What Does the U.S. Need From Mexico? Nothing.Shut Down Entire Border

should've been done years ago
we lose businesses to Mexico
....so it's a double fk jackasses come up here for jobs and companies move to Mexico
same with China/etc---immigrants come here for jobs and American companies send the jobs there!!!!!!

you people really cannot be this stupid, can you? America cannot survive without trade with other nations.
Gee, how did we ever survive in the past without Mexico? :auiqs.jpg:

So, you really are that stupid.

Thanks for the verification.

I have more faith in humanity. I don't think they are really that stupid. Bush92 is just trying to inspire discussion. Nothing wrong with that. It would be biologically impossible for anybody to be that stupid.

You have a lot of faith.

Humans are intelligent beings. We just enjoy antagonizing one another. This is especially true of political junkies that seek out a venue to discuss politics.

I think if Bush92 had full authority to close trade with Mexico he would only do it for a few days to make a point then he would open it back up. He isn't as stupid as he is pretending to be. He just enjoys political discussion.
Gee, how did we ever survive in the past without Mexico? :auiqs.jpg:

We haven't. They've been there longer than us.
Bullshit. Mexico won it's independence from Spain in the 1800s.
The United States declared independence from England in 1776.
Mexico declared independence in 1810.

And nobody lived there before they gained independence.
The point should be when did they have the legal right to call themselves Mexico, dumbass.
you people really cannot be this stupid, can you? America cannot survive without trade with other nations.
Gee, how did we ever survive in the past without Mexico? :auiqs.jpg:

So, you really are that stupid.

Thanks for the verification.

I have more faith in humanity. I don't think they are really that stupid. Bush92 is just trying to inspire discussion. Nothing wrong with that. It would be biologically impossible for anybody to be that stupid.

You have a lot of faith.

Humans are intelligent beings. We just enjoy antagonizing one another. This is especially true of political junkies that seek out a venue to discuss politics.

I think if Bush92 had full authority to close trade with Mexico he would only do it for a few days to make a point then he would open it back up. He isn't as stupid as he is pretending to be. He just enjoys political discussion.

Like I said....
Humans are intelligent beings. We just enjoy antagonizing one another. This is especially true of political junkies that seek out a venue to discuss politics.

I think if Bush92 had full authority to close trade with Mexico he would only do it for a few days to make a point then he would open it back up. He isn't as stupid as he is pretending to be. He just enjoys political discussion.

Most humans are really not that intelligent, might be harsh but it is true.

Partisanship makes people even less intelligent as they only get information from approved sources of the party. They ignore and deny all data and facts that do not conform to their preconceived party notions.
Gee, how did we ever survive in the past without Mexico? :auiqs.jpg:

We haven't. They've been there longer than us.
Bullshit. Mexico won it's independence from Spain in the 1800s.
The United States declared independence from England in 1776.
Mexico declared independence in 1810.

And nobody lived there before they gained independence.
The point should be when did they have the legal right to call themselves Mexico, dumbass.

No, that is not the point.
What does the U.S. get from Mexico? Avocados? Drugs? Crime? Massive job losses? We need them for nothing. Shut down entire border, place a travel ban on Mexico, and cut them off from United States completely.

Another threat the blob backed down from.... Hilarious that you guys think he is a strong leader.
This thing is not over yet.
Last night's oval office address was the last ditch hail mary effort to gain some support for this stunt. Instead Trump looked and sounded defeated. It's not over but it is starting to look like the Trump presidency just used the last shred of political capital it possessed.
You're guilty of reading into everything.
He simply was checking the legal boxes that he needs to take the next step.

FYI, Pelosi put provisions in the budget to pay for a wall in Jordan. How ironic. How hypocritical. The Dems won't pay a nickle for our wall but will pay for walls overseas and pay for abortions overseas.

The Democrats are lying their asses off. They walked out of briefings that were held a couple of weeks ago. They wanted to remain ignorant to the facts intentionally. Then they turned around and lied about what the president said, instead relying on their media friends to carry their message to the public rather than doing their jobs. They are guilty of a massive fraud when it comes to immigration. A criminal conspiracy to traffic in human beings for the purpose of winning elections, and they don't give a damn what it does to this nation. It costs roughly $82,000 per year per person to take care of an illegal. That's more than most people in America earn. If that cost could be eliminated imagine how much it would save us.
The efficacy of a wall to solve our immigration non-crisis is now a secondary concern as the shutdown itself is now the most immediate crisis our nation faces.
Not really. The way the budget is handled, only a small portion of the government shuts down. Most of it is already paid for. Understand the difference between discretionary and non-discretionary spending. I remember the fight over "Earmarks". How the Democrats made it into something evil. All an Earmark is is a part of the budget that is spent on a particular purpose. They still have Earmarks, but they just changed the name of it.
I have more faith in humanity. I don't think they are really that stupid. Bush92 is just trying to inspire discussion. Nothing wrong with that. It would be biologically impossible for anybody to be that stupid.

