What exactly did they do?

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Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say

were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.

the entire PV vote delta was in California. 3 million more caliprunians voted for Hillary than for Trump, BFD, Trump got 306 EC votes and that's how we elect presidents.
Hillary won the popular vote, she won the most states, she won the most delegates
She did NOT win the most States dumb ass. Trump won 30 of 50 which leaves 20 for Hillary 20 is less then 30 unless you are using new math genius.
Read the thread numb nuts
We are talking about the primaries
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
Russians would not send the leak directly from Putin to Wikileaks
They would set up an innocent intermediary.
You are the dumb ass Hillary was caught red handed cheating in the primaries. Her emails and Podesta's prove it and the two NEVER denied the accuracy of those emails.
Actually they prove nothing of the kind
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
Our intel agencies say the Russians hacked. Multiple agencies under Trump appointed directors. You are going to believe Wikileaks over them? Why is that?
I've said it a thousand times for every time you right wingers make that stupid statement and if you had actually read the last indictment you would know this as well....

the goal was not to make people vote FOR Trump, though that may have happened... the goal was to get Bernie supporters to hate Hillary, and either not come out to vote, or to vote against her.... but it was primarily to suppress the Democratic voters from coming out to vote.... and it worked.

:auiqs.jpg:Hilary did that all on her own.
nope, she actually did not... it was spurred and fueled by the Russian hacks and timed leaks and propaganda articles that tied in with the releases of the stolen merchandise.

Assange was screaming and yelling at the Russian hackers to get the stolen emails to him QUICKLY so Assange could release them with the negative propaganda news articles that they prepared to spin a story at the same time of the release.... SAYING that he, Assange, wanted to release them before the Democratic Convention, for the most impact in his and the Russian's goal of dividing Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters....

it worked.

Merchandise? Not sure you know what that word means.

Assange has stated repeatedly that the leaks did not come from the Russians. But thats really beside the point.

You're pissed that hillary got exposed for who she is. A crooked bitch!!!
Here's a clue, it didn't expose anything... What you got from it, is propaganda articles that Assange along with a Journalist who he allowed to read the parts Assange highlighted of the emails ahead of time, and delivered a pure propaganda article spun in the negative....

Just show me ANY thing that you believed was shown from ANY of the emails,

and I will show you, how the spin on it, was not completely true or not true at all....

But you can't even SHOW what the emails exposed, yet you keep repeating the same propaganda that the emails showed how rotten Hillary was....

So what did these emails say, that you refer to?

And I am upset that their private emails of both the campaign and DNC were stolen, anyone should be! It's a BREAK IN just like Watergate, and the President, just like Nixon, is involved in a COVER-UP, TO HIS EYEBALLS.

But in this case, it is WORSE, because the Trump campaign got their help from the thieves, who were working with the Russian government Military Intelligence assigned by Putin to interfere and meddle in our democratic election process... they aided and abetted the enemy imo and many others too.

If Obama had done one tenth of what the Trump campaign and Trump has done, he would have been impeached by the Republicans already.

If Hillary was president and had done what the Trump campaign has done with working with Russia to bring Trump down, she would have been impeached already by this Republican congress.

If this were the times of respectable Republicans serving in congress as there were in Nixon's time, there would have been extensive, live on TV serious hearings before all of the citizens in this nation, and Trump would have been impeached by now.....

there is absolutely no way in the world you can deny that....

The emails were published in their entirety. No one in the fake media or the Hillary campaign contested their accuracy.

You lose, douchebag.
Not only published in their entirety, but in a searchable database.
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
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We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
lie lie lies of your new god....

Says John Podesta "refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"

Donald Trump on Friday, July 7th, 2017 in a tweet

Did John Podesta deny CIA and FBI access to DNC server, as Donald Trump claims?
By Manuela Tobias on Tuesday, July 11th, 2017 at 11:12 a.m.

In the midst of talks on the global economy, climate change and immigration at the Group of 20 summit in Germany, President Donald Trump said there was another issue grabbing attention.

"Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"

We’ll set aside the question of what "everybody" was talking about in Hamburg. A bigger issue is that Trump’s premise about Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, gets the facts wrong on several counts.

John Podesta’s role
Trump claimed that Podesta denied handing over a DNC server to intelligence agencies, but Podesta never chaired the DNC, nor had any involvement in the DNC’s handling of their email server, according to DNC spokesperson Adrienne Watson.

"I had nothing to do with the Democratic National Committee — I chaired Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign," Podesta wrote in an op-ed for the Washington Post. "So there was no DNC server for me to refuse to give, and I was never asked for one."
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
Russians would not send the leak directly from Putin to Wikileaks
They would set up an innocent intermediary.
How does that prove they did it?
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
lie lie lies of your new god....

Says John Podesta "refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"

Donald Trump on Friday, July 7th, 2017 in a tweet

Did John Podesta deny CIA and FBI access to DNC server, as Donald Trump claims?
By Manuela Tobias on Tuesday, July 11th, 2017 at 11:12 a.m.

