended from Britain, but the British colonies never existed anywhere except on the east coast. Continue your illiterate circus without me.
I'm not interested in your religion. Illiterate people believe the feds, the feds say that America is descended from Britain, but the British colonies never existed anywhere except on the east coast. Continue your illiterate circus without me.
You’re not only ignorant, you’re stupid as well. Our history isn’t what the government tells us, it’s living stories from our ancestors passed down through the generations. I only know one side of my family, but one ancestor was the youngest son of The Spencer (that is the head of the Spencer Clan in Scotland) came to the colonies on an indenture in the 1760s. Another was an Irish peasant imported by the Confederacy during the ACW. He deserted and fought for the Union and became a cavalryman in the west and married a Comanche woman. Another ancestor was a Swede who immigrated around the end of the nineteenth century. Americans KNOW the history of our nation from sources other than government books. The original thirteen colonies descended from England, but Louisiana and the Mississippi watershed came from France and a lot of people in Louisiana speak French (( or at least a bastardized version of French). Florida came from Spain. New York came from Holland. The Southwest came from Spain via Mexico. Washington and Alaska came from Russia.
You’re not only ignorant, you’re stupid as well. Our history isn’t what the government tells us, it’s living stories from our ancestors passed down through the generations. I only know one side of my family, but one ancestor was the youngest son of The Spencer (that is the head of the Spencer Clan in Scotland) came to the colonies on an indenture in the 1760s. Another was an Irish peasant imported by the Confederacy during the ACW. He deserted and fought for the Union and became a cavalryman in the west and married a Comanche woman. Another ancestor was a Swede who immigrated around the end of the nineteenth century. Americans KNOW the history of our nation from sources other than government books. The original thirteen colonies descended from England, but Louisiana and the Mississippi watershed came from France and a lot of people in Louisiana speak French (( or at least a bastardized version of French). Florida came from Spain. New York came from Holland. The Southwest came from Spain via Mexico. Washington and Alaska came from Russia.
Unfortunately, you are autistic, and you are not capable of anything other than retelling the stupid propaganda of the feds.

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