What exactly did they do?

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this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do?

Nothing that we haven't done for the last century

That's simply not true Sparky....

Russia is not a free country, nor with free speech....nor with free commerce and the ability for anyone anywhere to open a business.....Americans can not just pretend to be Russians and open up businesses to facilitate the attacks.... like the Russians were able to do here...

We could never ever in a million gazillion years have done to russia, what they did and can do, due to our freedoms, to us.

This was not some subtle attack...like all previous years they've tried to influence us...

this was out in the open more or less, and they weaponized what they stole, through wikileaks, instead of using it behind our backs in... as said... a subtle way...

Our now president, was ENCOURAGING our enemy, to do this.... "Russia, if you are listening find the 30,000 emails....blah blah blah, and you will be rewarded....'''

THAT VERY DAY that Trump called for Russia to do that, The Russian Hackers, hacked Hillary's personal server at the Computer maintenance company in Arizona, where it was stored.....

then 2 weeks ago, Trump negatively called out Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill at one of his rallies or speaking events, and that VERY DAY, the Russians tried to break in to her email account and campaign office.... the same day Trump called her out....

so the Russian government Intelligence who did the hacks in 2016, are STILL listening to him....


I'd ecourage you read a tad then>

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

One study indicated that the country intervening in most foreign elections is the United States with 81 interventions, followed by Russia (including the former Soviet Union) with 36 interventions from 1946 to 2000 - an average of once in every nine competitive elections

The malware our oh so smart intelligence agencies (made up of old people who apparently don't know how to not respond to infected emails, don't know what "bleaching" a drive is, don't know what a VPN is, etc.) claim was used is from 2014 and has been publicly available to download since then.

For the record, our intelligence agencies, government peeps, don't say that, they just take CrowdStrikes word that was the program used, because they didn't investigate the server data - basically our gov is so computer illiterate that they have to third party/outsource all this kind of high tech shit. See the roll out of the fucking ACA website - fucking idiots can't even /hire/ a decent coder... (Perhaps I should say "were" as we are /finally/ hiring some peeps who will be qualified to defrag this kind of thing now.)

I find it suspect that the "Krimlin" (made up of folks who have been hacking circles around America for over three decades) used some two-bit, outdated, easily available software. Even IF we suppose their fucking brilliant and used outdated crap that any anti-virus program would have caught, then they'd be fucking morons not to use a VPN to collect their stolen data; which is as far as anyone on the damned planet knows is UNTRACEABLE to Russia or anywhere else.
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Trump has access to all the evidence, what are you talking about?
He most certain doesn't have access to all the evidence. The FBI doesn't have access to all the evidence. They never examined the server.
His appointed heads of multiple intel agencies certainly have access to evidence. These guys breif potus inbetween his fox and friends and his chicken n waffles... they have all made many public statements on their findings and Trump has said publicly that he believes them. What more do you want?
Some Obama appointed hacks said the Russians hackes the DNC servers when they never even examined it? tell me why I'm not impressed with your evidence?
Your not impressed because your not listening. I’m not talking about Obama appointed hacks. I’m talking about Trump appointed hacks, all of whom verify the Russian hacking narrative, all of whom have reviewed the evidence... you honestly think that they are all lying? And if so then why hasn’t Trump fired them? Why has Trump states that he trusts the intel. Why has Trump acknowledged hacking of the DNC?

Your story makes zero sense
How could they verify it if they don't have the server? Where's the fucking server? Do you actually expect anyone to take their say-so when the Intelligence agencies have become so thoroughly
They have an image of what is on the server

The rest is just nuts and bolts
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

they also hacked into the RNC... they just didn't release the info. that doesn't mean they still won't, - why do you think most (R)s are complicit in this?

AND, there's more to the indictments than just the hacking. Did you go thru the whole thing or just the first couple pages? it shows identity theft & the methods of how a lot of this espionage was funded with stolen bank accounts.
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

You keep being presented with the evidence you're asking for, and every time you divert to Hillary.

Fuck Hillary, I dont care about that corrupt hag. But the fact that an enemy nation hacked us in an attempt to sway our elections should piss off any red blooded American.

i literally just read a post on another thread from a poster who basically was thanking russia/putin because that made hillary lose.
I will be glad to compare the 'meddling'.

Russia broke American law to try to covertly and secretly disrupt the American Presidential election.

The only problem with that narrative is that you have to prove it first

Any day now...
When was the last time that the United States did that to Israel? Or Saudi Arabia? Or the UK?

Eh, it's the other way around, ever heard of AIPAC or the Saudis giving $millions to the Clinton Foundation because they're really into charity?
Even when Don the Con recently tried to influence the UK elections- he just voiced a preference- he didn't try to hack into British election systems.

I don't think I was that cryptic, did you really miss Mi6 coming up with the infamous dossier in order to help the psycho princess?

Big problem with your propaganda comrade, no one used the dossier to interfere in the election.

Try again.... :cuckoo:
here is the latest ( but not the last ) round of indictments that go into detail about who, what, where, when, & how...


you're welcome.

so they released the truth from documents found in the unsecure DNC server?

