What drives TDS?

How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, criticism of Trum he has become a darling of the media.

I disagree and let be clear the only reason Pelosi did not call for Bush Impeachment is because she knew his mistakes were helping Democrats win...

That is why Pelosi want Trump gone...

I do not think Pelosi was dying for impeachment. I think she is doing this reluctantly. She could, after all, have pursued it after the Mueller report.

I disagree and feel if Trump was in the same boat as Bush was I believe she would ride it out and get rid of Trump through the election but she know he could win a second term.

Bush did not do anything impeachable, and though I believe Trump is guilty of obstruction according to the Mueller report - it's not impeachable.

I think that abusing his power in the way it appears with Ukraine is too much to be ignored even though it carries a political cost. They know it won't get through the senate, but it can't be ignored.

Pelosi is, above all, a shrewd and skilled politician and tactician. Probably why the right hates her so much. She's no wimp.

Pelosi did this to hush the mental midgets like Cortez and with the eye on 2020 while thinking this is 1974.

America is split so badly that there is no way this Impeachment Help Pelosi in Red Districts or even Purple Districts...

As for abuse of power let just remember every President has been accused of this and yes what Trump did was stupid and should have been censured I do not believe Impeachment was the correct course of action and never will...

No matter how much I spit on Bill Clinton I will admit his Impeachment should have never happened either and again censured would have been better.

For Bush all I have to say is Iraq War and the fact we should have never gone in!

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