What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

"Among blacks who earn professional degrees, the impact on their chances of finding a job is nearly one-and-a-half times greater than it is for whites who earn the same degrees. In addition, African-Americans who have bachelor’s degrees earn $10,000 more a year than those who don’t have a bachelor’s, compared to white men, who earn just $6,100 more than they would if they didn’t have a bachelor’s. The value of a graduate degree is even greater for African-American men. Those who have advanced degrees make $21,000 more per year than grads with bachelor’s degrees while white men with advanced degrees make just $15,100 more, according to BLS and Census data and analysis by a group at the College Board."

And your cited source failed to use simple common sense as to why a white high school graduate might be more attractive to a hiring manager than a black college graduate for some jobs! If it's not a good job then a college graduate might take it for the short term but will give it up as soon as a better one becomes available...a high school drop out may not have the option to take another job simply because they don't have the required degrees.

More excuses.

Ah, that's the article that Catcher supplied...I simply pointed out that it proved the point I was making!
The divide between male and female college students is becoming so pronounced that in my district they are now promoting a new scholarship program specifically to help male students to get started in college financially and academically.
"Among blacks who earn professional degrees, the impact on their chances of finding a job is nearly one-and-a-half times greater than it is for whites who earn the same degrees. In addition, African-Americans who have bachelor’s degrees earn $10,000 more a year than those who don’t have a bachelor’s, compared to white men, who earn just $6,100 more than they would if they didn’t have a bachelor’s. The value of a graduate degree is even greater for African-American men. Those who have advanced degrees make $21,000 more per year than grads with bachelor’s degrees while white men with advanced degrees make just $15,100 more, according to BLS and Census data and analysis by a group at the College Board."

And your cited source failed to use simple common sense as to why a white high school graduate might be more attractive to a hiring manager than a black college graduate for some jobs! If it's not a good job then a college graduate might take it for the short term but will give it up as soon as a better one becomes available...a high school drop out may not have the option to take another job simply because they don't have the required degrees.

More excuses.

Ah, that's the article that Catcher supplied...I simply pointed out that it proved the point I was making!

An invalid point is not a point.
"Among blacks who earn professional degrees, the impact on their chances of finding a job is nearly one-and-a-half times greater than it is for whites who earn the same degrees. In addition, African-Americans who have bachelor’s degrees earn $10,000 more a year than those who don’t have a bachelor’s, compared to white men, who earn just $6,100 more than they would if they didn’t have a bachelor’s. The value of a graduate degree is even greater for African-American men. Those who have advanced degrees make $21,000 more per year than grads with bachelor’s degrees while white men with advanced degrees make just $15,100 more, according to BLS and Census data and analysis by a group at the College Board."

And your cited source failed to use simple common sense as to why a white high school graduate might be more attractive to a hiring manager than a black college graduate for some jobs! If it's not a good job then a college graduate might take it for the short term but will give it up as soon as a better one becomes available...a high school drop out may not have the option to take another job simply because they don't have the required degrees.

That makes zero sense. In fact its so stupid I cant believe you actually said it. If that was a point then wouldnt the same hold true for a white college educated man? :laugh:

It does hold true for both! Anyone with advanced degrees was actually at a disadvantage in the job market during the Great Recession! Why? Because hiring managers were hesitant to hire someone who they knew was over qualified for positions because they knew that those people would be the first to leave if the job situation got better.
No it doesnt hold true for both. White colleged educated men dont compete with white high school dropouts.
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There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Visit the inner cities, then tell us what the Democrats have done for the black community, let's say over the last half century.

Yeah, how about answering the OP's question?

Everything the Democrats have not.

Which is... what, exactly? You are long on answers and almost non-existent on details.

I've no time to write you a book. If you knew the history of the period, you would know.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Visit the inner cities, then tell us what the Democrats have done for the black community, let's say over the last half century.

Yeah, how about answering the OP's question?

Everything the Democrats have not.

Which is... what, exactly? You are long on answers and almost non-existent on details.

I've no time to write you a book. If you knew the history of the period, you would know.

You can't write anything because you are repeating a false republican meme.
Visit the inner cities, then tell us what the Democrats have done for the black community, let's say over the last half century.

Yeah, how about answering the OP's question?

Everything the Democrats have not.

Which is... what, exactly? You are long on answers and almost non-existent on details.

I've no time to write you a book. If you knew the history of the period, you would know.

You can't write anything because you are repeating a false republican meme.

I see I am correct. You don't know the history of the period.
Yeah, how about answering the OP's question?

Everything the Democrats have not.

Which is... what, exactly? You are long on answers and almost non-existent on details.

I've no time to write you a book. If you knew the history of the period, you would know.

You can't write anything because you are repeating a false republican meme.

I see I am correct. You don't know the history of the period.
Youre wrong. You dont know anything past your Drumpf approved talking points obviously.
Yeah, how about answering the OP's question?

Everything the Democrats have not.

Which is... what, exactly? You are long on answers and almost non-existent on details.

I've no time to write you a book. If you knew the history of the period, you would know.

You can't write anything because you are repeating a false republican meme.

I see I am correct. You don't know the history of the period.

My knowledge off the history is why I said what I did. For if this was the case, republicans were running for these offices and they lost. So apparently what they had to offer was worse. According to you we are talking about 50 years of republicans getting their asses kicked in every city in this nation. This is what you are arguing.
Did you even read that article? The difference in the "unequal" wages between white and black men that they cited was $3,000 on salaries of $124,000 to $121,000! You want to talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill? That's ABSURD!!!
Not sure why you think its ok to short Black people 3k because they are Black? Would you be good with getting paid 1 cent less for doing the same work someone else did?
But we but we don’t do the exact same work. ....what I make is no one else’s business. ....no.