1. why wasn't the server secure?
2. if looking at data on an unsecure server is a crime, what is the crime?

So putting these emails out for public view helped Hillary to lose? Is that the claim?

You keep being presented with the evidence you're asking for, and every time you divert to Hillary.

Fuck Hillary, I dont care about that corrupt hag. But the fact that an enemy nation hacked us in an attempt to sway our elections should piss off any red blooded American.

i literally just read a post on another thread from a poster who basically was thanking russia/putin because that made hillary lose.
Let's see now...

The FBI refuses to analyze the DNC server. The justice department refuses to prosecute Hillary for destroying 30k government emails, and the NSA who monitors all and knows all...offers nothing.

Looks like a massive set up. No?

Could it be as simple as the ruling class did all they could to get their corrupt girl in the White House and when that didn't happen, they got vindictive?

Why would anyone accept anything from the criminals in the ruling class?
100k in ads, wow if only we knew that so little could actually sway an election, we could stop spending months amassing millions for ads we don't need.
It turned out that with Russian trolls pushing the facebook ads out ....

They reached 126 MILLION people!!!! yes, 126,000,000 people!!!! :eek:

So 126,000,000 dems were influenced to vote Trump by some meme's and some facebook content?
Holy Fuck!!!!
You people really are stupid!!!
I've said it a thousand times for every time you right wingers make that stupid statement and if you had actually read the last indictment you would know this as well....

the goal was not to make people vote FOR Trump, though that may have happened... the goal was to get Bernie supporters to hate Hillary, and either not come out to vote, or to vote against her.... but it was primarily to suppress the Democratic voters from coming out to vote.... and it worked.

:auiqs.jpg:Hilary did that all on her own.
nope, she actually did not... it was spurred and fueled by the Russian hacks and timed leaks and propaganda articles that tied in with the releases of the stolen merchandise.

Assange was screaming and yelling at the Russian hackers to get the stolen emails to him QUICKLY so Assange could release them with the negative propaganda news articles that they prepared to spin a story at the same time of the release.... SAYING that he, Assange, wanted to release them before the Democratic Convention, for the most impact in his and the Russian's goal of dividing Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters....

it worked.

Merchandise? Not sure you know what that word means.

Assange has stated repeatedly that the leaks did not come from the Russians. But thats really beside the point.

You're pissed that hillary got exposed for who she is. A crooked bitch!!!
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It is against the law for a foreign gvt to interfere and meddle.... READ THE INDICTMENT

Not exactly, it's only illegal if you're Russian, it's no problem if the foreign government is Israel, Saudi Arabia or the UK

Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical that it's perfectly ok for the US government to meddle in foreign elections but if foreigners allegedly do the the same in the homeland it's suddenly the crime of the century?


I will be glad to compare the 'meddling'.

Russia broke American law to try to covertly and secretly disrupt the American Presidential election.

When was the last time that the United States did that to Israel? Or Saudi Arabia? Or the UK?

Even when Don the Con recently tried to influence the UK elections- he just voiced a preference- he didn't try to hack into British election systems.
What American law did they break? Posting on Facebook isn't against the law, even for Russians.
He most certain doesn't have access to all the evidence. The FBI doesn't have access to all the evidence. They never examined the server.
His appointed heads of multiple intel agencies certainly have access to evidence. These guys breif potus inbetween his fox and friends and his chicken n waffles... they have all made many public statements on their findings and Trump has said publicly that he believes them. What more do you want?
Some Obama appointed hacks said the Russians hackes the DNC servers when they never even examined it? tell me why I'm not impressed with your evidence?
Your not impressed because your not listening. I’m not talking about Obama appointed hacks. I’m talking about Trump appointed hacks, all of whom verify the Russian hacking narrative, all of whom have reviewed the evidence... you honestly think that they are all lying? And if so then why hasn’t Trump fired them? Why has Trump states that he trusts the intel. Why has Trump acknowledged hacking of the DNC?

Your story makes zero sense
How could they verify it if they don't have the server? Where's the fucking server? Do you actually expect anyone to take their say-so when the Intelligence agencies have become so thoroughly
They have an image of what is on the server

The rest is just nuts and bolts
Bullshit. Where's the evidence for that? Who takes an image of a server to do forensic analysis? No competent professional would do such a thing.

Just admit that you're making this shit up. Post a link to a credible source or shut the fuck up.
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I will be glad to compare the 'meddling'.

Russia broke American law to try to covertly and secretly disrupt the American Presidential election.

The only problem with that narrative is that you have to prove it first

Any day now...
When was the last time that the United States did that to Israel? Or Saudi Arabia? Or the UK?

Eh, it's the other way around, ever heard of AIPAC or the Saudis giving $millions to the Clinton Foundation because they're really into charity?
Even when Don the Con recently tried to influence the UK elections- he just voiced a preference- he didn't try to hack into British election systems.

I don't think I was that cryptic, did you really miss Mi6 coming up with the infamous dossier in order to help the psycho princess?

Big problem with your propaganda comrade, no one used the dossier to interfere in the election.

