What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Yes. I was pointing out how the metaphor doesn't apply. Because life is not entertainment. Which is what you missed I guess.
The metaphor does apply. Claiming that it doesnt wont change the fact that it does. Its pretty simple. Same resources, Same rules equals level playing field.

What about this though? Ok so we give your kid and my kid the same education. Now it's time to send our kids off to college. I can afford to send my kid to University of Michigan and you can't. What do you suggest be done?

So if I can afford a better tennis racket than you can, I'm sorry that I show up to the tennis match with my good racket and you are using that old piece of crap.
You missed the same resource part. If I have the same resources I can afford to send my kid to the same college as your kid.

On a truly level playing field I have the same racket you do. Now you may have more training time but we cant do much about that.
Not every white kid has the same racket. We had a lot of spoiled kids where I moved after I left Detroit. Their parents had a lot more than my parents. Today my brother is a vp after getting a masters at Michigan state. A lot of those spoiled kids didn’t do as well. Didn’t even go to college.

I grew up in the same home and I didn’t do that well. Why? I had all the same opportunities and an even playing field with my brother.

I’ll tell you one thing. We don’t think we would have turned out this well had we stayed in Detroit. My advice to people in poor neighborhoods is to get out.

I guess that means every family is responsible for their kids outcomes. My brother doesn’t care if his kids become plumbers or electricians as long as they are happy. Don’t worry about the disadvantages your family faces. I know that’s easy for me to say but we didn’t let the fact our friends parents made more than us hold us back from being successful.

But one day one of my nephews is going to work for a black ceo. Thank us liberals for that. If it were up to republicans the only blacks on the board are tokens who toe the party line like Herman Cain and Ben carson

And this is the problem we blacks have with you liberals. You are no different than republicans in the fact that you think we need to be eternally grateful to you. And when you do hire a black person or person of color hey have toe the party line just like black republicans. Ask Obama.
You do need to be eternally grateful to us and never forget what we did for you.

Guys like Hugh Hefner and frank Sinatra hired blacks and told hotels to fuck off if they tried to tell the black entertainers they couldn’t stay at the same hotel frank was staying at.

Frank wasn’t perfect. I’m not perfect. I can still be a bigot and prejudice just like everybody else but I do two things.

1. I encourage diversity and an even playing field.

2. I understand how white america treats blacks like second class citizens and we put poor black communities in the holes they are in. And I support policies that bring economic opportunities to those impoverished communities.

So yes you should be eternally grateful. We outnumber your ass. You should thank the lord for liberals like me. No, just thank me. Lol
Or whichever baseball owners who finally did the right thing and let blacks compete on an even playing field. Those were liberals
What about this though? Ok so we give your kid and my kid the same education. Now it's time to send our kids off to college. I can afford to send my kid to University of Michigan and you can't. What do you suggest be done?

So if I can afford a better tennis racket than you can, I'm sorry that I show up to the tennis match with my good racket and you are using that old piece of crap.
You missed the same resource part. If I have the same resources I can afford to send my kid to the same college as your kid.

On a truly level playing field I have the same racket you do. Now you may have more training time but we cant do much about that.

You're never going to have the same resources my brother has. He sends both kids to private school. He makes $1 million a year. Pays $20K plus per kid per year. And even if he sent them to public school he may be able to afford tutors when you can't.

Our kids may never get accepted into Harvard but my nephews have a good chance of going because they go to one of the best private schools in the country. That's what a Harvard type school is looking for. Do you think this is unfair?

My brother says he shouldn't feel bad that he is able to afford to give his kids the things he and I and you couldn't afford when we were growing up. Do you think he should feel guilty?
True. Thats why we know its not a level playing field. In my example we are talking hypothetical. I dont think your brother should feel bad or guilty. However, he shouldnt claim that someone else is not working just as hard as he did but obtained less due to the racism in the past and present.
My brother is all about diversity. His ceo is mad every vp is a white male. Tell that to the all white male board of directors.

There is a difference between feeling guilty as opposed to recognizing the full effect of past and continuing racism.
Lots of people start making money and lose empathy. My brother used to be a lot more liberal before he cam into a lot of money. Do you know who that describes? Ben Carson and Herman Cain. I wonder if they were so conservative before they struck it rich?

Well I just said earlier that blacks are generally conservative people so maybe those two just overlook the racists in the tent because like Cordell says they are a very small number.

Just like blacks don’t like gays, atheists and whites they suck it up and vote with them now in the Democratic Party. All a rich black has to do is ignore a few klansmen
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Republicans offer freedom.

Now run along Toby, your Massah is calling you.
Your assumption that Trump supporters are antisemitic is based on nothing but the lies of our enemies.

Youre a fucking idiot. :laughing0301:

The Night Trump Supporters "Found Me Out" As A Jew


Can't read the link.

But I doubt that woman is a Trump supporter, Trump who moved the US embassy to jerusalem and who's daughter married a jew.
Stop making excuses. You can read the title.

Yes this is your typical Drumpf supporter. They are too stupid to even know Drumpf has Jews in his family.
They would prefer a guy who wouldn’t give his daughter to a Jew, or a guy who wouldn’t date his own daughter but they’ll take trump.