You are still new here, so you will learn. These people really are that stupid. This is what partisanship does to a person, it slowly sucks out their soul and their brains.

Personally I suspect that it's less about stupidity than ignorance exacerbated by over-exposure to propaganda that is the source of most of these kinds of cockamamie self-destructive ideas.

IMHO The best thing that could ever happen to Americans would be if the plethora of existing propaganda spigots magically evaporated. :)
Another threat the blob backed down from.... Hilarious that you guys think he is a strong leader.
This thing is not over yet.
Last night's oval office address was the last ditch hail mary effort to gain some support for this stunt. Instead Trump looked and sounded defeated. It's not over but it is starting to look like the Trump presidency just used the last shred of political capital it possessed.
You're guilty of reading into everything.
He simply was checking the legal boxes that he needs to take the next step.

FYI, Pelosi put provisions in the budget to pay for a wall in Jordan. How ironic. How hypocritical. The Dems won't pay a nickle for our wall but will pay for walls overseas and pay for abortions overseas.

The Democrats are lying their asses off. They walked out of briefings that were held a couple of weeks ago. They wanted to remain ignorant to the facts intentionally. Then they turned around and lied about what the president said, instead relying on their media friends to carry their message to the public rather than doing their jobs. They are guilty of a massive fraud when it comes to immigration. A criminal conspiracy to traffic in human beings for the purpose of winning elections, and they don't give a damn what it does to this nation. It costs roughly $82,000 per year per person to take care of an illegal. That's more than most people in America earn. If that cost could be eliminated imagine how much it would save us.
The efficacy of a wall to solve our immigration non-crisis is now a secondary concern as the shutdown itself is now the most immediate crisis our nation faces.
Not really. The way the budget is handled, only a small portion of the government shuts down. Most of it is already paid for. Understand the difference between discretionary and non-discretionary spending. I remember the fight over "Earmarks". How the Democrats made it into something evil. All an Earmark is is a part of the budget that is spent on a particular purpose. They still have Earmarks, but they just changed the name of it.

Not exactly the case.
Another threat the blob backed down from.... Hilarious that you guys think he is a strong leader.
This thing is not over yet.
Last night's oval office address was the last ditch hail mary effort to gain some support for this stunt. Instead Trump looked and sounded defeated. It's not over but it is starting to look like the Trump presidency just used the last shred of political capital it possessed.
You're guilty of reading into everything.
He simply was checking the legal boxes that he needs to take the next step.

FYI, Pelosi put provisions in the budget to pay for a wall in Jordan. How ironic. How hypocritical. The Dems won't pay a nickle for our wall but will pay for walls overseas and pay for abortions overseas.

The Democrats are lying their asses off. They walked out of briefings that were held a couple of weeks ago. They wanted to remain ignorant to the facts intentionally. Then they turned around and lied about what the president said, instead relying on their media friends to carry their message to the public rather than doing their jobs. They are guilty of a massive fraud when it comes to immigration. A criminal conspiracy to traffic in human beings for the purpose of winning elections, and they don't give a damn what it does to this nation. It costs roughly $82,000 per year per person to take care of an illegal. That's more than most people in America earn. If that cost could be eliminated imagine how much it would save us.
The efficacy of a wall to solve our immigration non-crisis is now a secondary concern as the shutdown itself is now the most immediate crisis our nation faces.
Not really. The way the budget is handled, only a small portion of the government shuts down. Most of it is already paid for. Understand the difference between discretionary and non-discretionary spending. I remember the fight over "Earmarks". How the Democrats made it into something evil. All an Earmark is is a part of the budget that is spent on a particular purpose.

That is still 800,000 people going without pay. That is shops and diners around Fed Buildings that are not getting those 800,000 customers. That is tens if not hundreds of thousands of contract employees that are not working and will never see any money for time lost. In the local area all of the Fed buildings are cleaned by a company that hires only people with mental and emotional handicaps and gives them a job and a chance to earn a living. They are not going to work during the shutdown, and they are not making a lot to start with.
I have more faith in humanity. I don't think they are really that stupid. Bush92 is just trying to inspire discussion. Nothing wrong with that. It would be biologically impossible for anybody to be that stupid.

You are still new here, so you will learn. These people really are that stupid. This is what partisanship does to a person, it slowly sucks out their soul and their brains.

Personally I suspect that it's less about stupidity than ignorance exacerbated by over-exposure to propaganda that is the source of most of these kinds of cockamamie self-destructive ideas.

IMHO The best thing that could ever happen to Americans would be if the plethora of existing propaganda spigots magically evaporated. :)

I will give you that, it is ignorance more than stupidity. But it is also willful ignorance, which makes them stupid! :21::21::21:
Gee, how did we ever survive in the past without Mexico? :auiqs.jpg:

We haven't. They've been there longer than us.
Bullshit. Mexico won it's independence from Spain in the 1800s.
The United States declared independence from England in 1776.
Mexico declared independence in 1810.

And nobody lived there before they gained independence.
The point should be when did they have the legal right to call themselves Mexico, dumbass.

No, that is not the point.
That is the only point.

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