Try again.... :cuckoo:
Really? HIllary's campaign didn't quote specific information from the dossier. They used it's very existence to try to convince voters that Trump was colluding with Russia. The Hillary supporting MSM hammered Trump with that dossier daily during the election. That dossier was used to interfere in the election 8 ways from Sunday.
Trumps actions towards Putin show Steele was correct
Nonsense. Don't try to pass opinion as fact.
It's obvious to anyone not under the con artists spell.
In other words, it's totally baseless.

Open your eyes.
My eyes are wide open. Your claims are baseless. You and RightWinger certainly posted any reason to believe them.
Your eyes may be open, but you are staring directly into tRump's ass. You don't bother with real information, just junk that conforms your bias. You refuse to see truths that are directly in front of you, instead choosing to believe there is some giant spontaneously generated conspiracy to make tRump look bad.
It is against the law for a foreign gvt to interfere and meddle.... READ THE INDICTMENT

Not exactly, it's only illegal if you're Russian, it's no problem if the foreign government is Israel, Saudi Arabia or the UK

Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical that it's perfectly ok for the US government to meddle in foreign elections but if foreigners allegedly do the the same in the homeland it's suddenly the crime of the century?


I will be glad to compare the 'meddling'.

Russia broke American law to try to covertly and secretly disrupt the American Presidential election.

When was the last time that the United States did that to Israel? Or Saudi Arabia? Or the UK?

Even when Don the Con recently tried to influence the UK elections- he just voiced a preference- he didn't try to hack into British election systems.
When was the last time the U.S. did this to Israel?
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

You seriously expect to know all of the details of an ongoing investigation?

Just relax and let the intelligence services of America do their jobs.

I am asking about the statements made by members of both parties, the media, and the DOJ/FBI. All have publicly stated that the Russians interfered with our election in 2016. All I want to know is WHAT DID THEY DO?
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB
100k in ads, wow if only we knew that so little could actually sway an election, we could stop spending months amassing millions for ads we don't need.
It turned out that with Russian trolls pushing the facebook ads out ....

They reached 126 MILLION people!!!! yes, 126,000,000 people!!!! :eek:

So 126,000,000 dems were influenced to vote Trump by some meme's and some facebook content?
Holy Fuck!!!!
You people really are stupid!!!

If Facebook advertising doesn't work, why has Don the Con spent so much money on Facebook ads already?

President Donald Trump’s campaign and political action committee combined to spend $274,000 in Facebook ads since early May,

We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB
100k in ads, wow if only we knew that so little could actually sway an election, we could stop spending months amassing millions for ads we don't need.
It turned out that with Russian trolls pushing the facebook ads out ....

They reached 126 MILLION people!!!! yes, 126,000,000 people!!!! :eek:

So 126,000,000 dems were influenced to vote Trump by some meme's and some facebook content?
Holy Fuck!!!!
You people really are stupid!!!

If Facebook advertising doesn't work, why has Don the Con spent so much money on Facebook ads already?

President Donald Trump’s campaign and political action committee combined to spend $274,000 in Facebook ads since early May,

Did they make you change your vote?
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

There has been no evidence presented to support that claim.

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB

Wikileaks has said over and over that Russians weren't the source of their information.

What "propaganda smear campaign?" Where's the evidence for that?
Don’t tell me...

You, like Trump, believe Russian denials of hacking the DNC server

answer this, winger. Since the FBI never looked at or had access to, the DNC servers, how do they know the Russians hacked them?

and even if they did, those servers were so insecure that they could be hacked and the facts proving democrat lies and corruption were made public. Where is the crime?
Nonsense. Don't try to pass opinion as fact.
It's obvious to anyone not under the con artists spell.
In other words, it's totally baseless.

Open your eyes.
My eyes are wide open. Your claims are baseless. You and RightWinger certainly posted any reason to believe them.
Your eyes may be open, but you are staring directly into tRump's ass. You don't bother with real information, just junk that conforms your bias. You refuse to see truths that are directly in front of you, instead choosing to believe there is some giant spontaneously generated conspiracy to make tRump look bad.

If your eyes and brain were open you would realize that that is exactly what the Mueller investigation is------------a partisan witch hunt. In over a year Heir Mewler has found zero evidence to Russia/Trump campaign collusion or any violations of law by the Trump campaign.

as Strzok said, "there is no there there"
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB
100k in ads, wow if only we knew that so little could actually sway an election, we could stop spending months amassing millions for ads we don't need.
It turned out that with Russian trolls pushing the facebook ads out ....

They reached 126 MILLION people!!!! yes, 126,000,000 people!!!! :eek:

So 126,000,000 dems were influenced to vote Trump by some meme's and some facebook content?
Holy Fuck!!!!
You people really are stupid!!!

If Facebook advertising doesn't work, why has Don the Con spent so much money on Facebook ads already?

President Donald Trump’s campaign and political action committee combined to spend $274,000 in Facebook ads since early May,

Did they make you change your vote?

The problem the dems and libs have with this is that they realize that the truth about crooked Hillary and the crooked DNC may have changed some votes. the truth is the enemy of the left.
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