What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

unlike the democrat slave makers
platitudes? your right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are not about freedom or happiness.

war crimes which one you mean like the ones that obama committed ya kook
no; i mean the socialism on a national basis the right complains we need, but refuse to pay for with appropriate, wartime tax rates.

you have profound misunderstanding of socialism ya leftist kook
in what way? the right wing has no understanding of their own policies because their republican doctrine doesn't work.

do your own research ya kook

you trolls are always so fucking needy

Dunce? Come on man. I thought we were friends? A Jew and a Black? Friends don’t insult one another.

Friends dont insult each others intelligence. You knew good and well I was talking about whites as a group yet you came with that silly ass 2nd generation bullshit. :laugh:

Besides. Youre not really a Jew.

Oh it was just banter. Can’t we get along? I ll Pick you first for my hoops team. If only blacks are real Jews then 99% of Israel consists of fake Jews. Yikes.

Why are you so sensitive?

I'm laughing at you. How could I be sensitive?

How can you laugh at a computer screen?

The same way I was laughing at you. Is this like a riddle or something?

OK man. Don’t hate me because I am white and beautiful.
Friends dont insult each others intelligence. You knew good and well I was talking about whites as a group yet you came with that silly ass 2nd generation bullshit. :laugh:

Besides. Youre not really a Jew.

Oh it was just banter. Can’t we get along? I ll Pick you first for my hoops team. If only blacks are real Jews then 99% of Israel consists of fake Jews. Yikes.

Why are you so sensitive?
I'm laughing at you. How could I be sensitive?

How can you laugh at a computer screen?
The same way I was laughing at you. Is this like a riddle or something?

OK man. Don’t hate me because I am white and beautiful.
Actually I feel sorry for you. I would hate to be white and recessive.
Oh it was just banter. Can’t we get along? I ll Pick you first for my hoops team. If only blacks are real Jews then 99% of Israel consists of fake Jews. Yikes.

Why are you so sensitive?
I'm laughing at you. How could I be sensitive?

How can you laugh at a computer screen?
The same way I was laughing at you. Is this like a riddle or something?

OK man. Don’t hate me because I am white and beautiful.
Actually I feel sorry for you. I would hate to be white and recessive.

You do? Oh. Thank you. You always complain how you don’t have what I have because I am white. Me thinks you be wanting to be white like moi? Maybe you can use some white out?
I'm laughing at you. How could I be sensitive?

How can you laugh at a computer screen?
The same way I was laughing at you. Is this like a riddle or something?

OK man. Don’t hate me because I am white and beautiful.
Actually I feel sorry for you. I would hate to be white and recessive.

You do? Oh. Thank you. You always complain how you don’t have what I have because I am white. Me thinks you be wanting to be white like moi? Maybe you can use some white out?
I've never complained about anything. I just pointed out that you need a head start via white privilege in order to compete.
platitudes? your right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are not about freedom or happiness.

war crimes which one you mean like the ones that obama committed ya kook
no; i mean the socialism on a national basis the right complains we need, but refuse to pay for with appropriate, wartime tax rates.

you have profound misunderstanding of socialism ya leftist kook
in what way? the right wing has no understanding of their own policies because their republican doctrine doesn't work.

do your own research ya kook

you trolls are always so fucking needy
i did my own research; You don't know what You are talking about.
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How can you laugh at a computer screen?
The same way I was laughing at you. Is this like a riddle or something?

OK man. Don’t hate me because I am white and beautiful.
Actually I feel sorry for you. I would hate to be white and recessive.

You do? Oh. Thank you. You always complain how you don’t have what I have because I am white. Me thinks you be wanting to be white like moi? Maybe you can use some white out?
I've never complained about anything. I just pointed out that you need a head start via white privilege in order to compete.

Oh. Cool. Thanks man. Do you like pie?
The same way I was laughing at you. Is this like a riddle or something?

OK man. Don’t hate me because I am white and beautiful.
Actually I feel sorry for you. I would hate to be white and recessive.

You do? Oh. Thank you. You always complain how you don’t have what I have because I am white. Me thinks you be wanting to be white like moi? Maybe you can use some white out?
I've never complained about anything. I just pointed out that you need a head start via white privilege in order to compete.

Oh. Cool. Thanks man. Do you like pie?
Whenever it comes within my radius.
OK man. Don’t hate me because I am white and beautiful.
Actually I feel sorry for you. I would hate to be white and recessive.

You do? Oh. Thank you. You always complain how you don’t have what I have because I am white. Me thinks you be wanting to be white like moi? Maybe you can use some white out?
I've never complained about anything. I just pointed out that you need a head start via white privilege in order to compete.

Oh. Cool. Thanks man. Do you like pie?
Whenever it comes within my radius.

Like the humble pie you eat when we debate. He he

All jokes aside. I disagree with you politically and actually on most all topics but you keep it interesting. I am surprised Kav is going to get through. Interesting times.
Actually I feel sorry for you. I would hate to be white and recessive.

You do? Oh. Thank you. You always complain how you don’t have what I have because I am white. Me thinks you be wanting to be white like moi? Maybe you can use some white out?
I've never complained about anything. I just pointed out that you need a head start via white privilege in order to compete.