The people you are taking about A. are insignificantly small, and B. so far out there, neither one of us is likely to have a clue which way they will bounce on anything.
You just made a compelling argument. There aren’t that many racists among you. There are blacks who don’t like gays but still vote democratic. You can’t help it that racists like your platform better than ours. That doesn’t mean your platform is racist. What’s racist about your policies?
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Republicans offer freedom.

Now run along Toby, your Massah is calling you.
Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.
Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.

Which has what to do with what?

Conservatism offers black people individuality and liberty.

Leftism offers enslavement and servitude.
Is that our platform?

Are you hiring blacks? Is your company? Are they in the boiler room or board room?

You offer minimum wage jobs. I’ve seen it in Chicago. Everyone with money was white. Hispanics and blacks waited on us, ubered us, cleaned our rooms.

Republicans aren’t for diversity and it shows in your congress
Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.

Which has what to do with what?

Conservatism offers black people individuality and liberty.

Leftism offers enslavement and servitude.
Is that our platform?

Are you hiring blacks? Is your company? Are they in the boiler room or board room?

You offer minimum wage jobs. I’ve seen it in Chicago. Everyone with money was white. Hispanics and blacks waited on us, ubered us, cleaned our rooms.

Republicans aren’t for diversity and it shows in your congress

We hire those qualified You look at race, I look at who benefits the organization.

Nothing better illustrates the difference between you Nazis/Communists and we Americans.
Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.

Which has what to do with what?

Conservatism offers black people individuality and liberty.

Leftism offers enslavement and servitude.
We are not slaves when we the people run the show. You call it government. So enough people don’t vote so the rich rule. All that has to happen is you go too far and one year, one election, 80% of the people will show up and take back the country.

Right now corporations and the rich rule.

White conservative rich men rule for now. A wave is coming. Come on girls. Me too! Lol
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.

Which has what to do with what?

Conservatism offers black people individuality and liberty.

Leftism offers enslavement and servitude.
We are not slaves when we the people run the show. You call it government. So enough people don’t vote so the rich rule. All that has to happen is you go too far and one year, one election, 80% of the people will show up and take back the country.

Right now corporations and the rich rule.

White conservative rich men rule for now. A wave is coming. Come on girls. Me too! Lol
You didn’t explain how one year old tax breaks destroyed your life.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
And voting for Ds has changed this?
Get an Independent to run.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
And voting for Ds has changed this?
Get an Independent to run.

I prefer an independent but it is obvious that Dems are better for minorities than Repubs are.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
And voting for Ds has changed this?
Get an Independent to run.

I prefer an independent but it is obvious that Dems are better for minorities than Repubs are.
I disagree.
Generations of welfare is a trap.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
And voting for Ds has changed this?
Get an Independent to run.

I prefer an independent but it is obvious that Dems are better for minorities than Repubs are.
I disagree.
Generations of welfare is a trap.
You should tell all those white republican welfare recipients to stop voting for repubs then.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.

Which has what to do with what?

Conservatism offers black people individuality and liberty.

Leftism offers enslavement and servitude.
Is that our platform?

Are you hiring blacks? Is your company? Are they in the boiler room or board room?

You offer minimum wage jobs. I’ve seen it in Chicago. Everyone with money was white. Hispanics and blacks waited on us, ubered us, cleaned our rooms.

Republicans aren’t for diversity and it shows in your congress

We hire those qualified You look at race, I look at who benefits the organization.

Nothing better illustrates the difference between you Nazis/Communists and we Americans.
That’s not the way ceos and board of directors see it. They are leaning on vps to find minorities and women to become vps. My brother is in hr he says companies can’t find blacks and women to stay because other companies steal them away. My brothers predisessor is going to go to another company for double the money. $1 now she’ll be making $2 mill at the new place. Maybe when 50% of the vps are either women or minorities white men will once again make the same as women make. Right now 9 out of ten vps is a white male. So what if the 1 woman or minority makes more because they are highly sought after. I’d rather be a white because remember 9 out of ten of the vps is a white male. It’s good to be a white male. I know I am one
Actually blacks are more religious than whites statistically so his messiah is probably your fake ass white god Jesus of Mary the virgin.

Which has what to do with what?

Conservatism offers black people individuality and liberty.

Leftism offers enslavement and servitude.
We are not slaves when we the people run the show. You call it government. So enough people don’t vote so the rich rule. All that has to happen is you go too far and one year, one election, 80% of the people will show up and take back the country.

Right now corporations and the rich rule.

White conservative rich men rule for now. A wave is coming. Come on girls. Me too! Lol
You didn’t explain how one year old tax breaks destroyed your life.
They didn’t. I’m saying these cuts are going to cost people like me down the road.

In fact my accountant said I’ll make something like $3k more a year on my taxes so I should love it but I don’t. I know it was a gift to the rich and corporations and eventually we will pay for it.

But I’ll tell you this. I’d rather trump give the rich tax breaks over bush lying us into Iraq.

So far trump hasn’t tried that. I don’t think he will either. He’s being babysat
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Therein lies the rub....you believe that you are entitled to something special and given special treatment when we are all the same, bleed the same and want what is best for all of us and skin tint doesn't matter.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
They can’t even recognize their bias.
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