One more thing. I only speak for blacks when it’s obvious. When you hear me say something blacks believe that you think is untrue you tell me. And not Kanye or Ben carson

Oh, what a gracious white man you are! Not only telling ‘your’ black people what to think and why to feel a certain way, but to tell them who among them is really black or not! How generous of you! How magnanimous. I’ll tell you what dumbass, why don’t you go ask one of the resident black racists around here, there are a few now, how thankful they are for your generosity in whitesplanning everything for them? I’m sure they are just waiting for an opportunity to express their gratitude to you for telling them what to think and why they feel a certain way and who is really black and who really isn’t according to you.

Racist douche. :fu:
I didn’t tell them what to think. I told you what they think. Different stupid
Not sure why you think its ok to short Black people 3k because they are Black? Would you be good with getting paid 1 cent less for doing the same work someone else did?
But we but we don’t do the exact same work. ....what I make is no one else’s business. ....no.

One more thing. I only speak for blacks when it’s obvious. When you hear me say something blacks believe that you think is untrue you tell me. And not Kanye or Ben carson

Oh, what a gracious white man you are! Not only telling ‘your’ black people what to think and why to feel a certain way, but to tell them who among them is really black or not! How generous of you! How magnanimous. I’ll tell you what dumbass, why don’t you go ask one of the resident black racists around here, there are a few now, how thankful they are for your generosity in whitesplanning everything for them? I’m sure they are just waiting for an opportunity to express their gratitude to you for telling them what to think and why they feel a certain way and who is really black and who really isn’t according to you.

Racist douche. :fu:
I didn’t tell them what to think. I told you what they think. Different stupid

The divide between male and female college students is becoming so pronounced that in my district they are now promoting a new scholarship program specifically to help male students to get started in college financially and academically.
I graduated from eastern Michigan university. A lot of blacks go there. At my graduation it was all black women. Very few black men.
But we but we don’t do the exact same work. ....what I make is no one else’s business. ....no.

One more thing. I only speak for blacks when it’s obvious. When you hear me say something blacks believe that you think is untrue you tell me. And not Kanye or Ben carson

Oh, what a gracious white man you are! Not only telling ‘your’ black people what to think and why to feel a certain way, but to tell them who among them is really black or not! How generous of you! How magnanimous. I’ll tell you what dumbass, why don’t you go ask one of the resident black racists around here, there are a few now, how thankful they are for your generosity in whitesplanning everything for them? I’m sure they are just waiting for an opportunity to express their gratitude to you for telling them what to think and why they feel a certain way and who is really black and who really isn’t according to you.

Racist douche. :fu:
I didn’t tell them what to think. I told you what they think. Different stupid

I fucked my 25 year old girlfriend without a condom for the first time last night. I’m half afraid she’s going to get pregnant and half hoping she does. Having a kid wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world even though we are overpopulated.

What is our purpose? It’s to keep having more babies. Same purpose ants have.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
They can’t even recognize their bias.

We recognize your blatant and disgusting racism.

Sealybobo is white.

And just as racist as you.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
They can’t even recognize their bias.

We recognize your blatant and disgusting racism.

Sealybobo is white.

And just as racist as you.
Like I said this is like if Archie bunker tried to tell meathead that he was the racist. You republicans are ridiculous. Like when you guys say it was republicans who freed the slaves but today you are the ones who worship Robert e lee. Why do you worship that democrat?
That’s not the way ceos and board of directors see it.

How in the fuck would you know? :dunno:

You have zero interaction with CEO's or anyone above middle management

They are leaning on vps to find minorities and women to become vps. My brother is in hr he says companies can’t find blacks and women to stay because other companies steal them away. My brothers predisessor is going to go to another company for double the money. $1 now she’ll be making $2 mill at the new place. Maybe when 50% of the vps are either women or minorities white men will once again make the same as women make. Right now 9 out of ten vps is a white male. So what if the 1 woman or minority makes more because they are highly sought after. I’d rather be a white because remember 9 out of ten of the vps is a white male. It’s good to be a white male. I know I am one

You confuse the work place for the federal government.

Companies that survive seek the best individual for the job. Race isn't a factor.


Entirely true, racist.

Words and concepts you have never been exposed to;


You care about skin color and your never ending hate.

Business cares about increasing wealth.
Everything the Democrats have not.

Which is... what, exactly? You are long on answers and almost non-existent on details.

I've no time to write you a book. If you knew the history of the period, you would know.

You can't write anything because you are repeating a false republican meme.

I see I am correct. You don't know the history of the period.

My knowledge off the history is why I said what I did. For if this was the case, republicans were running for these offices and they lost. So apparently what they had to offer was worse. According to you we are talking about 50 years of republicans getting their asses kicked in every city in this nation. This is what you are arguing.

No, we're talking about 50 years of the black community languishing in poverty in the Democrat-run cities.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Hey Blacks! you should vote republican!.....sure....we call you lazy...and criminals......and use the N word as often as we can get away with.....and would never hire you for anything but the most degrading positions.....and we talk about how you are an inferior subhuman race.....But we also have a lot to offer!...We believe in the christian god and so do you!....so we can HATE gays and atheists and feminists and muslims together!....well...separately.....you can hunt them down in your neck of the woods and we'll hunt them down in our mcmansions.....Look at it this way....any liberal you "take care of" is one more job available for black people!.....
They can’t even recognize their bias.

We recognize your blatant and disgusting racism.

Sealybobo is white.

And just as racist as you.
So I’m the racist for pointing out that white hiring managers who have bias’ against blacks don’t hire enough blacks and you white racists are not the racists because you don’t get it that white hiring managers have those bias’?

Maybe you aren’t racist. Maybe you’re just stupid

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