In the midst of talks on the global economy, climate change and immigration at the Group of 20 summit in Germany, President Donald Trump said there was another issue grabbing attention.

"Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"

We’ll set aside the question of what "everybody" was talking about in Hamburg. A bigger issue is that Trump’s premise about Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, gets the facts wrong on several counts.

John Podesta’s role
Trump claimed that Podesta denied handing over a DNC server to intelligence agencies, but Podesta never chaired the DNC, nor had any involvement in the DNC’s handling of their email server, according to DNC spokesperson Adrienne Watson.

"I had nothing to do with the Democratic National Committee — I chaired Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign," Podesta wrote in an op-ed for the Washington Post. "So there was no DNC server for me to refuse to give, and I was never asked for one."

No one claimed Podesta is the guy responsible for not turning over the server to the FBI, dingbat.

Straw man argument.
Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
Russians would not send the leak directly from Putin to Wikileaks
They would set up an innocent intermediary.
How does that prove they did it?
CIA, FBI, Congress says they did

KGB said they didn’t
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the indictments against the Russians. Those indictments outline in vivid detail exactly what they did and how they did it.
What they lack is any kind of evidence that the accused did what the indictment claims.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
Russians would not send the leak directly from Putin to Wikileaks
They would set up an innocent intermediary.
How does that prove they did it?
CIA, FBI, Congress says they did

KGB said they didn’t
None of those agencies has any authority to decide which claims are facts or not. Furthermore, none of them has claimed the Russians were responsible for the leak of Podesta's emails.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the indictments against the Russians. Those indictments outline in vivid detail exactly what they did and how they did it.
What they lack is any kind of evidence that the accused did what the indictment claims.
They don’t initiate, continue and escalate two years of investigations involving multiple warrants and the appointment of a special counsel under Republican control, all validated by Trump appointed directors, with no evidence. Sorry but you are fucking nuts if You think that’s the case.
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
Russians would not send the leak directly from Putin to Wikileaks
They would set up an innocent intermediary.
How does that prove they did it?
CIA, FBI, Congress says they did

KGB said they didn’t
None of those agencies has any authority to decide which claims are facts or not. Furthermore, none of them has claimed the Russians were responsible for the leak of Podesta's emails.
Then please share with us what you think they have verified and what you believe to be true with the Russia election business
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
"So someone tell us, what did they do?"

Have you been reading the news? Watching TV? Surfing the Internet? Are you so blinded by your Hannity sunglasses BS that you can't see that our country has been hacked?

POTUS is Poison.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..
Russians would not send the leak directly from Putin to Wikileaks
They would set up an innocent intermediary.
How does that prove they did it?
CIA, FBI, Congress says they did

KGB said they didn’t
None of those agencies has any authority to decide which claims are facts or not. Furthermore, none of them has claimed the Russians were responsible for the leak of Podesta's emails.
Then please share with us what you think they have verified and what you believe to be true with the Russia election business
They haven't verified jack shit.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the indictments against the Russians. Those indictments outline in vivid detail exactly what they did and how they did it.
What they lack is any kind of evidence that the accused did what the indictment claims.
They don’t initiate, continue and escalate two years of investigations involving multiple warrants and the appointment of a special counsel under Republican control, all validated by Trump appointed directors, with no evidence. Sorry but you are fucking nuts if You think that’s the case.

Sure they do. Your belief that Herr Mewler isn't thoroughly corrupt doesn't pass the smell test.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the indictments against the Russians. Those indictments outline in vivid detail exactly what they did and how they did it.
What they lack is any kind of evidence that the accused did what the indictment claims.
They don’t initiate, continue and escalate two years of investigations involving multiple warrants and the appointment of a special counsel under Republican control, all validated by Trump appointed directors, with no evidence. Sorry but you are fucking nuts if You think that’s the case.

Sure they do. Your belief that Herr Mewler isn't thoroughly corrupt doesn't pass the smell test.
Why are you so angry?
Russians would not send the leak directly from Putin to Wikileaks
They would set up an innocent intermediary.
How does that prove they did it?
CIA, FBI, Congress says they did

KGB said they didn’t
None of those agencies has any authority to decide which claims are facts or not. Furthermore, none of them has claimed the Russians were responsible for the leak of Podesta's emails.
Then please share with us what you think they have verified and what you believe to be true with the Russia election business
They haven't verified jack shit.
Then why are they making announcements to the public about it?! Why is Trump saying he believes our intel? Seriously what’s wrong with you?
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the indictments against the Russians. Those indictments outline in vivid detail exactly what they did and how they did it.
What they lack is any kind of evidence that the accused did what the indictment claims.
They don’t initiate, continue and escalate two years of investigations involving multiple warrants and the appointment of a special counsel under Republican control, all validated by Trump appointed directors, with no evidence. Sorry but you are fucking nuts if You think that’s the case.

Sure they do. Your belief that Herr Mewler isn't thoroughly corrupt doesn't pass the smell test.
Why are you so angry?
Scum like you are destroying my country. That's why.
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