What exactly did they do?

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Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say

were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.

the entire PV vote delta was in California. 3 million more caliprunians voted for Hillary than for Trump, BFD, Trump got 306 EC votes and that's how we elect presidents.
Hillary won the popular vote, she won the most states, she won the most delegates

Yeah, sounds like a political science class sure wouldn't hurt.
That’s so funny coming from someone who could really use a political science class. Lol
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say

were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.

the entire PV vote delta was in California. 3 million more caliprunians voted for Hillary than for Trump, BFD, Trump got 306 EC votes and that's how we elect presidents.
Hillary won the popular vote, she won the most states, she won the most delegates

Yeah, sounds like a political science class sure wouldn't hurt.
That’s so funny coming from someone who could really use a political science class. Lol

Great, show me where I was off base.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
We hear that the DNC was hacked by the Russians, yet the DNC never turned over the servers to show the hacks..

And there has been zero proof that Russians hacked the elections or changed any votes.

If the crime is running propaganda ads then the far left media should be arrested as well..
Yes they were hacked. Even Trump admits it.

“The DNC should be ashamed of themselves for allowing themselves to be hacked. They had bad defenses, and they were able to be hacked,” Trump said in a CBS News interview with Jeff Glor, aired Sunday on "Face the Nation." “I heard they were trying to hack the Republicans, too. But, and this may be wrong, but they had much stronger defenses.”
Trump is going off of what the intel communities have said.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
If you don’t understand what they did and are doing, you’re probably not listening.

then tell us. so far not one of you has been able to tell us exactly what they did and how it affected the election.
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

So one of the issues is that Trump used the information? Meanwhile Hillary and company decide to go out fabricate a dossier, and try to convince us it was just opposition research. Is that how it works>

Hillary did not fabricate a dossier and never used any of the information in it. I did not see any ads about Trump and Golden Showers

I understand Hillary did not fabricate the dossier, although she paid for it....in more ways than one. I also understand she didn't wipe down her server, not even with a cloth, but she sure as hell paid for someone to do it. Which holds her responsible.

If Hillary funded the dossier, why didn’t she use it?
Trump repeatedly used the information provided by Putin

She is using it, dumbass. Why do you think we have this witchhunt?

The investigation began in july and the warrant wasn't granted until oct, you QTARD fuckwit.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.

American law does not apply to Russians operating in Russia. Mueller was charged with finding out if there was any American involvement in illegal election tampering. He has found none. Indicting Russians who will never stand trial in the USA is a waste of time and money.

What Manafort did 20 years ago has nothing to do with the 2016 election.
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

There is no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC server. That's what the DNC tells us, but we have no reason to believe it.

Read the latest indictments from the Justice
Dept, QTARD.
So one of the issues is that Trump used the information? Meanwhile Hillary and company decide to go out fabricate a dossier, and try to convince us it was just opposition research. Is that how it works>

Hillary did not fabricate a dossier and never used any of the information in it. I did not see any ads about Trump and Golden Showers

I understand Hillary did not fabricate the dossier, although she paid for it....in more ways than one. I also understand she didn't wipe down her server, not even with a cloth, but she sure as hell paid for someone to do it. Which holds her responsible.

If Hillary funded the dossier, why didn’t she use it?
Trump repeatedly used the information provided by Putin

She is using it, dumbass. Why do you think we have this witchhunt?

The investigation began in july and the warrant wasn't granted until oct, you QTARD fuckwit.

the FISA warrants used the lies in the dossier as their justification, the FISA judge was lied to.
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

There is no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC server. That's what the DNC tells us, but we have no reason to believe it.

Read the latest indictments from the Justice
Dept, QTARD.

we have read them, 12 Russian citizens indicted for allegedly hacking into the DNC servers. US law does not apply to Russian citizens operating in Russia. the indictments are a waste of time and money. And, since the FBI and DOJ never looked at the DNC servers, can you tell us how they know they were hacked and by who?
The words I just posted were Trumps, not the DNC, are you slow?

Yes I know far left drone, the DNC never handed over their servers.

But you should be ashamed at being such a far left partisan hack!
Calm down sparky and try and answer a simple question. Why would Trump publicly say that the DNC was hacked by the Russians?

Stupid far left drone!

Show in the quote you spammed, where Trump said it was by the Russians?

Also the far left drone misses the point that the DNC never handed over their servers..
Actually, they did. They turned everything over to third-party contractors who already had a working relationship and contracts with US Intelligence agencies. They, in turn, gave their findings to US intelligence and the FBI. Makes no difference how many times you are informed about the facts, you and your ilk will keep parroting the talking point designed to mislead and distort.
The FBI did not examine the server. that was left to a firm getting paid by the Hillary campaign. Nothing they say can be believed.
The FBI did not examine the server. that was left to a firm getting paid by the Hillary campaign. Nothing they say can be believed.

