What exactly did they do?

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It's obvious to anyone not under the con artists spell.
In other words, it's totally baseless.

Open your eyes.
My eyes are wide open. Your claims are baseless. You and RightWinger certainly posted any reason to believe them.
Your eyes may be open, but you are staring directly into tRump's ass. You don't bother with real information, just junk that conforms your bias. You refuse to see truths that are directly in front of you, instead choosing to believe there is some giant spontaneously generated conspiracy to make tRump look bad.

If your eyes and brain were open you would realize that that is exactly what the Mueller investigation is------------a partisan witch hunt. In over a year Heir Mewler has found zero evidence to Russia/Trump campaign collusion or any violations of law by the Trump campaign.

as Strzok said, "there is no there there"
You have fallen for the fake news.

What partisan reason do the republicans Rod rosenstein and Robert Mueller have for attacking tRump?
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
In other words, it's totally baseless.

Open your eyes.
My eyes are wide open. Your claims are baseless. You and RightWinger certainly posted any reason to believe them.
Your eyes may be open, but you are staring directly into tRump's ass. You don't bother with real information, just junk that conforms your bias. You refuse to see truths that are directly in front of you, instead choosing to believe there is some giant spontaneously generated conspiracy to make tRump look bad.

If your eyes and brain were open you would realize that that is exactly what the Mueller investigation is------------a partisan witch hunt. In over a year Heir Mewler has found zero evidence to Russia/Trump campaign collusion or any violations of law by the Trump campaign.

as Strzok said, "there is no there there"
You have fallen for the fake news.

What partisan reason do the republicans Rod rosenstein and Robert Mueller have for attacking tRump?

first of all, they are not republicans today. As to their reasons, don't you wonder why everyone on the Mueller team is a democrat contributor or a former member of the Hillary campaign. That team is about as unbiased as Peter Strzok. their primary reason is that Hillary lost after the media and the lying pollsters told them that she could not lose. They cant get over it so they must try to bring down the winner. But the irony of it all is that this investigation has uncovered corruption within the Hillary campaign and collaboration with Russians to create and pay for a fake dossier.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

You seriously expect to know all of the details of an ongoing investigation?

Just relax and let the intelligence services of America do their jobs.

I am asking about the statements made by members of both parties, the media, and the DOJ/FBI. All have publicly stated that the Russians interfered with our election in 2016. All I want to know is WHAT DID THEY DO?

Trump camp changed strategy after Russians stole DNC analytics
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.
There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

You keep being presented with the evidence you're asking for, and every time you divert to Hillary.

Fuck Hillary, I dont care about that corrupt hag. But the fact that an enemy nation hacked us in an attempt to sway our elections should piss off any red blooded American.

i literally just read a post on another thread from a poster who basically was thanking russia/putin because that made hillary lose.
Let's see now...

The FBI refuses to analyze the DNC server. The justice department refuses to prosecute Hillary for destroying 30k government emails, and the NSA who monitors all and knows all...offers nothing.

Looks like a massive set up. No?

Could it be as simple as the ruling class did all they could to get their corrupt girl in the White House and when that didn't happen, they got vindictive?

Why would anyone accept anything from the criminals in the ruling class?

The FBI analyzed what was on the server

They say it is the same thing
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
No, I'm not saying that at all. I think it's far more likely that Seth Rich was Wikileaks source and that his death was probably NOT a botched robbery. I think Assange was trying to make that as clear as he could without breaking his own code of outing sources.
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

It only "begs the question" to crazy conspiracy theorists. Trump offered money for proof of Obama's birth. Doesn't make it less crazy to assign a dollar amount to it.
I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

It only "begs the question" to crazy conspiracy theorists. Trump offered money for proof of Obama's birth. Doesn't make it less crazy to assign a dollar amount to it.
I'm not normally a crazy conspiracy theorist, however, the Rich murder deserves another look. Poor little Bernie supporter didn't deserve to die that way.
Trumpanzees proving they are as ill informed as their cult leader.

What Mueller Knows About the DNC Hack—And Trump Doesn’t

In Helsinki on Monday, President Donald Trump stood feet away from Russian President Vladimir Putin and fielded a simple question from an AP reporter: Whose account of the 2016 election does he believe—that of Putin, who claims Russia did not interfere in the U.S. presidential election, or every major U.S. intelligence agency, which have unanimously concluded that it did?

In response, the president brought up a well-rehearsed conspiracy theory implying that after being hacked, the Democratic National Committee refused to help the FBI investigation, and that therefore all evidence implicating Russia in election meddling was shaky. “You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server,” Trump said. “Why didn’t they take the server? Where is the server, I want to know, and what is the server saying?”

Trump’s view is unmoored from reality in several ways.

Three days earlier, special counsel Robert Mueller published an indictment of 12 officers from the GRU, the Russian military intelligence service, for interfering in the 2016 U.S. election, including by hacking into the DNC. The indictment is historically unprecedented in scope and detail. The FBI named-and-shamed two specific GRU units, their commanding officers and 10 subordinate officers while revealing stunning details of Russia’s hacking tradecraft. And a close read of it all shows why Trump’s “DNC didn’t give the server to the FBI” conspiracy theory makes no sense.
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

You keep being presented with the evidence you're asking for, and every time you divert to Hillary.

Fuck Hillary, I dont care about that corrupt hag. But the fact that an enemy nation hacked us in an attempt to sway our elections should piss off any red blooded American.

i literally just read a post on another thread from a poster who basically was thanking russia/putin because that made hillary lose.
Let's see now...