Oh. Cool. Thanks man. Do you like pie?
Whenever it comes within my radius.

Like the humble pie you eat when we debate. He he

All jokes aside. I disagree with you politically and actually on most all topics but you keep it interesting. I am surprised Kav is going to get through. Interesting times.
I like how you try hard to turn soul crushing defeat into a victory for yourself.

I told everyone that Kav was going to get confirmed 2 weeks ago.
  • Thanks
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You do? Oh. Thank you. You always complain how you don’t have what I have because I am white. Me thinks you be wanting to be white like moi? Maybe you can use some white out?
I've never complained about anything. I just pointed out that you need a head start via white privilege in order to compete.

Oh. Cool. Thanks man. Do you like pie?
Whenever it comes within my radius.

Like the humble pie you eat when we debate. He he

All jokes aside. I disagree with you politically and actually on most all topics but you keep it interesting. I am surprised Kav is going to get through. Interesting times.
I like how you try hard to turn soul crushing defeat into a victory for yourself.

I told everyone that Kav was going to get confirmed 2 weeks ago.

I don’t have a soul. Cannot have a soul crushing defeat. So you agreed with me that the additional FBI investigation was pointless?
I've never complained about anything. I just pointed out that you need a head start via white privilege in order to compete.

Oh. Cool. Thanks man. Do you like pie?
Whenever it comes within my radius.

Like the humble pie you eat when we debate. He he

All jokes aside. I disagree with you politically and actually on most all topics but you keep it interesting. I am surprised Kav is going to get through. Interesting times.
I like how you try hard to turn soul crushing defeat into a victory for yourself.

I told everyone that Kav was going to get confirmed 2 weeks ago.

I don’t have a soul. Cannot have a soul crushing defeat. So you agreed with me that the additional FBI investigation was pointless?
No I didnt agree with you. I just knew that no matter what they came back with repubs were still going to vote him in.
Oh. Cool. Thanks man. Do you like pie?
Whenever it comes within my radius.

Like the humble pie you eat when we debate. He he

All jokes aside. I disagree with you politically and actually on most all topics but you keep it interesting. I am surprised Kav is going to get through. Interesting times.
I like how you try hard to turn soul crushing defeat into a victory for yourself.

I told everyone that Kav was going to get confirmed 2 weeks ago.

I don’t have a soul. Cannot have a soul crushing defeat. So you agreed with me that the additional FBI investigation was pointless?
No I didnt agree with you. I just knew that no matter what they came back with repubs were still going to vote him in.

If the FBI found that Kav did it he d still be voted it? Oh....

Funny how the MN PD refuses to investigate the Ellison allegations? Crazy times.
Dems offer that too.

No they don’t, all they’ve done is offer you and all minority’s an excuse to claim victim hood, no opportunities exist when you’re claiming victim status. I could careless what your ethnicity is, I’m looking at your work ethic, character, integrity, etc...

Concern yourself with your own work ethic, character, integrity, etc white man... The only people playing victim is whites.

You sit on this forum day in and day out complaining that White America mistreats Blacks, how do you come up with Whites are playing the victim?

You’re constantly stating that Whitey is taking advantage of your rights because you’re Black, reality is perfectly clear, you play the poor Negro Victim because Whitey is so evil to your poor Black Ass. Why don’t you stand up and look in the mirror and see what the real problem is, it’s right there in the reflection, it’s your dumb lazy ass cry baby crap.

We talk about racism likes it’s 1920, it’s no where close to the Segregationist past, you need to grow the f'ck up and act like a man, instead you blame Whitey, get the f'ck off of this forum...
war crimes which one you mean like the ones that obama committed ya kook
no; i mean the socialism on a national basis the right complains we need, but refuse to pay for with appropriate, wartime tax rates.

you have profound misunderstanding of socialism ya leftist kook
in what way? the right wing has no understanding of their own policies because their republican doctrine doesn't work.

do your own research ya kook

you trolls are always so fucking needy
i did my own research; You don't know what You are talking about.

no you didnt

if you had you retard

you would know how stupid your socialism comment is

like i said you have a profound misunderstanding of socialism
no; i mean the socialism on a national basis the right complains we need, but refuse to pay for with appropriate, wartime tax rates.

you have profound misunderstanding of socialism ya leftist kook
in what way? the right wing has no understanding of their own policies because their republican doctrine doesn't work.

do your own research ya kook

you trolls are always so fucking needy
i did my own research; You don't know what You are talking about.

no you didnt

if you had you retard

you would know how stupid your socialism comment is

like i said you have a profound misunderstanding of socialism
Yes, I did. We are discussing forms of social-ism. You merely resort to special pleading and the attendant, fallacy of composition.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Is anyone trying to recruit you? Truthfully, Hillary has the most to offer blacks. She is very concerned about the black community, as demonstrated in how her and Bill raised all that money and saved Haiti. When she runs again, I’m sure she will focus specifically on the black community after her win. [emoji854]

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I would like to hope that Republicans would reject corporatism and not over blacks anything besides what they offer everyone else.

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