^QTARD strawman.
like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say
Trump doesn't need to say anything. It's certainly not his problem that Hillary didn't understand the electoral process. We are a REPUBLIC.
The words I just posted were Trumps, not the DNC, are you slow?

Yes I know far left drone, the DNC never handed over their servers.

But you should be ashamed at being such a far left partisan hack!
Calm down sparky and try and answer a simple question. Why would Trump publicly say that the DNC was hacked by the Russians?

Stupid far left drone!

Show in the quote you spammed, where Trump said it was by the Russians?

Also the far left drone misses the point that the DNC never handed over their servers..
Actually, they did. They turned everything over to third-party contractors who already had a working relationship and contracts with US Intelligence agencies. They, in turn, gave their findings to US intelligence and the FBI. Makes no difference how many times you are informed about the facts, you and your ilk will keep parroting the talking point designed to mislead and distort.
The FBI did not examine the server. that was left to a firm getting paid by the Hillary campaign. Nothing they say can be believed.

Who says they needed to, dope?
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB
They did not hack into the DNC, moron.

Your entire braindead list is hilariously wrong.

All they supposedly did was create fake political sites that merely mimic the bullshit Democrats create every single day.
Yes moron, they did hack in

Everyone acknowledges that except Putin, Trump and you
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

You keep being presented with the evidence you're asking for, and every time you divert to Hillary.

Fuck Hillary, I dont care about that corrupt hag. But the fact that an enemy nation hacked us in an attempt to sway our elections should piss off any red blooded American.

i literally just read a post on another thread from a poster who basically was thanking russia/putin because that made hillary lose.
Let's see now...

The FBI refuses to analyze the DNC server. The justice department refuses to prosecute Hillary for destroying 30k government emails, and the NSA who monitors all and knows all...offers nothing.

Looks like a massive set up. No?

Could it be as simple as the ruling class did all they could to get their corrupt girl in the White House and when that didn't happen, they got vindictive?

Why would anyone accept anything from the criminals in the ruling class?

The FBI analyzed what was on the server

They say it is the same thing
They never touched the server, douchebag. Why do you keep lying about that?
Yes I know far left drone, the DNC never handed over their servers.

But you should be ashamed at being such a far left partisan hack!
Calm down sparky and try and answer a simple question. Why would Trump publicly say that the DNC was hacked by the Russians?

Stupid far left drone!

Show in the quote you spammed, where Trump said it was by the Russians?

Also the far left drone misses the point that the DNC never handed over their servers..
Actually, they did. They turned everything over to third-party contractors who already had a working relationship and contracts with US Intelligence agencies. They, in turn, gave their findings to US intelligence and the FBI. Makes no difference how many times you are informed about the facts, you and your ilk will keep parroting the talking point designed to mislead and distort.
The FBI did not examine the server. that was left to a firm getting paid by the Hillary campaign. Nothing they say can be believed.

Who says they needed to, dope?
Anyone who doesn't have hole in his head says they needed to.
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

There is no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC server. That's what the DNC tells us, but we have no reason to believe it.

Read the latest indictments from the Justice
Dept, QTARD.

we have read them, 12 Russian citizens indicted for allegedly hacking into the DNC servers. US law does not apply to Russian citizens operating in Russia. the indictments are a waste of time and money. And, since the FBI and DOJ never looked at the DNC servers, can you tell us how they know they were hacked and by who?
The FBI imaged the servers and investigated what was on them

The rest is just nuts and bolts
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB
They did not hack into the DNC, moron.

Your entire braindead list is hilariously wrong.

All they supposedly did was create fake political sites that merely mimic the bullshit Democrats create every single day.
Yes moron, they did hack in

Everyone acknowledges that except Putin, Trump and you
Wrong. Everyone doesn't acknowledge that. Why do you keep lying about that?
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

There is no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC server. That's what the DNC tells us, but we have no reason to believe it.

Read the latest indictments from the Justice
Dept, QTARD.

we have read them, 12 Russian citizens indicted for allegedly hacking into the DNC servers. US law does not apply to Russian citizens operating in Russia. the indictments are a waste of time and money. And, since the FBI and DOJ never looked at the DNC servers, can you tell us how they know they were hacked and by who?
The FBI imaged the servers and investigated what was on them

The rest is just nuts and bolts
Why do you keep posting this lie? Post a credible link that supports your claim, or shut the fuck up. The FBI never touched the servers.
The one thing we know for a fact is whatever the democrats and establishment deep state are accusing Trump of in regards to collusion or obstruction, is precisely what they are guilty of.

We know that. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can or will do about it.
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