The FBI refuses to analyze the DNC server. The justice department refuses to prosecute Hillary for destroying 30k government emails, and the NSA who monitors all and knows all...offers nothing.

Looks like a massive set up. No?

Could it be as simple as the ruling class did all they could to get their corrupt girl in the White House and when that didn't happen, they got vindictive?

Why would anyone accept anything from the criminals in the ruling class?

The FBI analyzed what was on the server

They say it is the same thing

and Strzok said he was not biased in his actions. sorry, but the FBI has zero credibility on this
I think they actually believe the DNC hack was an "inside job" which is why the keep harping on "the FBI didn't get the server" canard.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News

I did not hear about any pizza sex slaves, but we all heard about Bill Clinton's visits to a underage sex slave island, and his BJs in the oval office by a young intern.

face reality for just once, winger. The Clintons are slime.
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".

The Primary wasn't rigged against Sanders. Despite not being a Democrat, he appeared on the ballot in all 50 states and anyone properly registered as a Democrat could vote for him. The DNC was under no obligation to fund or support someone who is not a Democrat, but they did anyway.

Even Sanders says she won fair and square...

Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Won Fair And Square | HuffPost

And no, tin foil hat wearer, the "MSM" did not "meet with Hillary". One person fed her a single potential question on two different occasions.

As The Fix's Aaron Blake wrote in the fall, neither of Brazile's leaks offered the verbatim questions that Clinton would get. But her leaks, justifiably, were scandalous. She had used her role with CNN to pipe questions back to her friends at the Democratic front-runner's campaign, while a competitive primary against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was underway. She revealed none of this on the air. CNN, again justifiably, fired her.​
Trump keeps misleading his voters on the Donna Brazile debate scandal
Begs the question, why did Julian Assange offer a $20,000 dollar reward for information on Seth Rich's murder?

like all gossip peddlers, he believed that he could make more than 20K using that information. Nothing unusual
I think it was pretty unusual. I haven't found that Wikileaks had anything to gain by offering that. I haven't seen that they've offered rewards for anything else.

come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News

I did not hear about any pizza sex slaves, but we all heard about Bill Clinton's visits to a underage sex slave island, and his BJs in the oval office by a young intern.

face reality for just once, winger. The Clintons are slime.

Ballsack says what?

Trump 'went to booze and cocaine-fuelled parties where men preyed on teen girls''

Models who say they attended boozy and cocaine-fuelled parties with Donald Trump have spoken out the first time about his alleged 'sexually inappropriate behaviour'.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Poor little Trumpkin.......the internet is so hard for you........but kudos on you trying to protect the Russians.
Not a good job of it- but you are trying hard to obscure the facts that Russians attack on our election.

i will post this with every expectation you will continue to plead your ignorance and try to defend Russia's attack on America.

A federal grand jury on Friday returned indictments from special counsel Robert Mueller's office against 12 Russian intelligence officials who were charged with conspiring to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.

They are accused of hacking into computers at Democratic campaign committees and computers belonging to state boards of elections, secretaries of state and election technology companies. All the officers charged were working for Russia's intelligence service, the GRU, at the time of the hacks.

5 key takeaways from the latest indictment in Mueller's Russia probe

The indictment revealed several new details about the breadth of the Russian influence campaign, including alleged discussions the Russian hackers allegedly had with a U.S. congressional candidate and a friendly journalist.

Below are some key takeaways from the indictment, released by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

1. The Russians allegedly hacked America's election infrastructure, including state election boards and secretaries of state. The allegations in Friday's indictment went well beyond merely hacking the Clinton campaign and Democratic campaign committees. From one state election board, the Russians managed to steal information on 500,000 voters, Rosenstein said, although he did not identify which state. Trump won the 2016 election by winning three key states by slim margins that added up to around 80,000 votes.

The Russians also "targeted state and local offices responsible for administering the elections; and sent spearphishing emails to people involved in administering elections, with malware attached," Rosenstein said. He stressed, however, that the indictments contained "no allegation that the conspiracy altered the vote count or changed any election result."

2. An American congressional candidate allegedly asked for, and received, stolen documents about his or her opponent from the Russians. According to the indictment, the operatives allegedly provided stolen campaign documents to a candidate for Congress. "On or about August 15, 2016, the conspirators received a request for stolen documents from a candidate for U.S. Congress," the indictment said. The conspirators "sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate's opponent."

The candidate was not identified in the indictment.

3. A journalist allegedly discussed with the Russian front account, Guccifer 2.0, about when to release stolen documents related to Black Lives Matter. The reporter, who is not named in the indictment, also "offered to write an article" about the release of the stolen documents.

Russia's efforts to use the Black Lives Matter movement to stoke racial tensions, and its attempts to turn Black Lives Matter supporters against Clinton, have been criticized as among the most insidious elements of Russia's 2016 election influence campaign.

4. Russian hackers targeted Clinton emails the same day Trump called for them to find "missing" emails. On July 27, 2016, Trump said during a campaign event, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," referring to emails Clinton deleted from her server because she said they were personal. According to the indictment, that same day, Russians "attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third party server used by Clinton's personal office."

The implication here is that Russian operatives did what Trump asked them to do, but the indictment specifically says: "There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime." Nor does the indictment name any Americans.
Yep you got all that, accept,
an indictment is not evidence judge Ellis just told us that, and
the dossier is an opposition document obtained from a Russian source paid for by hitlery and the DNC and Lastly,
the DNC servers have not been looked at ever by any intelligence agency.
So so far, you posted propaganda not evidence or explanation requested by the OP. You lose more!
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