What drives TDS?

We are all familiar with those on here afflicted with TDS but what motivates or causes the phenomenon?

Once again we see the hand of the msm--encouraging and helping to set up the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Yet the real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback—politically, socially, economically, and culturally—against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.

The Real Reason for Trump Derangement Syndrome

Probably the same thing that drove Obama Derangement Sundrome.


Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

I have to correct you and I saw this start with Bill Clinton...

It grew more under Bush and even more under Obama and now it is at a fever pitch with Trump...

Someone with your level of ignorance should not attempt to correct anyone most especially regarding obama......The Media's Cultic Devotion to Barack Obama

Bush had his critics but nothing compared to what Trump has to put up with.

Clinton was a rapist and much worse thus he deservedly had a few critics but still yet the media protected him for the most part....along with some pc republicans who should have voted to impeach him.
Clinton Crime Family Exposed | Clinton Memorial Library
We are all familiar with those on here afflicted with TDS but what motivates or causes the phenomenon?

Once again we see the hand of the msm--encouraging and helping to set up the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Yet the real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback—politically, socially, economically, and culturally—against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.

The Real Reason for Trump Derangement Syndrome

Probably the same thing that drove Obama Derangement Sundrome.


Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

Ridiculous .....neither bush nor obama was subjected to efforts to throw them out of office. Neither bush nor Obama had an overwhelming media bias against them.....expecially obama for whom the media constantly and slavishly supported day in and day out with no criticism to speak of at all.

Bush had a lot of liberal critics but nowhere near the level that Trump has been subjected to.

Neither bush or Obama was subjected to a pervasive hatred from the entertainment industry like Trump has been subjected to not even to mention all the celebrities cursing him with the most vulgar language etc.


How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, and his criticism of Trump-- he has become a darling of the media.
Probably the same thing that drove Obama Derangement Sundrome.


Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

Ridiculous .....neither bush nor obama was subjected to efforts to throw them out of office. Neither bush nor Obama had an overwhelming media bias against them.....expecially obama for whom the media constantly and slavishly supported day in and day out with no criticism to speak of at all.

Bush had a lot of liberal critics but nowhere near the level that Trump has been subjected to.

Neither bush or Obama was subjected to a pervasive hatred from the entertainment industry like Trump has been subjected to not even to mention all the celebrities cursing him with the most vulgar language etc.


How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, criticism of Trum he has become a darling of the media.

I disagree and let be clear the only reason Pelosi did not call for Bush Impeachment is because she knew his mistakes were helping Democrats win...

That is why Pelosi want Trump gone...
Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

Ridiculous .....neither bush nor obama was subjected to efforts to throw them out of office. Neither bush nor Obama had an overwhelming media bias against them.....expecially obama for whom the media constantly and slavishly supported day in and day out with no criticism to speak of at all.

Bush had a lot of liberal critics but nowhere near the level that Trump has been subjected to.

Neither bush or Obama was subjected to a pervasive hatred from the entertainment industry like Trump has been subjected to not even to mention all the celebrities cursing him with the most vulgar language etc.


How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, criticism of Trum he has become a darling of the media.

I disagree and let be clear the only reason Pelosi did not call for Bush Impeachment is because she knew his mistakes were helping Democrats win...

That is why Pelosi want Trump gone...


The Liberal Rehabilitation of George W. Bush Is Complete
We are all familiar with those on here afflicted with TDS but what motivates or causes the phenomenon?

Once again we see the hand of the msm--encouraging and helping to set up the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Yet the real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback—politically, socially, economically, and culturally—against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.

The Real Reason for Trump Derangement Syndrome
Angry white trumpkin syndrome
We are all familiar with those on here afflicted with TDS but what motivates or causes the phenomenon?

Once again we see the hand of the msm--encouraging and helping to set up the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Yet the real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback—politically, socially, economically, and culturally—against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.

The Real Reason for Trump Derangement Syndrome
Angry white trumpkin syndrome
That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

Ridiculous .....neither bush nor obama was subjected to efforts to throw them out of office. Neither bush nor Obama had an overwhelming media bias against them.....expecially obama for whom the media constantly and slavishly supported day in and day out with no criticism to speak of at all.

Bush had a lot of liberal critics but nowhere near the level that Trump has been subjected to.

Neither bush or Obama was subjected to a pervasive hatred from the entertainment industry like Trump has been subjected to not even to mention all the celebrities cursing him with the most vulgar language etc.


How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, criticism of Trum he has become a darling of the media.

I disagree and let be clear the only reason Pelosi did not call for Bush Impeachment is because she knew his mistakes were helping Democrats win...

That is why Pelosi want Trump gone...

View attachment 295828

The Liberal Rehabilitation of George W. Bush Is Complete

I think you miss an important point here.

I (a leftist) despised Bush's politics and policies, though there were a few I liked and I totally liked his handling of 9/11. Despite what I felt about his politics - I always felt like he was a decent Human Being who sincerely believed in public service and held the best interests of the country in mind (though I disagreed with the paths he took).

I think your photo brings something to the forefront that is important. Politicians used to be able to spar, compromise, legislate and then get together for a beer regardless of party.

We saw the humanity in each other even if we disagreed with the paths.

Is that the case today?
Probably the same thing that drove Obama Derangement Sundrome.


Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

Ridiculous .....neither bush nor obama was subjected to efforts to throw them out of office. Neither bush nor Obama had an overwhelming media bias against them.....expecially obama for whom the media constantly and slavishly supported day in and day out with no criticism to speak of at all.

Bush had a lot of liberal critics but nowhere near the level that Trump has been subjected to.

Neither bush or Obama was subjected to a pervasive hatred from the entertainment industry like Trump has been subjected to not even to mention all the celebrities cursing him with the most vulgar language etc.


How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, and his criticism of Trump-- he has become a darling of the media.

That is a matter of personal opinion, not fact.
Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

Ridiculous .....neither bush nor obama was subjected to efforts to throw them out of office. Neither bush nor Obama had an overwhelming media bias against them.....expecially obama for whom the media constantly and slavishly supported day in and day out with no criticism to speak of at all.

Bush had a lot of liberal critics but nowhere near the level that Trump has been subjected to.

Neither bush or Obama was subjected to a pervasive hatred from the entertainment industry like Trump has been subjected to not even to mention all the celebrities cursing him with the most vulgar language etc.


How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, criticism of Trum he has become a darling of the media.

I disagree and let be clear the only reason Pelosi did not call for Bush Impeachment is because she knew his mistakes were helping Democrats win...

That is why Pelosi want Trump gone...

I do not think Pelosi was dying for impeachment. I think she is doing this reluctantly. She could, after all, have pursued it after the Mueller report.
Probably the same thing that drove Obama Derangement Sundrome.


Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

Ridiculous .....neither bush nor obama was subjected to efforts to throw them out of office. Neither bush nor Obama had an overwhelming media bias against them.....expecially obama for whom the media constantly and slavishly supported day in and day out with no criticism to speak of at all.

Bush had a lot of liberal critics but nowhere near the level that Trump has been subjected to.

Neither bush or Obama was subjected to a pervasive hatred from the entertainment industry like Trump has been subjected to not even to mention all the celebrities cursing him with the most vulgar language etc.


How old are you?

Why I ask is because you must have been either in diapers when Bush was President or ignoring the hate from MSNBC and left when Bush was President...

Hell Kanye West called Bush a racist during the Katrina concert well if I remember he said Bush did not care about black people...

So Bush was hated...

Nowhere near the level that Trump is and for no reason.

Trump has accomplished many good things for America....whereas bush is remembered for his huge mistake of getting us into a war with Iraq....and now due to his liberal tendencies, friendship with Michelle Obama, and his criticism of Trump-- he has become a darling of the media.

By the way...do you think conservatives and liberals can not be friends?
We are all familiar with those on here afflicted with TDS but what motivates or causes the phenomenon?

Once again we see the hand of the msm--encouraging and helping to set up the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Yet the real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback—politically, socially, economically, and culturally—against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.

The Real Reason for Trump Derangement Syndrome

Probably the same thing that drove Obama Derangement Sundrome.


Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

I have to correct you and I saw this start with Bill Clinton...

It grew more under Bush and even more under Obama and now it is at a fever pitch with Trump...

Perhaps....but it wasn't labeled as a DS was it?
What drove ODS in so many of you for eight years? Probably a lot of the same stuff that is driving TDS...

Your moral equivalence arguments are getting tiresome. Can't you come up with something else?

ya know...he might be right :dunno:

It isn't moral equivalence to point out both extremes are rife with assholery.
We are all familiar with those on here afflicted with TDS but what motivates or causes the phenomenon?

Once again we see the hand of the msm--encouraging and helping to set up the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Yet the real source of Trump derangement syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback—politically, socially, economically, and culturally—against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.

The Real Reason for Trump Derangement Syndrome

Probably the same thing that drove Obama Derangement Sundrome.


Ridiculous.....no such syndrome existed.

The media constantly promoted Obama.

Try and face up to the truth ....Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

That is the problem with Trumpists. They plagiarize something, claim it as your own and then claim a special and falsely unique victimhood status.

It started with Bush
Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia

And continued with Obama:
Obama Derangement Syndrome

The best part is, they've become exactly what they complained about for eight years... and they don't even realize it.

For eight years they railed on about Obama supporters blind, unwavering loyalty to their candidate... their inability to look at him critically and criticize him when necessary... they were mindless drones, part of the "collective," in their eyes Obama could do no wrong...

Perhaps...but I liked Obama. He wasn't perfect. And there were things to criticize but I liked him. My biggest beef was that any criticism was rebuffed as "racism". Sometimes it was...sometimes it wasn't.
Trump's loyalty is to Trump.

Trump had the easy life and he gave it all up to work for free and to be hated by leftists like you and all because he wants to help average Americans.
Perhaps...but I liked Obama. He wasn't perfect. And there were things to criticize but I liked him. My biggest beef was that any criticism was rebuffed as "racism". Sometimes it was...sometimes it wasn't.

Why did Obama permit Secretary Clinton to set up a secret server on which to conduct state business (and some monkey business) in order to escape oversight by the people?
I do not think Pelosi was dying for impeachment. I think she is doing this reluctantly. She could, after all, have pursued it after the Mueller report.

The fascist Democrats and their Gestapo agents in government were working on overthrowing Trump even before he was elected.
I think part of it is that he is an arrogant, brash jerk of a man.

What seals the deal is that he is an arrogant, brash jerk of a man who is fighting against the globalist agenda to eliminate national sovereignty and flood the western world with those intent on destroying western culture.
None Of Which Are Cause To Impeach

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